
英文参考文献 Mitchell, Gone with the Wind [M], 浙江文艺出版社, of the Connotation of the Theme of Gone with the Wind [J], Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College, , , the Artistic Image of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind [J], Journal of Datong Vocational College, , Analysis of Scarlett's Realistic Characteristic [J], Journal of Harbin University, , , 2003. in Gone with the Wind [J], Journal of Guizhou University for Ethnic Minorities, , 2004.
佳人 杜甫 绝代有佳人,幽居在空谷。 自云良家子,零落依草木。 关中昔丧败,兄弟遭杀戮。 官高何足论?不得收骨肉。 世情恶衰歇,万事随转烛。 夫婿轻薄儿,新人美如玉。 合昏尚知时,鸳鸯不独宿。 但见新人笑,那闻旧人哭? 在山泉水清,出山泉水浊。 侍婢卖珠回,牵萝补茅屋。 摘花不插发,采柏动盈掬。 天寒翠袖薄,日暮倚修竹。 题解 唐肃宗乾元元年(758)六月,杜甫由左拾遗降为华州司功参军。第二年七月,他毅然弃官,拖家带口,客居秦州,在那里负薪采橡栗,自给度日,《佳人》就写于这一年的秋季。诗中写一个乱世佳人被丈夫遗弃,幽居空谷,艰难度日。关于这首诗的作意,一向有争论。有人认为全是寄托,有人则认为是写实,但大部分折衷于二者之间。 杜甫身逢安史之乱,身陷贼手而不忘君国;对大唐朝廷,竭尽忠诚,竟落得降职弃官,漂泊流离。但他在关山难越、生计困窘的情况下,也始终不忘国忧。这样的不平遭际,这样的精神气节,可嘉可叹,与这首诗的女主人公很有些相像。所以,作者借他人之酒以浇胸中块垒,在她的身上寄寓了自己的身世之感。杜甫的《佳人》应该看作是一篇客观反映与主观寄托相结合的诗作。 句解 绝代有佳人,幽居在空谷。自云良家子,零落依草木。 有一位盖世无双的绝代佳人,幽居在空寂的山谷。她说自己本是世宦人家的女儿,如今却沦落山野,与草木相依。开头两句点题。上句言其貌之美,下句言其品之高。又以幽居的环境,衬出佳人的孤寂,点出佳人命运之悲,处境之苦,隐含着诗人“同是天涯沦落人”的慨叹。“绝代”,冠绝当代。 关中昔丧败,兄弟遭杀戮。官高何足论,不得收骨肉。 以上是第三人称的描状,笔调含蓄蕴藉;以下转为第一人称的倾诉,语气率直酣畅。当年安史之乱,长安沦陷,兄弟们惨遭杀戮。官位高又有什么用呢?他们死后连尸骨都不得收敛。“关中”,指函谷关以西地区,这里指长安。天宝十五载(756)六月,安史叛军攻陷长安。“官高”应上文之“良家子”,强调绝代佳人出自贵人之家。 世情恶衰歇,万事随转烛。夫婿轻薄儿,新人美如玉。 世态人情总是厌恶衰落,万事都如风中的烛火飘忽不定。娘家中落之后,轻薄的夫婿也看不起我了,新娶了一个美貌如玉的妇人。这四句托物兴感,刻画世态炎凉,人情冷暖。宋代的刘辰翁评论说:“闲言余语,无不可感。”“转烛”,以风中的烛光,飘摇不定,比喻世事转变、光景流逝的迅速。 合昏尚知时,鸳鸯不独宿。但见新人笑,那闻旧人哭。 夜合花还知道朝开夜合,鸳鸯也都是同飞共宿。那负心的人,他只看得见新人的高兴欢笑,哪听得见旧人的悲痛啼哭?诗人以形象的比喻,写负心人的无义绝情,被抛弃的人伤心痛苦。在倾诉个人不幸、慨叹世情冷漠的言辞中,充溢着悲愤不平。一“新”一“旧”、一“笑”一“哭”,强烈对照,被遗弃女子声泪俱下的痛苦之状,如在目前。“合昏”,即合欢,一名夜合,其花朝开夜合,故云“知时”。“鸳鸯”,鸟名,多雌雄成对,生活在水边。 在山泉水清,出山泉水浊。侍婢卖珠回,牵萝补茅屋。 泉水在山间时是清的,出山以后就浑浊了。唉,世人该如何看待被遗弃的我?为买口粮,丫环替我变卖了首饰回来了,草棚漏雨,我和她一起牵引藤萝,修补茅屋。这几句似悲似诉,自言自誓,有矜持慷慨、修洁端丽之意。同时,可见佳人居家环境的简陋清幽,生活的清贫困窘。浦起龙评论说:“这二句,可谓贞士之心,化人之舌,建安而下无此语也。”它出自《诗经·小雅·谷风之什·四月》:“相彼泉水,载清载浊。”但在本诗中,有多种解释,都有一定的道理。或以新人旧人为清浊,或以前华后憔为清浊,或以在家弃外为清浊,或以守贞为清、改节为浊。还有人认为:佳人以泉水自喻,以山喻夫婿之家,意思是妇人为夫所爱,世人便认为她是清的;为夫所弃,世人便认为她是浊的。另一种解释是佳人怨其夫之辞。人之同处空谷幽寂之地,就像泉水之在山,无所挠其清。佳人之夫出山,乃随物流荡,遂为山下之浊泉。而她则宁肯受饥寒,也不愿再嫁,成为那浊泉。这就像晋孙绰《三日兰亭诗序》所说的那样:“古人以水喻性,有旨哉斯谈!非以停之则清,混之则浊邪?情因所习而迁移,物触所遇而兴感。” 摘花不插发,采柏动盈掬。天寒翠袖薄,日暮倚修竹。 我信手摘了一枝花,却没心思插上鬓发;只是常常把那柏枝拣个满把。天冷了,太阳落了,她穿着单薄的翠衫,静静地倚着那修长的竹树。 末两句以写景作结,画出佳人的孤高和绝世而立,画外有意,象外有情。在体态美中,透露着意态美。这种美,不只是一种女性美,也是古代士大夫追求的一种理想美。诗句暗示读者,这位时乖命蹇的女子,就像那经寒不凋的翠柏、挺拔劲节的绿竹,有着高洁的情操。诗的最后两句,为后人激赏,妙在对美人容貌不着一字形容,仅凭“翠袖”“修竹”这一对色泽清新而寓有兴寄的意象,与天寒日暮的山中环境相融合,便传神地画出佳人不胜清寒、孤寂无依的幽姿高致。“动”,每每。“掬”,把,两手捧取。 评解 以弃妇为题材的古典诗文不乏佳作。如《诗经·卫风》中的《氓》,汉乐府里的《上山采蘼芜》等,而司马相如的《长门赋》写被废弃的陈皇后,其中“夫何一佳人兮,步逍遥以自娱”两句,正是杜甫《佳人》诗题的来源。 杜甫很少写专咏美人的诗歌,《佳人》却以其格调之高而成为咏美人的名篇。山中清泉见其品质之清,侍婢卖珠见其生计之贫,牵萝补屋见其隐居之志,摘花不戴见其朴素无华,采柏盈掬见其情操贞洁,日暮倚竹见其清高寂寞。诗人以纯客观叙述方法,兼采夹叙夹议和形象比喻等手法,描述了一个在战乱时期被遗弃的上层社会妇女所遭的不幸,并在逆境中揭示她的高尚情操,从而使这个人物形象更加丰满。 全诗分三段,每段八句。第一段写佳人家庭的不幸遭遇。第二段,佳人倾诉见弃于夫的大不幸。第三段,赞美佳人虽遭不幸,尚能洁身自持的高尚情操。 这首五言古体诗,从开篇一路下来,都是“说”,到了结尾两句,才以一幅画忽然结束。作者的高明之处,就在这里。他没有拿一个结局去迁就读者的胃口,而是用一个悬念故意吊着读者的胃口。读过这首诗的人,一闭上眼睛,就会在脑海里浮现出这样的画面:一位绝世美貌却格外不幸的佳人,在秋风中,在黄昏里,衣裳单薄,孤伶伶地站在那里,背靠着一丛竹,眼里流露着哀愁。
研究动态:西方女性主义是与革命相伴而行的,两次脑残星主义的浪潮推动了西方女性主义理论的发展,女性解放进程又促使女性主义超越单纯的政治行为,走向理性思考,投入与学术的结合,产生了大量的妇女学综合研究成果和多流派的女性主义理论,女性主义者将理论再投入时间,进一步深化女性主义学术与政治。因此,社会革命、理论反思、回归实践是西方女性主义的一般模式,而通过社会革命发展为独立的由女领导和为主题的女权运动、并注重理性建树是西方女性主义的特点。 本选题意义开拓了人们的视野,对以后的社会以及政治思想提供了新的认知角度。为人权的进步、妇女解放提供了有力的思想武器,对于构建和谐社会两性关系、家庭关系、社会关系具有重大的理论和实践意义。
里面的人物性格特征很明显 像思嘉 在那个年代她作为一个女性能为自己的土地争取到最大的利益 我很佩服她 瑞德的个性是个不适合在那个年代的 不过他可以为了自己的女儿和那些表面上虚伪的人称兄道弟斯佳丽除了有智慧外还有责任心 负担着四五口人 她本质上是个小女孩即使在战后历经磨难瑞特把注意力转移到邦尼身上 她后来对钱十分渴求 心理学上称为追求安全感 战争之苦让她没有安全感 所以她总会做身处迷雾的梦 而最后她才发现瑞特是她梦中的谜底失去了才懂得珍惜,我很可怜这个女人,却不能对他的一些做法苟同.在那个时代,他能够坚强的活下来 确实不易,然而爱情决不是一个人可以任意挥霍的资本! 当爱情就在你身边的时候,记得要认清 要珍惜 要呵护!最后的结局让我很失望也感到失落,当失去的时候才知道谁才是自已真正爱的人,真爱往往就在身边,却失之交臂in her eyes,nothing is more important than him .She could run through the war,but she hasn't grown up by didn't know what she want,and always run after the thing she couldn't get,and was never satisfied with her result is terrible ,she lost what she had !after all tomorrow is another day !中文名:飘英语名:Gone with the wind法语名:Autant en emporte le vent导演:Victor Fleming原著:《飘》(玛格丽特·米切尔著)出品:米高梅公司主演:Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Hattie McDaniel等1936年,美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的畅销小说《飘》问世了。好莱坞制片人大卫·O·谢尔兹尼克出五万美元买下了拍摄权,并先后动用十八位编剧将这部三卷集的小说改写成电影剧本。《乱世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好莱坞影史上最值得骄傲的一部旷世巨片,影片放映时间长达4小时,观者如潮。其魅力贯穿整个20世纪,因此有好莱坞“第一巨片”之称。影片当年耗资400多万美元,历时三年半完成,其间数换导演,银幕上出现了60多位主要演员和9000多名配角演员。在1939年的第12届奥斯卡奖中一举夺得八项金像奖,轰动美国影坛。这部耗资巨大,场景豪华,战争场面宏大逼真的历史巨片,以它令人称道的艺术成就成为美国电影史上一部经典作品,令人百看不厌。1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金小姐郝思嘉爱上了另一庄园主的儿子艾希利,但艾希利却选择了表妹——温柔善良的韩媚兰为终身伴侣。郝思嘉出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了韩媚 兰的弟弟查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。艾希利和查尔斯作 为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。郝思嘉成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着艾希利。一天,在一次举行义卖的舞会上,郝思嘉和风度翩翩的商人白瑞德相识。白瑞德开始追求郝思嘉,但遭到她的拒绝。郝思嘉一心只想着去追求艾希利,结果也遭到拒绝。在战争中,美国南方军遭到失败,亚特兰大城里挤满了伤兵。 郝思嘉和表妹韩媚兰自愿加入护士行列照顾伤兵。目睹战乱带来的惨状,任性的郝思嘉成熟了不少。这时,从前线传来消息,北方军快打过来了,不少人家惊惶地开始逃离家园。不巧韩媚兰要生孩子了,郝思嘉只好留下来照顾她。在北方军大军压境之日,郝思嘉哀求白瑞德帮忙护送她和刚生 下孩子的韩媚兰回塔拉庄园。白瑞德告诉郝思嘉他不能目睹南方军 溃败而不去助一臂之力,他要参加南方军作战,他留下一把手枪并 和郝思嘉拥吻告别。郝思嘉只好独自勇敢地驾驶马车回到塔拉庄园, 这时家里已被北方军士兵抢先洗动一空,母亲在惊吓中死去。不久,战争结束了。生活依然困苦。北方来的统治者要庄园主 缴纳重税,郝思嘉在绝望中去亚特兰大城找白瑞德借钱,但得知他 已被关进监狱。归来的途中,郝思嘉遇上了本来要迎娶她妹妹的暴 发户弗兰克,为了要重振破产的家业,她取弗兰克和自己结了婚。郝思嘉在弗兰克经营的木材厂非法雇用囚犯,并和北方来的商人大做生意。此时,白瑞德因用钱贿赂而恢复了自由。两人偶然碰面,再次展开爱恨交织的关系。弗兰克和艾希利因加入了反政府的秘密组织,在一次集会时遭 北方军包围,弗兰克中弹死亡,艾希利负伤逃亡,在白瑞德帮助下 回到韩媚兰身边。郝思嘉再次成为寡妇。此时,白瑞德前来向她求 婚,她终于与一直爱她的搞私运军火和粮食致富的白瑞德结了婚。 婚后,夫妻二人住在亚特兰大的豪华大宅。一年后,女儿邦妮出生, 白瑞德把全部感情投注到邦妮身上。郝思嘉偶然翻阅艾希利的照片 被白瑞德发现,终于导致了二人感情的破裂。其后,在艾希利的生日会前夕,郝思嘉与艾希利相见时热情的拥抱引起旁人非议,但韩媚兰不相信他们之间有暧昧关系。白瑞德可不这样想。当郝思嘉告诉白瑞德她已经再次怀孕时,白瑞德怀疑地问那是谁的孩子?郝思嘉在羞怒之下欲打白瑞德,却不慎滚下楼梯引起流产。白瑞德感到内疚,决心同郝思嘉言归于好,不料就在他俩谈话时,小女儿邦妮意外坠马摔死了。与此同时不幸的事也在另一个家庭里发生,韩媚兰终因操劳过度卧病不起。临终前,她把自已的丈夫艾希利和儿子托付给郝思嘉,但要求她保守这个秘密,郝思嘉不顾一切扑向艾希利的怀中,紧紧拥抱住他,站在一旁的白瑞德无法再忍受下去,而转身离去。面对伤心欲绝毫无反应的艾希利,郝思嘉终于明白,她爱的艾希利其实是不存在的,她真正需要的是白瑞德。当郝思嘉赶回家里告诉白瑞德,她是真正爱他的时候,白瑞德已不再相信她。他决心离开郝思嘉,返回老家去寻找美好的事物, 被遗弃的郝思嘉站在浓雾迷漫的院中,想起了父亲曾经对她说过的 一句话:“世界上唯有土地与明天同在。”她决定守在她的土地上 重新创造新的生活,她期盼着美好的明天的到来。本片在第十二届奥斯卡金像奖中荣获八项大奖:最佳影片奖、最佳艺术指导奖、最佳编剧奖、最佳导演奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳女主角奖、最佳女配角奖和最佳剪辑奖。永恒的战争与爱情的主题,永远的《乱世佳人》。
《飘》(Gone With The Wind)是一部出版于1936年的美国小说,作者为玛格丽特·米契尔,在1937年获得普利兹奖。这本小说是其作者活着时出版的唯一一部作品,但它成了美国史上最为畅销的小说之一Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies (see list of best-selling books). An American film adaptation, released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking ten Academy Awards. She has been honored by the United States Postal Service with a 1¢ Great Americans series postage lifeMargaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Eugene Mitchell, a lawyer, and Mary Isabelle, much referred to as Maybell, a suffragist of Irish Catholic origin. Mitchell's brother, Stephens, was four years her senior. Her childhood was spent in the laps of Civil War veterans and of her maternal relatives, who had lived through the Civil War.[citation needed]After graduating from Washington Seminary (now The Westminster Schools), she attended Smith College, but withdrew during her freshman year in 1918. She returned to Atlanta to take over the household after her mother's death earlier that year from the great Spanish flu pandemic of afterward, she defied the conventions of her class and times by taking a job at the Atlanta Journal. Under the name Peggy Mitchell she wrote a weekly column for the newspaper's Sunday edition, thereby making her mark as one of the first female columnists at the South's largest newspaper. Mitchell's first professional writing assignment was an interview with an Atlanta socialite, whose couture-buying trip to Italy was interrupted by the Fascist takeover.[citation needed]Mitchell married Berrien “Red” Upshaw in 1922, but they were divorced after it was revealed that he was a bootlegger and an abusive alcoholic. She later married Upshaw's friend, John Marsh, on July 4, 1925; Marsh had been best man at her first wedding and legend has it that both men courted Mitchell in 1921 and 1922, but Upshaw proposed first.[citation needed]She is also the distant cousin to famous gunfighter/dentist, Doc Holliday, who participated in the Gunfight at the . Corral. It is also thought that she modeled Ashley Wilkes, a main character in Gone with the Wind, after Mitchell's scrapbooks from the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia, editor Patrick Allen collected 64 of the columns Mitchell considered her best work. They were published in 2000 under the title Margaret Mitchell, Reporter.[1]Her portraits and personality sketches in particular show a promise of her skill to portray the kind of characters who made Gone With the Wind the second best-selling book, next to the Bible, at the time of publication.[dubious – discuss][2] Even as a supposedly neutral reporter, her irrepressible personality shines through. This collection of Mitchell's journalism transcends fact-gathering, showing Mitchell as a young woman and providing a compelling snapshot of life in the Jazz Age Gone with the WindMitchell is reported to have begun writing bedridden with a broken ankle. The house where Mitchell lived while writing her manuscript is known today as The Margaret Mitchell House and located in Midtown Atlanta. A museum dedicated to Gone with the Wind lies a few miles north of Atlanta, in Marietta, Georgia. It is called "Scarlett On the Square", as it is located on the historic Marietta Square. It houses costumes from the film, screenplays, and many artifacts from Gone With the Wind including Mitchell's collection of foreign editions of her book. The house and the museum are major tourist destinationsPublicationMitchell lived as a modest Atlanta newspaperwoman until a visit from Macmillan editor Harold Latham, who visited Atlanta in 1935.[3] Latham was scouring the South for promising writers, and Mitchell agreed to escort him around Atlanta at the request of her friend, Lois Cole, who worked for Latham. Latham was enchanted with Mitchell, and asked her if she had ever written a book. Mitchell demurred. "Well, if you ever do write a book, please show it to me first!" Latham implored. Later that day, a friend of Mitchell, having heard this conversation, laughed. "Imagine, anyone as silly as Peggy writing a book!" she said. Mitchell stewed over this comment, went home, and found most of the old, crumbling envelopes containing her disjointed manuscript. She arrived at The Georgian Terrace Hotel, just as Latham prepared to depart Atlanta. "Here," she said, "take this before I change my mind!"[citation needed]Latham bought an extra suitcase to accommodate the giant manuscript. When Mitchell arrived home, she was horrified over her impetuous act, and sent a telegram to Latham: "Have changed my mind. Send manuscript back."[citation needed] But Latham had read enough of the manuscript to realize it would be a blockbuster. He wrote to her of his thoughts about its potential success. MacMillan soon sent her a check in advance to encourage her to complete the novel — she had not composed a first chapter. She completed her work in March Brickell, a famous literary critic for the New York Evening Post, reviewed Mitchell's book in an article titled " “Margaret Mitchell’s First Novel, ‘Gone With the Wind,’ a Fine Panorama of the Civil War Period.” His review helped launch Mitchell's career by calling attention to what would become one of the best novels of the Southern Renaissance. Over time, Brickell and Mitchell became extremely close; much of their correspondence has been published and is available in the archives at the University of Mississippi. Brickell was also a correspondent, friend, and adviser to other southern writers including Eudora Welty, Truman Capote, William Alexander Percy, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Zora Neale Hurston, Stark Young and Allen Tate.[4]Gone With the Wind was published on June 30, 1936. The book was dramatized by David O. Selznick, and released three years later. The premiere of the film was held in Atlanta on December 15, with the Wind was such an overnight success that its publisher George Platt Brett, President of Macmillan Publishing, gave all its employees an 18% bonus in was struck by a speeding automobile as she crossed Peachtree Street at 13th Street with her husband, John Marsh, on her way to see the British film A Canterbury Tale at The Peachtree Art Theatre in August 1949. She died at Grady Hospital five days later without regaining consciousness. The driver, Hugh Gravitt, was an off-duty taxi driver. He was driving his personal vehicle at the time, but his occupation led to many erroneous references over the years to Mitchell’s having been struck by a taxi. After the accident, Gravitt was arrested for drunken driving and released on a $5,450 bond until Mitchell's death several days later. Georgia Gov. Herman Talmadge announced that the state would tighten regulations for licensing taxi was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served 11 months in prison. His conviction was controversial because witnesses said Mitchell stepped into the street without looking, and her friends claimed she often did was buried in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta. 1936 original cover of Gone with the WindAuthor Margaret MitchellCountry United StatesLanguage EnglishGenre(s) Historical fiction, Romance, Drama, NovelPublisher Macmillan PublishersPublication date May 1936Media type Print (hardcover and paperback)Pages 1037 (first edition)1024 (Warner Books paperback)ISBN ISBN 0-446-36538-6 (Warner)OCLC Number 28491920Followed by Scarlett作者 玛格丽特·米契尔出版地 美国语言 英文类型 历史小说出版者 Macmillan 出版商出版日期 1936年6月30日媒介 图书页数 1037页(首版)1024页(平装版,华纳出版社)ISBN ISBN 0446365386 (华纳出版社)
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