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人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己!人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。每个人追求的生活方式及人生价值是完全不同!无论何种选择,其实都无对错!只有因、果、求、应、得、舍、放的位置不同产生喜、怒、哀、乐、怨、憎、恨时间及比例轻重不同而已;人生所要追求的价值意义也是自己来调整及决定!这就是所谓的人生哲学吧! 每个人追求的生活方式及人生价值是完全不同!无论何种选择,其实都无对错!只有因、果、求、应、得、舍、放的位置不同产生喜、怒、哀、乐、怨、憎、恨时间及比例轻重不同而已;人生所要追求的价值意义也是自己来调整及决定!这就是所谓的人生哲学吧!人生,就是为了梦想而奋斗的,为了爱人而努力,为了自己而向上的 。











Reflections of a Young Manon The Choice of a ProfessionSource: MECW Volume 1Written: between August 10 and 16, 1835First published: in Archiv für die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung, 1925Translated from the Latin.Transcribed: by Sally Ryan.Nature herself has determined the sphere of activity in which the animal should move, and it peacefully moves withinthat sphere, without attempting to go beyond it, without even an inkling of any other. To man, too, the Deity gave ageneral aim, that of ennobling mankind and himself, but he left it to man to seek the means by which this aim can beachieved; he left it to him to choose the position in society most suited to him, from which he can best uplift himselfand society.This choice is a great privilege of man over the rest of creation, but at the same time it is an act which can destroy hiswhole life, frustrate all his plans, and make him unhappy. Serious consideration of this choice, therefore, is certainlythe first duty of a young man who is beginning his career and does not want to leave his most important affairs tochance.Everyone has an aim in view, which to him at least seems great, and actually is so if the deepest conviction, theinnermost voice of the heart declares it so, for the Deity never leaves mortal man wholly without a guide; he speakssoftly but with certainty.But this voice can easily be drowned, and what we took for inspiration can be the product of the moment, whichanother moment can perhaps also destroy. Our imagination, perhaps, is set on fire, our emotions excited, phantomsflit before our eyes, and we plunge headlong into what impetuous instinct suggests, which we imagine the Deityhimself has pointed out to us. But what we ardently embrace soon repels us and we see our whole existence in ruins.We must therefore seriously examine whether we have really been inspired in our choice of a profession, whether aninner voice approves it, or whether this inspiration is a delusion, and what we took to be a call from the Deity wasself-deception. But how can we recognise this except by tracing the source of the inspiration itself?What is great glitters, its glitter arouses ambition, and ambition can easily have produced the inspiration, or what wetook for inspiration; but reason can no longer restrain the man who is tempted by the demon of ambition, and heplunges headlong into what impetuous instinct suggests: he no longer chooses his position in life, instead it isdetermined by chance and illusion.Nor are we called upon to adopt the position which offers us the most brilliant opportunities; that is not the one which,in the long series of years in which we may perhaps hold it, will never tire us, never dampen our zeal, never let ourenthusiasm grow cold, but one in which we shall soon see our wishes unfulfilled, our ideas unsatisfied, and we shallinveigh against the Deity and curse mankind.But it is not only ambition which can arouse sudden enthusiasm for a particular profession; we may perhaps haveembellished it in our imagination, and embellished it so that it appears the highest that life can offer. We have notanalysed it, not considered the whole burden, the great responsibility it imposes on us; we have seen it only from adistance, and distance is deceptive.Our own reason cannot be counsellor here; for it is supported neither by experience nor by profound observation,being deceived by emotion and blinded by fantasy. To whom then should we turn our eyes? Who should support uswhere our reason forsakes us?Our parents, who have already travelled life's road and experienced the severity of fate - our heart tells us.And if then our enthusiasm still persists, if we still continue to love a profession and believe ourselves called to it afterwe have examined it in cold blood, after we have perceived its burdens and become acquainted with its difficulties,then we ought to adopt it, then neither does our enthusiasm deceive us nor does overhastiness carry us away.But we cannot always attain the position to which we believe we are called; our relations in society have to someextent already begun to be established before we are in a position to determine them.Our physical constitution itself is often a threatening obstacle, and let no one scoff at its rights.It is true that we can rise above it; but then our downfall is all the more rapid, for then we are venturing to build oncrumbling ruins, then our whole life is an unhappy struggle between the mental and the bodily principle. But he who isunable to reconcile the warring elements within himself, how can he resist life's tempestuous stress, how can he actcalmly? And it is from calm alone that great and fine deeds can arise; it is the only soil in which ripe fruits successfullydevelop.Although we cannot work for long and seldom happily with a physical constitution which is not suited to ourprofession, the thought nevertheless continually arises of sacrificing our well-being to duty, of acting vigorouslyalthough we are weak. But if we have chosen a profession for which we do not possess the talent, we can neverexercise it worthily, we shall soon realise with shame our own incapacity and tell ourselves that we are uselesscreated beings, members of society who are incapable of fulfilling their vocation. Then the most natural consequenceis self-contempt, and what feeling is more painful and less capable of being made up for by all that the outside worldhas to offer? Self-contempt is a serpent that ever gnaws at one's breast, sucking the life-blood from one's heart andmixing it with the poison of misanthropy and despair.An illusion about our talents for a profession which we have closely examined is a fault which takes its revenge on usourselves, and even if it does not meet with the censure of the outside world it gives rise to more terrible pain in ourhearts than such censure could inflict.If we have considered all this, and if the conditions of our life permit us to choose any profession we like, we mayadopt the one that assures us the greatest worth, one which is based on ideas of whose truth we are thoroughlyconvinced, which offers us the widest scope to work for mankind, and for ourselves to approach closer to the generalaim for which every profession is but a means - perfection.Worth is that which most of all uplifts a man, which imparts a higher nobility to his actions and all his endeavours,which makes him invulnerable, admired by the crowd and raised above it.But worth can be assured only by a profession in which we are not servile tools, but in which we act independently inour own sphere. It can be assured only by a profession that does not demand reprehensible acts, even ifreprehensible only in outward appearance, a profession which the best can follow with noble pride. A professionwhich assures this in the greatest degree is not always the highest, but is always the most to be preferred.But just as a profession which gives us no assurance of worth degrades us, we shall as surely succumb under theburdens of one which is based on ideas that we later recognise to be false.There we have no recourse but to self-deception, and what a desperate salvation is that which is obtained by selfbetrayal!Those professions which are not so much involved in life itself as concerned with abstract truths are the mostdangerous for the young man whose principles are not yet firm and whose convictions are not yet strong andunshakeable. At the same time these professions may seem to be the most exalted if they have taken deep root inour hearts and if we are capable of sacrificing our lives and all endeavours for the ideas which prevail in them.They can bestow happiness on the man who has a vocation for them, but they destroy him who adopts them rashly,without reflection, yielding to the impulse of the moment.On the other hand, the high regard we have for the ideas on which our profession is based gives us a higher standingin society, enhances our own worth, and makes our actions un-challengeable.One who chooses a profession he values highly will shudder at the idea of being unworthy of it; he will act nobly if onlybecause his position in society is a noble one.But the chief guide which must direct us in the choice of a profession is the welfare of mankind and our ownperfection. It should not be thought that these two interests could be in conflict, that one would have to destroy theother; on the contrary, man's nature is so constituted that he can attain his own perfection only by working for theperfection, for the good, of his fellow men.If he works only for himself, he may perhaps become a famous man of learning, a great sage, an excellent poet, buthe can never be a perfect, truly great man.History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experienceacclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy; religion itself teaches us that theideal being whom all strive to copy sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, and who would dare to set at noughtsuch judgments?If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down,because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but ourhappiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shedthe hot tears of noble people.




论文,又叫说理文,是一种剖析事物论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非等方法,来确定其观点正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张。议论文应该观点明确、论据充分、语言精炼、论证合理、有严密的逻辑性。以下是议论文论据集锦大全,让我们一起来看看吧!议论是作者对客观事物进行分析、评论、说服,以表明自己的见解、主张、态度的表达方式,通常由论点 、论据、论证三部分构成。议论文题目分为论题,论点,寓意型。一、理想篇1、道理论据:志当存高远——诸葛亮一个有了远大的理想,就是在最艰苦困难的时候,也会感到幸福。—徐特立一个没有理想,生活就会没有重心,就缺少朝气。为自己建立一个正确的目标,朝向这个目标去努力追求,生活自然就会充实而有意义。——罗兰2、事实论据燕雀安知鸿鹄之志(略)周恩来为中华崛起而读书。新学期开始,沈阳东关模范学校魏校长问同学们读书是为了什么?于是有人回答说:“是为了家父读书。”有人回答说:“为明礼而读书。”也有人说:“为光耀门楣而读书。”当魏校长点名要周恩来回答时,坐在后排的周恩来站起来,庄重地回答:“为中华之崛起而读书。”马克思的理想。1835秋天,马克思中学毕业,面临着职业选择。当时,在马克思的同学中对选择职业有种种考虑,许多人认为有虚荣心和追求名利有理所当然的事。但是马克思觉得,一个青年应当选择最能为人类服务、最能实现人类幸福的职业,马克思在他的毕业论文结尾写道:“我们选择职业所应遵循的主要指针,是人类的幸福……”二、立志篇1、道理论据:一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会越有益。—高尔基古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦有坚忍不拔之志。——苏轼有志不在年高,无志空话百岁。——石玉昆2、事实论据:周处立志好学 鲁迅异医从文许多科学家、发明家,都是从小立志(爱迪生、爱因斯坦、高斯)美国科学家爱迪生,29岁发明留声机,33岁发明白炽电灯泡。德国物理学家爱因基坦,26岁提出狭义相对论,37岁提出广义相对论。德国数学家高斯,17岁就提出最小二乘法,24岁出版《算术研究》,开创近代数论,32岁提出行星轨道的计算方法。三、谦虚篇1、道理论据:满招损,谦受益——《尚书》虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。——毛泽东当我们是大为谦卑的时候,便是我们最近于伟大的时候。——泰戈尔2、事实论据:马克思厌恶别人歌颂自己。有一次,马克思的朋友库格曼称颂马克思为19世纪的智慧的思想家,《共产党宣言》和《资本论》是划时代的著作,马克思知道后很不满意,给库格曼的回信说:“过分的赞扬我的活动是十分令人厌恶的,一切总归有个限度。”竺可桢“我知道太少了。”竺可桢是我国现代气象事业的奠基人。1974年1月23日,是他逝世前两个星期的日了,这天,照例有少人来看望他,因他病情日重,竺夫人便把所有的亲朋好友留在房外。猛然间,竺可桢听到外孙女婿的声音,便迫不及待地叫他进去。竺可侦的外孙子婿是中国科学院高能物理研究所的研究人员,而竺可桢深感自己缺乏“基本粒子”这门新学科的知识,并为此着急而曾五次向晚辈求教。现在,他又抓信这个机会,要求“补课”了。竺老病重,听觉受到严重损伤,带上助听器也听不清外孙女婿的讲话,只得要求把讲的写下来。竺夫人劝他休息,竺老缓慢地吃力地说:“不成,我知道得太少了。”当他听完国外研究基本粒子的近况,以及杨振宁的《规范场》取得的新进展后,满意地笑了。四、勤奋篇1、道理论据:只有坚持不懈地刻苦学习,是不必担心不能成材的。——华罗庚伟大的成绩和辛勤的劳动是成正比例的,有一分劳动就有一分收获,日积月累,从少到多,奇迹可以创造出来。——鲁迅人生在勤,不索何获。——范晔2、事实论据:王羲之苦练成“书圣” 刮目相看头悬梁锥刺股自学成才的高尔基。高尔基小时候是在每天十几小时繁重劳动和鞭打责骂下度过的。但即使过着这样的生活,他也总是抓住每一分钟空闲时间读书。店老板不许他读书,他千方百计地弄到书,躲到阁楼上、储藏室里阅读。夜晚借月光或自制的小灯盏照着读书,没有蜡烛,他就把老的烛盘上的蜡油收集起来,装在一只罐头盒里,再注入一些灯油,用棉线卷一根灯芯照着读书。在面包房当工人时,他用零碎的木棒在揉面的台子上架起一个临时的书架,一面揉面团,一面读书。有一次,老板走进去看他在读书,想把书拿走扔到火里去,高尔基抓住老板的胳膊愤怒地叫喊:“你敢烧掉那本书!”吼退了老板。监视、威吓没能阻止高尔基读书,反而使他自学的信念更坚定了。


马克思是地球人上学绕不过去的一个人,但是我们对他的私人故事知道的并不多。 马克思的《资本论》,是在对经济做出很大的研究基础上写出来的,但是很多人不知道他和老婆经常为了钱而争吵。“这是每桩婚姻的虫子”马克思老婆燕妮说。 事实上,回顾马克思年少时,是一个不折不扣的富二代。 卡尔·马克思出生于德国特里尔城一个富裕的资产阶级家庭,家中排行老三,老大在4岁时夭折了,便成为家中长子,也得到了更多的关注培养。父亲叫亨利希·马克思,是一位才能出众的犹太律师,精通多种语言,学识渊博。母亲罕丽达·普勒斯堡,出身荷兰犹太裔贵族。罕丽达的妹妹索菲亚在荷兰嫁给了商人杰拉德·飞利浦(没错,就是那个后来众所周知飞利浦电器的菲利普)。 马克思虽然在我们心目中是光大的形象,但是马克思小的时候居然是个“暴君”。他的姐妹们告诉外甥女爱琳娜,马克思是“令姐妹们害怕的暴君,他全力地奔跑着把她们当作他的马从特利尔的马库斯山坡上‘驱赶'下来。更坏的是,他坚持让姐妹们吃他用肮脏的生面团做成的而用更脏的手拿着的‘蛋糕'。她们毫无怨言地忍受着‘驱赶'、吃‘蛋糕',因为卡尔将会讲故事来酬劳她们的顺从”。 马克思小时候没上学,完全是由父亲教学,1830年进入了特里尔中学(Trier High School),当时的中学校长Hugo Wyttenbach是马克思老爸的朋友。 虽然马克思没有正经地在小学上学,但是他的老爸教会他德语、算术和图画,还经常带他游览名胜古迹,讲解历史故事和人文风情,加上马克思本身智力过人,在进入中学以后居然比别的孩子成绩还出色很多。在这里他的大部分同学出身于中下阶层,是农民和手工业者的子弟。据说卡尔的“同学伙伴对他既爱又怕,爱他是因为他可以随时开始男孩子式的玩闹,怕他是因为他能够毫不费力地写讽刺诗文嘲笑他的对手”。 所以说马克思年少时候,还真是个骄傲的家伙。但是他中学毕业论文《青年在选择职业时的考虑》表现出来的志向相当高远: 在选择职业时,我们应该遵循的主要指针是人类的幸福和我们自身的完美。 不应认为,这两种利益是敌对的,互相冲突的,一种利益必须消灭另一种的;人类的天性本来就是这样的:人们只有为同时代人的完美、为他们的幸福而工作,才能使自己也达到完美。 1835年,17岁的马克思进入了伯恩大学,本来想读哲学和文学,但是由于父亲要求,认为法律更为实用,所以就读了法学。马克思在学校里既参加了诗人俱乐部,也参加的酒馆俱乐部,加入“特里尔同乡会”并成为会长,经常聚会喝酒喝到醉醺醺,可谓社交骨干。 他还参加决斗。在一次与贵族学生的冲突中,普鲁士贵族学生强迫特里尔的学生下跪,发誓效忠普鲁士王朝,或者接受决斗。马克思挺身而出参与决斗,结果他的左眼角被对方的军刀划出了一道伤疤,围观的众人吓出一身冷汗,幸好并无大碍。马克思认为,这是他人生中第一枚荣誉勋章。 他在金钱方面的大手大脚,在伯恩大学一年花掉了700塔勒(相当于现在14万元的购买力)。虽然进入波恩大学时候,马克思成绩是第一梯队的,但是很快就下滑了,他老爸不得不安排他转学到管理和环境更好的柏林大学。 18岁的他在这里学习法律、学习哲学、学习历史,成为一名妥妥的“学霸”。当时马克思的爱恋对象燕妮出身于贵族,比他大四岁。马克思虽然家境殷实,但是离贵族家庭还是有些距离。两人家住得不远,从小就认识。于是马克思施展浑身才华,短短数月为燕妮写了三本诗集,终于两人相互约定了终身。 1841年,马克思以《德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学之区别》申请学位,获耶拿大学哲学博士。后来为了挣钱到莱茵报工作,用文字和思想开启他叱咤风云的一生。


