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With the rapid development of China, in order to cover more high-rise buildings, through more cars, more and more narrow channel, the original nature of the river and drainage channels are increasingly being squeezed hard surface. As traffic jams, pollution, as the city has become a Chinese city widespread waterlogging pain, and will last a long time. And we learn life's Millennium Jingdezhen porcelain, it is also deeply troubled by this issue. How to solve a series of rain brought by rainwater resource drain, pressing problems of waterlogging disasters, urban ecological damage, traffic congestion, etc., it is very significance, and can have a profound impact. This article focuses on typical problem for Jingdezhen rainwater Huangnitao, how to reduce flood drainage, rainwater utilization other social functions and urban ecological environment and urban landscape combine to achieve high efficiency and low cost to solve the use of rain Hung and casting urban ecological landscape environment design, as well as harm and restore natural drainage system constructed meaning traditional drainage facilities.

【Abstracts】With the economic integration process continued to deepen, the trend of financial globalization has been strengthened, especially in recent years, China's macro-economic development and good high-speed growth in foreign trade, so that the yuan's international influence and importance of increasing at the same time Has been tremendous international pressure to appreciate.【Key words】RMB appreciation of the industrial structure upgrade希望对你有帮助.


Summary: telecom operator billing management system is based on the B/S schema Web software system, adopting the current popular J2EE solution, a successful realization of the rights management, administrative management, price management, user management, account inquiries, billing inquiries, user services, and other functions. Papers mainly discusses permissions management, user management, tariff three modules of the design and implementation. This system of subsystems of access are protected by access control, permissions determine users can perform, such as a user with administrative privileges, the user can execute a user-management operations. The present system has permissions include: users administrative privileges, tariff administrative permissions, administrators manage permissions permission, billing, accounting management permissions, user rights, rights management services. From now on, the system may be extended for new features, but also adds to the new action, this action will correspond to a new kind of permissions; it is also possible to delete an item is no longer used in the operation, so that the corresponding permissions should also be deleted. User management module is the main business of the user account and user account account management. Compared with the first two modules, tariff management module is relatively simple, it is primarily responsible for the user in the business of the tariff.


Abstract -------------- -------------- Enterprise data management system to complete the annual report is a typical database management system, its R & D include the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. For the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, and data security is good, and the need to meet the requirements of higher-level data obtained from the database. As for the maintenance of database applications require full-featured, easy management and maintenance and so on. Software is the future of humanity of the major trends in software, a software is easy to use, fast and efficient operation, and sometimes more than software algorithms are optimized is even more important. Of course, a good software, it must be user-friendly, advanced algorithms. "Enterprise data management system to complete the annual report" on the line with these conditions. After careful screening, I summed up the three characteristics of this software, in a nutshell is that the three "small": • Users in the use of the software process, fewer mouse clicks: The software is all part of the operation of interactive machine has focused on the mouse, the keyboard needs of the steps are basically required to enter data for storage, use when the need to operate the keyboard. Even so, the authors try to make the best or the user's mouse clicks at least reduced. To reduce the user clicks, the best way is to increase the screen display the same amount of information, but can also operate at the same time all the powers and responsibilities within the scope of application. Moreover, the use of the framework, the control lines such as inclusion of the relevant data together, the screen will not allow users to have a chaotic feel content. Fully reflects the characteristics of the software user-friendly. • code less: a large number of settings controls the author attributes to reduce the volume of the program code. The software source code is not the number of rows, such as more than imaginary, and the great length and some are attributes of a list of form controls. Author of a large number of controls will be established with the database connection, thereby reducing the control of events in the code to add the number. Reduction in the number of program code that the author makes full use of object-oriented programming advantages. • less data redundancy: in the database software, the author data in the database through the use of the table marked key information, so that the whole paradigm of the database to reach the second (2NF) standards. Keywords: Annual Report of management, control attributes, user-friendly

Abstract:Since ChinaUniversityEnrollment began inthe latenineteen ninties,college students employment difficult problemarose,in recent years,decreasedinitial employmentrate of university graduates,supply and demand ratiois increased,the employment situation is not optimistic,receivedwidespread attention from all sectors of society,the employment problem ofuniversity studentshas become one ofthe most last outbreak of the financialcrisis sweeping the globe,so that morecollege students employmentdifficult,this paper analyzesthe employment situation of university studentsfrom many aspects,in order tolet the studentsunderstand the currentsocial situation,the employment problemand thus a better solutionKeywords:Reason and Countermeasuresof difficult employment for University StudentsThe characteristics ofthe largestemployment of college students isthe totalincrease ingraduates,high,andemployment situation ofwhole andnot improved the status quois contradictory,the difficult employment of college studentshasbecome an indisputable fact,investigate its reason,mainly is thedislocation oftalent supply andmarket demand,and thegraduates'Comprehensive toimprove the quality of personnel training,is the key tosolvethe difficult problem ofemployment of university students difficult employmentsituationoftalent gapsolution

Abstract:In summing up the previous research papers on the basis of information through data collection, data analysis, a formation backstripping law (Backstrippingmethod) of the study area seven representative profile for the basin restoration of buried history, on the basis of this structure in the area Evolution for analysis. By analyzing a number of seismic profiles, described Tg7-Tg of the earthquake sequence and the reflection characteristics of geological significance, on various floors of the formation of the distribution. Layered described Cambrian - the Triassic formation, with the period of tectonic events on the sedimentary layers and structural features several important period of formation is not integrated interface, and Tajikistan low uplift tectonic evolution into paleouplift a period ( As early as the late Ordovician), paleouplift stereotypes period (late Ordovician late), the uplift of ancient period (Silurian Period to the Devonian), partial adjustment period (late Hercynian) in four phases. At the same time period the main structural style was analyzed. Papers further study of the work area and tectonic evolution of the relationship between oil and gas accumulation, Ordovician oil and gas exploration in the Tarim Basin is the main purpose of layers. Research shows that: the main source Depression, the Tarim Basin in the Cambrian an Ordovician, the first distribution of the reservoir basin structural framework and system control oil and gas, followed by the source-portfolio, integrated fault and not control. Ⅰ fracture in the tower of the study area of oil and gas accumulation effect Obviously, the fault is the major oil and gas migration channels.


Abstract -------------- -------------- Enterprise data management system to complete the annual report is a typical database management system, its R & D include the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. For the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, and data security is good, and the need to meet the requirements of higher-level data obtained from the database. As for the maintenance of database applications require full-featured, easy management and maintenance and so on. Software is the future of humanity of the major trends in software, a software is easy to use, fast and efficient operation, and sometimes more than software algorithms are optimized is even more important. Of course, a good software, it must be user-friendly, advanced algorithms. "Enterprise data management system to complete the annual report" on the line with these conditions. After careful screening, I summed up the three characteristics of this software, in a nutshell is that the three "small": • Users in the use of the software process, fewer mouse clicks: The software is all part of the operation of interactive machine has focused on the mouse, the keyboard needs of the steps are basically required to enter data for storage, use when the need to operate the keyboard. Even so, the authors try to make the best or the user's mouse clicks at least reduced. To reduce the user clicks, the best way is to increase the screen display the same amount of information, but can also operate at the same time all the powers and responsibilities within the scope of application. Moreover, the use of the framework, the control lines such as inclusion of the relevant data together, the screen will not allow users to have a chaotic feel content. Fully reflects the characteristics of the software user-friendly. • code less: a large number of settings controls the author attributes to reduce the volume of the program code. The software source code is not the number of rows, such as more than imaginary, and the great length and some are attributes of a list of form controls. Author of a large number of controls will be established with the database connection, thereby reducing the control of events in the code to add the number. Reduction in the number of program code that the author makes full use of object-oriented programming advantages. • less data redundancy: in the database software, the author data in the database through the use of the table marked key information, so that the whole paradigm of the database to reach the second (2NF) standards. Keywords: Annual Report of management, control attributes, user-friendly

In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






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目的 方法 结果 结论









Is part of the vocabulary of idioms, its distinguishing characteristics are fixed with fixed structural form of expression of significance. But with the rise in frequency of use of idioms and speed of information transmission, increasingly prominent problems of semantic variation of idioms. This article defines the idiom semantic variation of standard, enumerated types of semantic variation of idioms, semantic variation of semantic variation analysis of idioms and idiom are reasons of public acceptance of and respect for the languages on the basis of reality, re-examining the semantic variation of idioms.

In the Chinese market economy system of perfect gradually and personnel system reform, college graduates also further by the former national bag distributive changed into talent market, execute self-dependent career choice, two-way choice. Students think graduates employment, the whole process often become very important for an interview by the necessary one level. Want to fierce job hunting competition seek to their ideal position, break through the interview shut are particularly important. I personally think graduate needs thorough understanding of contemporary the profound meaning of the interview. It is the accepting unit personnel recruitment procedures important segment. It is mainly through the interviewee applicant with the formal talk to applicant, in order to achieve the business knowledge level, appearance poise, work experience, to apply for a job motivation, expressing ability, development potential, reaction ability, individual hobby etc form relatively objective understanding, familiar with, to decide whether to hire the judgement of the candidates with the decision-making process. The interview form agile diversity, general the interviewer is two-way communication, the applicant with a different number of contrast, interview process take the question and answer form, ask questions are generally by the interviewer design ahead of good questions group, or the applicant with a conversation in the random questions. No matter what forms and modes, the purpose is to comprehensive study and understand the basic quality. This paper discusses the recruitment concept, and the meaning of a job interview, analyzes the characteristics of a job interview, finally, it introduces the design of a job interview, including interview system flow, interview questions design and common interview mistakes. Individual students think interviews are the most frequently used recruitment selection tool. Interview have other method incomparable advantages, it can make a recruiter opportunity to directly contact applicant, judge whether the applicant work with enthusiasm and wit, still can evaluate the facial expressions, instruments and emotional control ability, etc, thus obtains the direct-viewing understanding and eventually decide if you can offer. So, many enterprises in hire employees, before an interview with the applicant is very necessary.

Tang period, and Li and that "Gemini" is the reality of the poet Du Fu. His poetry reflects a deep wide Tang Tang at the turn of the political turmoil and social life, especially to the "three officials", "three other" realistic narrative technique called the most that they are quite Du Fu's poems two sets of outstanding poems, is the light works through the ages. In this paper, to the "three officials", "three other" Yuefu new title as the breakthrough point, respectively, on: the changing institutional Yuefu - Han Dynasty "old old question," Cao three periods of "An Old Topic thing "and Du Fu's first" new title of the new things ";" poem "" history "of change - the poetry of Du Fu's poetry is to write history as the carrier; Finally, the" three officials "," three other "as an example to sum up title of the new features Yuefu; content, the performance of the form, writing practices, the language and wide-ranging evidence of Du Fu's this group of great historical role in the sequence. Key words: sense of change in Yuefu dirge, geopolitical issues and current affairs since written to be made the subject "切事alexithymia" "noted co verse" Yuefu characteristics of the new proposition due to Italy, nothing to fall back on


翻译软件翻出来的你也要啊?Rural residential land reclamation is to solve the waste of rural residential land, poor living environment and the important measures to increase the area of cultivated land, but land management mode choice and land reclamation potential analysis and calculation is the foundation of the rural residential renovation study in chifeng city KaLaQinQi, for example, in the villages and towns, in the social and economic conditions and rural residential land, on the basis of investigation and analysis, through policy analysis, literature research on rural residential renovation related theory, policy and system analysis, and with the aid of on-the-spot investigation, statistical analysis and GIS, from the natural geographical conditions, social economic conditions and land use structure in zhejiang province were introduced from the aspects such as Wu Xing area, and the KaLaQinQi patterns of rural residential land regulation and control potential analysis and calculation, for towns of rural settlements renovation potential and potential KaLaQinQi rural residential renovation mode is divided into the model of urbanization lead ZhongXinCun mode, construction type,。Ace internal control and the model of the whole relocation, and the specific implementation of the management mode to the administrative words: rural residential renovation; Renovation potential; Management mode; KaLaQinQi; Land renovation plan你看咋个样。

With the modern scientific and technological progress, economic development, advertising culture more and more by the region's popular culture and people's way of life, consumer psychology and other factors. Bobo culture is divided into social classes to describe the form and characteristics of Bobo culture embodied in the current new wave of lifestyle and family values. Bobos in emerging sectors of the society will soon become a mainstream consumer groups. Life as a concept has a unique consumer groups, and their attitude towards life, values have slowly infiltrated into their consumption patterns and consumer behavior, the consumption of this unique concept has gradually become a popular culture affects our lives. Bobo cultural charm of its unique culture of local advertising in particular, demands a change in the way advertising and advertising strategy of innovation performance has had a major impact. In this paper, Bobo Bobos culture and to study the object, through the analysis of the social strata of the social status, lifestyle, spending habits and so on to the ball to reveal the spread of culture in the process of advertising the specific application. Key words: Bobo culture; Bobos; consumer behavior; the way advertising appeals; ad performance strategy

Abstract: The prevalence of teacher burnout, should arouse our attention. Analysis according to the causes of teacher burnout, it is necessary to see the harm, especially to find teachers to prevent and eliminate burnout effective measures in order to achieve improve the overall quality of teachers, the full purpose of improving the quality of education.


