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1、巧取一隅:对于复杂的事件,还可以只表现它的一个小小的局部,把更多的部分留给别人去写。这样写 虽有不够完整之嫌,写好了也不乏新鲜感。把一个局部强调出来,本身就有些出人意料,立 意不俗,就容易吸引读者。

2、选材典型:选择典型事件或典型材料进行报道,可以起到一以当十的作用。人们 通过典型事件,能够举一反三,由个别见出一般,由现象认识本质。典型事件未必就是重大 事件,有些事件虽小,却有代表性,能够反映同类事物的共同特点和规律,那也是典型事件 。


4、跳跃组合:记叙文叙述事件,一般都要沿着设定的线索,或时间顺序,或空间顺序,井然有序地向前推 进。凡有转折处,则要安排过渡段、过渡句或关联词语架桥铺路,实现文脉的贯通。而在新 闻写作中,有时为了压缩篇幅,干脆取消过渡语句,直接把不同角度、不同阶段的事实一条 条摆出来,段与段之间有着明显的断裂,这就是跳跃组合。




四种新闻写作常用类型,一消息,二通讯 三特写,四专访方法有基本上都是用白描写法,采用各种修辞手法。还有一种专业的新闻写作手法叫新闻跳笔 1消息是新闻文体中的主要形式之一,是传播媒体向社会输出新鲜信息的重要载体,也是公众获取新闻的主要来源。它以简洁的文字迅速传播新近变动的事实、包括新近发生的事实、某些将要变动的事实。消息是目前最广泛、最经常用的一种报道形式消息的写作格式主要成分:标题——导语——主体——结语2通讯,是运用叙述、描写、抒情、议论等多种手法,具体、生动、形象地反映新闻事件或典型人物的一种新闻报道形式。它是记叙文的一种,是报纸、广播电台、通讯社常用的文体。一般来说,通讯有五大特点: (1)严格的真实性。(2)报道的客观性。(3)较弱的时间性。(相对新闻消息而言)(4)描写的形象性。(5)议论色彩较浓。通讯一般分为人物通讯、事件通讯、概貌通讯、工作通讯、主题通讯3 新闻特写是区别于消息与通讯和一种体裁。它摄取新闻事实中最富有特征和表现力的片断,通过多种表现手法做具有强烈视觉及情感效果的着力刻画,使其产生立体感,从而更集中、突出地表现新闻事实和主题。特写的特点(1)生动而集中地再现场景与人物。(2)渲染与烘托气氛,形成视觉——神经——情感——思维的感应过程。(3)透视全局。4.专访



The most recent decades, the world's all kinds of unexpected events that have taken place in public, our country is the most serious natural disasters, emergencies have become more frequent in one of the countries. "Statistics show that: in our country each year by natural disasters, accidents, disasters and emergencies, such as social security incidents caused by public events more than one million casualties, overall economic losses of up to 650 billion yuan, accounting for 6% of domestic GDP. Only in 2004, China for sudden public events on the casualties caused by more than one million people, 450 billion yuan in direct economic losses. "① Wenchuan 8 earthquake, the Government's quick response to disaster relief, actively involved in real-time public information and open to international attention; the Chinese people tremendous disaster in the face of the brilliant flashes of humanity, the world gasped in admiration; media coverage of real-time, comprehensive depth, as well as reports of people-oriented perspective, but also the news media to be seen as a turning point. , is not only a painful anniversary of the earthquake, but also should be an open day information quickly, hoping to spread some news from the change in the concept, and rewrite a number of media theory. First, media reports timely, comprehensive, three-dimensional, multi-level, confidential disaster in history The past, in order to create a situation of social stability in the face of major disasters, governments at all levels are accustomed to "the Song", not to tell the public the truth; media by "pan-politicize" the concept of the impact of propaganda and conservative media system constraints, the "news disaster" as "negative news", reported the disaster instinctively choose silence or wait and see. Such as Zhejiang Province in March 1994 Qiandao 32 Taiwanese tourists were killed by the case of robbery, domestic media reported the delay; Nanjing Tangshan in 2002 poisoning incident information is neither timely nor sufficient; shocked the country's Guangxi Nandan mine, if not forcibly intervene in the media, the truth is almost concealed. At the same time, reports in the disaster, the death toll from the disaster, the rescue is also confidential information have become, and the delay in disaster relief, disasters lead to panic, but also international human rights organizations have often been questioned. recent violence in Lhasa, the government and media still wait and see the missed opportunity for information disclosure, leading to false rumors, or even malicious rumors flying sky, even then the best efforts of our public information, are damage has been difficult to restore the country's image and media image. In social life, disasters often unexpected ways, to the enormous personal and social damage and the impact. Last a very long period of time, China's media reported that catastrophic events of the basic characteristics are: 1. Generality newsletter; 2. Low-key layout; 3. The choice of the main report, often the party and the government acts on disaster relief As reported by the Center; 4. the lack of depth of coverage of the disaster, background reports, continuous coverage. When disasters occur, the media often appears only in the process of cold relief figures, followed by a lengthy list of local officials the names of the size of the disaster event itself reports sometimes mean to ignore the five W (who, where , when, what, why) the extent, or even the number of casualties also non-disclosure. Some administrators believe that disaster means that the "smearing" can not refrain from reporting on the reports, to cover up when not on the length of the media reports and reports to control the scale, dilute the degree of social concern. In this concept of domination, a number of disasters has become the first non-news tail, regardless of primary and secondary, or direct religious ties, the "tragedy" Evolution forced to deal with the party and government for the disaster, "carol." Sudden Wenchuan earthquake, so that the lives of hundreds of millions of people suddenly pale, but did not cause social panic, a very important reason is that the information in a timely and full disclosure. In the face of great disaster, the Government and the media have learned a lesson and learn to race with the rumors. The Government responded quickly and effectively, the media reported that the full and timely, transparent and comprehensive information, with the Tangshan earthquake in 1976 to form a huge difference between the news blackout. Less than 10 minutes after the earthquake, the State Seismological Bureau on the speedy adoption of the Xinhua News Agency released the news to the community, and promptly released the information was felt all over; Central Television is the first interruption of the broadcast other programs, to start immediately with the earthquake disaster relief live; The next day, "People's Daily" and have to start all over the newspapers on the situation of the disaster and disaster relief multi-page, three-dimensional, multi-level reporting; major web sites to update the disaster and relief-to-date information. On this day, let us also felt bitter that pleased: big disaster before disaster information timely, open and transparent so that we can overcome the disaster in more self-confident, more calm and more of one mind. Second, disaster coverage to people-centered, thoroughly abandon the "pan-politicization" of the promotional concept From the news media's point of view, a disaster incident, the incident itself, the victims of the situation, the Government or the community are the relief actions taken by most people want to know, as a society from the vantage of the news media should meet the people's knowledge of the information right. It can be said that news reports focus on aspects which embodies the values of news media, the media functions and social roles, as well as government, media and public relations. Before the disaster, "carol" type of reports, is not only inconsistent with people's psychological needs, but also violates the concept of people-oriented. From a psychological point of view, natural disaster events, the existence of social and human status of the destruction of constancy, it is a result of catastrophic events on the surface of information (what happened) and the deep information (why) have a strong cognitive psychological needs, in order to adjust the existing cognitive structure, to maximize awareness of the elimination of uncertainty, with the natural environment, social environment, human values and re-integration of the environment. Therefore, "whether natural or social disasters, it will give people a tremendous psychological impact and power, the incident itself and the impact will undoubtedly have a high news value, can easily arouse the audience's desire for news. "② If the disaster to ignore news reports on the disaster in urgent need of public awareness of social and psychological, to conceal or distort the event, played down the impact of disasters, not only the victims of disasters and their relatives can not accept, the general public would not accept, and ultimately lead to rumors and affect the image of the government and social stability. News of the disaster, from the public level, there are two main cognitive: the general audience to accept them as the main body of the urgent news about the disaster situation; disaster victims and their relatives, their main identity of the particular parties, but would like to know the real situation of all events and every detail. If only the general audience away from a comparison of the psychological distance and look at the macro level to a disaster incident, then, for disaster victims and their relatives, they are based on personal experience and a very concrete reality the interests of gains and losses, to bear this disaster. Therefore, disaster news reports should be concerned about the disaster event itself, followed by concern about the victims and their relatives, and finally the Government arising from acts or social behavior. The earthquake is reported, the media to meet the audience's attention on catastrophic events, and more emphasis on reports of the disaster event itself, but also pay more attention to the lives of individuals, especially the survival of vulnerable groups, and lead to people's sympathy and love. Such reports not only failed to weaken the ruling party and government leadership of the dominant position earthquake relief, but also more determined the people's faith in socialism, the ruling party and the government's trust. Third, the full disclosure of information to protect the public's right to know, should be a normal news coverage and institutional arrangements Economics of information tells us that there will be some reason why rumors of the market, mainly because of information asymmetry. When disasters occur, people naturally will have a psychological need to capture information, especially those who lack of information. At this point, the rumors will get a chance to step to meet this demand. , product marketing bone destruction" is summed up on the previous rumors of mass destruction. The time of the incident in the disaster, the destruction not only for the individual against society, but also for the harm to society as a whole. Because the rumors of people able to have a significant psychological and emotional disturbances affect the capacity of people's rational judgments, resulting in confusion and affect social stability. In the "pan-politicization" of the traditional way of thinking under the influence of news reports are often used to gloss, gloss over their mistakes. Reports of disasters, including air, sea, explosions, accidents, fires, earthquakes, floods, especially by micro-organisms (bacteria, virus)-induced health incidents, poisoning, caused by radioactive elements such as public safety incident, the relevant departments are often keep the ban. Resistance in many media, it is also only for those involved in hot topics of concern to millions of households, big small, trivial matters of the best to cover up the truth to the public. With this kind of "pan-politicization" of the spread of the concept of disaster news coverage will inevitably lead to a disaster to cover up the incident, which itself is a violation of the law of press reports. To cover up the truth to the public the results, it is rumors, disorder, and panic, the media and the decline in the credibility of the Government. At present, more than 50 countries have established a system of open government information, "International Covenants on Human Rights" has the right to know as a basic human right. In recent years, China has accelerated the pace of information disclosure from the legal establishment of disaster information disclosure system and open system of government information. Early 2003 SARS epidemic, the competent authorities will still be treated as a political issue, trying to report on the outbreak of the news reports of "pounded." Absence and silence the media, the public did not know, rumors, panic buying, the outside world to question, so that the social crisis into a SARS epidemic. Later, the central requirement of the truth in the media reports on disease prevention knowledge, the daily briefing outbreak, including the confirmed cases, suspected cases, deaths. Have all announced the truth, great to meet the public's right to know and quickly stabilize the people's minds. This shows that the public's right to know the result of suppression can not be met, will lead to social disorder and even social crises, and to meet the public's right to know will be the release of pressure caused by the crisis, stabilizing the community. "Rumors would stop public" information sufficient conditions, away from the fact that there is no market rumors, since most people have enough information to judge. In the absence of sufficient information on conditions, will be the spread of rumors. Because people believe that in addition to rumors, there is no other choice. In view of this lesson, the State Council in May 2004 in the middle of the formulation and promulgation of the "Emergency Regulations on public health emergencies," and specifically provides that any unit or individual shall not conceal the disaster, relief is reported that incite others to misrepresent or conceal, and delaying the report, false; the establishment of the provisions of national disaster information release system, to the public timely, accurate and comprehensive dissemination of information. This shows that the maximum power is determined to break the "pan-politicization" of the bound mode of thinking and establish a responsible government, a democratic society, the rule of law the Government's good image, a positive response to the globalization of information to the historical trend of social progress. August 8, 2005, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Secrecy Bureau jointly issued "on the result of natural disasters, the total number of deaths and related information decryption notice" which led to a result of natural disasters death toll no longer state secrets, and in section a time to the public, not only reversing the passive situation and relief work, but also reflects the respect of citizens right to know. January 8, 2006 issued by the State Council, "the overall national public emergency contingency plan" for them late, false, concealed and omitted important public emergency and other dereliction of duty, misconduct, disciplinary action in accordance with the law relating to the responsibility of staff; constitute crime, be held criminally responsible. August 30, 2007 "Act to deal with unexpected incidents," promulgated and then implemented on November 1, and further standardized the responsibility of the Government. Promulgated in April 2007, "Government information open regulations", May 1, 2008 implementation, the more clearly that the Government should be timely and accurate disclosure of information. And the party's 17 largest更是把to ensure the people's right to know, participate and express the right to oversee the expansion of the right to put on the people's democracy, to ensure that people are the masters of the important agenda items. So far, China's information disclosure system of the basic set up, citizens also have the right to know the legal basis for the most basic. Disasters reported in recent years, some changes have occurred, especially in Wenchuan earthquake reported in full and on time is the party and the government has continuously increased its ability to govern the manifestation of the future will also further promote the message of openness, reform, disaster reports, play an active role in promoting . Wenchuan earthquake of that day, on the process of information disclosure in China, with significant historical significance, but also to enhance the public's trust in the media. We hope that this is not a case, and to sum up the experience, the information is reported immediately to fully open and turned into a system of arrangements and mechanisms for long-lasting healthy.

呵呵 苦命的娃啊

是英语专业的?用英文写的?至少本科的?基于以上假定,给你一个非常粗略的基本思路,供参考。为避免歧义,有的地方用英语表述,与中文互相应证。首先,定论题。是要考察是否有差异,还是要考察有哪些差异?当然也可以两个问题都覆盖。该论题的背景,其研究价值、意义等其次,定理论基础。查找文献,看已有的讨论中西方文化差异的论文与书籍,寻找以下问题的答案:1、哪些现象曾被用来分析文化差异 what phenomena have been analyzed for the differences?2、所用的研究方法 what methods have been used to contact the 、中西文化差异有哪些分类what are the categories/aspects of cultural differences?4、基于以上结果,总结是否已有通过新闻标题分析文化差异的,如果有,其方法、结论如何,你的研究将有何新鲜之处。如果没有,那么你的研究为何有价值,你打算用什么方法,文献的借鉴价值何在。第三,提供你的研究方法你是以何标准,采取什么方法收集研究数据的?(比如过去5年内,哪几家中外报刊的数据,从何获取的)你对所收集数据是如何分析的(比如参考文献中的差异的具体分类coding之后,再利用工作表或其他软件统计频率)第四,你的结论。是否有差异。如果用,列出最突出的差异点。如果已有同主题的文献的,比较你的结论与文献中的结论。如果没有,当然你就又填补了一项研究空白了。对了,我这个参考思路还有一个重要假定,就是你需要亲自收集、分析第一手资料,而不是仅梳理分析文献。其实作为本科论文,仅作literature review也是可以的(即前面所提第二部分)。不过这得你的指导老师说了算。学术论文的格式相当八股。当你读过一定数量的文献之后,对于更加具体的提纲就会有感觉了。预祝成功。如果需要的话,可以继续交流。















1、文艺学美学方法论视角下的电视新闻节目研究2、自媒体新闻传播对传统新闻传播的冲击及影响3、民生新闻报道出现的问题及对策4、浅谈中美新闻教育的源流关系--以“密苏里模式”对中国新闻教育的影响为例5、“互联网+”时代新闻档案管理与创新6、勇于担当 坚持创新--浅谈市县电视台新闻节目的创新7、小议电视新闻制作的逻辑结构8、从两张新闻图片的热转谈传统媒体与新媒体的融合9、浅谈电视新闻节目主持人的情绪管理素质10、如何把好手机报新闻的采写关11、新闻采访写作课教学改革初探12、新闻传播学课程教学改革研究13、网络时代新闻教育教学中存在的问题及对策14、新闻真实性受到电视新闻娱乐化的影响略论15、农村广播新闻节目的采编概论以上新闻学的毕业论文题目由学术堂整理提供

简单给你说一下吧,结合自己的经验写得,没查什么网上资料。第一,要选自己感觉学的比较好或者比较感兴趣的选,这样你才会有东西可写,答辩的时候也会应答自如。第二,选题要从小处着手,从小及大比较好写,如果一上来就选个很大的选题,结果你会发现越写越空泛,最后无话可说。比如最简单的,你分析新闻的特点,虽然可写的内容很多,但是容易写得很散乱,没有条理。但你就“及时性”一点来分析,再发散到其他的特点,横向,纵向比较,举例,就会很容易写。第三,最好选别人选的不多的选题,尽量求新,就算有一点点独创性的概念被你提出也好。因为越大众化的选题,网上的资源越多,越容易被认定为抄袭。有独创性的选题,哪怕论证的,阐述的并不是很好,也更容易被导师所接受。第四,要想写起来容易,就选容易举例的选题,怕字数不够,就多举例,再结合选题进行例子分析就好了。下面整理了十五个好写的新闻论文选题,大家可以进行参考:1、发展新闻广播的现实意义2、我国新闻队伍中的新闻专业主义精神的缺失和复位3、邹韬奋的新闻专业主义精神探讨4、中西新闻评论风格之比较5、论“八卦”新闻在新闻中的地位和价值6、论新闻标题的诗化效应7、新闻失实的原因和新闻失实的防范8、论都市报新闻与党委机关报新闻的区别9、论新闻媒体的负功能10、论新闻的基本规律和特点11、论新闻评论的人文精神12、论马克思主义新闻观的现实意义13、 当代新闻编辑的思维特征14、试论增强新闻可读性的业务手段15、网络新闻采写原则和方法的宏观研究



毕业论文选题的第一步要确定自己的研究方向,研究方向一定要贴合社会发展趋势,同时还要具有一定的学术研究价值。以下毕业论文题目,适用于广播电视编导、新闻学、传播学等专业。 VR新闻发展趋势探析;场域视角下精英文化的传播策略 ———央视《朗读者》大众化路径探析弹幕视频网站中受众互动模式研究、网络舆论助力下的新闻反转事件 等等吧,我朋友就是学新闻的,她是写了一个当下新闻的热点。

提供一些新闻专业毕业论文的选题,供参考。1、新闻真实与新闻本性2、从“感动中国年度人物”发布会看新闻传播的审美化3、无产阶级党报的优良传统4、新闻特写研究5、深度报道研究6、新闻叙事研究7、网络新闻研究8、电视声画面研究 9、电视艺术研究10、电视诗歌散文创作研究11、“超级女生”的广告效应研究12、试论新闻语言的修辞技巧13、试论电视节目主持人的语言素质14、试析谈话节目的语言特点15、试论媒体语言的“雅”与“俗”16、电视新闻语言研究17、电视广告语言研究18、记者的修养19、论都市报的舆论监督作用20、论报纸的新闻策划21、论都市报的发展趋势22、新闻评论:媒体的旗帜和灵魂23、新闻娱乐化现象探析24、媒体报道的大学生形象分析25、网络“暴力”初探26、重大新闻事件的新闻摄影27、浅析电视“选秀”节目28、论网络环境下受众的分化与“博客”网站的兴起29、论“受众意识”在新闻采编业务中的体现30、论“民生新闻”报道中“煽情”的艺术31、论网络时代传统媒体的应对之策32、论公益性新闻策划33、新闻节目主持人的素质34、主持人的形象塑造35、当代网络言论文风浅析36、真人秀节目形态特征面面观37、电视体育新闻现场报道研究 38、当代中国奥运新闻传播的主要话语问题39、电视讲坛节目的传播学审视40、试论新闻敏感与新闻工作责任感关系41、论新闻报道失实42、人物访谈成功因素探析43、舆论引导和新闻报道的关系44、新闻标题的信息含量及审美特征45、新闻自由与社会责任的关系46、从“选秀节目”看电视竞争性复制策略47、报纸要强化品牌意识48、媒体在“华南虎照片事件”中的角色意识49、名牌电视栏目的品牌维护50、重大突发事件中的网络新闻报道51、论中国电视娱乐节目的困境与出路52、电视体育节目的人文精神53、传播学层面的思考:《超级女生》热播解析及反思54、从“芙蓉姐姐”现象看网络传播效果55、现代电视传媒的品牌策略56、 谈谈互联网媒体时代的新闻的时效性57、 如何从根本上保证新闻真实58、 试论新闻敏感与新闻工作责任感的关系59、 漫谈记者修养的现实意义60、 采访对象访前心理分析61、 深入采访中如何抓特点62、 浅谈新闻导语写作63、 重视新闻背景的交待64、 消息中的现场描写65、典型报导--舆论的风向标66、短新闻是信息时代的主角67、穆青人物通讯特色研究68、论报纸的组合报道69、新闻标题特色研究 70、现场短新闻的现场感71、关于"弱势群体"报道的多元思考72、报纸品牌个性塑造73、短评的特点和写作74、浅说中国广播事业的发展及影响75、国际广播和国际电视对当今全球的影响76、编辑思想与报纸版面77、编辑的自身建设和修养78、谈谈稿件修改的基本功79、版面的语言与受众心理80、地方企业报的发展趋势81、论突发性新闻照片的社会价值82、摄影记者的业务素质83、新闻照片的社会功能84、广播电视受众的视听心理分析85、电视记者的创作思维 86、论后网络时代新闻舆论引导的偏差87、广播电视报的生存现状与发展趋势 88、论人文关怀在我国当代经济新闻报道中的体现 89、新时期新闻文体改革研究 90、博客:传统的颠覆还是传统的延续?--从传播学意义上看博客与传统媒体的关系 91、网络言论的传播与管理92、论新闻专业大学生的知识结构93、论新闻专业大学生的能力培养94、因特网与现代传媒格局95、论因特网的传播特点96、新闻摄影的社会功能之我见97、互联网对现代汉语实用性的冲击98、互联网媒体时代的网络语言的特点初探99、互联网对传统的人际交往模式的负面影响100、互联网对传统的人际交往模式的正面影响101、网络媒体公信力的构建102、论广告策划在广告活动中的地位和作用103、 广告创意理论研究104、 广告诉求理论研究105、 广告对消费观念的影响106、 和谐与冲突——广告传播中的社会问题研究107、 论广告对构建和谐社会的作用108、 论违法广告对社会造成的危害109、 论我国广告法规的体系与监管模式110、 我国广告业发展趋势111、 从创意视角分析中国广告与世界广告的差距112、 优秀广告作品的创意给我们带来的启示113、 如何看待名人广告114、 论房产广告的文化诉求115、 报刊广告文案创作116、 中国儿童广告的发展趋势117、 广告中的女性形象118、 网络广告受众的消费心理分析119、 试论广告创意技巧120、 试论广告写作的方法与技巧121、突发公共事件与媒体报道122、《百家讲坛》——从精英文化到大众文化的嬗变123、从《艺术人生》看人生的艺术124、试论电视剧的叙事策略——从韩剧的细节设置分析125、试论电视公益广告的人文视角126、关于电视直播节目中“出错”现象的思考127、论民生新闻中的“新闻平衡”128、探析《百家讲坛》兴起原因及启示129、谈《鲁豫有约》与《艺术人生》的异同及启示130、民生新闻的公信力考证131、论新闻访谈的原生态132、从《奋斗》看中国青春偶像剧的新形式133、一个“纸包子” 引起的思考-------试论中国电视新闻的行为规范与职业道德134、浅析民生新闻在现代化社会中的价值与意义135、《新闻调查》中的采访技巧

关于新闻系的毕业论文,在这里,给你提供一点小小的经验和建议。1、一般情况下,在校方组织撰写毕业论文之前,会设置一个论文的范围和方向。这方面的选择上: a.如果你是个有些学术见解的孩子,可以根据自己平时的偏好和兴趣来选择题目。 b.如果你担心字数上的门槛,那么,先建议你到学校的图书馆转一圈,看看哪一个方面的文献资料比较多,剖析的比较深入。尽可能贴合图书馆的资源。另外,如果有条件,可以在学校的计算机房搜索一下历届优秀论文、获奖论文、学术研讨会优秀论文的资料电子档,下下来,看看 能不能启发思路之类; c.排除以上两点,还有一种选择方法——如果能够提前小道消息知道论文导师是谁,可以根据导师来选择论文题目。一般论文导师都是硕士生、博士生导师,他们的日程是非常忙的,所以在后期的论文指导中,不会那么仔细,基本上草草看过,点评两句,修改两次,就给你个分数让你过了。所以,选择一个脾气好的老师,“懂的做人”的老师,即便是自己不拿手的题目,也不会有什么太大的问题。 d.最讨巧的办法,如果有同系的关系又不错的学长学姐,找他们要他们的毕业论文,然后稍微改改,ok了! 以上是选题的一些方法。 我不知道“新闻学”包括那些,我当时FD新闻系毕业,囊括了广告、广播电视、传播等等; 题目的话,今年比较推荐,“灾难报道”,以及”娱乐节目的现状及未来”(推荐阅读《娱乐至死》&《童年的消逝》) 当然,数十年不变的题目,可以是“民生新闻”一类。 希望对你有帮助~


