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留学生在写作essay时不可避免地会遇到这样的情形:一段话中表示连接的相同短语多次出现,想要找到替换的单词或短语又不知从何下手,导致最终写出的论文自我感觉重复过多,这样一来也不会给导师或读者留下很好的印象。最终的论文成绩不甚理想,更严重者可能出现重复度过高的情况,辛苦写作的论文反而被打上“不及格” 的标签。为了预防这种情况的发生,我今天就和大家聊一聊essay写作中英文连接词的那些事。 Because/because of 是essay写作中最为常用的essay连接词,通常表示 “因为/由于” 的含义。既可以用于比较正式的形式,也可以用于非正式的形式。在留学生的日常写作中,我们可以用以下的一些单词或短语来替代它们,像as, since, as a result of, as long as, being as, due to, inasmuch as, now that, out of, owing to等。虽然这些短语在一定程度上可以表示 “因为/由于” 连接或转折的含义,但他们有其各自的适用性和独特含义。具体情况如下: 一、As/ since 当读者已经知道了原因或者as/since引导的从句并不是句子中最为重要的部分时,可以使用as/since替代because. 举例: As the man had no friends, he walked alone. Because the man had no friends, he walked alone. 因为男人没有朋友,所以他独自一个行走。 二、较正式的essay连接词 可以用于替换because的比较正式的单词或短语包括 inasmuch as和in view of the fact that. 1. Inasmuch as  译为 “因为”,或多或少与because有相同的含义,通常用于比较正式的场合。 2. In view of the fact that  中文解释为 “鉴于以下事实”,与 inasmuch as有相同的含义。 举例: · Inasmuch as Inasmuch as the patient had contracted a contagious infection, visitors were required to wear gowns and masks. Because the patient had contracted a contagious infection, visitors were required to wear gowns and masks. 因为病人感染了传染性疾病,所以要求访客穿上防护服和口罩。 · In view of the fact that That was awful, even more so in view of the fact that it was Smith. That was awful, even more so because it was Smith. 这真是太糟糕了,因为这是Smith。 三、非正式的essay连接词 与because有相同含义用于非正式形式的短语包括as long as, being as, considering that等。 1. As long as  “只要” 表示当某一件事情正在发生、将要发生或者是真实时,另一件事是可能的。 2. Being as  “作为”, 又可写作 being as how, being that与as long as有相同的意义和形式。 3. Considering that  “考虑到”, 在含义和形式上等同于as long as, being that. 举例: · As long as As long as he studied, he received excellent marks. Because he studied, he received excellent marks. 因为他复习了,所以取得了优异的成绩。 · Considering that Considering the extenuating circumstances, I will forgive his absence. Because of the extenuating circumstances, I will forgive his absence. 考虑到形势恶化,我将原谅他的缺席。 四、介词形式的essay连接词 1. As a result of  中文译为 “结果是”,可以用于替代because of, 而不是because。 2. Due to  表示 “由于的含义”,和as a result of 一样,due to 是一个介词,所以通常可以替换because of。 3. Owing to  是指“由于”, 类似于due to, 通常用于一个正式的场合。 4. Through  表示 “通过” 的含义,是一个介词,可以用于替换because of。 举例: · As a result of As a result of her impudence, the teacher gave her a detention. Because of her impudence, the teacher gave her a detention. 由于/因为她的无礼,老师把她拘留了。 · Owing to Owing to his poor interpersonal skills, he was demoted. Because of his poor interpersonal skills, he was demoted. 因为他的人际交往能力差,他被降职。 五、其他含义的英文连接词 1. For  在表示 "because" 的含义时,通常用于比较诗意化的表达。 2. Thanks to  "得益于/感谢", 可用于积极或消极的结果。 举例: · For Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. 让我们吃喝,因为明天我们会死了。 · Thanks to Thanks to the treatment, her condition has improved. 因为治疗,她的情况得到了改善。 结论 以上五种是我们在写作essay时比较常用的可用来替换because, because of 的英文连接词和介词的单词或短语,希望可以给各位留学的小伙伴带来借鉴和参考。Essay连接词看似不起眼,但实际上是英文论文的重要组成部分,大家应该加以重视和关注

1、间不容发    jiān bú róng fā    间:空隙。空隙中容不下一根头发。比喻与灾祸相距极近或情势危急到极点。不是“形容距离小”。


2、对簿公堂 duì bù gōng táng  簿:文状、起诉书之类;对簿:受审问;公堂:旧指官吏审理案件的地方。在法庭上受审问。不能误用为“双方打官司”。


3、不足为训  bú zú wéi xùn     足:值得。训:准则,典范。指不值得作为准则或典范。不能理解为“不值得作为教训”。


4、不绝如缕   bú jué rú lǚ     绝:断;缕:细线。像细线一样连着,差点儿就要断了。多用来形容局势危急或声音细微悠长。不能误认为“连续不断”。


5、明日黄花    míng rì huáng huā  黄花:菊花。原指重阳节过后逐渐萎谢的菊花。后多比喻过时的事物或消息。不是指未来的东西。


6、连接词:有 和、跟、与、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。



2、连词可以表并列、承接、转折、因果、选择、假设、比较、让步等关系。 (1)并列连词:有和、跟、与、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。 (2)承接连词:有则、乃、就、而、于是、至于、说到、此外、像、如、一般、比方等。 (3)转折连词:有却、但是、然而、而、偏偏、只是、不过、至于、致、不料、岂知等。 (4)因果连词:有原来、因为、由于、以便、因此、所以、是故、以致等。 (5)选择连词:有或、抑、非…即、不是…就是等。 (6)假设连词:有若、如果、若是、假如、假使、倘若、要是、譬如等。 (7)比较连词:有像、好比、如同、似乎、等于;不如、不及;与其…不如、若…则、虽然…可是等。 (8)让步连词:有虽然、固然、尽管、纵然、即使等。


连接词(1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。(3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。(5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

(6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。(7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。

过渡词的用法1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候 at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as early as 早……的时候 as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前 early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 one day 有一天 one afternoon 一天下午 one morning 一天早晨2、表示空间的 to the right/left 朝右/左、on the rinht/left 在右/左边、in the middle of、在中间 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面、at the back of 在后面、at the bottom of 在底部、on the edge of 在……的边上 on top of 在……的顶部、opposite to 与……相对、close to 靠近、near to 在……附近 next to 与……相邻、under 垂直在下、over 垂直在上、below 在下方、above 在上方、across 在……的另一边、around 在周围、behind 在后、before 在前、against 靠着、抵着、further on 再往前3、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another… at the same time at first at last4、表示列举 for example 例如:…… namely 即…… for instance 例如:…… that is (to say) 也就是说 such as 如…… take…for example 拿……来说 like 像……5、表示比较或对比 like 像 unlike 不像 similarly 同样地 in the same way 以相同的方式 pared to 与……相比 while 而 still=nevertheless 然而 on the contrary 正相反 different from 与……不同 on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 in contrast with 与……成对比6、表示增补 and 而且 both…and 不但……而且 not only…but also 不但……而且 as well as 不但……而且 also=besides=furthermore=more over 此外、而且 in addition 并且 apart from 除了……之外 what's more 而且、更重要的 for another 另一方面 worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是 including 包括7、表示因果 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 now that 既然 therefore 因此 thus 这样 so 所以 as a result (of) 结果 because of=on account of 因为 thanks to 多亏 for this reason 由于这个原因 if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样8、表示目的 for this purpose in order to do so as to do so that… in order that…9、表示让步 though/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever/however/whoever even if/ even though10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what's more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in other words 换句话说 in that case 那样的话 or rather 更确切地说 particularly 特别地11、表示转折 but 但是 still 然而 however 然而 while 而12、表示总结 in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之 generally speaking 一般说来 in short=in a few words 简言之 in conclusion=lastly 最后地 on the whole=taking everything into consideration 从总体来看、大体上 so 所以 therefore 因此 thus 这样 as has been mentioned 正如所提到的 it is quite clear that 很显然 there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 it is well-known that 大家都知道 as we all know=as is known to us all 大家都知道 as/so far as I know 据我所知 to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之13、表示转折话题 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实上。


1. 表选择关系或对等关系的连e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333365646364接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

2. 表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。

3. 表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

4. 表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。

5. 表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

6. 表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。

7. 表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。


英文连接词像胶水一样将相关联的句子连接起来,国际心理学家、语言学家、教育家Chris Lonsdale 龙飞虎又把它称之为“胶水词”。胶水词就像英语的骨架一样重要,学会了胶水词,同时拥有词组的累积,就可以轻松灵活的造出任何需要的长句。

这个太多了 你在文库里搜搜“作文模板” 很多~一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

(6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。

(三)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候 at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as early as 早……的时候 as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前 early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 one day 有一天 one afternoon 一天下午 one morning 一天早晨 2、表示空间的 to the right/left 朝右/左 on the rinht/left 在右/左边 in the middle of 在中间 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面 at the back of 在后面 at the bottom of 在底部 on the edge of 在……的边上 on top of 在……的顶部 opposite to 与……相对 close to 靠近 near to 在……附近 next to 与……相邻 under 垂直在下 over 垂直在上 below 在下方 above 在上方 across 在……的另一边 around 在周围 behind 在后 before 在前 against 靠着、抵着 further on 再往前 3、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another… at the same time at first at last 4、表示列举 for example 例如:…… namely 即…… for instance 例如:…… that is (to say) 也就是说 such as 如…… take…for example 拿……来说 like 像…… 5、表示比较或对比 like 像 unlike 不像 similarly 同样地 in the same way 以相同的方式 pared to 与……相比 while 而 still=nevertheless 然而 on the contrary 正相反 different from 与……不同 on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 in contrast with 与……成对比 6、表示增补 and 而且 both…and 不但……而且 not only…but also 不但……而且 as well as 不但……而且 also=besides=furthermore=more over 此外、而且 in addition 并且 apart from 除了……之外 what's more 而且、更重要的 for another 另一方面 worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是 including 包括 7、表示因果 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 now that 既然 therefore 因此 thus 这样 so 所以 as a result (of) 结果 because of=on account of 因为 thanks to 多亏、由于 for this reason 由于这个原因 if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样 8、表示目的 for this purpose in order to do so as to do so that… in order that… 9、表示让步 though/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever/however/whoever even if/ even though 10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what's more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in other words 换句话说 in that case 那样的话 or rather 更确切地说 particularly 特别地 11、表示转折 but 但是 still 然而 however 然而 while 而 12、表示总结 in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之 generally speaking 一般说来 in short=in a few words 简言之 in conclusion=lastly 最后地 on the whole=taking everything into consideration 从总体来看、大体上 so 所以 therefore 因此 thus 这样 as has been mentioned 正如所提到的 it is quite clear that 很显然 there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 it is well-known that 大家都知道 as we all know=as is known to us all 大家都知道 as/so far as I know 据我所知 to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之 13、表示转折话题 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实上。

常用连接词: 表选择关系或对等关系的连e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333365646364接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhile, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。


英文连接词像胶水一样将相关联的句子连接起来,国际心理学家、语言学家、教育家Chris Lonsdale 龙飞虎又把它称之为“胶水词”。胶水词就像英语的骨架一样重要,学会了胶水词,同时拥有词组的累积,就可以轻松灵活的造出任何需要的长句。

(1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top ofthat,another,firstsecondthird等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,lat-r,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。

(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in frontof,behind,beside,eyond,above,below,tothe rightleft,around,outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in thesameway,justlike,justas等。

(5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on theotherhand,onthecon-ary,in spite of,even though等。

(6)表示结 果 和 原 因 的 过 渡 词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,hen,thus,otherwise等。

(7)表示目的的过渡词:forthisreason,forthispurpose,so that等。

(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,withoutnydoubt,truly,torepeat,aboveall,mostimportant等。

(9)表示解释说明的过渡词:forexample,in fact,in thiscase,foractually等。

(10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,atlast,inconclusion,asihaveshown,inoth-rword,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,asha *** een stated等。


英语中常用的连接词1.表示罗列增加:First,second,third,First,then/next,afterthat/next,finallyForohing…foranother…,On(the)onehand…ontheotherhand,Besides/what' *** ore/inaddition/furthermore/moreover/another/also,Especially/Inparticular,2.表示时间顺序:now,atpresent,recently,after,afterwards,afterthat,afterawhile,inafewdays,atfirst,inthebeginning,tobeginwith,later,next,finally,immediately,soon,suddenly,allofasudden,atthatmoment,assoonas,themomentformnowon,fromthenon,atthesametime,meanwhile,till,not…until,before,after,when,while,asduring,3.表示解释说明:now,inaddition,forexample,forinstance,inthiscase,moreoverfurthermore,infact,actually4.表示转折关系:but,however,while,though,or,otherwise,onthecontrary,ontheotherhand,incontrast,despite,inspiteof,eventhough,except(for),instead,ofcourse,afterall,5.表示并列关系:or,and,also,too,notonly…butalso,aswellas,both…and,either…or,neither…nor,for6.

【亲,我觉得《10天搞定托福essay》中的Day 5,详细讲linkers,其中的连词很好用,还附上详细用法.如果亲没看过这本书,不妨看看我传的附件,附上了这本书】以下内容截取自该书的Day 5,“连词(linkers)”那一章一、表原因的连词: as, since, due to, owing to二、表结果的连词hence, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so that三、表目的的连词thereby, in order to四、举例关系中用的连词take。

for example, for instance, such as, this point is best illustrated with the example of 。五、类比与对比关系时用的连词similarly, likewise,while, whereas, in contrast六、让步关系中用的连词despite, in spite of, noishstanding, noheless, nevertheless, even though, albeit, as long as七、假设关系中用的连词otherwise, provided that, unless八、限定关系in terms of, as for, when it es to, regarding, concerning。

(1)表示承接的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,what's more, again,on top of that,another,first,second,third等。(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few days,gradually,suddenly,finally··等。(但是你可以感受到这些词是副词,所以原词条对于“连接词”即连词是错误的)(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right/left,around,outside等。(4)表示比较的过渡词:in the same way,just like,just as等。(5)表示转折的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,on the contrary,in spite of/ in spite of the fact that,even though,although,despite / despite the fact that等。(6)一方面,另一方面:on the one hand,on the other hand,for one thing,for another等。(7)表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,furthermore,otherwise等。(as a result ,therefore, thus并不是连词而是副词,所以经常是放句首,用逗号与后面句子隔开)(8)表示目的的过渡词:for this reason,for this purpose,so that,in order to等。(9)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,without any doubt,truly,to repeat,above all,most important等。(10)表示解释说明的过渡词:for example,in fact,in this case,for actually, for instance等。(11)表示总结的过渡词:in a word,above all,,all in all,finally,at last,in conclusion,as I have shown,in another word,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole,as has been stated,last but not least,in addition等。

写英文论文,你可以看一下网上的例子。比如:for example总的来说:generally首先,接着,最后:first, next, finally以下我帖了一些最最常用的连接词的分类,希望有用!另外:also,again,as well as,besides,coupled with,furthermore,in addition,likewise,moreover,similarly应为。。。所以: accordingly,as a result,consequently,for this reason,for this purpose, hence,otherwise,so then,subsequently,therefore,thus,thereupon,wherefore 一般来讲/总的来说: as a rule,as usual,for the most part, generally,generally speaking,ordinarily,usually 例子: chiefly,especially,for instance,in particular,markedly,namely, particularly,including,specifically,such as 充数、例子: for example,for instance,for one thing,as an illustration, illustrated with,as an example,in this case 强调 above all,chiefly,with attention to,especially,particularly,singularly 对比(相同): comparatively,coupled with,correspondingly,identically,likewise,similar,moreover,together with 不包括: aside from,barring,besides,except,excepting,excluding,exclusive of,other than,outside of,save 重复: in essence,in other words,namely,that is,that is to say, in short,in brief,to put it differently 对比: contrast,by the same token,conversely,instead,likewise, on one hand,on the other hand,on the contrary,rather, similarly,yet,but,however,still,nevertheless,in contrast 步骤: at first,first of all,to begin with,in the first place,at the same time, for now,for the time being,the next step,in time,in turn,later on, meanwhile,next,then,soon,the meantime,later,while,earlier, simultaneously,afterward,in conclusion,with this in mind, 总结: after all,all in all,all things considered,briefly,by and large,in any case,in any event, in brief,in conclusion,on the whole,in short,in summary,in the final analysis, in the long run,on balance,to sum up,to summarize,finally Diversion: by the way,incidentally 方向: here,there,over there,beyond,nearly,opposite,under,above, to the left,to the right,in the distance

表示强调的连接词 still,Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all,significantly,obviously,interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially,clearly.表示比较的连接词 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally.表示对比的连接词 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast.表示列举的连接词 for example, for instance, such as, take 。

for example. Except (for), to illustrate.表示时间的连接词 later,next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while.表示顺序的连接词 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.表示可能的连接词 presumably, probably, perhaps.用于解释的连接词 in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms.表示递进的连接词 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again.表示让步的连接词 although, after all, in spite of。, despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen.表示转折的连接词 however,rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand,unfortunately. whereas; some, others; here, there; on the contrary; in contrast to; in spite of; not only。

but also; while;although;nevertheless,years ago。today; this。

that; the former。the later; then。

now; the first。whereas the second; once。

now表示原因的连接词 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to.表示结果的连接词 as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence.用于总结的连接词 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short.其他类型连接词 Mostly,occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, monly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case。

Since I go to middle school, I don't like to talk to parents, because when I tell them my idea, they will deny it and then ask me do as what they say. I am not the little girl anymore, I have the right to make my decision. My parents realize this, someday they walked to my room and talked to me. They apologized for treating me like the little kid, they liked to respect my decision and wanted to make friends with me. I was so happy, my parents indeed followed their words. I opened my heart and talked with them all the things. Talking to the friends is much easier than talking to the parents. 自从我上初中,我就不喜欢和父母聊天,因为当我告诉他们我的想法,他们会给予否认,然后叫我按他们的话去做。




)表层次: first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least also, and then, next, besides and equally important too moreover besides in addtion finally 2)表转折; by contrast although though yet at the same time but despitethe fact that even so in contrast nevertheless even though for all that noithstanding on the contarary however in spite of on the other hand otherwise instead still regardless 3)表因果; therfore consequently because of for the reason thus hence due to owing to so accordingly thanks to on this account since as on that account in this way for as a result as a consequence 4)表让步: still nevertheless concession granted naturally in spite of all the same of course despite even so after all 5)表递近: furthermore moreover likewise what is more besides also not only。

but also。 too in addtion 6)表举例: for example for instance for one thing that is to illustrate as an illustration a case in point 7)表解释: as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words 8)表总结: in summary in a word thus as has been said in brief in conclusion altogether in other words to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms indeed in short in particular that is in other words of course on the whole to put it differently namely in all therefore to summarize。


英语中常用的连接词1.表示罗列增加:First,second,third,First,then/next,afterthat/next,finallyForohing…foranother…,On(the)onehand…ontheotherhand,Besides/what' *** ore/inaddition/furthermore/moreover/another/also,Especially/Inparticular,2.表示时间顺序:now,atpresent,recently,after,afterwards,afterthat,afterawhile,inafewdays,atfirst,inthebeginning,tobeginwith,later,next,finally,immediately,soon,suddenly,allofasudden,atthatmoment,assoonas,themomentformnowon,fromthenon,atthesametime,meanwhile,till,not…until,before,after,when,while,asduring,3.表示解释说明:now,inaddition,forexample,forinstance,inthiscase,moreoverfurthermore,infact,actually4.表示转折关系:but,however,while,though,or,otherwise,onthecontrary,ontheotherhand,incontrast,despite,inspiteof,eventhough,except(for),instead,ofcourse,afterall,5.表示并列关系:or,and,also,too,notonly…butalso,aswellas,both…and,either…or,neither…nor,for6.

一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

(6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。

(三)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候 at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as early as 早……的时候 as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前 early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 one day 有一天 one afternoon 一天下午 one morning 一天早晨 2、表示空间的 to the right/left 朝右/左 on the rinht/left 在右/左边 in the middle of 在中间 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面 at the back of 在后面 at the bottom of 在底部 on the edge of 在……的边上 on top of 在……的顶部 opposite to 与……相对 close to 靠近 near to 在……附近 next to 与……相邻 under 垂直在下 over 垂直在上 below 在下方 above 在上方 across 在……的另一边 around 在周围 behind 在后 before 在前 against 靠着、抵着 further on 再往前 3、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another… at the same time at first at last 4、表示列举 for example 例如:…… namely 即…… for instance 例如:…… that is (to say) 也就是说 such as 如…… take…for example 拿……来说 like 像…… 5、表示比较或对比 like 像 unlike 不像 similarly 同样地 in the same way 以相同的方式 pared to 与……相比 while 而 still=nevertheless 然而 on the contrary 正相反 different from 与……不同 on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 in contrast with 与……成对比 6、表示增补 and 而且 both…and 不但……而且 not only…but also 不但……而且 as well as 不但……而且 also=besides=furthermore=more over 此外、而且 in addition 并且 apart from 除了……之外 what's more 而且、更重要的 for another 另一方面 worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是 including 包括 7、表示因果 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 now that 既然 therefore 因此 thus 这样 so 所以 as a result (of) 结果 because of=on account of 因为 thanks to 多亏、由于 for this reason 由于这个原因 if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样 8、表示目的 for this purpose in order to do so as to do so that… in order that… 9、表示让步 though/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever/however/whoever even if/ even though 10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what's more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in other words 换句话说 in that case 那样的话 or rather 更确切地说 particularly 特别地 11、表示转折 but 但是 still 然而 however 然而 while 而 12、表示总结 in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之 generally speaking 一般说来 in short=in a few words 简言之 in conclusion=lastly 最后地 on the whole=taking everything into consideration 从总体来看、大体上 so 所以 therefore 因此 thus 这样 as has been mentioned 正如所提到的 it is quite clear that 很显然 there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 it is well-known that 大家都知道 as we all know=as is known to us all 大家都知道 as/so far as I know 据我所知 to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之 13、表示转折话题 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实。

这个太多了 你在文库里搜搜“作文模板” 很多~一) 连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。

(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。

(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。

(6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。

(三)注意以下过渡词的用法 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在 suddenly=all of a sudden 突然 as a young man 当…… 是个年轻人的时候 at the age of… 在……岁的时候 as early as 早……的时候 as soon as 一……就…… before, the other day 几天前 early in the morning 大清早 after/before dark 天黑后/前 one day 有一天 one afternoon 一天下午 one morning 一天早晨 2、表示空间的 to the right/left 朝右/左 on the rinht/left 在右/左边 in the middle of 在中间 in front of 在前面 in the front of 在前面 at the back of 在后面 at the bottom of 在底部 on the edge of 在……的边上 on top of 在……的顶部 opposite to 与……相对 close to 靠近 near to 在……附近 next to 与……相邻 under 垂直在下 over 垂直在上 below 在下方 above 在上方 across 在……的另一边 around 在周围 behind 在后 before 在前 against 靠着、抵着 further on 再往前 3、表示列举和时序 first, second, third…finally firstly, secondly, thirdly…finally first of all, next then, lastly for one thing…for another… at the same time at first at last 4、表示列举 for example 例如:…… namely 即…… for instance 例如:…… that is (to say) 也就是说 such as 如…… take…for example 拿……来说 like 像…… 5、表示比较或对比 like 像 unlike 不像 similarly 同样地 in the same way 以相同的方式 pared to 与……相比 while 而 still=nevertheless 然而 on the contrary 正相反 different from 与……不同 on (the) one hand…on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 in contrast with 与……成对比 6、表示增补 and 而且 both…and 不但……而且 not only…but also 不但……而且 as well as 不但……而且 also=besides=furthermore=more over 此外、而且 in addition 并且 apart from 除了……之外 what's more 而且、更重要的 for another 另一方面 worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse 更糟糕的是 including 包括 7、表示因果 because 因为 since 既然 as 由于 now that 既然 therefore 因此 thus 这样 so 所以 as a result (of) 结果 because of=on account of 因为 thanks to 多亏、由于 for this reason 由于这个原因 if so 如果这样 if not 如果不是这样 8、表示目的 for this purpose in order to do so as to do so that… in order that… 9、表示让步 though/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever/however/whoever even if/ even though 10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what's more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 in other words 换句话说 in that case 那样的话 or rather 更确切地说 particularly 特别地 11、表示转折 but 但是 still 然而 however 然而 while 而 12、表示总结 in a/one word 简言之、一句话、总之 generally speaking 一般说来 in short=in a few words 简言之 in conclusion=lastly 最后地 on the whole=taking everything into consideration 从总体来看、大体上 so 所以 therefore 因此 thus 这样 as has been mentioned 正如所提到的 it is quite clear that 很显然 there is no doubt that 毫无疑问 it is well-known that 大家都知道 as we all know=as is known to us all 大家都知道 as/so far as I know 据我所知 to sum up=to summarize=in summary 总之 13、表示转折话题 by the way 顺便说 I am afraid 我恐怕 in my opinion 依我看来 to tell the truth 说实话 to be honest 诚实地说 in face 事实上。

(一)as a result He never studied hard, and as a result he failed in the last examination.as a result of He is late for work as a result of traffic accident.because(of)We are delayed because of a traffic jam.due toHis success is due to his excellent work.now thatNow that you have grown up, you must earn for yourself.so long as You could realize your dream so long as you try it again and again.so thatThe office speaks at the top of his voice so that every soldier could hear him.thereforeThere is a calculating mistakes there, therefore, the answer is wrong.(二)as a matter of factI will go there this morning, as a matter of fact, I am only 10 minutes, drive from you.in this caseIn this case, I will go there as soon as possible.(三)otherwiseYou must carry this passport, otherwise you will be stopped by the guard.if soIf so, it will make a great difference.(四)in additionI need your help. In addition, I also need her support.besidesFirst, we must work hard. Besides, we must work with a creative mind.that is to sayThe stock price is declining, that is to say, I am losing money.in other words换句话说I am not hungry, in other words, I really dislike the food in this canteen.equally importantYou should read more news from newspapers, and equally important, keep an eye on the news from the radio.what,s more更有胜者。

It is harmful to my health, and what,s more, it is no good to my work.last but not least最后但不e69da5e887aae799bee5baa631333332633539是最不重要的一点Last but bot least, my thanks should go to every member of my class.(五)equally同样的As a teacher, I should teach well, but equally, I should study well.in the same way用相同的方法It is such a coincidence that we figure it out in the same way.insteadIf you don't go, I,ll go instead.on the contrary正相反You thought I like it. On the contrary, I dislike it.in contrastIt is hot in the daytime, but in contrast it,s very cold at night.。

英语作文常用连接词如下:(1)表示承接的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,what's more, again,on top of that,another,first,second,third等。

(2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few days,gradually,suddenly,finally··等。(但是你可以感受到这些词是副词,所以原词条对于“连接词”即连词是错误的)(3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right/left,around,outside等。

(4)表示比较的过渡词:in the same way,just like,just as等。(5)表示转折的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,nevertheless,noheless,on the contrary,in spite of/ in spite of the fact that,even though,although,despite / despite the fact that等。

(6)一方面,另一方面:on the one hand,on the other hand,for one thing,for another等。(7)表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,furthermore,otherwise等。

(as a result ,therefore, thus并不是连词而是副词,所以经常是放句首,用逗号与后面句子隔开)(8)表示目的的过渡词:for this reason,for this purpose,so that,in order to等。(9)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,without any doubt,truly,to repeat,above all,most important等。

(10)表示解释说明的过渡词:for example,in fact,in this case,for actually, for instance等。拓展资料:英语部分连接词例句:1.They'll be here soon.Meanwhile we'll have some coffee.他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。

2.In conclusion he wished us very success in our work.总之,他希望我们在工作中取得成功。3.The railroad connects o cities,namely,New York and Chicago.这铁路联接两个城市,即纽约和芝加哥。

4.I got the permission due to the new policy.因为新政策我得到了许可。


其实高三买的那些 语文资料 里面有很多常考的成语,还有就是把资料里面的 拼音和 常错的字词,那些很常考的,高考一般就出一到两个很模糊的,努力一点就没事了。 加油!!!!!!高考语文最容易用错的25个成语:: 1.间不容发 间:空隙。空隙中容不下一根头发。比喻与灾祸相距极近或情势危急到极点。不是“形容距离小”。 【误例】近段时间,“超级女生”在全国巡回演出,每到一处,那场面人山人海,摩肩接踵,真可以用间不容发来形容。 2.对簿公堂 簿:文状、起诉书之类;对簿:受审问;公堂:旧指官吏审理案件的地方。在法庭上受审问。不能误用为“双方打官司”。 【误例】事情一拖再拖,悬而不决,双方只得求助于法律,对簿公堂。 3.拍手称快 快:痛快。拍掌叫好。多指正义得到伸张或事情的结局使人感到满意。不能直接用于那些欢快的场面。 【误例】文艺演出现场,身着盛装的表演者光着脚,微笑着,一边跳着傣族舞,一边向人们泼水致意,在场群众纷纷拍手称快。 4.不足为训 足:值得。训:准则,典范。指不值得作为准则或典范。不能理解为“不值得作为教训”。 【误例】这样的小错误对于整个项目的要求来说是无伤大雅、不足为训的,我们决不能只纠缠于细枝末节而忘了根本的目标。 5.不刊之论 刊:削除,古代把字写在竹简上,有错误就削去。指正确的、不可修改的言论。不能理解为“不能刊登、发表”。 【误例】这篇文章内容粗俗,只有华丽的辞藻,竟然在报刊上发表,简直是不刊之论。 6.目无全牛 全牛:整个一头牛。眼中没有完整的牛,只有牛的筋骨结构。比喻技术熟练到了得心应手的境地。不能理解为“没有全局观念或看不到整体”。不能误用作贬义词。 【误例】各部门都要有全局观念,那种目无全牛而忽视整体利益的做法是错误的。 7.下里巴人 原指战国时代楚国民间流行的一种歌曲。比喻通俗的文学艺术。不能理解为“社会地位低下的人”。 【误例】有些人瞧不起民间剪纸,认为这只是下里巴人创造的玩意儿,没有艺术价值,其实这是一种错误的观念。 8.不赞一词 原指文章写得很好,别人不能再添一句话。现也指一言不发。不能理解为“不说一句赞成的话”。 【误例】我对任何邪教组织的言论不赞一词。 9.不绝如缕 绝:断;缕:细线。像细线一样连着,差点儿就要断了。多用来形容局势危急或声音细微悠长。不能误认为“连续不断”。 【误例】大街上,商场里,到处是游玩购物的人,熙熙攘攘,不绝如缕。 10.长此以往 长期这样下去。多用于不好的结果。 【误例】新学期伊始,教师要引导高一新生听好课、做好笔记、完成好课后作业,长此以往,定能让学生养成良好的学习习惯。 11.久假不归 假:借。长期借去,不归还。不能理解为“长期请假而不回来”。 【误例】人事处通知,对那些久假不归的同志要查明情况,对其中的无故旷工者要严肃处理。 12.明日黄花 黄花:菊花。原指重阳节过后逐渐萎谢的菊花。后多比喻过时的事物或消息。不是指未来的东西。 【误例】李老师语重心长地对我们说:“你们是明日黄花,是祖国的未来,一定要努力呀!” 13.炙手可热 手摸上去感到热得烫人。比喻权势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近。用于人而不用于物,不可理解为“热门”或“商品畅销”。 【误例】家用电器的降价刺激了市民消费欲的增长,原来趋于滞销的彩电,现在一下子成了炙手可热的商品。 14.无所不为 没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。不能误用作褒义词。 【误例】这些年轻的科学家以无所不为的勇气,克服重重困难,去探索大自然的奥秘。 15.巧夺天工 夺:胜过。人工的精巧胜过天然,形容技艺十分巧妙。不能用于“自然本身”。 【误例】翘首西望,海面托着的就是披着银发的苍山。苍山如屏,洱海如镜,真是巧夺天工。 16.别无长物 长物:多余的东西。除一身之外再没有多余的东西。原指生活俭朴,现形容贫穷。不能理解成“自己没有什么长处”。 【误例】他谦虚地说:“我既不擅长唱歌,也不喜欢运动;除了画画,就别无长物了。” 17.蚂蚁进磨盘——条条是道 磨盘,磨的底盘,凿有许多齿形道。比喻办法多,门路广。不能理解为“有很多条道路”。 【误例】他自小没见过世面,好不容易进了城,只见车水马龙、大街小巷,如同蚂蚁进磨盘——条条是道。 18.细大不捐 细:微,小;捐:舍弃。小的大的都不抛弃。形容包罗一切,没有选择。不能理解为“一点东西也不捐出”。 【误例】当人们纷纷向灾区人民捐款捐物时,你却细大不捐,这样做,你不感到羞愧么? 19.石破天惊 比喻文章议论新奇惊人。不能用于“惊人的消息或变化”。 【误例】改革开放的成果越来越令人瞩目,许多来中国的人都有感于二十几年来中国发生的石破天惊的变化。 20.危言危行 危:正直。说正直的话,做正直的事。不能理解为“危险的言论和行动”。 【误例】美国政府在台湾问题上的危言危行,只能是搬起石头砸自己的脚。 21.豆蔻年华 豆蔻:一种草本植物,指女子十三四岁时。不能用于成年女子,更不能用于男孩。 【误例】近年来,一些正值豆蔻年华的大学生沉迷在网吧里,从而荒废了学业,浪费了青春,真让人痛惜不已。 22.罪不容诛 诛:把罪人杀死。罪恶极大,杀了也抵不了其所犯的罪恶。不能理解为“罪恶小,不应该诛杀”。 【误例】法庭认为,张师傅因正当防卫而致使歹徒丧命,实属情有可原,罪不容诛。 23.大快人心 快:痛快。指坏人坏事受到惩罚或打击,使大家非常痛快。不能用于“一般的好事”。 【误例】最近,老王的女儿考上了公务员,儿子考上了大学,下岗的妻子也找到了工作。老王乐得合不拢嘴:这真是大快人心啊!

in/ by contrast 对比之下 2.unfortunately 不幸地 3.though/ although 尽管 4.even though 即使 5.anyway 无论如何 6.after all 毕竟 7.all the same 依然; 照样 8.in fact/ as a matter of fact 事实上 9.fortunately 幸运地 10.however 然而 11.in spite of 尽管; 虽然 12.at the same time 同时; 然而 13.otherwise 否则 14.on the contrary 相反 15.especially 尤其 16.There are two sides to everything. 有关 “承” 的连接词语,用来承接上下文. 1.by this time 此时 2.at the same time 同时 3.after a while 过了一会儿 4.after a few days 几天以后 5.second/ secondly 第二; 第二点 6.in addition 另外 7.besides/ what’s more 另外 8.by the way 顺便提一句 9.in other words 换句话说 10.in particular/ particularly 特别地 11.worse still 更糟的是 12.obviously 明显地 13.no doubt 无疑地 14.for example/ for instance 例如 15.therefore 因此 16.indeed 的确 17.unlike 不象… 18.certainly 当然 19.for another 其次 20.still 仍然 21.similarly 同样地有关 “起” 的 l 连接词语,用语开篇或引出扩展句. at first/ in the beginning 起初 2.at present 现在; 当今 3.recently/ lately 最近 4.first/ firstly/ first of all 第一 5.generally speaking 一般地说 6.on the whole 总的说来 7.It is well understood that … 8.There goes a saying that …. 9.for one thing… for another/ also 首先…其次 10.presently 此刻; 现在 11.to begin with/ to start with 首先; 第一 12.in general 一般来说 13.on the one hand… on the other hand 一方面… 另一方面 14.As the saying goes,‘… 楼主初三毕业党 英语作文中一般常用的连词上面的也就够了


索引在右上角标注,底部解释参考文献格式4.5参考文献的格式:论文参考文献的写法应按下列次序——著者/题名/出版事项,由于论文的参考文献品种繁多,择其主要示例如下:谭炳煌,1982.怎徉撰写科学论文.辽宁人民出版社,59Guinier A,施士元译,1959. X射线晶体学.科学出版社,148Pettetssen S, 1941. Introduction to Meterclogy. New York, McGraw-Hill, 200-210即著录书的著者的姓和名的首字母(中国人的名不缩写),出版年,句点,书名,句点,出版地点,出版者,特定页码。李薰,1964.十年来中国冶金科学技术的发展.金属学报,7:442Bachmann W , 1973. Verallgemeinerung and Anwendung der Rayleighschen Theorie der Schallstreuung.Acustica, 28 (4):223-228即著录论文的著者的姓和名的首字母(中国人写全姓名),出版年,句点,论文题目,句点,期刊名缩写,卷(期):页(每卷编连续页码的期刊不写期)。多著者的参考文献标注,在著录文献的著者时,如著者为三人以内,全部著录,如为四人以上,只著录至第三著者,加“et al.,著者最后的两人之间,不加“&”、“和”等类似的连接词。(摘自 《环境化学》,原文:“科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式” )

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。


随着国际学术交流活动的日益频繁和出版业的进一步规范化,英文摘要已成为国际间知识传播、学术交流与合作最直接的窗口,成为我国公开发行的学术期刊论文必不可少的组成部分。《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》对英文摘要提出了明确的要求:"公开发行的学报,其论文应附有中英文摘要。"《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》(CAJ-CD B/T 1-1998)也对英文摘要提出了具体的要求:"文献标识码为 A(理论与应用研究论文)、B(应用性成果学习经验总结)、C(业务指导管理类文章)3 类的文章均应有英文题名,其中 A 类文章还应附英文摘要和英文关键词。"为提高学术论文英文摘要的质量,更好地满足国际数据库的检索要求,掌握必要的英文摘要编辑技巧,对英语摘要的语言和结构进行修改与润色,使英文摘要规范、准确、简洁,就显得尤为重要。

1 英文摘要的组成

学术期刊论文的英文摘要主要由英文题名、作者名与单位、英文摘要内容、英文关键词 4 个要素构成,是国际重要检索系统中的核心内容。英文摘要质量的好坏直接影响着学术期刊论文被 SCI、EI 等国际权威检索系统收录的数量、被检索率和被引频次,继而影响到学术成果在世界范围内的传播和交流。


2 英文摘要的编辑技巧

2.1 把握好格式的规范性。

2.1.1 了解主要标准规范。


两"标准"指的是国际标准 ISO214-1976《文献工作(E)》和国家标准 GB/T 6447-1986《文摘编写规则》。前者是国际标准化组织为了规范文献写作于 1976 年颁布的国际标准,是英文摘要编写的依据;后者是我国为了与国际接轨于 1986 年公布的国家标准,是中文摘要写作的准绳。

两"规范"指的是《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》(CAJ-CD B/T-1998)和《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》。它们对摘要的写作要求均是基于国际标准 ISO214-1976《文献工作(E)》和国家标准 GB/T 6447-1986《文摘编写规则》。

2.1.2 注意区分大小写。 英文题名的大小写。

学术论文英文题名的大小写要遵守一定的规则。一般来说,题名中第 1 个单词的首字母、每个实词的首字母均应大写,虚词(冠词、连词、介词)的首字母应小写,但 5 个字母及以上的虚词首字母应大写,如 Around,Between,Based on 等。有连字符的合成词只有第 1 个词的首字母大写,连字符后的词首字母应小写。 作者署名的大小写。

作者署名通常在题名之下,关于作者署名的大小写,按照两"规范"的规定,中国作者姓名按汉语拼音拼写,姓氏和名均不缩写,姓前名后,中间空 1 格。为了避免姓和名混淆,表示姓氏的拼音全部字母大写,复姓应连写,表示名字的第 1 个拼音字母大写,其余小写,双名中间宜用连字符隔开,以避免音节混乱。外国作者的姓名写法遵从国际惯例。 关键词的大小写。

关键词是反映论文主题概念的词或词组,一般每篇可选 3~8 个,除专有名词首字母大写外,其余均小写,除必须用复数形式外,一般均用单数形式,多个关键词之间用分号";"分隔。

2.1.3 正确使用英汉标点符号。




(2)中文省略号有 6 个点"……",而英文省略号有 3 个点"…".

(3)中文用顿号 "、"分隔同类的并列的事,而英文用逗号","表示。




2.2 把握好内容的一致性。


因此,在进行英文摘要的编辑时,要把握好中英文摘要内容的一致性,英文摘要应忠实地再现中文摘要的内容,但英汉 2 种语言的表达习惯不一样,英文摘要不应拘泥于中文摘要的形式,译文要通顺、得体,语言要简洁明了,尽量选择简短、语义具体明确的词汇,避免使用重复多余、容易引起歧义的词语和繁杂冗长的句子。此外,中英文关键词的数量和先后顺序也应保持一致。

2.3 把握好句法的简洁性。

2.3.1 英文题名以短语为主要结构。

题名是学术期刊论文的重要组成部分,是文章主题内容的直接反映,是检索论文的关键。题名应简明、具体、确切,语言务必要简练,不能太长。中文题名一般不超过 20 个汉字,英文题名通常为 10个实词以内,不宜超过 15 个词。

英文题名一般不用完整的句子,而是以短语为主要结构,常见的有 4 种类型。


经统计发现,学术论文题名中使用频率较高的"中心词"有:研究(Research/Study on …)、试验/实证/案例研究(Experimental/Empirical/Case Study on …)、分析(Analysis of …)、可行性/可靠性/误差分析(Feasibility/Reliability/Error Analysis of)、探讨(Discussion on…)、调查(Investigation of…)、启示(Enlightenment of…)、影响(Effect of … on …)、比较(Comparisonof … with …; Comparison Between/Among … and …)、应用(Application of …in …)、变化(Change of …)、进展(Development of …)、作用(Role/Function of …)等,只要掌握它们较为固定的译法,题名翻译就容易得多。




2.3.2 英文题名和关键词可省略冠词。

在英文中,冠词分为定冠词(the)和不定冠词(a/an)2 种形式,当表示所指对象是特定的且能够识别时,便用定冠词(the)表示特指,即当使用定冠词(the)时,读者已经知道所指的是什么。由于汉语中没有冠词的用法,定冠词(the)在英文中很容易被误用或漏用,这一点在进行英文摘要编辑时需特别注意。

但是,由于冠词属于无实际检索意义的词,为提高论文的被检索率,英文题名和关键词中的冠词有简化的趋势,凡可用可不用的冠词均可以省略,并且英文题名开头的第一个词前尽量少用冠词 The,An或 A.

2.3.3 尽量采用主动语态。




(1)与国家标准 GB/T 6447-1986《文摘编写规则》对中文摘要的规定有关,它规定中文摘要撰写要用第三人称,要采用"对……进行了研究"、"报告了……现状"、"进行了……调查"等,不必使用"本文"、"作者"等作为主语,受汉语思维的影响,很多作者在中文摘要译成英文摘要时往往使用被动语态;(2)被动语态不必强调动作的施行者甚至可以省略动作的施行者,可以避免使用"本文"、"作者"等作为主语,以减少主观因素,使行文显得客观;(3)被动语态可以使需强调的事物做主语而突出它们的地位,有利于说明事实。


(1)与国际标准 ISO214-1976《文献工作(E) 》对语态使用的规定有关,它明确规定应尽量采用主动语态,因主动语态有助于文字的清晰、简洁及有力地表达。然而,在指示性甚至报道性陈述中,为强调动作承受者,也需采用被动语态,由此可见,主动语态比被动语态在结构上更简练,表达更直接有力;(2)过度使用被动语态将不可避免地造成英语句子头重脚轻,结构笨拙,影响读者的阅读效率。

可见,当前国外学术期刊英文摘要的写作趋势是主动语态多于被动语态,为了充分发挥英文摘要的导向功能、报道功能、检索功能以及促进科研成果的国际交流功能,国内学术期刊英文摘要应当与国际接轨,符合国际写作惯例。在符合英语语法规则、满足表达需要的情况下,我国学术期刊论文英文摘要应尽量使用主动语态,以"this paper"、"the author(s)"等作为主语,以更好地适应国际期刊发展的`主流趋势,满足国际数据库的检索要求。同时,为强调动作承受者,也可使用被动语态,需注意的是:

(1)为了保持句子结构的平衡,被动句的主语不宜太长;(2)当被动句的主语太长时,为避免出现"头重脚轻"的句子结构,可采用"It is+动词过去分词+that"的结构,用"it"作形式主语,代替句子的逻辑主语,把要强调的事物放在句子后部。

2.4 把握好语篇的连贯性。


2.4.1 汉语重意合,英语重形合。


而英语重形合,注重句子结构的完整和形式的规范,以主谓框架为核心,以形显义;只要一个句子有完整的主谓结构,就用实心点"."表示一句话结束后的停顿;2 个或 2 个以上的句子之间若使用逗号,是需要用语言形式手段(连接词)将前后句子的语义联系起来,以清晰体现句子之间的逻辑关系和语义的连贯性。需注意的是,英语句子讲究主谓一致,即主语和谓语在人称(第一、第二或第三人称)和数(单数或复数)的形式上必须保持一致,意义为单数的主语后的谓语动词用单数形式,意义为复数的主语后的谓语动词用复数形式,这是一条最基本的语法规则。

2.4.2 恰当使用连接词使语义更连贯。

英语句子从结构来看有简单句、并列句和复合句。简单句是只有一个主谓结构的句子;并列句和复合句都包含由连词连接的 2 个或 2 个以上的句子,各句都有完整的主谓结构,所不同的是,并列句中各句可以独立存在,各句的意思一般可以单独理解,复合句由 1 个主句和 1 个或 1 个以上的从句构成,主句可以独立存在,而从句不能独立存在,主从句之间的意思是紧密相连的,不能简单地把主从句拆开来看,而必须将主从句综合起来进行理解。



(1)表示对等关系的连接词:and(和),both…and…(两者都),neither…nor(既不……也不……),aswell as…(也)等。


(3)表示时间顺序的连接词:first(第一),second(第二),third(第三),…finally(最后);first of all(首先),next then(其次),lastly(最后)等。


(5)表示列举或解释说明的连接词:for example/ for instance(例如),namely /that is/ in otherwords(即、也就是说),take…for example(拿……来说),such as(如)等。

(6)表示比较或对比的连接词:compared with/in comparison with(与……比较),on the contrary(正相反), different from(与……不同),in contrast with(相比之下),while(而)等。

(7)表示递进或增补关系的连接词:not only…but also(不但……而且),what's more(而且、更重要的是),what's worse/ worse still(更糟糕的是),besides(此外,还),in addition/moreover/furthermore(此外),on the other hand(另一方面),apart from(除了……之外),including(包括)等。

(8)表示目的的连接词:in order to/to(为了),so that(以便)。

(9)表示因果关系的连接词:because(因为,由于),so/ therefore/ as a result(因此、所以),because of/due to/owing to/ thanks to(多亏、由于),for this reason(由于这个原因)等。


(11)表示总结的连接词:in a word/ in short/ in a few words/ in brief/ briefly(简言之),onthe whole/in all/to sum up/ in summary(总之),generally speaking (一般说来)等。

需注意的是:(1)当连接 3 个及以上的句子时,只在最后 1 个句子前使用连词 and(和),否则容易造成结构与意义的混乱。(2)汉英 2 种语言中都有表示因果和让步的连词,但在用法上有所不同。在汉语中,表示因果的连词 "因为、由于(because)"与"所以、因此(so)"、表示让步的连词"虽然、尽管(though)"与"但是(but)"是要同时用的。但在英语中,当表达"因为/由于……所以/因此"的因果关系,以及表达"虽然/尽管……但是"的让步关系时,在 1 个句子中是不能同时用 2 个连词的,只能用其中 1 个连词。

3 结语





《红楼梦》中“香菱学诗”这一故事中黛玉道:“正是这个道理, 词句究竟还是末事,第一立意要紧。若意趣真了,连词句不用修饰,自是好的, 这叫做不以词害意。”







拒绝平庸还在于在独立精神的指引下,勇于追求新的道路。哈佛大学教授乔治?桑塔亚在讲授最后一课时,窗边突然飞来一只知更鸟。乔治凝视着美丽的鸟,过了好一会儿,面向听众说:“对不起!我与春天有个约定。”说罢,疾步而去。 这是真性情的流露!当我们的眼力能够窥见大美之所在时,我们当勇于突破陈规陈说,迎着我们内心某个遥远的呼唤,走向独一无二的道路。








■简评    面对“绿色生活”的命题,优秀考生的思考,并不停留在对“低碳”、“环保”的无力赞美上,也不作向往陶渊明式隐居生活的无病呻吟,而是紧贴现实,立足未来,由生态到心灵,在绿色生活的内涵上作了深度的开掘。正如文中所述,提倡绿色生活,并不意味着要逃离现实、重返原始,因为“我们不可能逆转潮流使现有文明倒退”;提倡绿色生活,不只是珍视保护身边来之不易的绿色环境,更是要执着追寻体现生命本真的心灵的自我救赎。这位考生深刻、独到的解读,高人一筹,给我们以诸多的启迪。





? 关注民生,身无半文却心忧天下。

? 构建和谐社会,形成良好的社会风气。

? 改造国民性,形成优良的民族精神。

? 生命平等,人与自然万物和谐共生。

? 创造积极向上的优美的时代文化

? 追求心灵世界的充实和谐

? 求真崇善,表现对美好事物的肯定和追求






























