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[ Abstract ] in recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy, the world industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, people living environment bring great pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of environmental protection. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, to environmental protection as the characteristics of the concept of green consumption is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is also gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and to propose the countermeasure and the suggestion, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.

abstract: "fairy tale poet" "stream islands events" are the symbol of gucheng leaving us a deep thinking inside. He used poem forming a fairy tale castle but finnaly destroyed by homeless passage articulate the reason of it from the ideal and love in the poem

Duty is paid to the price of civilized society, and it is the main material basis for every country's existence and operation, also the public services and merchandise provided by a civilized society we can enjoy; and hence this will make contribution to the promotion of human dignity and facilitating all-round development. Paying taxes legally is the weapon of protecting a state's financial stability, the keys to protecting the rights of taxpayers and safeguarding national stability and social security. It is also the presentation of a country's protection of human rights. Paying taxes and expending taxes legally should be a two-pronged approach, which will thereupon facilitate the whole democratic taxpaying system, the rule of law and the tax revenue and the protection of human rights development eventually. Key words: tax superintendence, open finance

In recent years, with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of economy in the world, of industrialized process accelerate ceaselessly, to the people's living environment brought enormous pollution and destruction. People began to realize the importance of protecting the environment. But in our country, with the continuous improvement of people's living standard, more and more people begin to pay attention to environmental protection, pay attention to the environment, the harmony of economy and society, the strategy of sustainable development has been widely recognized by the whole society. Therefore, with the characteristics of environmental protection of green consumption concept is affecting contemporary people's consumption behavior, green marketing is a new marketing concept is gradually accepted by the majority of food production enterprises. Carry out green marketing, pay attention to the natural ecological balance, reduce environmental pollution has become the inevitable choice of modern enterprises, the enterprises to participate in market competition, also be the premise condition. In this paper, Mengniu Group as an example, for our enterprises to implement green marketing present situation carries on the thorough discussion, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions, for our enterprises to implement green marketing, sustainable development. Has the extremely important strategic sense.


In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the industrulazation of the world is growing in rapid speed, which has brought much pollution and destruction to the environment we live in. People begin to realize the importance of protecting the environment. Likewise, in our country, with the enhance of people’s living standard, more and more people are becoming aware of environment protecting. The awareness of the harmony of environment ,economy and society, along with the strategy of sustainable development is as well widely gaining more and more approval from societies from all over the world. Thus, the green cosuming concept featuring in protecting the environment is affecting contemporaries’ comsuming. Moreover, the new marketing concept of green marketing is also gradually accepted by many food producting companies. Carrying out green marketing, paying attention to the nature and the ecological balance as well as reducing enviromental pollutions has altogether become the certain choice for contemporary companies and the premise for partcipating in Market competitions. Using the example of Mengniu Dairy, our article has not only gone deep into the discussion of China’s recent situation of carrying out the green marketing but also raise solutions and suggestions .What we have put down is of great strategic significance for China’s action of carrying out the green marketing and realizing sustainable development.按你的要求给你翻译了哦~~~绝对亲手翻译,很辛苦的T T希望对你有帮助哦O(∩_∩)O~

za 加分的啊?

毕业设计不会做,抄也要讲究方法作为一个已经毕业了的大学生,在做毕业设计的过程中,无论是设计成果的研究还是毕业论文的撰写,不可回避的一个问题就是抄袭。作为一个过来人,我想说的是,做毕业设计难免会有抄袭的现象,但是一定要掌握方法,千万不要盲目的抄完了事,那样做是非常危险的。有的同学看都不看就抄到论文上去了,有的同学拿着别人做完的东西都不研究一下就参加答辩去了。我就听过一个活生生、血淋淋的例子——老师问:“你这段代码是什么意思?”答:“我不知道。”老师又问下一段代码,又不知道,老师问:“这是你做的吗?”答:“不是,老师给的。”其结果可想而知了。你们想想,那些东西都是往届毕业生做出来的,老师们能看不出来吗?掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,大家都是成年人,我想不用多说了吧。大家在完成毕业设计的过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的现实性困难,成果做不出来了怎么办?论文写不出来了怎么办?外文文献不会翻译怎么办?其实这都好办,世界上再难的技术也是人做出来,没有成果就找个现成的东西;论文写不出来就多看几本书,多引用书里的内容;外文水平不高就用翻译软件。总之一句话,你有张良计,我有过墙梯,物竟天择,适者生存。文章转自 众赏文库 毕业设计论文,专业文档下载

Abstract: The land consolidation in improving the quality of cultivated land, improve the ecological environment and promote economic restructuring has played a positive role. Land development and success of the project is feasible or determined by its effectiveness, the establishment of land development project benefit evaluation model to enrich the theory and guide land development land development project of great significance. Article not only benefit evaluation of land consolidation on the domestic and international research status of the analysis, but also on Land Consolidation Evaluation Index System of the research progress of inquiry, and from the economic, social and ecological benefits of the three aspects of China's land consolidation benefits Research evaluation methods were discussed. The article points out the effectiveness of the current evaluation of land consolidation trends and benefits of land consolidation in the evaluation of the problems encountered and deficiencies. Key words: land consolidation; benefit evaluation; index system




一般不要求很专业啊 把意思说清楚就好了 我是去年毕业的 本科论文英文摘要就是自己琢磨着翻译的 借助电子词典 也不算很难




Abstract: For any information system, no matter how perfect its safety controlling function is, not matter how safe its operational environment is, there bound to be some areas of hidden risks. Based on the characteristics of the current internet accounting information system and the current level of popularity of informational technology in China, this paper analyses the present weaknesses in safety of such internet accounting information system and their roots; it also gives some specific suggestions in terms of people's quality, technological methodology, legislative management nad internal management. Key words: Internet accounting information system, hidden safety risk, strategies

Title: In the ointment of diosgenin and Smilax saponin Identification of Erdong GaoAbstract: Objective: Cream of the Erdong in the chemical composition of a preliminary study. Method: macroporous resin adsorption chromatography, column chromatography and gel column chromatography glucan combination of methods to separate. Results: Plaster from the winter of chloroform isolated two compounds, through physical and chemical properties and spectral analysis of its structure identified as diosgenin and Smilax saponin. Conclusion: explored and the Isolation method is simple and easy. Key words: Erdong Gao,Erdong cream, diosgenin saponin, Smilax saponin, Isolation太专业了。的确让人头大。终于棒你翻译出来了!二冬膏我查了下,一般只有拼音名的,所以这里也沿用。

Topic: In two winter paste Chinese yam soap glucoside Yuan Heba qia soap glucoside Yuan separation appraisal abstract: Goal: Conducts the preliminary study to in two winter paste chemical : Uses the method which the pocket resin adsorption chromatography, the silica gel column chromatographic analysis law as well as the glucosan gelatin column chromatographic analysis unifies to carry on the : The separation obtains two compound from two winter paste chloroform level, through physics and chemistry nature and spectrum analysis its structure appraisal for Chinese yam soap glucoside Yuan Heba qia soap glucoside : Tried to find out separation method simple, easy line.

Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status.






Research of ...(对于XXX的研究);

Study on...(基于XXX的研究);

Design of...(关于XXX的设计);

Research and Application of...(XXX的研究与运用)



1、摘要: Abstract(第一行居中)


语态:一般为被动语态(The research is consisted with five parts...“本论文包括五个部分”。)

时态:目的用将来时(The purpose of the research is to...);方法和结果用过去时(The research method was.../It was showed that...);结论用一般现在时(The research shows that...)。

第三步:关键词Key words



1、 文字简明扼要:文字必须十分简练,内容需要充分概括









基于此,本文以人文主义理论和建构主义理论为依据,结合初中英语教学实例,从教师,学生,考试制度三个方面分析初中英语教学中学生跨文化意识培养所存在的问题及其成因,并探讨在中学英语教学中培养学生跨文化意识的原则及途径,旨在更加有效的帮助学生培养其跨文化意识,提高学习兴趣,从而提高跨文化交际能力。Based on this, based on the theory of humanism and constructivism, combined with junior English teaching examples, this article analyzes the problems and causes of cross-cultural awareness training among junior middle school students in English teaching from the aspects of teachers, students, and examination systems. The principles and approaches for cultivating students' cross-cultural awareness in English teaching in middle schools are designed to help students develop their cross-cultural awareness more effectively and improve their interest in learning so as to improve their intercultural communicative competence.



Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.

翻译:Study on the Internet Addiction of College Students Society-- the typical casesWith the development of living standard and the and the popularity of the Internet, network and its derivative products into all aspects of people's lives. The emergence of the Internet has brought great convenience for people's work, study and life, but with the Internet resources gradually rich, also brought a series of negative effect. Like a double-edged sword, it provides them with information exchange platform and convenient, but also make many lack the self-control of college students indulging in the network, do not think of learning, no progress, lost self. Now college students has become a universal phenomenon, although the proportion of Internet addiction in college students in the Internet is not very high, but after some research discovery, the problem of Internet Addiction College students are showing a growing trend, the physical and mental development of students had a major impact, the problem of College Students Internet Addiction has become a hot issue of common concern, psychology clinical study of sociology, etc..This paper mainly adopts the methods of analysis and literature research scale, behind the analysis from the personal, family, school, society, and the College Students Internet addiction phenomenon of sociological factors, for the treatment of Internet addiction patients, and prevention of this problem, and provide some opinions and suggestions.大学生网络成瘾:Internet Addiction of College Students社会工作:Social work原因分析:Analysis of the causes of治疗:Treatment希望能给你帮助!


