摘要 abstract公司是*市水产龙头企业之一,the company is one of the main enterprises of aquatic products in XXXcity. 处于发展关键时期的**公司正面临日益激烈的市场竞争,The company which is at its key development period faces increasingly market competition which is getting fiercier everyday.具体表现在:specifically exhibited in ;水产产业化分工不明确,the aquatic product industry is unclear,没有充分发挥各自优势;fail to develop the respective comparative advantage没有一个有好的市场定位;lack of a good market position水产品包装上存在的主要问题;main problems lie in the packaging of aquatic products营销队伍薄弱;poor marketing team缺乏外延产品等一系列问题。lack of byproducts ect problems本文从创新策略、低价、品牌战略、服务、渠道、促销和水产品的优质等方面分析了水产品市场,This paper analysis the aquatic product market from the aspect of innovative strategies,low price,brand strategy, service,channels, promotions, and quality aquatic products, 结合***公司存在的优势与劣势,combines the advantages and disadvantages existing in the company *** ,确定公司营销战略,determined marketing strategy of the company 为公司未来的发展提出了一些建设性的建议,proposes some constructive suggestions for the future development of the company探讨适合**公司水产品营销思路的基本体系来更好的发展我公司的营销产业链,并为大家所共同分享、共同探讨。discuss the marketing ideas - the basic system to better the development of my company's marketing industry chain, and by all shared and discussed