* [ Entire ] Kobe Bean Bryant Cox * [ Chinese translated name ] kopeck - 比恩 - 布莱恩especially - Cox* [ Height ] 6 foot 6 inch /198cm (this is the NBA officialdata)* [ Body weight ] 220 pound / * [ Team ] Los Angeles lake person /NBA number -8; 06-07 seasonstarts to put on 24 * [ Position ] point guard/young vanguard * [ Presently lives ] Los Angeles * [ Language ] spoke a fluent English and Italian, recentlyalso in study Spanish * [ Birthday ] on August 23, 1978/constellation - constellationvirgo * [ Wife/daughter ] 瓦尼 sand - 布莱恩especially/纳塔利 Asia - wears the Mongte - 布莱恩especially/lucky elegant - Mary - Austria lake - 布莱恩 especially * [ School record ] Lower the Merion high school graduates the/UCLA international trade to discontinue studies * [ Place of birth ] Philadelphia/Pennsylvania state/US * [ Other family members ] father, mother, eldest sister, twoelder sisters * [ Once lived ] the Italian Milan * [ Elects Xiu ] 96 years to choose the Xiu first turn of 13cis-position to select by the hornet, in the same year on July 11 isexchanged the lake person, the hornet obtains enlightens 瓦茨 * Obtained honor: 99-00 season wins the NBA total championship along with the lakeperson 00-01 season wins the NBA total championship along with thelake person 01-02 season obtains the NBA three time champion along withthe lake person 97 year beautiful season obtains the NBA entire star match tobuckle the basket match champion 03 seasons NBA entire star match MVP 05-06 season receives respectively the alliance by thefield to score points the king * In individual record and professional profession individualhonor 02-03 season confrontation ash bear goes on stage 34 minutes,chops the next 56 minute 02-03 season confrontation supersonic speed entire audience hits 12three to divide, continuously hits for 9 three minute,03 years onMarch 28 half-court to hit 8 to the rare talent three to divide,history first, All created at that time the NBA record 02-03 season continuously 9 40+ Continuously 13 35+,continuously 16 30+ 04-05 season continuously 62 penalty kicks hits, breaks theNBA record 05-06 season entire season 27 40+, are the lake person teamhistory On December 20, 2005 confronts the calf to go on stage 33minutes to chop the next 62 minute On January 23, 2006 confronts the fierce dragon to chop the NBAhistory 2nd high score for 81 minute 2006 year: To evenly divides equally for minute to capture NBA toscore points the king 2006 year: Is selected the NBA first battle formation 2006 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row 2006 year on January 22: Attains for 81 minute with the fiercedragon competition in; 2005 year: The field minute, secondary attack are selectedthe NBA third battle formation; 2004 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; 2004 year: The field minute are selected the NBA first battleformation; 2003 year: The field minute are selected the NBA first battleformation; 2003 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; 2003 year on March 5: The confrontation pedestrian, becomes thealliance history young to achieve 10,000 minute players; 2003 year: The total finals confrontation network team, the field , secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2002the NBA total champion; 2002 year: The field minute, rebounds and secondaryattack, are selected the NBA first battle formation; 2002 year: Is selected NBA to defend the second row; 2002 year: In the competition obtains 31 minute, 5 backboards and 5secondary attack, were elected in 2002 the entire star match most tohave the value player; 2002 year: West continuously fourth time becomes team's first round inthe entire star match; 2002 year: The total finals confronts 76 people, the field , secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2001the NBA total champion; 2002 year: Was elected the NBA second battle formation; 2001 year: The total finals confrontation pedestrian, the field , secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2000the NBA total champion; 2000 year: Is selected the NBA second battle formation; 2000 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; And is selectedNBA to interview the second row; 1999 year: The lake person battle formation snatches breaks the king( time to snatch breaks), the team second scores points for , is selected the NBA third battle formation; 1998 year: Takes on the New York entire star match west is highest 18divides and 6 backboards, becomes the youngest entire star player; 1998 year: With 莱斯利 the cooperation, captures entire starweekend two people to shoot the match champion; 1997 year: In 71 competitions, the field minute, go on stage , the selected beautiful second row; 1997 year: Captures the entire star match to buckle the basket biggame champion; 1997 year: At the entire star beautiful big game, attains 31 to divideand 8 rebounds; 1996 year on November 3: 18 year old of in February 11 days, theconfrontation forest wolf is taken to the threshing ground, primarilybecomes NBA to be taken to the threshing ground the youngest player; 1996 year: Elects in Xiu to select by the first turn of 13cis-position by the hornet team * You must know about the kopeck 81 matters: Childhood stage 1: On August 23, 1978 was born 2: The place of birth is the Philadelphia 3: The name origin source to the parents the beefsteak namewhich sees in a Japanese restaurant menu 4: Center the surname (between name and surname name) iscalled 比恩 (bean) 5: Tall hit eight years ball father in NBA to marry motherPam 6: Some two elder sisters, separately call Sha Ruila andXayar 7: The father has hit 8 years ball in Italy, therefore alwayslives in Europe. 8: Also plays the english-type soccer in Italy besides the basketball. High school time 9: Joins Pennsylvania state Luo fertile Money to raise themiddle school 10: Once passed through 33 sports attires 11: Southeast the Pennsylvania state in the area history高中生 high scores points: 2,883 12: Shan Chang competes the highest 50 minute 13: Once secretly entered 76 person of training battalion toexperience the NBA experience 14: Participates in the MaC$donald entire America star matchand wins an award 15: Takes the next year best player award item before thegraduation 16: The belt future traditional entertainment involvingtalking and singing Le Nvxing 布兰迪 (in front of three minutekings Richard woods girlfriend) will attend the graduation danceparty 17: Becomes 27th directly to promote from the high school theNBA player 18: 96 year first turn of 13 cis-position is selected by theCharlotte Hornets 19: In the same year in July with enlightens 瓦茨 theexchange to change to the lake person team 20: Chooses 8 sports attires, the reason is reaches in Si'sABCD training battalion in Ardee the serial number 143 (1+4+3=8) 21: Broke at that time the NBA youngest player record, 18years old of 5 months 5 days. 22: 96-97 season best beautiful battle formation second row. 23: 97 years buckle basket big game champion 24: Became at that time the NBA youngest entire star player in98 years 19 year-old him 25: 02 year Philadelphia entire star match obtains 31 minute,was elected MVP 26: When 03 years continuously nine competitions surpasses for40 minute, becomes achieves this recording the historical thirdperson 27: 03 years on January 7 invests for 12 three minute to thesupersonic speed to create the NBA historic record 28: 03 years on March 28 half-court hits 8 to the rare talentthree to divide, history first 29: The professional profession already completed 21 timecertainly kills (a decision victory and defeat ball) 30: The professional profession already obtained 14 times ofthree pairs 31: Three time is selected the NBA best battle formation firstrow 32: A three selected best defense battle formation row Facing rocket 33: Fights 29 times, the average 24 minute 34: In December 12, 1997, third arrived in the fourth 12minute 47 second to obtain 27 minute 35: 03 years on February 18 has hit the professionalprofession longest 54 minutes, obtains 52 minute 36: On May 13, 2001 obtains the playoff person highest 48minute 37: West 01 years play in the finals sweep away the spurs infour competitions equally to obtain minute 38: In front of this season on January 14 obtains 56 in 02years to the ash bear to divide into the occupation to be highest 39: Equally obtains 30 in 02-03 season to divide into atpresent to be highest 40: When 03 years on March 28 to rare talent half-courtobtains 42 minute 41: Before this five seasons all are NBA score pointsannouncement first six 42: Average minute platoons in NBA history 17th 43: Equally obtains minute in the playoff 44: 2,694 minute platoons score points announcement 23 in theplayoff 45: The field divides in the entire star match historythe row fourth 46: The professional profession secondary attack most is highis 15 47: The professional profession backboard most is high is 15 48: The professional profession snatches breaks high is 6 49: The professional profession puts on a cap high is 5 50: 00-02 season continuously is selected the NBA firstbattle formation 51: Creates continuously 43 penalty kicks hits record in 05years in March 52: On January 30 continuously punishes 23 in 01 years to theknight single field 53: In the past three seasons all were the team score pointsthe king 54: In the past in six seasons five seasons were the teamsnatch break the king 55: In the past in six seasons five seasons were the teamsecondary attack kings 56: Hits 709 three minute balls to arrange at lake personteam history second 57: 15,641 minute platoons in lake person team history sixth 58: 977 time snatches breaks Pai Lake person team historysixth 59: 2,981 secondary attack Pai Lake person team historyseventh 60: 420 time puts on a cap Pai Lake person team historyninth 61: The wife name is called 瓦内 Sa 62: Gives wife's marriage ring to reach as high as 100,000Dollar 63: Daughter natrium tower Li Asia previous month justcrossed the 3rd birthday 64: Will have the second child in May, the hope still will bethe daughter 65: Presently lives in the California Hsin Kang beach 66: Most likes the song is 布莱恩 Mike specially bears"HOLD ME REMIX" (to remould self-) 67: Most likes the movie is the star war 68: This season is 7 years 136 million US dollar contractssecond year 69: Continuously west eighth year entire star match firstround 70: Average subtitles front rows NBA scores points theannouncement first 71: Becomes in the NBA history to score points surpasses15,000 minute youngest players 72: 14 time scores points surpasses 40 73: Becomes historical third continuously 4 to score pointssurpasses 45 minute players 74: Becomes in the history above second two to surpass 40players in a month average score (03 years in February field , 05 years in January field minute) 75: Confrontation calf team three obtain 62 minute,temporarily becomes the history to be highest 76: The same date obtains 30 to the calf team single-node todivide creates individual and the team record 77: The same date punishes 14 balls to the calf teamsingle-node 78: Obtains 50 minute in January 7 to the quick fleet 79: The team obtains 51 minute in January 19 to king 80: Half-court obtains 55 minute in January 22 to the fiercedragon competition in 81: Last must remember, similarly is on January 22, theentire audience obtained 81 minute to the fierce dragon competitionin, this is NBA single field second high scoring points
the god of the basgetball kobbe he is my favourate ,we believe that he can do everything
一、少年经历科比生于1978年8月23日宾夕法尼亚州的费城。那时,他的父母乔-布莱恩特和帕姆已经有两个女儿——Sharia和Shaya,科比是他们的第三个也是最后一个孩子。布莱恩特一家的生活并不像常人那样。乔是来自Philly's John Bartram高中的篮球传奇,在他漫无目的的篮球生涯中辗转了3个国家。拥有“Jellybean Joe”绰号的乔,是一个身高6尺9寸却拥有得分后卫技术的前锋,他在NBA中从没有真正找到自己的位置。在La Salle大学3年的篮球生涯之后,1975年乔被金州挑中。当 勇士拒绝他合同要求时,他被交易到费城。从那里开始,乔开始从一个球队到另一个——76人队、圣地亚哥快艇队和休斯顿 火箭队。在总共出场606场的比赛中,场均分。他亦在欧洲打职业联赛。一些人评论说,乔不随波逐流;其他人认为他是一个领先于时代的人。帕姆在乔的职业生涯中一直跟随其左右——其实他们俩从孩提时代就常常在一起,因为他们的爷爷和奶奶住在费城的同一个街区。在上个世纪60年代,他们经常相遇。在上个世纪70年代早期上大学时,又重新点燃了他们之间的关系之后很快结为夫妇。科比在成长过程中无时无刻不在感受篮球的气息。他出生后一年,乔被交易到圣地亚哥。布莱恩特一家喜欢阳光充足的南部加州。他们的邻居很友好,但是雨几乎不能让孩子们回家。在西海岸,科比深深的爱上了篮球。在他3岁生日的时候,他已经告诉人们他将会成为NBA巨星。在1982年夏天,由于乔被交易到火箭队,布莱恩特一家也搬到了休斯顿。对父亲的谋生有更好理解的科比开始了解更多关于NBA的事情。当时,他最崇拜的球员是 魔术师约翰逊,一个拥有前锋力量的得分后卫——就像他父亲那样。年轻的科比欣赏魔术师的风格和取胜方法,而 湖人则是他最喜欢的球队。乔在休斯顿仅有一个赛季。当火箭没有和他继续续约时,他去了意大利Rieti的一只球队。布莱恩特一家的长途飘泊继续。对科比和他的两个姐姐来说,这次搬迁被证明是一次非常有意义的增强家庭凝聚力的经历。身处异乡,语言不通,他们只能互相依赖渡过难关。每天放学后,他们都会一起练习新的意大利语单词和词组。不过没用几个月,他们三个就能说流利的意大利语。乔在联赛排名中大步向前。由于在费城街头发展的篮球才能和天赋,他迅速成为明星,经常在一场比赛中砍下30—40分。因此,乔收入很好,他的家庭也受到当地人们的优待。许多NBA球迷认为是篮球地狱的地方,对布莱恩特一家来说却是天堂。科比的世界随着父亲篮球日程表而运行。他经常和父亲一起参加下午的训练,很少错过一场。科比模仿着父亲的动作,然后试着模仿父亲怎么打球。在中场休息时,科比有时会做投篮表演来娱乐球迷。当乔休息时,如果他们一家不出去旅行,他们会和其他美国球员在一起。在这些人当中,Harvey Catchings的女儿Tauja and Tamika分别去了大学和WNBA打球。这样的生活方式,尤其看到父亲能让球迷发出尖叫的暴扣和妙传,进一步激发了科比去NBA打球的梦想。但对足球狂热的意大利人把科比推到了另一个方向。他们不只一次的告诉科比,他那惊人的臂展、敏锐的反应和出色的弹跳,会让他成为一名出色的世界级门将。由于他的祖父母的帮助,科比一直关注NBA。在那时还没有国际电视转播,他们每周都刻录带子邮递到意大利。父子俩会一起观看这些录像带和乔的故交从美国邮寄过来的一些带子。在乔传授给他的专业技术的同时,科比学会了看整场比赛,知道了一场比赛是怎样展开的。当布莱恩特一家每年夏天回费城探访家庭和朋友时,科比会得到提高自己球技的机会。从10岁起,他就开始在城市级别最高的Sonny Hill 联赛中和自己年龄相仿或者更大的孩子打比赛。科比的父亲和舅舅约翰在他比赛的过程中给他挑出需要改进的地方。二、才华初露在乔和一只新球队签约后,布莱恩特一家在法国度过了1991-1992赛季。这次搬家对科比和他姐姐来说是最困难的,因为他们要去2个小时以外的瑞士去上一个国际学校。赛季结束后,乔退役。他和Pam决定是该回美国定居的时候了。Shaya和Sharia要上大学,科比准备去读高中。乔在La Salle得到了一份助理教练的工作,他们一家在距离费城10英里富人Main Line区--Ardmore买了一栋房子。科比看到现在的变化,心情复杂。同美国的孩子打交道对他来说很困难,他也担心自己能否适应社会。但是在球场上,科比的转变天衣无缝。在1992年的夏天,他是Sonny Hill联盟的最佳球员之一。之后,他进入Lower Merion高中为 Aces队效力。93年春天,他开始去Temple University找一些比赛打。在这当中,他和将来的NBA明星球员埃迪 琼斯成为朋友。球场外的生活并不轻松。成绩总是B,科比努力使自己和同学们沟通。在欧洲,他被掩盖了许多欲望和压力,现在在美国他必须面对。天生安静和保守的他,很难处理好和高中同学的关系。直到第三年,科比才适应了周围的环境。他在篮球场上的表现也是突飞猛进。6英尺5英寸的身高,科比认为他的篮球生涯将会在后场,他开始像后卫一样打球和训练。Lower Merion的教练Gregg Downer喜欢科比的错位打法。事实上,通过在很小的时候父亲专业的指点和在费城最高水品的夏季联赛中竞争,他已经可以胜任高中任何防守者的角色。在94-95赛季,科比红的发紫。高三时,场均分,个篮板和个助攻,被选为“年度宾夕法尼亚运动员”。在训练营中科比那摧毁性的、眼花缭乱的运球也揭开了面纱。在夏季AAU队中,他从队友God Shammgod学会了移动。在科比突出表现的一年后,大学招募新球员者也随之而来。将要毕业的科比成绩优秀,球技出众。进入大学不成问题。Duke, North Carolina, Villanova and Michigan 他都可以进入。但是当芝加哥高中生凯文 加内特在1995年6月的NBA选秀中被第5位选中时,科比也在认真考虑直接进入联盟。那年夏天,乔安排他儿子和76人的队员一起工作,科比令人敬畏。他在新泽西Fairleigh Dickinson大学的“ABCD全美训练营”表现突出。作为一个4年级的学生,科比的闪光表现帮助Lower Merion在高中联赛中占有一席之地。他们取得了32胜3负的战绩,并且取得了在42年来首个州冠军。学校的名字经常出现在报纸上,大学教练关注每场比赛,教练Downer收到许多优秀联赛的邀请。科比场均分,4年累计得分2883分也打破了宾夕法尼亚高中生得分纪录-----40年前由 张伯伦保持。赛季结束后,疯狂“招募新兵”加剧。当一家意大利俱乐部邀请乔担任其教练时,管理层坚持他儿子是交易的一部分。同时,和其优秀的高中生球员——比如来自新泽西的 Tim Thomas,来自路易斯安那的Lester Earl和南卡的 杰梅因-奥尼尔——一样,科比也在考虑效仿KG进入NBA的道路。关于科比跳过大学直接进入NBA的谣言非常泛滥,科比并未矢口否认。各种各样的专家关于科比前途献言,他们达成共识——科比确实是NBA的材料。1996年,这个17岁少年在南卡举行的Beach Ball Classic中大放异彩时,也增加了科比的知名度。 在那年春季,科比在Lower Merion的球馆内举行记者招待会,结束了各种推测。在众多记者和闪光灯前和朋友Boyz II Men团体的见证下,他宣布他将直接进入NBA。不久,他就和William Morris Agency签订合约,之后便同Adidas和Sprite签了几年的合约。三、初入联盟人们对这件事情有不同看法。一些体育作家把科比和同年龄的 希尔和便士 哈达威做比较,发现科比防守更好一些。他们相信这个少年已经准备好了。一些人批评乔和帕姆没有阻止儿子的决定。科比对外界说父母没有把自己放在心上感到非常恼火。像去年六月的加内特一样,辩论几乎从科比是否会成为选秀的交易权开始。前4位被选中的分别是 马库斯-坎比、 阿伦-艾弗森、 斯蒂芬-马布里、雷阿伦,大学的天才们在退减。湖人队和他们的主席 杰里-韦斯特确信科比会成为一个伟大的球员。在和球队私下接触中科比展现了良好的弹跳和超强的防守能力。球队让他和丹特-琼斯一对一时,科比把这位密西西比的球星横扫。在选秀日,韦斯特创造了奇迹。首先,他以第24位选中 德里克-费舍尔---来自阿肯色州小石城大学防守意识很强、拥有一手稳定三分球的后卫。之后,他和以第13顺位选得科比的夏洛特 黄蜂队通了电话。经过几句辩论,韦斯特便将队上正值壮年的迪瓦茨送到了夏洛特,换来了高中生科比。这次交易创造了很大的工资空间,这正好用来签下魔术的自由球员奥尼尔。结合后来辉煌的三连冠来看,韦斯特鬼斧神工的交易手腕已经将湖人王朝的框架建设完毕。科比非常高兴加入湖人队。不仅是因为湖人是他最喜欢的球队,他也不被期望成为救世主。除了奥尼尔,球队还有 范埃克塞尔,坎贝尔以及科比的老朋友埃迪琼斯等一批天才球员。更让人高兴的是,教练德尔-哈里斯是乔-布莱恩特在休斯顿一个赛季的掌门人。科比同湖人签了一份3年350万美元的合同,然后便在夏季联赛中场均25分。科比在Pacific Palisades买了一所房子,乔辞掉了在La Salle的工作,全家搬到加州。在Venice Beach 劳动节临时比赛中,科比左手腕受伤,虽然伤势不严重,但他也不得不在板凳上5周,错过了大部分训练营。进入1996-97赛季,哈里斯和湖人决定让18岁的菜鸟慢慢进入比赛。 多少有些巧合,科比的NBA正式亮相是与加内特领衔的 森林狼队交锋。在场上的6分钟时间内,他只是投篮和得到一次失误。在赛季的前半期,科比很少上场。很显然,在湖人竞争太平洋区的冠军时,并不需要科比的火力。在一月份,哈里斯对球员进行了瘦身。18岁、5个月、5天的科比成为NBA历史上最早首发的球员。几周以后,在全明星周末新秀比赛中拿下31分,并在扣篮大赛中一举夺魁,这在湖人历史上也史无前例。这些是他在本赛季的闪光点。但是奥尼尔和其他主力的受伤断送了湖人队,球队在季后赛第二轮被 爵士横扫。科比只在3月和4月有闪光,场均不到8分的成绩结束了这一年。在1997 -98赛季以前,韦斯特和哈里斯一直同意把科比作为球队的第六人。作为一个有洞察力和良好教育的球员,科比迅速适应了这个角色。每场比赛上场20-30分钟,科比把场均得分提高到将近18分。这正是湖人所需要的,他们也在开始豪取11连胜。当奥尼尔伤愈归队后,湖人更是势不可挡。范埃克塞尔、琼斯和坎贝尔都贡献出了自己的力量,而霍里、福克斯和费舍尔这些替补也发挥出色。当湖人和超音速争夺太平洋区冠军时,球迷们把科比推向了1998年全明星赛的首发阵容。NBA作为回报,把这场比赛看成是篮球之神 乔丹和他接班人的较量。科比作为全明星最年轻的球员没有处理好当时的情形。由于科比不传球和蔑视队友 马龙,引起了其他队友的愤怒。西部教练乔治- 卡尔在最后时刻让他一直坐在板凳上。科比的全明星赛凸现了他不传球的问题。即便是乔丹也谈了这个19岁少年的缺点。没人怀疑科比会成为巨星,但并不是在那里。当这种情形在哈里斯的体系中没有改变时,他限制了科比的上场时间。慢慢的过了一段时间,在季后赛科比重新融入球队体系,并在防守方面做了巨大贡献。湖人在开始时完胜 开拓者,接下来是超音速。在输掉首场比赛后,湖人连扳4场。科比由于感冒,他的作用也受到限制。虽然在西部决赛中科比痊愈,但湖人还是被更老道和有经验的爵士横扫。NBA 罢工使1998年赛季进入残酷的等待。科比决定用一些时间录制自己的hip-hop CD,但从未发行。但是他遇到了在同一所大楼里拍电影的年轻舞蹈演员瓦妮莎。他们最终在2001年春天结婚,但他的父母竭力反对。他们认为他太年轻还不能结婚。这也使他们之间疏远,并未出席科比的婚礼。在1998年劳资纠纷结束后,剩余的50场比赛让总冠军触手可得。湖人发生了3大变化。湖人签下了 罗德曼、取代哈里斯和助教 兰比斯,在3月份他们把坎贝尔交换到 夏洛特,换来长于三分的莱斯、混世魔王雷德和前 公牛队功勋后卫 阿姆斯特朗。同时科比在首发中可圈可点。他在场内外双丰收,入选了联盟最佳阵容第三队。科比开始增加他比赛的深度,在关键时刻发挥作用,得分在队中第二,场均分。他拿到9次两双,在关键时刻变得更加冷静。虽然他的跳投不是很稳定,但球队在关键时刻给科比更多机会,科比做的很好。常规赛31胜19负,湖人感觉到是他们该全力以赴的时候。罗德曼给俱乐部一个“老兵”面貌,外线的莱斯给科比和沙克内线更多的空间。但现在还不是湖人的天下。谣言说奥尼尔嫉妒科比。在球队会议上,俱乐部试图平息不和,但坏的影响还在蔓延。场外的争端并未影响湖人首轮对阵火箭队,他们取得4连胜。接下来他们碰到热的发烫的 马刺。第一场失利之后,湖人第二场似乎控制了比赛。但是最后19秒,科比错过了罚球---会使球队领先3分。圣 安东尼奥以3分结束了比赛,并掌握了主动权。第二天他们继续失败,最终被横扫。球队急需大的变化,这是最重要的。湖人新教练 菲尔-杰克逊带来了温特和三角进攻。杰里-韦斯特知道他必须找到让科比和沙克并肩作战的方法。在芝加哥时,杰克逊非正统的方法在乔丹和 皮蓬身上产生了奇效。现在他也能使这两个超级巨星脱胎换骨。
那一年,你18岁,初进联盟,受世人怀疑,拿下扣篮冠军那一年,你19岁,史上ALL STAR首发,惊艳世人那一年,你20岁,坐稳球队先发,场均19+,成为一股不可忽视的力量那一年,你21岁,OK形成,所向披靡,初登顶峰那一年,你22岁,OK季后赛无敌,卫冕成功那一年,你23岁,艰难踏平阿科球馆,three peat,王朝诞生那一年,你24岁,双塔现身,败走圣城那一年,你25岁,秒奇迹,碍于球队内讧,迷失于汽车城那一年,你26岁,球队分崩离析,独自带队,承受伤痛和孤独那一年,你27岁,81分震古烁今,分成为传奇传颂,首夺得分王,苦战太阳,悲壮败走凤凰城那一年,你28岁,连续4场50+,唤醒沉睡的大北斗,蝉联得分王,季后赛却继续失意那一年,你29岁,震惊联盟的交易,换来最可靠的战友,第一座MVP是对你最好的褒奖,从回属于你的舞台,虽然败走波士顿,但是希望重现那一年,你30岁,在魔幻的迪士尼城,梦幻般的表演,拿到梦寐以求的FMVP和属于你的总冠军,那时你笑的像个孩子那一年,你31岁,天使城的第七场,肉搏般的战斗,战胜死敌波士顿,蝉联属于你的总冠军,那时的夏天是最美好的夏天那一年,你32岁,膝盖磨损严重,伤病无处不在,落寞的离开达拉斯,那个夏天众人都说你老了,你不行了,你完蛋了。我在心中说,你会回来的那一年,你33岁,当当的离开,禅师的归隐,家庭的离析,你却用背靠背40+像众人证明,你还是那个科比,你就是一个喜欢打篮球的孩子在今年,你34岁,每当你无奈的离开,我的心里都会真真的痛,我不希望曾经的我科就会从此黯然神伤,可当你赢球的时候,你还是那个科比,你就是一个喜欢打篮球的孩子 后一年,你35岁,36岁,37岁....... 无论怎么样,我们在你身后,我就想安安静静的看着你投篮,投 篮,后仰随着时间缓缓的走向终点,我此刻再也忍不住内心的忧伤,科比。布莱恩特,属于你的赛季又结束了,对于你,一个三十四岁的老球员用34岁的年龄轰出了25岁的数据,42分,这是他在落幕战红出的数据,别告诉我你们的詹皇昨天的数据,我只想说,你们的詹皇才28岁。看到他最后落寞的背影,我的心被深深地刺痛了。和雷霆的这个系列赛,他一路走得太过艰难。这个系列赛,他流了太多的汗和泪,这个比铁还硬的男人,即使自己骨折的手指被强行搬回原位,只为了一场胜利,也没有落过一滴泪。 96黄金一代,首轮的29位球员,哪个不是才华横溢,纵横沙场数年,他们带个我们这代球迷多少激情四射的拼杀,但岁月带走了他们,作为96黄金一代最后的骄傲,请珍惜科比,珍惜这个英雄时代,最后的英雄。当初都是哪儿些人和科比的名字摆在一起?阿伦·艾弗森、文斯·卡特、特雷西·麦克格雷迪、雷·阿伦......现在,还会有人和科比相提并论么?十年前,他跟乔丹艾弗森斗,跟麦迪卡特斗,跟加内特斗邓肯斗,跟纳什基德斗。如今,这些人都老了,他又跟詹姆斯韦德斗,跟杜兰特格里芬斗。无论如何,他都斗不过时间,也许有一天他的绝杀失准了,扣篮失手了,请不要给予嘘声,请给予掌声,因为有他,我们的童年有了太多的回忆。这个他,叫KOBE BRYANT。回首科比职业生涯十六年,它就像一部励志长篇集,34岁的你依然是联盟的顶级巨星,依然保持着巨星的顶级水准,如此科比,如此强人,即使不曾深爱,又怎能不为之折服。三十四年花开花落,十六年峥嵘岁月,科蜜不愿让你一个人.今后的路,未来的路,科蜜与你同在.科比依然坚挺,我们依然爱你,愿在有生之年,能再度见你君临天下!风起了吹走几许惆怅.任添几许多愁.....人生世界本如此. 也许他们都是 ..打败了对手,却输给了流年....留给科比的时间已不多,我不想再去想其他的一切,只想静静地看完老大倒计时的一场场比赛,至于他能否超越乔丹之类,早已烟消云散,乔丹只是属于那个时代的神,而你,科比是属于我们这个时代的神,总有一天,当激情褪去,斯坦普斯球馆上空高高悬挂的那件24号退役球衣,会向一代代人展现你曾给湖人给天使之城洛杉矶带来的点点滴滴的感动,在所有湖人球迷眼里,你已是湖人这只联盟历史上最好球队的最好球员了。永远记得前段时间有些记者采访科比,问他是什么让科比取得现在的成功的,科比说:你们知道凌晨四点钟的洛杉矶是什么样的么?台下的记者一片茫然,科比说:我知道.台下响起了热烈的掌声.你们知道凌晨四点钟的洛杉矶是什么样的么,科比带给我的,连我自己都想不到,看到你的第一眼,我并没有觉得你会对我那么重要,我没有很多科蜜那种一眼便是终生的情感,我只是在慢慢了解你,用心体会你带给我的变化,当我足够了解你时,相信那种情感便是终生.很多时候,我会想科比究竟有多坚强,坚强到重伤不下火线.我会想科比究竟有多偏执,偏执到每件自己想做的事都尽量让它去完美.我会想科比究竟有多好胜,好胜到说第二名就是个失败者.我会想科比究竟有多自信,自信到关键球都要由自己来投,进或不进,成功或失败,自己一并承担.我会想科比究竟有多努力,自己制定出近似自虐般的“666训练法.”我总是不停的想,我会想很多,直到我的脑海中全部是你所有的结局都已写好 所有的泪水也都已启程 却忽然忘了是怎麽样的一个开始 在那个古老的不再回来的夏日 无论我如何地去追索 年轻的你只如云影掠过 而你微笑的面容极浅极淡 逐渐隐没在日落后的群岚 遂翻开那发黄的扉页 命运将它装订得极为拙劣 含著泪 我一读再读 却不得不承认 青春是一本太仓促的书。 当你喜欢的球星年华渐逝的时候,你是否觉得自己也少了当年的激情?我听到科比对他所有的对位者说:你是我的对手,却不是我的敌人,我会尽我所能将你打败,但我依然尊敬你,因为有你,让我有了努力的方向,没有你,我将一无所有.谢谢科比的对手们,是你们的不断挑战和科比的自我努力成就了现在这样一个科比,让科蜜们拥有一个近乎完美的科比.天空不会拒绝翅膀,所以守候着你飞翔,紫金天使科比,你依然能飞,看,那片属于你自己的蓝天!篮球场上,他是天才,他依旧努力的奔跑,不知疲倦的训练。完美的球技让他集万千丑宠爱于一身,一旦他踏上球场,他就承担起一个天才领袖所应该承担的责任。而立之年的科比,早已成熟,时间就是最完美的诠释。他无时无刻不在不在勉励自己进步,他不止一次的向世界宣告他的决心和信念,他是不屈的斗士,他以自己的方式坚守着自己的领土。科比拥有卓越的天赋,这是毋庸置疑的,但并不是他成为伟大球员的原因。劳碌了16个赛季,他拉伤过、挫伤过、跌撞过、撕裂过、撞瘀过......各种各样的创伤锻造了如今的他。他的五枚总冠军戒指,以及身上每一道伤痕,作为他伟大的载体,陈列在世人眼前。 有一种精神让我知道失败过后的痛苦,有一种精神让我明白成功背后的汗水,有一种精神让我懂得幸福过后的喜悦,有一种精神叫科比精神.一个将篮球视为生命的人,有血有肉,活生生的人.你可以不喜欢他,但却无法不尊重他,只因那普通人都不曾有的科比精神.科比从创造精神运用精神到实现精神,他将整个过程都展现得淋漓尽致.不多解释.看不见你的笑我怎么睡的着,你的身影这么近我却抱不到,我喜欢看电视视频直播,喜欢看湖人赢球,因为湖人赢球科比就会笑的很爽朗,很自然,还时不时的卖萌,欧耶.你的笑真的好温暖,如午后的阳光一般.你一笑,整个繁华喧闹耀眼的世界,瞬间暗淡无光,全世界唯一有光亮的地方,就是你在的地方.我爱你的笑容. 因为有你,我们才会看完这场认定是必败的比赛;因为有你,我们才会如此深爱并痛恨着这支洛杉矶湖人;因为有你,我们才如此心有不甘;因为有你,我们才能看到如此精彩;因为有你,才能在潸然泪下的同时,挤出一丝微笑…… 因为有你,才有那么多主页那么多粉丝,在一起爱你,至死不渝 。英雄是一时的,但传奇却是一世的.科比已是传奇,勿需多言,我爱你.我爱你,不分场上场下.我爱你,无论年轻与否.我爱你,哪怕英气渐退.你陪我三年,我爱你永远. 篮球是坚持的力量.科比-布莱恩特,我此生唯一的信仰.这里塬头,你呢,你们呢,?纵使失去整个世界,但我不能失去的是那骄傲的信仰——科比·布莱恩特,还记得吗?也许有一天科比退役了,他超越或未超越乔丹,都已无所谓了。因为科比已经把生命中最重要的时光奉献给他视为己命的篮球。科比超群脱俗的球技值得我们去学习,他拼搏敬业的精神我们更应该视为标榜。爱科比有无数个理由,但深爱 不需要理由。
小乔丹科比·布莱恩特的成长之路Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player. He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father. grader:小学生;小科比中学时进入篮球场,七年级就长成了六英尺的大个子,在篮球场上呼风唤雨。watchful:关注的,注意的;科比的爸爸曾经在NBA征战数年,他非常希望儿子也像自己一样进入NBA。When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit. He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this. Kobe didn't let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year. He wouldn't immediately be a superstar, though. Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe's talents. scout:球探;科比刚刚进入高中就被NBA的球探看中。varsity:学校代表队。 workout:测试,测验。gymnasium:健身房;科比每天早晨都在健身房里度过,练就了一附好体魄,为将来在NBA征战打下了良好的基础。Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level. He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn't disappoint anyone. He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school. gym:体育馆;科比凭借惊人的球技征服了所有观众,只要有他的比赛,学校的体育馆都座无虚席。highway:高速公路;每逢科比的比赛,观众都要蜂拥而来,有一次把校外的高速公路都堵塞了。He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points. Kobe's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft. all-time:空前的,创纪录的;科比以惊人的2883分创造了宾州高校的得分纪录。decorated:充满荣誉的。 NBA draft:NBA选秀;1996年,科比在第13位被夏洛特黄蜂队挑中,从高中直接进入了NBA。
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