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In this paper, ordinary differential equations courses, to explore how to realize "high-early binding", and mathematics in secondary schools in the basis of ordinary differential equations, as well as ordinary differential equations of the guiding role of mathematics in secondary schools to do some discussion, for systems of ordinary differential equations of high under the mathematical point of view to provide some secondary words, Ordinary Differential Equations; School Mathematics; combination of high early






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Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.


This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.


Our text achieved the possibility above.








Objective To evaluate the extraoral bow headgear traction on the correction of moderate to high degree of crowding associated with the clinical efficacy of high angle cases. Methods 18 cases of severe crowding dentition in patients with high-angle, high application of headgear traction strengthen teeth extraoral arch anchorage, and a high degree of control teeth, the tooth extraction with fixed appliance treatment. Results 18 patients were aligned dentition, face has been maintained or have a good improvement in molar and canine relations have reached a neutral, maintain or reduce the mandibular plane angle. Conclusion headgear extraoral bow of moderate to severe crowding in high angle cases with the treatment of teeth can play a high degree of control and strengthen the role of molar anchorage.(maybe)

[ Abstract ] Objective To evaluate the head cap extraoral arch high traction in the treatment of severe dentition crowding with high angle cases clinical curative effect. Methods 18 cases of severe dentition crowding with high angle patients, application of headgear traction enhancing extraoral arch high molar anchorage molar height, and control, combined with fixed appliance for orthodontic extraction. Results 18 cases of patients with aligning, face get to keep or improve, molar and canine relationship reached the neutral, maintained or reduced mandibular plane angle. Conclusion head cap extraoral arch in moderate to severe congestion with high angle cases treatment can rise to control molar height and strengthen the role of molar anchorage.[ Key words ] head cap extraoral arch crowding high angle

【Abstract】Objectives: To evaluate clinical effect of dental orthodontic as of headgear facebow higher traction on middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases. Methods: 18 patients with middle to severe crowded dentition besides high-angle were applied with headgear facebow higher traction and reinforcement on molar anchorage, while height of molar teeth should be managed and corrective treatment as exodontia combining with fixed appliance. Results: 18 cases got appropriate arrangement, facial forms of such cases remained the same or got well beautified, relation between molar and canine teeth reached middle level and, mandibular plane angle (MPA) kept unchanged or decreased. Conclusions: Treatment with headgear facebow for middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases could manage height of molar teeth and reinforce molar anchorage.【Keywords】headgear facebow, crowded dentition, high-angle供参











1. 词义演变。医学论文翻译的专业词汇通常都出现在特定领域,它一般分为两类:一类是某一专业特有的词汇,这类词汇一般具有一词对应一义的特点;还有一类由普通词汇演变而来的专业词汇,这类词汇一词多义,必须应用语言学知识和专业知识综合分析,在翻译实践中不断丰富扩大。

2. 词缀。比如:从词源学的角度来看,在医学英语词汇中,希腊语、拉丁语的词素占有极高比率。据Oscar 的统计,一万个医学词汇约有46%来自拉丁语;来自希腊语,希腊、拉丁词素是医学英语词汇的重要基础。希腊语、拉丁语拥有极丰富的词缀,且每个词缀都有其固定意义,可与不同的词干组成无数新词。

3. 动词多使用规范的书面语。英语词汇从语体的特点来分,可分为普通词汇和正式词汇。普通词汇大部分是英语本族语,常用于英语口语和文学作品中,正式词汇大部分是外来词,常用于科技、经济、政治等较正式的文章中。


1. 医学论文中大量使用名词化结构 (Nominalization)是医学论文翻译的特点之一,因为文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。

2. 大量使用长句和定语从句


3. 名词作定语和缩写词使用频繁。医学论文翻译中要求行文简炼、结构紧凑,名词作定语和缩写词的频繁使用,简化了句型,增大了信息密度。

4. 广泛使用被动语态。医学论文中侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确,第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态。










The heart cerebrovascular disease has become the high morbidity, the thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid is one of hospital clinical care heart cerebrovascular disease's main medications. The thrombosis passes the principal constituent is 37 total soap glucoside, has invigorates the blood to disperse the hobby, promotes blood circulation the detachable effect. The pharmacology research confirmed that this has the enhancement crown arteries blood stream quantity, the expansion blood vessel, to reduce the arterial blood pressure, to reduce the cardiac muscle oxygen consumption capacity, to suppress the blood platelet accumulation, to reduce the blood viscosity function. Uses in the cerebrovascular disease including the acute anemic cerebrovascular disease, the blood vessel of brain hemorrhage sequela, the paralysis and disease's and so on retina the vein blocking treatments. passes the inoculation fluid through the research thrombosis the pharmacology property, the clinical practice, aspects and so on untoward effect and prevention measure, pass the inoculation fluid for the thrombosis the reasonable medication to provide the basis, provides the guarantee safely for the clinical medication. key word: The thrombosis passes the inoculation fluid, clinical practice, untoward effect, prevention measure

The afferent disease in brain in heart has become the high outbreak, the blood fills the 通 injects the liquid is an afferent paroxysm in brain in heart in clinical treatment in hospital to use the one of the medicines blood fills main composition in通 as 3 7 total soap 苷 , have the live blood spread the 癖 , the vein of 通 limbers up the medicine reason research confirms this article has the to build up hat vein blood measureses and extend blood vessel, lower the artery blood pressure and lower the myocardial consume oxygen measure, repress blood platelets come together, lower the blood glues a for the fat ⅰ in笠 in� in鲅 in艹 in� in full circle in⒛ in ? in疾 in管 in血 in脑 in性 in血 in缺 in性 in急 in括 in包 in afferent disease in brain the ⑻ drive 炯笆 oil �ぞ猜鲎枞�燃膊〉闹瘟啤 Pass the blood that study the 通 fill the medicine injects liquid reason medicine, clinical application, bad reaction and prevention and cure measure etc. aspect, fill for the blood the reasonable that 通 inject liquid use the medicine the offering according to, for clinical use the medicine safety offering guarantee.或Abstract: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drugs. Xuesaitong major components for the PNS, with Huoxue casual addiction, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirm that the goods have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibiting platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, cerebral vascular hemorrhage after-effects, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. Through research Xuesaitong injection of pharmacological properties, clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee. Key words: Xuesaitong injection, clinical application, adverse reactions, control measures或Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drugs. Xuesaitong major components for the PNS, with Huoxue casual addiction, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirm that the goods have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibiting platelet aggregation, lower blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, cerebral vascular hemorrhage after-effects, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. Through research Xuesaitong injection of pharmacological properties, clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a high incidence, Xuesaitong injection in a hospital clinical treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases one of the main drug. Xuesaitong major components for the March 7 total saponin, a Huoxue casual addicts, Tongmai active effectiveness. Pharmacological studies confirmed that the materials have increased coronary blood flow, the expansion of blood vessels and reduce arterial blood pressure, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce blood viscosity role. For cerebral vascular diseases, including acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, sequelae of cerebral vascular hemorrhage, paralysis and diseases such as retinal vein occlusion treatment. By studying Xuesaitong injection pharmacological properties and clinical applications, adverse reactions and control measures, in order Xuesaitong injection provide a basis for rational drug use for clinical drug safety guarantee. Key words: Xuesaitong injection, clinical applications, adverse reactions, prevention measures

Purpose: to laevigata for root and stem the anti-inflammatory effects of comparative study, to study the root and stem rose laevigata the pharmacological effects of contrast, ensure the safe and effective medication and laevigata scientific research work, as its quality standards, regulating market. Method: acute and chronic inflammatory experiment inflamed by the : Gold cherry stem in mice have acute and chronic Pro-and anti-inflammatory effect, and there is no laevigata; anti-inflammatory effect stems from rose laevigata ethanol extract of the anti-inflammatory effect than water extracts strong anti-inflammatory : this product stem of different solvent extracts in acute inflammatory experiments on mice have toes swelling obvious inhibitory effect, swelling volume and blank-control group has significance; in chronic inflammatory experiments stem of different solvent extracts on Granuloma growth inhibitory effect, there is an obvious Granuloma weight compared with a control group and obvious ease; different solvents of the root extracts of acute inflammation experiments on mice toes without obvious inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance; in chronic inflammatory experiment with different solvents of the root extract on agar-induced Granuloma no clear inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance.


Objective To evaluate the extraoral bow headgear traction on the correction of moderate to high degree of crowding associated with the clinical efficacy of high angle cases. Methods 18 cases of severe crowding dentition in patients with high-angle, high application of headgear traction strengthen teeth extraoral arch anchorage, and a high degree of control teeth, the tooth extraction with fixed appliance treatment. Results 18 patients were aligned dentition, face has been maintained or have a good improvement in molar and canine relations have reached a neutral, maintain or reduce the mandibular plane angle. Conclusion headgear extraoral bow of moderate to severe crowding in high angle cases with the treatment of teeth can play a high degree of control and strengthen the role of molar anchorage.(maybe)

【Abstract】Objectives: To evaluate clinical effect of dental orthodontic as of headgear facebow higher traction on middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases. Methods: 18 patients with middle to severe crowded dentition besides high-angle were applied with headgear facebow higher traction and reinforcement on molar anchorage, while height of molar teeth should be managed and corrective treatment as exodontia combining with fixed appliance. Results: 18 cases got appropriate arrangement, facial forms of such cases remained the same or got well beautified, relation between molar and canine teeth reached middle level and, mandibular plane angle (MPA) kept unchanged or decreased. Conclusions: Treatment with headgear facebow for middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases could manage height of molar teeth and reinforce molar anchorage.【Keywords】headgear facebow, crowded dentition, high-angle供参

The purpose is to understand that how the indoor air pollution impact on people's health. Methodology: The investigation was conducted between October and December 2007 in certain community at Wancheng District in Dongwan City. 50 apartments of different decorating conditions, which were not resided more than one half year, were monitored for multiple air pollution index. 120 residents living in the 50 apartments were interviewed face-to-face. At the end of the investigation, averagely, Carbon Oxide level exceeded the provided standard over 100%, Carbon Dioxide level exceeded the provided standard 1200%, Formaldehyde level exceeded the provided standard over 4000%, the level of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Dimethylbenzene exceeded provided standards 800-1300%, and bacterium level exceeded provided standards 290%. 80 from 120 interviewed residents reported somatic symptoms. Hereby we draw the conclusion that Formaldehyde is the most serious pollutant of indoor air pollutants, and indoor air pollution directly harm the residents' health.

Clinical Experience in the Non-extraction Correction of Lingual Tripping Deep Bite of the Front : Objective: To explore the factors, methods and matters of caution regarding the non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front : To select 18 cases of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth and conduct relevant non-extraction corrections. Result: The correction work was completed in 15-21 months, the average of each correction was months. The overbite and overjet of the front teeth of patients have become normal and the facial profiles harmonized after the : Non-extraction correction of lingual tripping deep bite of the front teeth should be conducted only on well selected indications. 【英语牛人团】


Objective To evaluate the extraoral bow headgear traction on the correction of moderate to high degree of crowding associated with the clinical efficacy of high angle cases. Methods 18 cases of severe crowding dentition in patients with high-angle, high application of headgear traction strengthen teeth extraoral arch anchorage, and a high degree of control teeth, the tooth extraction with fixed appliance treatment. Results 18 patients were aligned dentition, face has been maintained or have a good improvement in molar and canine relations have reached a neutral, maintain or reduce the mandibular plane angle. Conclusion headgear extraoral bow of moderate to severe crowding in high angle cases with the treatment of teeth can play a high degree of control and strengthen the role of molar anchorage.(maybe)

【Abstract】Objectives: To evaluate clinical effect of dental orthodontic as of headgear facebow higher traction on middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases. Methods: 18 patients with middle to severe crowded dentition besides high-angle were applied with headgear facebow higher traction and reinforcement on molar anchorage, while height of molar teeth should be managed and corrective treatment as exodontia combining with fixed appliance. Results: 18 cases got appropriate arrangement, facial forms of such cases remained the same or got well beautified, relation between molar and canine teeth reached middle level and, mandibular plane angle (MPA) kept unchanged or decreased. Conclusions: Treatment with headgear facebow for middle to severe crowded dentition with high-angle cases could manage height of molar teeth and reinforce molar anchorage.【Keywords】headgear facebow, crowded dentition, high-angle供参

你好,翻译为:“[Abstract] Objective: To compare ziprasidone and haloperidol in the treatment of schizophrenia in acute phase of the efficacy and side effects. Methods: Injection ziprasidone and haloperidol injection, the patients were randomly divided into 75 cases of ziprasidone group (n = 38) and with the haloperidol group (n = 37), for a period of five days of treatment . Respectively before and after treatment using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical overall scale of India (CGI) and adverse reactions Scale (TESS) assessed the efficacy and adverse drug reactions. Pre-treatment determination of baseline ECG with QTc interval after treatment compared to baseline for more than 60ms for QTc interval prolongation ①, the treatment of cardiac rhythm during the medical examination found abnormal electrocardiogram monitoring in time. Results: Ziprasidone and haloperidol groups before and after treatment the total score and PANSS positive symptoms scale factor at a considerable reduction rate; CGI score to achieve a turn for the better and were more than 25 cases (), 26 cases of (); TESS evaluation of side effects occurred in 10 cases () 12 cases (). By T test no significant difference (P> ). Major group of ziprasidone alcohol side effects of insomnia, the main side effects of haloperidol group extrapyramidal reaction, but the ziprasidone group, 3 cases () of QTc interval prolongation, 2 cases () of cardiac rhythm disorders; haloperidol impact on the ECG for ventricular arrhythmia, was found significantly prolonged QTc interval. Conclusion: Ziprasidone injection with injection of haloperidol treatment of schizophrenia in acute phase of the effect of a considerable, but the group ziprasidone QTc interval on the heart and whether the impact of abnormal heart rate caused by a high degree of attention required.[Key words] haloperidol Ziprasidone in acute phase of schizophrenia”。

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching method in clinical medicine professional "rehabilitation medicine," teaching effectiveness. Methods of clinical medicine at school 96 students in group teaching, in which 48 students in the experimental group a "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the control group 48 students using traditional teaching methods. Two groups of students after school at the same time a theoretical examination and questionnaire. Results In the experimental group of students the theory of test scores than the control group (p <), and the two groups of students the theory of the good test scores difference was statistically significant (p <); experimental group of students interest and motivation in learning, knowledge, memory and understanding, self-learning ability and problem-solving ability better than the control group (p <). Conclusion "teacher-student role reversal Law" teaching methods in the "rehabilitation medicine," an effective method in teaching.[Key words] the roles were reversed; teaching methods; Rehabilitation Medicine; AnalysisAbstract spastic cerebral palsy is the most common form of cerebral palsy, their motor dysfunction is manifested mainly delayed motor development, abnormal posture, tendon hyperreflexia, increased muscle tone and so on. Based on principles of Bobath therapy, Bobath ball in the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy children in motor dysfunction could play a very good words spastic cerebral palsy; motor function; Bobath Ball1,“师生角色互换法”教学法在《康复医学》教学中的应用探析 2,Bobath球在改善痉挛型脑瘫运动功能障碍中的应用"Teacher-student role reversal Law" Approach in the "rehabilitation medicine," Teaching of Analysis, Bobath ball with spastic cerebral palsy in improving motor dysfunction of


