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对于新世纪的人才需求而言,英语能力已经成为衡量个人学习能力的重要指标,而初中是打下英语基础的重要阶段,学生在这个阶段所接受的英语教学应对日后的英语能力产生深远的影响。本文是 七年级英语 小短文带翻译,希望对大家有帮助! 七年级英语小短文带翻译:金钱论My View on Money Different people have different opinions to people prefer to deposit money. Usually, they divide their salary into two parts. A part is for daily expenses and another is for depositing. Not only that, they may try to reduce costs of various aspects. 不同的人的金钱观不一样。有些人喜欢存钱。通常,他们都会把他们的工资分成两部分。一部分用于日常开支,另一个是用于 储存。不仅如此,他们可能还会降低各方面的成本。 Obviously, some people like saving money, while there are others are inclined to spend their future money. They may spend too much on foods, clothes and entertainment; therefore, their expenses often are over their wages. This act brings about risk of getting into debt. 很显然,有些人喜欢存钱,而有些人则喜欢提前消费。他们可能会花太多钱在食物,衣服和娱乐上;因此,他们的消费总是高于他们的工资。这种行为可能会带来负债的危机。 To my way of thinking, people should keep a balance between depositing and advance spending. 我认为人们应该在存钱和提前消费之间保持一个平衡。 七年级英语小短文带翻译:关于电子书的利弊 Positive and Negative Aspects of E-books In recent years, electronic books, as a product of information technology, have gained more and more popularity. It is no doubt electronic books bring many benefits. For one thing, they are so convenient that we can read them anywhere and anytime. For another, their appearance will make paper-waste less. 近年来,电子书籍作为信息技术的产品已经越来越多常见了。毫无疑问,电子书带来了很多好处。一方面,他们很方便,我们可以随时随地地看。另一方面,它们的出现减少了纸张浪费。 However, as every coin has two sides, electronic books also have some disadvantages. For example, long time of reading e-books does harm to our eyes. 然而,正如每个硬币都有两面,电子书也有不足之处。例如,长时间阅读电子书会伤害我们的眼睛。 Weighing up the pros and cons, I think that e-books are beneficial if we read correctly and properly instead of reading over. 权衡利弊,我觉得我们恰当地阅读电子书而不是过度是很有好处的。 七年级英语小短文带翻译:一张全家福A Family Picture I am so impressed by the family picture, it took when I was in grade 6. At that day, my mother woke me up in the morning, she told me that I should wash my face quickly, today our family had an important thing to do. So I got dressed, after finishing everything, I asked my mom what would I do next, she said that our family would take a family picture, it meant so lot. I didn’t figure out what it was, but I thought it was so funny, so I stood as they asked, and smiled. Two years pass, I now understand the meaning of the family picture, I take the picture when I am out for school. Taking the picture is like my family around me. 对于全家福,我的印象很深刻,那是我六年级时候照的。那天,妈妈一大早就叫醒我,她告诉我我应该快速洗脸,今天家里有很重要的事情去做。所以我穿好衣服,在我做完一切以后,我问妈妈我接下来该做什么,她说家里待会要照全家福,这很重要。我不知道那是什么,但是我觉得那很有趣,所以我照他们说的站好和微笑。两年过去了,现在我懂得了全家福的意义,当我在外学习的时候我带着。带着全家福好比家人在我身边。


You may feel that college life is boring. We don't know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested not be are friends.

Studying in college is a brand new start of our can continue to study hard for the better scords. Libary is a good place for students to study in. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In a word,college life is wonderful!






My neighbor is a lonely life, I have tried to give my best to help example, the laundry, sweeping, cooking, etc.


In fact, the most elderly of a fifty years old,best hope is that other people care


So, I hope that not noly care in their daily lives,but also emotionally,we can care what they want.


Therefore, to regularly communicate with old people is the most do more listening and speaking,


For the elderly to he most comprehensive care.


If anyone asks me what will I want to be in the future? I will say a teacher without any thinking. In my mind, being a teacher is a great job. Its responsibility is very heavy, but it is full of achievability. I like the job with achievability. I also like children. I want to develop them into the people who are useful to the society. In my mind, no job can compare with teacher.

如果有人问我将来想做什么? 我会想都不想就说教师。在我看来,做老师是一个很伟大的工作。虽然责任很重,但是充满了成就感。我喜欢有成就感的工作。我也喜欢小孩子。我希望能把他们培养成为对社会有用的人。在我看来,任何工作都无法与教师相比。


A Roc's flight of ten thousand li-A bright future

In the Chinese classic 《Chuangtze》, there is a legend like this:

Once upon a time, a gigantic fish named Kun lived in the northern sea. No one knew how large it actually was. This fish could change itself into the enormous bird called Peng (roc), measuring thousands of kilometers in length. When the bird was spreading its wings, it looked like huge clouds in the sky. It could, in one stretch, fly from the northern sea to the southern sea on the other side of the globe and soaring up to 90000 li (45000 kilometers) in the heaven.

the bird can surely fly over a long distance without stop. Now people use this idiom to with others have a long career or a bright future.



很久很久以前,北海里住着一条巨大的鱼,名字叫鲲 (K%n)。没有人知道它到底有多大。这条鱼能够变成鹏(P0ng),一种庞大的鸟,有几百万米长。鹏鸟展开翅膀就像天空里的一大片云。它能一口气从北海飞到地球另一边的南海。当它展翅高飞的时候,它可以冲上90000哩(45000公里)的高空。



In ancient times there were no donkeys in Guizhou province. Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and tied it to a tree at the foot of a mountain.

A tiger saw the donkey, and thought that it must be a fearsome(可怕的) monster. It hide behind a tree and spied on the donkey.

When the donkey brayed(叫) , the tiger was frightened, thinking that the donkey was about to devour(吞食,毁灭) it. After a while, seeing that the donkey had not moved, the tiger approached it and teased it. The donkey became angry, and kicked the tiger.

The tiger thought to itself: "Its then all it is capable of?" It then jumped on the donkey and ate it.

This idiom is used to mean that one has exhauseted one's skills.






Going South by Driving the Chariot North

Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him:"If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?" The ma answered, "My horse is good at running, My driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, ad I have enough money."The man didint consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, ther further he was away from his destination.

The idiom derived froim this story indicates that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention.






She said helping others changed her life. 填空答案:a. world b. brothers c. changedd. agreed e. mountains f. different Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to ,it -------- the life of YangLei from Beijing .The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program. The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural areas. Life in the ------ was a new experience for YangLei .Her village was 2,000 meters above sea level, and at first the thin air made her feel sick .The food was very simple-- teachers ate porridge three times a day .Fortunately, Yang lei’s mother ------ with her daughter’s decision. She said that both she and her husband thought this was a good idea .Young people today need to experience ------ things,’’ she said . Most of the pupils live in school dormitories. They work very hard .They get up at 5 am and read books until 11 pm. They love having the volunteer teachers there.“There is no difference between you and them ,”says YangLei .“They say that we are like big ------ or sisters to them, and they feel lucky .” Some of the students may not be able to go to senior high school or college . Families are poor and there often isn’t money for education .“I can’t do anything about that,” says Yang Lei,“but I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside ------ and give them a good star in life”. She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives . Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much. When her year was over ,she said that she would return to the area after finishing her studies .She now works as a math teacher at a high school in the city of PingLiang ,Gansu Province.翻译:她说帮助别人改变了她的生活 在甘肃省贫穷的大山里教高中学生对你来说可能听起来不是很有趣。然而它却改变了来自北京的杨蕾的生活。北京大学的毕业生第一次作为志愿者来到那里,进行为期一年的活动。这个活动是由教育部和中国少年先锋队组织的。每年他们派前一百名志愿者去中国偏远的山区。 在大山里的生活对于杨蕾来说是一次新的经历。她所去的村庄高出海平面2000米。起初稀薄的空气让她感到难受。并且那的食物也非常简答——老师们一日三餐都喝粥。幸运的是,杨蕾的母亲同意女儿的决定。她说她和她的丈夫都认为这是一个好主意。她说:“现在的年轻人需要去经历不同的事物。” 大多数学生住在学校宿舍里。他们学习十分勤奋。他们早上五点起床并且读书一直到晚上十一点。他们喜欢有志愿者老师。“你和他们之间没有任何差异。”杨蕾说,“他们说我们对他们来说就像大哥哥大姐姐那样,并且他们感到很幸运。” 一些学生也许不能上高中或大学。家庭都很穷,并且没有让孩子受教育的钱。“关于这件事我无能为力,”杨蕾说“当我可以开阔我的学生们的眼界,并且在生活中给他们一个良好的开始。”她说她喜欢在孩子们的生活中给他们好的影响。 杨蕾非常喜欢她当志愿者的这一段时间。当她时间结束的时候,她说当她毕业之后还会回去。现在她在甘肃省平良(?我不确定是不是这个名字呵呵~)高中当一名数学老师。呵呵~都是自己翻译的!望采纳哦~o(∩_∩)o... 呵呵~这道题我答过欧~



完形填空(A) I am a middle-school student. Now let ___1___ tell you something ___2___ our classroom. It's very ___3___. There are two maps ___4___ the back wall. ___5___ is a map of China. ___6___ is a map of the world (世界).There are ___7___ desks and chairs in our classroom. There is a big desk ___8___ the teacher in the front of it. We ___9___ four classes in the ___10___ and two in the . a. Ib. my c. med. we2. a. aboutb. in c. on d. at3. a. small b. big c. bigger d. biggest4. a. in b. on c. under d. over5. a. It b. It's c. Oned. one6. a. Other b. Others c. Another d. The other7. a. fourty b. forty c. forteen d. fourteenth8. a. for b. of c. to d. about9. a. there is b. there are c. has d. have10. a. moningb. mourningc. mornind. moring(B)The students of Class 3 are ___11___ going to have any classes next week. They're going to ___12___ the farmers ___13___ their work on the farm. They're going to ___14___ apples. Many students think it's ___15___ better than having classes. They're going to get up ___16___ next Monday morning. They're going to meet outside the school gate at 7:30. The farm is ___17___ near. They're going there ___18___ bus. They're going to ___19___ on their old clothes. They're going to work . a. nob. not c. havingd. always12. a. do b. help c. make d. give13. a. doing b. with c. to make d. to doing14. a. having b. pickingc. pick d. have15. a. more b. much c. many d. little16. a. later b. earlier c. early d. late17. a. not b. quite c. very d. no18. a. take b. take a c. by d. on19. a. wear b. take c. put d. have20. a. hard b. a little c. heavy d. hardly(一) A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says: “I want one ticket(票)to the zoo ” and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you ,young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her, The boy says: “Im four at home, and two in the buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the does the conductor look at the small boy for a few secondsA. She likes him B. She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket C. She knows the small boy. D. She saw the boy does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?A. The boy’s words are interestingB. The mother is a bad motherC. The small boy can tell the truthD. She loves the small last the mother A. buys another ticket B. buys a half-price ticket for the boy C. says sorry to the conductor D. gives one yuan to the does the word “conductor”mean? A.司机 B.售票员 C.乘客 D.警察 the story we can see A. every boy must buy a ticket in the bus B. when a child is four, he must buy a ticket C. sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parents D. woman are not good mothers (二)Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on Open timeGrown-up:(成人)$ 9:—4: :over 12 $ Except(除)FridayUnder12 Free(免票) 10:—3: the zoo clean!Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals! many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage? A. four B. five C. six D. Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)? A.$ B. $ C. $ D. $ of the following is the visiting time? Monday Friday [m Sunday the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very of the following can we do in the zoo?A. to give some food to the fishB. to touch the monkey on the headC to throw things everywhereD. to keep the zoo clean(三) Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”1.( )eats the fish. A. Mr Tom B. Mrs Tom C. The cat D. His fiends2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish? A. She eats the fish before Tom comes back B. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her C. She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband D. She cooks the fish for Tom Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife. A. the fish B. the cat C. his wife D. his much fish does Tom often buy? A. one kilo B. two kilo C. three kilo D. four likes ( )very much. A. cat B. his wife C. fish D. his friends (四) Many Americans like to have their holidays(期) in 1 countries. One day an American 2 comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants to 3 some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk 4 with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “ 5 ” to her, then he begins (开始) his first talk with someone 6 an English-speaking country.“How old are you?” the Chinese 7 . “I’m 8 . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her 9 .” answers the Chinese is surprised (感到惊奇). He doesn’t know 10 . Can you help him?1. A. an other B. the other C. other D. others2. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child3. A. make B. making C. do D. having4. A. with English B. with Chinese C. in English D. in Chinese5. A. OK B. hello C. sorry D. good-bye6. A. in B. at C. of D. from7. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks8. A. sure B. worried C .glad D. sorry9. A. supper B. age C. job (工作) D. family10. A. how B. why C. what D. which One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York. “Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?” “It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York” Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one. “There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”1. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time? A. America B. China C. Japan D. New York2. ---Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”?---Because his overcoat was too( ) A. new B. long C. short D. did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”? ----Because at that time he was not ( ) A. happy B. boring C. satisfied D. famous ( ), Einstein and his friend met again. A. three days B. some monthsC.several hours this article we can find Einstein is a ( )person. A. rich B. poor C. famous D. simple(七) Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”1.( )eats the fish. A. Mr Tom B. Mrs Tom C. The cat D. His fiends2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish? A. She eats the fish before Tom comes back B. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her C. She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband D. She cooks the fish for Tom Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife. A. the fish B. the cat C. his wife D. his much fish does Tom often buy?A. one kilo B. two kilo C. three kilo D. four likes ( )very much. A. cat B. his wife C. fish D. his friends

ATom was not old, but he did not have much hair. His wife(妻子), Grace, had thick, beautiful, black hair. They had one daughter. Her name was Jane, and she was four and a half years old. There was a photo of her father in the living-room, and a few days ago, Jane looked at it for a long time and then said to her mother, "Mummy, why had Dad got very little hair?"Grace laughed and said, "He's got very little hair because he thinks a lot, Jane. He's a clever man." Jane looked at her mother's thick, black hair for a few seconds(秒钟), and then she asked, "Mum, why have you got a lot of hair?"根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1. There were three people in Tom's . Tom had some . Grace had more hair than . There was a photo of Jane's mother in the . Jane wanted to know why her mother had black hair, day Mark Twain told a story about his first in those days didn't respect(尊敬)their teachers. They didn't take care of school things, either. The school had a rule: If a student damaged(损坏)his desk, the teacher would beat him in front of the whole school, or the student had to pay five Twain once found his desk was damaged in some way, he had to tell his father about the school's rule. His father thought it would be too bad if the teacher beat his son in public(当众), so he agreed to give him five dollars. But before giving him the money, the father gave his son a good beating. The next day Mark Twain decided he would take another beating at school, so he could keep the five dollars. In this way, he got his first those days, if somebody damaged his desk, he would_________. A. leave school B. pay money C. be beaten by his father D. earn five Mark Twain was______, he earned his first money. A. ten years old B. at school C. beaten for the first time Twain was beaten (打)twice because . damaged two desks B. damaged his desk twice to keep the money D. didn't respect his Twain's father gave him five dollars. He wanted his son . keep the money B. hand the money to the teacherC. disgrace(给…带来耻辱)his family D. take a of the following is NOT true? Twain was a famous writer. B. Mark Twain was a bad student in school was right to beat Mark Twain. should earn money as Mark Twain bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too. It gives us some interesting phrases(短语).One is “to let the cat out of the bag" It is the same as “to tell the secret”. There is an old interesting story about ago, when people sold things in big cloth(布)bags, a woman asked a man for a pig. The man held up his cloth bag. There seemed to be a little pig in it. The woman asked to see it. When the man opened the cloth bag, a big black cat ran out. Not a pig! The man's secret was out and everyone knew when someone lets out(泄漏)a secret, he "let's the cat out of the bag". And that is the story where the interesting phrase came from.根据短文选择正确答案。11. The phrase “to let the cat out of the bag” came from_______. A. a woman and a pig B. a man and a cat C. a pig and and a cat interesting woman wanted to buy_____. A. a cloth bag B. a little pig C. a black cat D. a bag and a man knew there was ___ in his cloth bag. A. a bag B. a pig C. a cat D. the end of the second passage"……everyone knew it", it means______. A. there was a pig in the man's bag B. the woman bought a cat C. the cloth bag D. the man's "let the cat out of the bag" means he _____. A .makes everyone know a secret B. puts the cats away from the bag C. buys a cat in the bag the cat in the bagDIn some foreign countries, some people don't like the number 13. They don't think 13 is a lucky number. For example, they don't like to live on the thirteenth floor. My friend Jack has got the same idea. He doesn't like the number 13, either. One day, he asked some friends to dinner. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit around the dinner table. He began to count the people in his mind while they were having the delicious food. Suddenly, he cried out, "Oh, there are thirteen people here!" Everybody's face turned white except Mr Brown. He said slowly with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, my dear friends! We have fourteen people here. My wife Mrs Brown will have a baby in a few weeks. She's in the family way now. " All of them became happy again. "Congratulations!" they said to Mrs and Mr Brown. They enjoyed the nice food and had a good time that evening. 根据短文,完成下面句子。16. Some foreigners think the number 13 is . 17. Mr and Mrs Brown were . 18. Everybody’s face turned white when . 19. The sentence "She's in the family way now. " means .20. All of them became happy again because . EHOUSE FOR SALE:Comfortable(舒适的)family home with a large garden on the north side of town. Three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom. Pay ¥280,000 for Browns are looking for a new house. Mr Brown wants to live on the north side of the town near his work. Mrs Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. Their children don't care the house is like but the garden is big WANTED for busy restaurant. Some evening and weekend work. All meals free. Call wants to drive. He thinks it's very interesting. The work is hard but he doesn't mind. He has to work in the evenings and weekends, but he can get some weekdays off. It's not very well paid, but he never OUR FOOTBALL TEAM. Boys and girls wanted to play for a local(本地的) football team. Aged 9~13. Meet in Green Park on Friday at 3 : There is a new football team starting in the village, Mum. I'm old enough to play it. School is over at half past three, so I’d have a lot of : Well. I'm sure you could do your homework in the evenings. But look, Tom, You don’t read the paper carefully. You can’t possibly play for this . What do you think of the house? Mr Brown want to buy the house? Why? didn't the Browns buy the house in the ad? does Jack want to get the job in the restaurant? can't Tom play for the new football team?Key:1-5TFTFF 6-10BBCDD 11-15DBCBA 16. unlucky 17. J ack's friends 18. they heard the number 19. she is going to have a baby 20. the number of the people was 14 not 1321. It’s very comfortable/big/expensive. 22. Yes, he does. Because he wants to live near his Mrs Brown wants to buy a house with four he wants to drive./Because the work is very he doesn’t read the paper carefully.


初中 英语听力 教学越来越受到关注。提高学生的综合语言运用能力,首先就要从改善初中英语听力的日常教学开始。下面是我带来的七年级下册英语 文章 听力,欢迎阅读!七年级下册英语文章听力精选 听力原文 Ⅰ. 1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45. 3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. It’s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ. 6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7. How do you spell“eraser”? 8. Where’s my book? Can you see it? 9. Does Jack like strawberries? 10. What’s your favorite sport? Ⅲ. M: Good evening, Ann. W: Good evening, Andy. M: I know you are an English teacher. And many students like you very much. Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure. M: When is your birthday? W: It’s December 21. M: You look healthy. Do you often do sports? W: Yes. I like running best. I also like basketball, soccer, ping-pong, and baseball. M: But do you have much time to play sports every day? W: Yes. I run to school in the morning and run back home in the afternoon. I play sports with my students after class. M: Wow! You’re a good runner! W: Yes. I want my students to do more sports, too. It’s good for them. M: I think so. Ⅳ. Tom is an American boy. He is from New father, Mr Brown, and mother, Mrs Brown, both work in Beijing now. So he studies in School in Beijing. He usually goes to school at 7:10 every morning. At school, Tom’s favorite subjects are science and music. He thinks they are very interesting. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it’s too boring. After school, Tom usually plays soccer and basketball with his Chinese friends. On weekends, Tom often goes to the movies with his parents. 参考答案 听力 1—20 ACBAB BACAC CABCB CBAAB 单项选择 21—35 ABBBA ACCDA CBBBD 完形填空 36—45 BBBCA CCBAA 46—55 old, school, help, difficult, favorite, because, best, playing, movies, are 阅读理解 56—70 CDBCC CAABD BBDAC 七年级下册英语文章听力阅读 I.听 句子 。选择与所听内容对应的图片。句子读两遍。 Tao gets up at 6:30 every day. are many things in the supermarket. girls are buying pens. is playing basketball. boys are carrying a big box. II.听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读两遍。 this pen cheap or expensive? I have a hag of milk? ’s the name of the supermarket? much orange juice do you want? day is it today? III.听对话和问题。根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。 :Mum,what do we have for lunch today? W:What about rice and fish? M:Rice and fish?OK,fish is my some tofu. W:OK. I must buy some now. Q:What do they have for lunch today? 12. M:How much is it? W:Seven yuan a kilo. M:It’s too expensive. I won’t buy it. Q:Where are they talking? :Can I help you,madam? W:Some tomatoes,please. Q:What vegetable does the woman want? :Jim,what do we have for supper now? M:Let me go and have a ,there’s only a little bread. W:So we must buy some food tomorrow. M:Yes,we must buy some fish,meat and chicken. Q:What do they have for supper now`? :Hi,Lily!Get up ’s tune to go to school. W:Why?Dad!It’s Saturday today. M:Oh,yes,it’s have no classes today or tomorrow. Q:When does Lily go to school? IV,听短文。根据所听内容填空。每空一词。短文读两遍。 Please come to Sandy’s ’s for bags are only thirty you want to buy a sweater for your son?It’s only twenty-two for girls,T-shirts in red,green and black are only fifteen yuan. What nice socks! They’re only five yuan. 七年级下册英语文章听力学习 句子听写 第一节 1. Her mane is Gina. 2. This is a cup. 3. The telephone is red. 4. He is Alan Miller. 5. My phone number is 278-79. 第二节 6. What’s your name? 7. I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! 8. What’s your phone number? 9. What’s her last name? 10. What’s his first name? 第三节 11. M: My name is Jack. What’s your name? W: I’m Jenny. 12. M: What’s her name? W: Her name is Linda. 13. M: What color is the telephone? W: It’s blue. 14. W: Hi, Frank! I’m Helen. M: What’s your last name? W: My last name is Brown. 15. M: What’s his name? W: His name is Tony Smith. M: What’s his phone number? W: It’s 398-61. 第四节 1. This is my brother. 2. Is that your dog? 3. My son is five. 4. Those are my parents. 5. That’s my family photo. 第五节 6. Is this your sister? 7. Is Tony your friend? 8. Paul, this is Anna. 9. Spell your name, please. 10. What’s your last name? 第六节 11. M: Is that a map? W: No, it isn’t. It’s a photo. 12. M: Is this your sister? W: Yes. Her name is Linda. 13. M: Who is Coco? W: She is Dale’s sister. 14. M: Hello! Are you Kim Miller? W: Yes, I am. M: I’m Alan Smith. Nice to meet you! 15. M: Hi, Jane! Is that your brother? W: No, it isn’t. It’s my cousin, Tim. M: What’s his phone number? W: His phone number is 521-087.



Creating a brilliant Beijing: Time for Action Ladies and Gentlemen: My topic is on creating a brilliant Beijing: Time for Action 2008 is such a common number, but many Chinese will get excited when they mention it. How can a common number attract such a strange fascination? The answer is simple and obvious: the twenty-ninth Olympic Game will be held in Beijing in the year 2008. At that time, the whole world will focus their attentions on Beijing. As the hostess, Beijing will show her beauty to the guests from all over the world. The Beijing Olympic Games will be a Green Olympic, a high technology Olympic, and a people's Olympic. Among them, a Green Olympic is the most important concept. It will show the world the determination, the ability, and the confidence of the Chinese people and their government to successfully hold a Green Olympic. To achieve such a goal, however, it needs a lot of hard work. As middle school students in Beijing, we should take on more responsibilities for our capital city's environment. Any action we take will affect the appearance of the city. Therefore, we should start with ourselves, act now, and make every possible effort. But how? You may ask. There are a lot of things we can do in our daily lives. We all know the fact that Beijing is frequently assaulted by sand storms every year. Forests and lands have been degraded by agricultural and industrial activities. To revive those desert lands is beyond our ability, but we can plant trees around our schools or in our neighborhood communities. If everybody does so, there will be a green Beijing and we will have a Green Olympic. I don't know whether you've noticed that some students don't want to walk to school; their parents have to drive them to school every day. But nowadays, the air is polluted with automobile exhausts. What can we do about it? Ride on your bike to school and enjoy exercise! It will not only have significant benefits for your health, but also help improving our environment. In addition, if you don't drive cars, you will not go to the car wash. That will save large amount of water. If everybody does something, there will be a green Beijing and we will have a Green Olympic. Think it over, my friends. The things we can do are definitely not unrealistic. Although we cannot provide with a clean energy source, achieve a better sewage treatment system, or stop any industry from using hazardous chemicals and releasing hazardous wastes, we can save every drop of water and protect every patch of green. Make Beijing a more beautiful city, where green patches are everywhere and blue sky can be seen clearly above our heads. A Green Beijing Olympic is asking for action. Act now. Thank you!

Starting a new book is a risk, just like falling in love. You have to commit to it. You open the pages knowing a little bit about it maybe, from the back or from a blurb on the front. But who knows, right? Those bits and pieces aren’t always right. Sometimes people advertise themselves as one thing and then when you get deep into it you realize that they’re something completely different. Either there was some good marketing attached to a terrible book, or the story was only explained in a superficial way and once you reach the middle of the book, you realize there’s so much more to this book than anyone could have ever told start off slow. The story is beginning to unfold. You’re unsure. It’s a big commitment lugging this tome around. Maybe this book won’t be that great but you’ll feel guilty about putting it down. Maybe it’ll be so awful you’ll keep hate-reading or just set it down immediately and never pick it up again. Or maybe you’ll come back to it some night, drunk or lonely — needing something to fill the time, but it won’t be any better than it was when you first started reading you’re worn out. You’ve read tons of books before. Some were just light weights on a Kindle or Nook, no big deal really. Others were Infinite Jest-style burdens, heavy on your back or in your purse. Weighing you down all the time. Maybe you’ve taken some time off from reading because the last few books you read just weren’t worth it. Do they even write new, great works of literature anymore? Maybe that time you fell in love with a book before will just never happen for you again. Maybe it’s a once in a lifetime feeling and you’re never gonna find it something exciting could happen. Maybe this will become your new favorite book. That’s always a possibility right? That’s the beauty of risk. The reward could actually be worth it. You invest your time and your brain power in the words and what you get back is empathy and a new understanding and pure wonder. How could someone possibly know you like this? Some stranger, some author, some character. It’s like they’re seeing inside your soul. This book existed inside some book store, on a shelf, maybe handled by other people and really it was just waiting for you pick it up and crack the spine. It was waiting to speak to you. To say, “You are not alone.”You just want more of the story. You want to keep reading, maybe everything this author’s ever written. You wish it would never end. The closer it gets to the smaller side of the pages, the slower you read, wanting to savor it all. This book is now one of your favorites forever. You will always wish you could go back to never having read it and pick it up fresh again, but also you know you’re better for having this close, inside you, covering your heart and you get in deep enough, you know you could never put this book down.

lived in the north, you might think it was nothing. But the following thing was more unreal. A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie’s shoulder and then flew to my shoulder. I didn’t know how to express my feelings, only enjoying it. The parrot didn’t seem to leave. How fantastic, I thought. The snow became smaller and smaller after class. Maybe we lost something, but we








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——————: 易改



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The first paragraph : In this age of rapid development of science and technology, puters are playing an increasingly important role in people's lives.

The second paragraph : The Laptop bees more and more popular among young people because its pact design and light laptop is easy to carry, it helps us to keep up on current news on all aspects and check information in time.

Besides busy lives of studying,it can also enrich our daily lives when we use it for watching movies and listening to while it brings us convenience,the laptop also has some negative influences on example,a lot of teenagers are addicted to online games,it is harmful to health and a huge waste of students even play with puters in class,neglect their studies and disappoint their parents.

Third paragraph : In my opinion, the laptop is very useful for our we should put it to good use instead of only using it for entertainment,or else it will only ruin our lives.












