中国女钢琴家陈洁 一袭蓝色长裙、精致的面容、如云的乌黑卷发,这是我国目前获得国际大奖最多的女钢琴家陈洁在接受新华社记者采访时给人的第一印象。 本月13日至15日,陈洁受邀与墨西哥州交响乐团合作在墨西哥州州府托卢卡以及墨西哥城进行三场演出,在彩排的空隙,这位年轻的女钢琴家接受了记者的专访。 23岁的陈洁是现在美国柯蒂斯音乐学院炙手可热的青年钢琴家,在近期美国权威音乐网站KDFC评选的2008年全球30岁以下30位最杰出的古典明星中,她与郎朗、李云迪同在其列,成为亚洲新一代女性钢琴家的代表。 “3岁那年因为喜欢邻居家传出的钢琴声,便嚷着叫父母也送我一架。后来母亲认为可以用钢琴开发智力,所以就答应了。我的第一架钢琴是我见过最独特的,也是我从小到大收到的最重要的礼物之一。”这位出生在广东韶关的南国红豆在3岁时就和钢琴结缘,从此开始了她的艺术人生。此后,陈洁凭着良好的音乐天赋、过人的接受能力和不断的坚持,于1994年考入上海音乐学院附小,1998年又以全额奖学金进入美国费城柯蒂斯音乐学院深造,成为郎朗的师妹。 “到费城求学时,我才12岁,因为文化、语言的障碍,头两年是我最难熬甚至感到恐惧的时光。但是我从小就相信坚持最重要的道理,也因为我母亲一直在我身边支持我,最后我终于跨过了这道难关。”陈洁回忆起那段时光,清澈的双眼透露出孩童般的骄傲。通过在美国柯蒂斯音乐学院不断对自己的音乐文化修养和琴技的提高,陈洁很快在国际大赛的舞台上展露其独特的艺术魅力。 2001年到2006年,陈洁摘取了众多国际钢琴的最高奖项,被人誉为“比赛达人”,其中包括2004年她在第二届美国明尼苏达州明那波利斯市E-国际钢琴比赛获得冠军,此项比赛是国际钢琴比赛中难度最大、竞争力最强、奖额最高的赛事。 陈洁说:“现在的我更愿意与世界各大乐团和各国音乐家合作演出,不断从这些大师身上汲取灵感,同时也把音乐的神妙和美丽带给各国的观众,尤其是把我们中国的音乐介绍给其他国家热爱音乐的人,把中国音乐带入世界钢琴主流曲目中。” 在2008年,陈洁为全球发行量最大的唱片公司纳考斯录制了《中国钢琴民曲集》,专辑中收录了建国后一批优秀的中国民族音乐改编曲,包括大家熟知的《浏阳河》、《百鸟朝凤》、《彩云追月》、《二泉映月》等。 自16岁应邀与美国五大交响乐团之一的费城交响乐团以及著名的指挥大师沃尔夫冈·萨瓦利什成功首演以来,陈洁的足迹遍及五大洲,在美国卡内基音乐厅、肯尼迪中心、慕尼赫克立思音乐厅、巴黎卢浮宫、西班牙马德里音乐厅等世界著名的音乐殿堂里举办了个人独奏音乐会。 “但最让我开心的是去年回国与首席指挥家余隆老师指挥的中国爱乐乐团,陈佐湟老师指挥的国家交响乐团,还有谭盾老师指挥的广州交响乐团合作,在北京、武汉、广州、珠海演出。这是我12岁以来在国内停留时间最长的一次,能在祖国演奏,让我感到既亲切又自豪。我想等我学成之后,一定要回国,把最好的音乐奉献给祖国的观众。”陈洁再一次用她的真诚和对祖国的牵挂表达了她的依依游子情。Chen Jie, the Chinese pianist's contribution to his lifeDressed in a blue dress, delicate face, like clouds of black curly hair, and this is the most current international awards female pianist Jie told Xinhua News Agency reporters Cai Fangshi and Ji Rende first impression. 13 to 15 this month, Chen's invitation and the State of Mexico Symphony Orchestra in Toluca and Mexico City, Mexico State Government to conduct three performances, the gap in the rehearsal, the young pianist received reporters interview. 23-year-old Chen Jie, Curtis Institute of Music is now the United States hot young pianist, recently named the United States the authority's website KDFC 2008 in 30 years of age 30 the most distinguished classical star, she and Lang Lang and Li Yundi, the same In his column, as Asia's new generation of female pianist representatives. "3 years old because I like the neighbor heard the piano, he exclaimed parents gave me a call. Later, the mother that the piano can develop intelligence, so I agreed. My first piano I've ever seen The most unique is that I have always received one of the most important gift. "Shaoguan in Guangdong who was born in southern red beans and piano at the age of 3, lasting bonds thus beginning her life in art. Since then, Chen Jie, with the solid musical talent and outstanding ability to accept and constant insistence, in 1994 admitted to the primary school attached to Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1998, You Yi full scholarship to the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia studies, as Lang Long of no return. "To the Philadelphia school, I was 12 years old, because of culture, language barriers, the first two years that I fear even the most tough time. But I brought up to believe adhere to the most important reason, and because my mother has been by my side support me, I finally crossed this difficult period. "Jie recalled that period of time, clear eyes that betray childlike pride. Curtis Institute of Music in the . continue to cultivate their own musical culture and the Qin Ji improvement, Chen Jie soon on the stage in the international competition to expose its unique artistic charm. 2001 to 2006, Chen's removal of many international piano's highest award, was called "the game up", including her second term in 2004, Minnesota, USA E-next Indianapolis International Piano Competition in City won the championship, this game is the most difficult international piano competitions, most competitive, scholarships, the highest of the tournament. Jie said: "Now I am more willing to work with the world's major orchestras and national musicians perform continuously learn from the masters who inspired, but also to bring the music of the marvelous and beautiful countries in the audience, especially to our Chinese music to other people who love music to Chinese music into the mainstream of the world's piano repertoire. " In 2008, Chen Jie, the world's largest record company released Na kas recording of "Piano Man song sets of China", the album contains a number of outstanding after the founding of the Chinese folk music transcriptions, including well-known "Liuyang River "" Birds Pay Homage, "" Clouds Chasing the Moon "," Traditional "and so on. Since the 16-year-old was invited to the United States, one of five Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra and the famous Maestro Wolfgang Valis has been successful debut, Chen Jie, toured five continents, in Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center Concert Hall Muniheke Cleese, Paris, Louvre, Madrid's world-famous concert hall and other halls in solo concert was held. "But my greatest joy that came back last year with the chief conductor Yu Long, conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra teacher, Chen Zuohuang teacher directed the National Symphony Orchestra, Tan Dun teachers have command of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra in Beijing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Zhuhai show. This is my 12-year-old stay at home since the longest time, playing in the motherland, so I feel warm and proud. I want to wait for me after your studies, we must return, to the best music dedicated to motherland's audience. "Jie again with her sincere and concerned about our motherland Yiyi wanderer expressed her feelings.