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2015-07-08 09:13 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知
【分 类 号】f52
【分 类 名】外贸经济、国际贸易
【 标 题】论wto框架内贸易保护体系之重建
【 作 者】陈东
【作者简介】陈东(1976-),男,杭州商学院国经系硕士研究生。杭州商学院国经系 杭州 310035
【摘 要 题】wto论坛
【英文摘要】"access to the wto"makes china draw nearer toward the trade liberalization,but"access to the wto"makes china's original tariff wall-centred trade protectionism collapse gradually,china has to rebuild a new trade protection system within the wto framework in order to face the international competition.through analyzing various trade protection policy and china's state situation,this article brings forward the point of view about setting up a comprehensive trade protection system which is centred on the direct management barrier.
【关 键 词】贸易保护/贸易自由化/入世/直接管理壁垒
  trade protection/trade liberalization/access to the wto/direct management barrier
【 正 文】
  中图分类号:f740 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-1007(2002)11-0022-03
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