1.. Students to" students see people drowning is immediately jumped into the water to save" have different views. 2: all the students think: if they can swim ' will do. 3:90% students hold the opinion: if you can't swim, students should not jump into the water to save the drowning : all they can do is to the vicinity of swimming for help or call the police for help. 5: they can also put some sticks to reach the drowning man to help him out of trouble. 6: time in rescue drowning people plays a very important role in。
My name is li hua, and the most impressive thing of my life came to my life yesterday. When I walked near by a lake with my friend, he was falling into the lake, and I was so worried. I did't know how to swim, but I had to save my friend's live. I was shouting and asking someone to help. After that, the most impressive thing happened which was a young solder that jump into the lake without thinking, swimmed to the palace where my friend were, and got him out of the lake. After the young solder checked if there was nothing wrong with my friend, he went away. In conclusion, this young solder is the one who i respect a lot!。
As a child, we have many friends, we like to play jokes with our friends, sometimes it can promote munication. Like when we are playing game,may be hitting others by incident, at this moment, the way we deal with it is very important. A joke can fix it, it makes us laugh and notice we do this not on purpose. Making jokes reconcile argument.。
Forbidden to swim in the river, because the drowning event meet the eye everywhere.
In July 8, 2012, Chow Huangshi bridge 1 15 year olds were drowned. Last year, the 3 men drowned. Coincidentally, in June 12th, Chow Longdong River 1 Yangtze University students in the play when falling overboard and drowned; last May 28th, 1 youths in Longdong River drowned; in August 28th, 1 students of the Enshi Technical College in Longdong River upstream of Wuyang dam Office Gold Village River drowned.
Every summer, the o places have had drowned event occurs. The frequent occurrence of swimming in the river drowning incident, let us have to think about security issues to swim in the river.
Safety first.
2012年重庆高考作文题(材料作文) 这是一个发生在肉类加工厂的真实故事。
下班前,一名工人进入冷库检查,冷库门突然关上,他被困在了里面,并在亡边缘挣扎了5个小时。 突然,门打开了,工厂保安走进来救了他。
事后有人问保安:“你为什么会想起打开这扇门,这不是你日常工作的一部分啊!” 保安说:“我在这家企业工作了35年,每天数以百计的工人从我面前进进出出,他是唯一一个每天早上向我问好并下午跟我道别的人。” “今天,他进门时跟我说过‘你好’但一直没有听到他说‘明天见’。”
“我每天都在等待他的‘你好’和‘明天见’,我知道他还没有跟我道别,我想他应该还在这栋建筑的某个地方,所以我开始寻找并找到了他。” 根据这篇材料考生自拟题目,写一则文章,题材不限,字数不少于800字。
标杆作文 赠人玫瑰 手有余香 ——重庆一考生 每天清晨的“你好”与微笑,加上下午的“明天见”,温暖了保安的心,也救了他自己。世人都说:赠人玫瑰,手有余香。
鳄鱼张开的嘴,为小鸟提供了食物,自己也少了痛与疼。 阳光本就温暖,空气阻挡不了这份温暖的漫延;流水本就欢腾,冷剑割不断这份欢腾的喜悦;玫瑰本就芬芳,围墙挡不住这份芬芳的侵入。
世界上玫瑰本只有一处有,送走的多了,芳香便流通于世。 当第五十个雷锋学习月乘着春风到来的时候,你可感受到玫瑰留下的余香?或微不足道之事,或动人的行为。
雷锋叔叔用双手将玫瑰送向四方,他把玫瑰的余香灌入墨里,一笔一笔记载,欢乐无处不在。 圣人也如此,周游列国的孔子,路遇知己,畅抒情感,他会不假思索的取出珍爱之物赠予知己,坚信自己的收获不少——快乐与认可。
于春风中种一粒种子,灌溉施肥,夏日里支起帐篷架遮住热光,秋日里采下一把玫瑰,冬日里赠送,冬天还会冷吗?那炽热如火的红色,如跃动的欢笑,把冬日寒风驱散,留下余味于空中徘徊。 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。
看那蓝天,允许白云恣意漂浮,自己也添了色彩。 独乐乐不如众乐乐,孤单守着玫瑰园,只有一处芬芳。
当你离开这片土地时,采下玫瑰,笑着相送,手指间的芬芳便会浓郁,有一天你便可被芬芳包围。 玫瑰,流淌起你的芬芳吧! 【考场得分】内容20分 表达20分 发展20分 总分60分 【得分关键点】 1、审题精准。
得分亮点:立意高远 这里丰厚 救 赎 重庆一考生 我曾长久地驻立在祖父的中药房门外,贪婪地闻着浓浓的药香,灵魂仿佛也在这一刻得到救赎。 那是祖父的中药房,病人们亲切地称它是“杏林”,我仿佛能感受到这中药房后有一片杏林,在阳光的照耀下,发出明媚的光芒。
望闻问切,我看见祖父微眯着眼睛,用一只布满皱纹的手轻按着病人的脉搏,那像是把握住了五千年中华之脉,延绵至今。 祖父说:“这是在救人,也是在自救。”
我被祖父的话深深打动,看着底部泛着煤黑的药罐被明火温柔地舔着。里面的药汁咕噜地冒着泡,升起袅袅的药香 我想这用三碗水熬成三口的药汁,正是中医珍贵精华所在:救赎与自我救赎。
中医在救人的同时,也洗涤了自我的良心。 祖父说:“如今的社会人情淡漠,在那些西方的医院,医生与护士戴着口罩,病人好像从不曾见过。
他们的仪器固然先进,但却冷冰冰,不也少了点人情味吗?” 说着祖母从里面端出来一碗刚熬好的中药,递到一位病人手中,满眼是关怀的微笑。 我失神,那一刻如沐春风。
是啊,商品经济日益发达,可人与人之间的沟通变得越来越欠缺,人们之间少了那份原始纯朴的人情味,好像世界都暗淡无味了。 有人说,这是良知的缺席,这让我们变得如此孤单与孤寂。
中医仿佛就是这样一个民族的救赎者,在人与人之间,以一碗满是药香的中药传递着,解救灵魂,在救赎别人的同时,一颗医者接济苍生,悬壶济世的悲悯之心也被救赎。 付出了温暖便会得到温暖,救赎了别人也是一种自我救赎,这是我从祖父看到的,也是每一个中医身上传递着的。
A wowen help a out of water girl (掉进河也ok吧?)
One day,A girl went to play in River。 girl was jumped into the she shouted out of women saw that。The women is helpful。so she decided to help the young girl.
The women picked up the wood, and gave a girl。And let the girl seize the end of the wood。And then the women was took the wood to save the gril。Lastly,The gril was save.
应该有100字吧..我自己写的..如有错的,.please five me!thanks!
When we go to school, the teachers tell us that we should respect our parents. Parents are who raise us, giving all their hearts to look after us. For my parents, they are the best people for me, when I am sick, they look after me carefully. When I go home late, they will worry about me. They give me so much, I love them.。
How to rescue someone falling in water?
If you can't swim, stay on the river bank and call police in emergence.
If you can swim but no any experince of rescuing, or have no training about it, stay on the where you are and call police.
If you do have rescue skill, take a life buoy if possible, and go for rescuing.
(营救落水者需要专业营救人员, 无此培训者切不可乱来, 会搭上自己性命的)