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Abstract: The Business English Correspondence is in the business environment, the use of correspondence with clients with different cultural backgrounds to communicate cross-cultural behavior. Business English Correspondence in the style and genre has its particularity, its translation is also the translation of the laws of ordinary different, Nida's dynamic equivalence translation theory emphasizes translation effects on and so on, rather than the formal right, etc. This Business English Correspondence found a translation of the theoretical basis to achieve the elimination of cultural barriers to the successful use of correspondence for the purpose of communication. Keywords: Business English Correspondence cultural differences between dynamic equivalence

Today's Guizhou, was still living together a out of the ordinary Han Nationality community - - - camp site person. Here person secluded from the world life, still has been scrupulously following at this point the Ming Dynasty culture which and the life custom its generation inherits, forms today to be characteristic “the camp site culture”. And, is in vogue in the camp site region one kind of folk drama - - plays, is in the camp site culture the most noticeable part. It by its rough, bold artistic individuality and profound cultural connotation, depth camp site person's welcome, in 600 year vicissitudes change, has become camp site person's one spiritual reposing and the spiritual symbol gradually. 关键词:Camp site culture ,Plays

以下答复杜绝机译,请楼主费心审阅。随着社会竞争的激烈,企业面临着前所未有的压力。采购部门作为企业生产运作的一个重要环节,采购绩效已经成为企业提升运营效率的关键因素。因此,现在很多企业都采用采购绩效评估的方式来判断企业自身的实际经营水平,从而改善企业在采购工作中存在的问题,以确保企业目标的实现,进而提高企业经营能力,降低企业经营成本。 With the severity of social competition enterprises are faced with unprecedented press. Procurement department as an important link in the production operation of an enterprise, its procurement performance has become one of the critical factors in enhancing enterprise’s operation efficiency. Therefore many enterprises now use the evaluation of procurement performance as the criterion for judging the practical operation level of the enterprise itself, so as to improve the problems existed in procurement work, ensure the realization of the enterprise targets, and further enhance the operation capability and decrease the operation cost of the enterprise.论文论述了采购绩效评估在现代企业中的重要性,并介绍了一般采购绩效评估的各种指标,同时分析了其存在的各种问题。然后本文以GT公司采购绩效评估指标为例,根据该企业现有采购绩效评估指标存在的诸多问题以及建立一般采购绩效评估指标体系应遵循的原则,提出改进建议,以避免企业在采购绩效评估时出现不合理现象,并利用先进的科学技术来提升采购绩效评估指标体系,保证企业各项工作的正常进行。 This article describes the importance of procurement performance in modern enterprises, introduces various indexes for evaluating procurement performance, and analyzes various problems existed in this field. Then taking the evaluation indexes of procurement performance used in GT company as the example, based on the problems existed in the evaluation indexes of procurement performance of that enterprise and the principles which have to be followed in establishing a general procurement performance evaluation system, this article proposes some improvement measures so as to avoid enterprises from occurring unreasonable phenomena and enhance the procurement performance evaluation system utilizing advanced science and technologies, ensure the work of enterprises to be carried out normally. 关键词:采购绩效;采购成本;绩效评估;供应商;Key Words: procurement performance; procurement cost; performance evaluation; supplier

Abstract:There is still a distinctive Han nationality, Tunbao people, who live together in Guizhou today. People here, living an unsocial reclusive life, still keep the cultures and customs of Ming Dinasty from generation to generation,and form the unique Tunbao Culture. In this culture, Dixi, a folk opera preveiling in Tunbao region, is the most noticeable part. It wins Tunbao people’s affection for its rough, riot art character, and profound cultural meaning, and becomes gradually a spiritual carrier and symbol of Tunbao people in the great change of 600 years. Key words: Tunbao people, Tunbao culture, Dixi Opera









毕业论文要写英文摘要的吗 要的,一般毕业论文 标题,中文摘要,英文摘要,中文关键词,英文关键词,目录,正文,参考资料一个都不能少,为了礼貌还要附上感谢,现在论文都快成形式了


Etiquette is a nation in the specific historical conditions and the geographical environment in the development and civilized norms inherited manners, a form of culture is the symbol and embodiment. Western culture in the title and address, meeting, banquet, Ladies first demonstrated in five different liturgical forms. Different national ways of thinking and values differences between Chinese and Western cultural roots etiquette. Use "but different" attitude towards cultural differences and Western etiquette, recognize and respect differences, to explore the interoperability of cultural etiquette, cultural differences contribute to enhance the sensitivity and adaptability of his culture, to improve communication efficiency.


要的,一般毕业论文 标题,中文摘要,英文摘要,中文关键词,英文关键词,目录,正文,参考资料一个都不能少,为了礼貌还要附上感谢,现在论文都快成形式了

"Border Town" is a work of love and warmth, but the author concealed behind a deep sense of tragedy. Filled with the mystery of strange combination of circumstances and a sense of destiny, Shen deliberately evaded or diluted artificial confrontation or conflict, in his novel, involves a lot of misunderstanding, all full of good, but everywhere, is not coincidence. On the surface, should blame the "days", but a careful look, the tragedy is not entirely by accident, of which there must be real social basis. Coupled with the dedication of his own mettle, sensitive and sincere, before the formation of his special sense of the tragedy showed neither sad nor tragic beauty of compassion.

















