
UOW 是Waterloo吗?
澳洲IT专业内容涉及软件工程,数据库管理系统,多媒体技术,计算机科学,计算机网络,管理信息系统,项目管理,电信工程,安全健康信息学等,针对墨尔本大学而言,主要有以下课程:Master of Information Technology 年另外,澳洲IT专业研究生一般要求雅思分,八大75-80分以上,四星级学校要求70分以上。
第一 :如何选课
作为商科,各个大学都会开设一些基础必修课程(core units)供学生在大一学习。这些必修课程帮助学生了解商科的基础知识,为将来的专业选择和学习打下坚实的基础。在结束大一的学习之后,学生进入大二时会面临选择专业方向(major)。在澳洲各个学校的具体课程设置不太一样,基本包括:会计学、金融学、经济学、市场营销学、管理学、人力资源管理、商业法、商业信息系统、国际贸易、电子商务、物流管理、理财规划等等。
在结束大一的必修课程后,学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好选择自己的专业方向。值得注意的是,大多数本科学生会选择两个专业方向作为自己的major。专业方向会体现在学位证书上的。如何选择两个专业方向呢?下面以DEAKIN UNIVERSITY的商科理财规划专业为例介绍,每一门课即为一个credit。
Financial Planning- unit set code MJ-M30014
Fundamentals of Finance
Money and Capital Markets
Financial Planning
Superannuation Planning
Advanced Financial Planning
Plus one unit from: 再从下面两门课程中选择一门
Equities and Investment Analysis
Principles of Income Tax Law
目前来说大多数学校的选课都是在网上进行,一般是在每学期开学前的3~6周。值得注意的是澳洲一些学校会在暑假开设Summer School, 允许学生学习1~2门的课程。如果之前有挂科,或者希望把之后的课程提前修完以减轻后面的学习压力,都可以选择Summer School。各个学校的Summer School开课时间不一致,而且课程有限。申请注册Summer School一般需要提前1~2个月,请注意学校的信息。
第二 :大学教科书要不要买
2、 复印课本
第三 :及早掌握两大利器,论文写作不发愁
澳洲大学最常见的reference格式是harvard或是APA,如何正确使用格式呢?除了勤快点查阅学校的Academic Writing页面,我去澳洲为大家推荐一个网站:
关于不同类型的Assignment格式(Essay/ Report)的问题,可以参考以下链接,
到大学图书馆或者州立图书馆,透过阅读相关Academic Paper来发展自己的观点与论述是论文写作中最常见的方式,要知道谷歌和度娘也不是万能的,最适合寻找学术文章的天堂莫过于学校购买的庞大的在线数据库啦。
第四 :熟悉学期安排,早做规划
在澳大利亚,从2月至11月为一学年。多数大学实行双学期制,即第一学期从2月底到6月初,第二学期从7月到11月初;暑假会开设夏季课程(Summer School),学生自愿参加,适合想缩短读书时间,及早毕业的小伙伴们~当然也有部分大学实行三个学期制甚至四学期制,大家可以在学校网站搜索:Key date/Academic Calendar/Census date,大家就可以看到学校的学期安排啦~
学校每学期为12周左右,第六周至第八周期间会有7-10天不等的期中假期。一般来说第四周开始大家就会面临各种Assignment轰炸和Mid-exam,提早准备好处多多喔!Final exam之前也会有1-2周的自由学习时间供大家自己安排复习,如果想要最后冲刺拿到高分,就要好好把握啦~
第五 :人身安全第一,夜间出行需谨
首先是威胁到生命的危急的情况,此时您需要打电 话000找:
•Police (警察)
•Ambulance (救护车)
•Fire Brigade (消防队)
致电000(三个零)是免费的。准备好向接线员提供您的姓名、地址和电 话号码(如果有的话),以及您所需要的服务类别。
如果您不会说英语,就需要首先用英语告诉接线员您要什么帮助──"Police"(警察)、"Ambulance"(救护车)或"Fire"(火警),以及您的母语是什么。于是,您在语音识别系统帮助下就会被自动直接接通到Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National),请不要挂断电 话。TIS National的传译员会帮助警方、消防员或救护车服务来询问您的地址及其它详情。
对于不紧急的事情,请致电 131 444 或您当地的警察局。 他们的电 话号码列在White Pages (白页)电 话簿“Police stations”一 栏下。警察服务 是免费的。
如果您需要救护车,请拨打000并说要“Ambulance”(救护车,实在不会说就记住“俺不能死”)。救护车可以提供紧急送院和即时的救护服务。记住,如果您不能说英语,请不要挂线——讲出您的语言,一位传译员会帮助您讲电 话。
在维州,救护车服务并非免费,除非您持有领取政府福利卡或Health Care Card (健康护理卡,由Centrelink发给经评估的低收入人士)。如果您没有上述两种卡,电召及使用救护车会很昂贵。所以,您可能会想成为救护车会会员,或购买包含救护车费用的私人医疗保险。参阅第11章医疗系统。若要完全免付救护车费用,Metropolitan Ambulance Service (城市地区救护车服务)建议您成为Ambulance Victoria Member (维州救护车服务会员),这样,您就可在全澳获得救护车服务而无需另外缴费了。
您可以在澳大利亚的邮局索取一份会员申请表格,并可在其柜台办理加入手续,或者可联络:Ambulance membership 1800 648 484
一旦出现紧急情况,请拨打000并说要“Fire Brigade”(消防队)。Fire Brigade (消防队)负责灭火、从燃烧的建筑物中救人,并且协助处理有燃气或化 学品危险的情况。在非紧急情况下,您可以使用列在White Pages (白页)电 话簿的“Fire brigades"一栏下的电 话号码。
其他在紧急情况下使用的电 话号码
有用的紧急服务电 话号码列在当地White Pages (白页)电 话薄的前页。它们包括:
Poisons Information Centre (毒物信息中心): 13 1126 (24小时热线)
Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS) (防止虐儿服务): 1800 688 009 (24小时危机专线)
若是非紧急事情需要与警方联系,可拨打此电 话:131444
翻译电 话
131450:若想与澳洲各政府机关联系,担心语言问题,可拨打此电 话请求安排华语口译人员的协助
移民局电 话
131881:拨打此电 话可咨询与签证相关的问题
中国驻悉尼总领事馆电 话
领事证件咨询:(02)8595 8002
领事保护与协助:(02)8595 8029
寻求领事保护的紧急电 话:0413647168
中国驻墨尔本总领事馆电 话
领事证件咨询:(03)9822 0604
领事保护与协助:(03)9804 3683
寻求领事保护的紧急电 话:0417114584, 0408030426
The development of modern financeFirst, the financial problem of the uncertainty(A) the uncertainty of the field in the application of asset pricing1. Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing ModelIn the framework of the financial analysis, introduction of the concept of uncertainty is a major role. First Kenes (1936) and Hicks (1939) proposed the concept of risk compensation that the financial products in the presence of uncertainty, should interest rates in different financial products in compensation for additional risks. Subsequently, Von Neumann (1947) applied the concept of expected utility of the proposed settlement in the decision-making under uncertainty in the method chosen, on this basis Markowiz (1952) developed a portfolio theory, he thought when investors choose portfolio concerned only with future cash flow of the mean and variance. He assumed that the expected utility of investors consistent with secondary distribution or multinomial distribution. Markowiz The main conclusions are subject to uncertainty, optimal decision-making is a diversified investment holding. Tobin (1958) that investor liquidity preferences for their own benefits and risks of different options for the balance. This further improved the framework of portfolio choice the field of asset pricing model is another well-known theory of capital pricing model (CAPM), Sharp (1994) and Lintner (1995) using the formula succinctly expressed the portfolio value and risk-free interest rate and the level of risk assets, the relationship between . Black (1972) introduced even in the non-risk assets zones remained the case, Sharp and the CAPM formula is still valid, just without the risk of interest rates are including the entire market on all assets of the portfolio rate of return instead of the 预期. Contemporary with the CAPM model of the asset pricing model also Ross (1977) arbitrage pricing model (APT) and Lucas (1978) the typical agent asset pricing by CAPM asset pricing model for asset pricing provides a simple method of calculation, and obtain some support from empirical studies (Fama and Macbeth, 1973), but in reality some of the anomalies is still a lack of effective explanatory power, Brennan (1989) that the CAPM is based on the expectations of all investors in the investment and risk are common in estimates and judgments, and all investors the same utility function based on the assumption that this assumption is inconsistent with the reality This is leading to some practical problems CAPM on the root causes of the lack of explanatory power. It is beyond doubt on these assumptions, to promote the introduction of the concept of asymmetric information and . Market efficiency hypothesisMarket efficiency hypothesis that in a perfectly competitive market, there is no asymmetric information and market frictions affect the future earnings of the average investment risk is different. 60s in the 20th century a large number of research workers on the market efficiency hypothesis was tested, Fama (1973) through empirical tests on the . stock market, that the efficient market hypothesis holds, but many researchers found that in the market, There are many market efficiency hypothesis or CAPM model can not explain the abnormal phenomenon. For example, Basu (1977) found that the average earnings assets, in addition to the β coefficient of the CAPM, but also with the price earnings ratio of assets (P / E ratio) is related to the same β coefficient, the higher the price earnings ratio stocks (growth stocks) better than the market price of the low price earnings ratio of stocks (value stocks); Benz (1981) found that the market price of the stock with the size of the listed company; Stattman (1980) found that stock prices and the ratio of book value (P / B ratio) is also an important factor affecting stock prices. Fama and French (1993) On the basis of the above three-factor model proposed that the impact of asset prices in the β factors, joined the P / E ratio and P / B ratio interpretation of these anomalies, the efficient market hypothesis seems powerless, someone had tried the "January effect" to the end of Shuishou interpreted as the impact of outflow, but in the United Kingdom, Australia, the annual revenue of the country is not in December, there are still "in January effect "can not be explained. Some scholars from a psychological perspective to explain these anomalies, such as, Dreman (1982) the stock price P / E ratio effect interpreted as the investor always overestimate growth stocks with high growth, leading to market high P / E ratio of stock market was overvalued, that it is a reason for low stock . Continuous time modelIn asset pricing theory is another important assumption: stock market is always in a continuous process, under this assumption, Merton (1969,1971) to develop instantaneous CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM), the same information symmetry, frictionless market, asset price changes in line with Ito process under these conditions, asset prices and investor preference for independent effectiveness. In subsequent studies Merton (1973) and Black (1973) The application of these continuous-time model has been successful in the option pricing formula, the formula was later confirmed that a large number of empirical studies and has been widely applied in practice.(B) the uncertainty of financial management in the company ofFinancial analysis is another important area of financial management, major research firms in the investment decision-making in the proportion of the debt and equity options, the company's dividend policy and other issues. Results of the first studies in this area by the Modigliani and Miller (1958) made their study shows that full market (no market frictions and asymmetric information exists) the value of the company has nothing to do with the company's debt ratio (MM theorem). A similar study concludes that the value of the company's profit distribution policy has nothing to do. Obviously, these research findings and practical in reality. MM theorem based on the conclusions in the distribution of profits, due to the cash outflow will be sent found Jinhong Li, the Company repurchased shares will be more willing to choose policies, rather than the dividend policy, in reality, many companies prefer to dividends rather than Share buy-back, this phenomenon is Black (1976) referred to as "Company dividend puzzle (Dividend Puzzle)", which Miller (1977) can give the explanation, MM theorem conclusion is that the reason and the reality of different tax and the so-called bankruptcy costs on the financial structure is the result of certain liabilities of the company can achieve the role of tax relief, another company because of the existence of high debt ratio risk of bankruptcy, so the debt ratio to the value of existing shares affected, Miller and Other scholars make on these financial problems are not very satisfactory interpretation of the whole until later after the introduction of asymmetric information, it seems Caidui explain these issues to achieve a mentioned above, some of the phenomena of reality is difficult to simply use the uncertainty (risk) to get a satisfactory explanation, it is in the research of these issues raises the question of asymmetric information on financial concerns, plus last 60 years in the 20th century to game theory, represented a breakthrough in the information economy research methods, leading many scholars to the financial problems of asymmetric information in the study achieved a lot, especially the use of asymmetric information can explain a lot of perfectly the financial structure issues. Following is an overview of this still results in two parts, first in the results of financial decision-making, followed by the asset pricing results.(A) asymmetric information in corporate financial management application
我只能针对你的第二个问题来回答你 澳洲的120分 其实是一半一半 一半的分数基本上是常量 另一半基本上算是变量 澳洲的IT职业可以得到60分 剩下的占60分(例如 年龄“30岁之前” 硕士学位 雅思成绩()等等)所以 只要你硕士毕业了 这些零零碎碎的常量你就得到了 你唯一能做的就是找个IT的工作拿到那60分 我建议你学CS 毕竟这是个真正能学到东西的专业 我有个问题 为什么你去澳洲念CS MASTER才一年呢 我明年7月申请UNSW的CS MASTER 都是两年的呀 还有 我也是211 CS 你申请的情况怎么样 中介说大概平均分75以上(我大概77-80吧) 雅思就可以了 我有一年的对口工作经验 你觉得UNSW有可能么
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