首先要告诉你的是铝业进出口有限公司营销策略的英文是The marketing strategies of aluminium enterprises in importing and exporting.我帮你找了些资料,希望会对你有帮助;D Aluminium Demand This Year Will Be About Million Tons, A 24 Percent Rise From 2007DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets ( announced the addition of China Industry Research and Investment Analysis: Aluminium Mining and Dressing Industry to their of the exits for a . recession is... China. In fact, China's continuing demand for metals for its economic growth is buffering the impact of a . recession on mining producers. China's economy expanded last year at its strongest pace in 13 years, marking the fifth consecutive year of double-digit growth. A . recession only has a minimal impact on China's demand for is the third-best performing industrial metal in the price is rising because of a supply shortage. High demand growth for primary alumina in China will be a key support for prices going STUDY: ALUMINUM ENGINE BLOCKS IN BRAZILThe supply is tight and the demand is higher than ever. China is the world's largest aluminum producer but there is a scarcity because of snowstorms in China in 2008. On the demand side, China has become the world's largest aluminum products maker and consumer. Chinese demand this year will be about million tons, a 24 percent rise from 2007. The country will account for 35% of total demand by 2020 from 13% in 2000."China Industry Research and Investment Analysis: Aluminum Mining and Dressing Industry, 2008"", is an invaluable asset for anyone who wants to invest in the aluminum mining and dressing industries, to import into China, to partner with one of the key Chinese corporations, or to compete in the segment. The report provides in-depth analysis and detailed insight into China's aluminum mining and dressing industries, market drivers, basic industry indices, competitive landscape, key enterprises and their strategies, as well as technologies and investment report is divided into 8 parts (a total of 19 chapters):1. Industry overview2. Basic indices3. Economic operation4. Competitive landscape5. Key enterprises6. Business strategy7. Market investment8. TechnologyData source: national statistics, market research and monitoring, industry associations and institutions, import-export statistics, and 2008, China's domestic consumption, investments, and exports are all expected to continue their rapid growth. In addition, China's hosting of the 2008 Olympics will give rise to an Olympic boom that will boost domestic consumption. Get the report and see how China impacts the world!Content Outline:Part 1 Industry Overview1 Definition of the industry and an overview of its development2 Analysis of the industry’s macro environment and impact3 Analysis of the industry’s international market4 Analysis of the industry’s domestic marketPart 2 Basic indices5 Analysis of the industry’s scale and condition: 2004-20076 Analysis of the industry’s asset status: 2004-2007Part 3 Economic operation7 Analysis of the industry’s gross industrial output value: 2004-20078 Analysis of the industry’s sales revenue: 2004-20079 Analysis of the industry’s gross profit: 2004-200710 Analysis of the industry’s import/export sector: 2007Part 4 Competitive landscape11 Analysis of the industry’s competitive landscape12 Comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the industry’s key enterprisesPart 5 Key enterprises13 Comparative analysis of the economic indicators of the industry’s key enterprisesPart 6 Business strategy14 Development bottlenecks and coping strategies of the industry15 Analysis of enterprise development strategies in the industry and recommendationsPart 7 Market investment16 Comparison and analysis of investment activity coefficients and investment returns in the industry17 Analysis of the industry’s investment environment and investment risksPart 8 Technology18 Current situation and trends of the newest technology applications in the industry19 Development trends of and operating capacity forecast for the industry 156EJEP’s seminar advances strategy on Aluminium exports to EUIn its drive to promote Jordan’s exports of Aluminium products, the Euro-Jordanian Action for the Development of Enterprise (EJADA) held a seminar in Amman last month under the auspices of its Euro-Jordanian Export Programme (EJEP). Addressing the seminar, Mr Vogt Otfried (project consultant) presented the export penetration strategy for Aluminium extruders and fabricators into European markets. detailed his findings over the prospects that exist for Jordanian Aluminium extruders and fabricators to export to EU countries, and he summarized his recommendations on how best to prepare a penetration strategy taking into consideration the existing demand and supply factors governing the EU . Otfried summarised the results of the Inward Buying Mission that took place in Jordan during the 3rd week of September 2005 when six European buyers (extruders and fabricators) held one-to-one business meetings with their Jordanian counterparts (SMG members). In the strategy, Mr Otfried recommended that Jordanian companies within this sector should: become sub-suppliers to extruders in the Western European countries; cooperate with EU companies in promising industries other than Construction as the prices in Construction standard profiles in Europe are hardly cost effective. The companies should concentrate on added value manufacturing processes and aim at establishing joint ventures with partners in Central Europe and the Balkan States to enable them to participate in tender bids in Europe. Addressing Jordanian Aluminium fabricators Mr. Otfried suggested that, to penetrate the EU market, several significant changes need to be managed successfully on a short term and to start in the non-EU states through establishing partnerships. He said that the first results from the Inward Buying Mission for the Aluminium fabricators are promising and fabricators should build-upon the business opportunities that were presented to them under this mission. On the other hand, Mr Otfried recommended that Aluminium manufacturers should consolidate through establishing their own sector representative association. Mr Otfried recommended that the association be grouped by product. A sample association structure was presented to the participants during the meeting. “The meeting was quite fruitful, and we hope that regular visits by experts would enhance our production quality and our export potential to enable us to penetrate efficiently into EU markets,” said Mr. Mohammad Marashdeh, general manager of Arab Aluminium Industry Co., extruder. He indicated that the sector needs ample support in the field of investment in training through donor programmes, and he lauded the Royal Scientific Society’s support which has benefited the sector through the bringing in of experts to give advice on Clean Product, and on methods to save energy and reduce water consumption. Marashdeh suggested that outsourcing by EU companies from Jordan would be the most viable option to enhance exports of Aluminium profiles and casts. Mr. Naji Al-Naji, sales manager of Modern Aluminium Industries Co., extruder, hailed the seminar as an eye opener and said, “More visits by experts are needed to upgrade the industry to European standards.” On the fabricators side, Mr. Shadi Izmiqna, projects manager of Al-Faqeer Industrial Co., said the meeting was useful as it pegged our industry’s capabilities against the standards in Europe. “The comparison enables ground for improvement and hence there would be always need for experts’ visits to evaluate the scope of development that we would require to attain European standards…Visits by SMG sector members to EU industries would also give us a hands-on knowledge of procedures implemented there. On his part, Mr. Omar Shegem, managing partner of Petra Aluminium Co. said, “EJEP has implemented its role as an entity geared towards helping Jordan’s Aluminium exports.” However he was critical of the buying mission that visited Jordan. “The Inward Buying Mission included two European companies that were more interested in exporting to Jordan; however one company from one of the Baltic States has shown interest to buy from our company,” Shegem declared.
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