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Abstract Accounting supervision in accordance with the relevant national laws, regulations, rules and regulations on accounting work control, and use the correct accounting information to a comprehensive and integrated coordination of economic activity, control, supervise and urge to improve the quality of accounting information and economic efficiency . In the new situation under the current economic operation mechanisms, the establishment of modern enterprise system, accounting supervision, a lot of changes in accounting supervision aspects there are many problems can not be : accounting supervision, basic functions, professional ethics, legal environment







原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。





Accounting supervision in accordance with the relevant law is law, regulations and rules of the accounting work to control, and use the right will plan for economic activities information comprehensive, comprehensive coordination, control, monitor and sup谢谢采纳…

[Summary] Chinese vocabulary of contemporary scholars have made unremitting level of exploration and excellence in research, while significant achievements, but in terms of research has been limited to the vocabulary level of the division. Limit the scope of the study vocabulary , severely limits our understanding of the Chinese vocabulary in today's diverse, humane society, we can not have been limited to the vocabulary level of division of the Department should simply focus on, promote research and theory building of Chinese words to make the development of a breakthrough. on multi-dimensional perspective and highlights the interaction between man and the theme of living space, to establish multi-objective understanding of human nature and the prominent presence of the highest goal, to develop more ideas and highlight the "cognitive - to explain - Culture - Philosophy "the basic idea, a new attempt of the Chinese vocabulary study Key words :Chinese vocabulary; vocabulary study; structure of thinking


Today's Guizhou, was still living together a out of the ordinary Han Nationality community - - - camp site person. Here person secluded from the world life, still has been scrupulously following at this point the Ming Dynasty culture which and the life custom its generation inherits, forms today to be characteristic “the camp site culture”. And, is in vogue in the camp site region one kind of folk drama - - plays, is in the camp site culture the most noticeable part. It by its rough, bold artistic individuality and profound cultural connotation, depth camp site person's welcome, in 600 year vicissitudes change, has become camp site person's one spiritual reposing and the spiritual symbol gradually. 关键词:Camp site culture ,Plays

Since 1978, the resumption of university entrance examination, students on college students as the highest pursuit of post-graduate institutions of higher learning will be able to win the "golden rice." In order to improve the quality of the entire national, state colleges and universities in 1998, "merged", the expansion of enrollment in higher education from "elite education" to "mass education" into the past, "God's favored city" has become an extraordinary community, with the colleges and universities around the year-on-year expansion, the employment of university students have become increasingly conspicuous, especially in the current global financial crisis, under the influence can not be optimistic about the employment situation of university students, of course, but also by the central authorities, the State Council and the general concern of the community. Taking an overview of the status quo of China's university students, employment situation, social problems has risen for the near future, the CPC Central Committee and State Council issued a series of preferential policies for university students to encourage college students to entrepreneurship and grass-roots form of exercise to alleviate the social problems of employment of university students. 关键词:China's college students, the employment situation and the status quo, social issues, causes and countermeasures analysis

我认同他的答案:交际能力Ability of communication /communicative ability 语言能力capability of language/linguistic competence /language competence 理解能力ability of comprehension 文化差异 cultral diversity 差异diversity/difference信息传播 information spreadin/ dissemination of information



[Summary] Chinese vocabulary of contemporary scholars have made unremitting level of exploration and excellence in research, while significant achievements, but in terms of research has been limited to the vocabulary level of the division. Limit the scope of the study vocabulary , severely limits our understanding of the Chinese vocabulary in today's diverse, humane society, we can not have been limited to the vocabulary level of division of the Department should simply focus on, promote research and theory building of Chinese words to make the development of a breakthrough. on multi-dimensional perspective and highlights the interaction between man and the theme of living space, to establish multi-objective understanding of human nature and the prominent presence of the highest goal, to develop more ideas and highlight the "cognitive - to explain - Culture - Philosophy "the basic idea, a new attempt of the Chinese vocabulary study Key words :Chinese vocabulary; vocabulary study; structure of thinking

交际能力Ability of communication /communicative ability 语言能力capability of language/linguistic competence /language competence 理解能力ability of comprehension 文化差异 cultral diversity 差异diversity/difference信息传播 information spreadin/ dissemination of information

Of the cultivation of intercultural communication competence has become the 21 st century the teaching goal of college English teaching. Ability to cross-cultural communication is the social culture and language ability of fusion. Of the cultivation of intercultural communication competence should combine language teaching, pay attention to culture quality improvement and the dual cultural understanding ability. International business English interpreter special attention should be paid to in cross-cultural communication with their foreign cultural differences, and try to make these differences in interpretation process disappear, and at the same time in reproducing in the receptor language. In today's world, science and technology advance by leaps and bounds, the tide of economic globalization surges, information dissemination changes with each new day, the world of cross-cultural communication between more and more frequent, translation as a cross-cultural communication bridge are playing a more and more important role.



Its forming is the culture of the folk music in this specific natural environment, based on people daily material productive labor, the cultural life of the society is a carrier, and a kind of culture phenomenon that the accumulation produce progressively.

The "Mediation" of dispute resolutions has a long history in China, embodies the traditional legal culture of pursuing the basic spirit of natural harmony. However, the judge mandatory mediation,the mediation principle is unreasonable, lack of supervision and other abuse influencing the mediation system to be effectively conducted. The reason is that the judge does not stand in a neutral position to mediate, the mediation system is flawed. Therefore, t is necessary to further consummate mediation system, thus favorable to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties, to promote harmonious society construction. 翻到一半我才看见跟楼上的差不多,那个,你采纳楼上的好了。。不过我是读法律的,英国法律,解纷=dispute resolutions法院调解=mediation of court中立调解=neutral mediation调解监督=supervision of mediation有时间的话,加我交流下QQ1209364826

Abstract:There is still a distinctive Han nationality, Tunbao people, who live together in Guizhou today. People here, living an unsocial reclusive life, still keep the cultures and customs of Ming Dinasty from generation to generation,and form the unique Tunbao Culture. In this culture, Dixi, a folk opera preveiling in Tunbao region, is the most noticeable part. It wins Tunbao people’s affection for its rough, riot art character, and profound cultural meaning, and becomes gradually a spiritual carrier and symbol of Tunbao people in the great change of 600 years. Key words: Tunbao people, Tunbao culture, Dixi Opera

我帮你好的 vb


问题一:论文摘要及关键词的英语翻译 Abstract: At present, real estate is one of the most indispensible industries. Land Appreciation Tax, being as a taxation lever of state macro-control upon real estate industry, plays an import role in regulating the appreciation ine of real estate enterprises and restraining investment impulse. Land Appreciation Tax is powerful in guaranteeing the equitable distribution of ine and improving the sound development of real estate. Tax authorities at any level are demanded to implement the State Council’s notice and essence, attach great importance to the collection and management of Land Appreciation Tax, reinforce the tax liquidation and enhance tax regulation, meanwhile, bining pre-requisition system and enterprise system. Key Words: Land Appreciation Tax, Land Appreciation Tax Liquidation, Land Appreciation Tax pre-requisition. 问题二:毕业论文 关键词怎么写 什么意思 首先对文献进行主题分析,弄清该文的主题概念和中心内容; 尽可能从题名、摘要、层次标题和正文的重要段落中抽出与主题概念一致的词和词组; 对所选出的词进行排序,对照叙词 表找出哪些词可以直接作为叙词标引,哪些词可以通过规范化变为叙词,哪些叙词可以组配成专指主题概念的词组; 还有相当数量无法规范为叙词的词,只要是表达主题概念所必需的 ,都可作为自由词标引并列入关键词。 问题三:论文中的关键词和英文摘要题目格式怎么会一致 日.区里面的李叔叔,张阿姨都来看望亮亮,并 且拿了一个蛋糕和好好心人捐助的钱.虽然不怎么多,但是毕竟是人们的一份心意啊!亮亮看到他妈妈来 便用央求的语气问他妈妈:“妈妈,我到底得了什么病?我真的好想去学校上学,和同学们一起玩.”妈 妈也说:“你的病马上就要好了,马上就可以读书了.”亮亮对着生日蛋糕许了一个愿,张阿姨问他许了 什么愿,他笑着说:“我希望这里的小朋友都能摆脱病魔,

论文翻译格式为:中文部分【摘要】(小五号黑体,加粗)摘要内容采用小五号楷体,加粗;英文部分英abstract: 内容五号“times new roman”,加粗。key words: 内容五号“times new roman”,加粗,关键词间隔,请使用分号“;”。











