
> 期刊论文知识库

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*本文根据笔者的课堂笔记整理(fu zhi zhan tie)而成一、Texture of the Sentence Structure and Word 丨Texture质构(texture)是指句子的精细结构,位于句子整体结构的更下一层。2.词序(Word Order)客观世界的三维空间经过语言的记录和表达转变为了一维的线性结构,这就带来了句子质构的词序问题。英语的词序较之汉语来说相对更加灵活。例如,英语的状语放在句子开头、中间或结尾都可以;而在汉语中状语倾向于紧跟在被修饰成分的前面,时间状语以及地点状语常置于句子开头。 would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me.在这个发生了许多事情的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上,回顾一天的快乐,恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了。 are several reasons why Kissinger no longer appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be, an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward megalomania.全世界的报界曾把基辛格渲染成魔术师般的人物,而他也没有能阻止报界的这一做法,因为正如他自己承认的,他有一种自大狂的倾向。但现在他不再给人这样的印象了,这里有几个原因。词序是英汉翻译最基本的问题,因为几乎所有的汉语表达都是不断地按时间顺序或逻辑顺序对英语源文本进行词序重组(re-arrange)汉语中方式副词一般置于动词前,而结果副词一般置于动词之后,且经常用短语或句子表达。 vainly protested against the new tax law.他们对新税法提出抗议,但没有作用。, to his delight, he was allowed to take a walk around the wood.有时,他被允许在小树林附近走走,对此他感到很高兴。 had spent 25 years working toward but never getting the position of a real 年里,他一直想争取当上一名真正的经理,但始终未能如愿。汉语词序较为固定的原因在于汉语较之英语缺乏词形上的变化,因而语态、时态、情态以及衔接都有赖于词序来表达。这在汉英翻译中也值得注意。.如果对手让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。It can be inferred that you lack confidence in a victory over your rivals from the fact that you're irritable against .人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无需压抑自己。Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life, which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like, lover when you should, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself.二、「分离状语/附属状语」、「叠词/词复」译法丨Disjunctive Modifier/Adjunctive was remarkably silent when the order girls all talked and ."What good do they do for the common people?" he reportedly asked.上述两例中的remarkably以及reportedly都很难归类到表方式的修饰成分中,一般将其归为分离式修饰成分(Disjunctive Modifier),与附属式修饰成分(Adjunctive Modifier)对应。2.分离状语译法一般来说,分离状语最好译为单独的短语或独立的从句,和句子中的其他成分区分开。而附属状语可以紧接被修饰成分。 is suggestively silent.他一声不吭,似有隐衷。 enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.司法部分如对此不闻不问,那就是失责, like port protection in America remain grossly underfunded, and US borders remain disturbingly porous.由于在进出港施行保护措施严重缺乏资金,美国的边境仍然漏洞百出,令人感到不安。 was visibly anxious.看得出来,他很紧张。 we feel faceless and unidentified, it is temptingly easy to do things we otherwise wouldn't.在没有人认识我们,也没有人知道我们的身份的时候,我们会情不自禁地想做一些本来不会做的事。 negotiations were marked all the way by haggling over face-saving details.整个谈判过程一直在为具体细节争论不休,其实只是为了要保住面子。3.叠词(Repetition Words)与词复(Word Repetition)概念叠词在汉语中十分常见,常用于动词,增强语言的动态感;也可以用于名词,表示复数。不同形式的叠词也会有不同的语义效果,对于AABB式叠词,如跌跌爬爬、蹦蹦跳跳,动作的时间更长,更加接近于状态的表达;而对于ABAB式叠词,如估计估计,议论议论,动作时间更短,动态感更加明显。为了译出汉语中叠词的修辞效果,汉英翻译也常常使用英语中的头韵(alliteration),谐音(assonance),尾韵(consonance),半谐音(semi-assonance),押韵(rhyme)或重叠词(reduplicative words).年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。Year after year the flowers look alike but people are changing all the .看看又有什么关系呢?What does it matter if I take a look?3.他闪闪烁烁,不作肯定答复。He hemmed and hawed, giving no definite .表演场地让赛车塞得满满的。Exhibition floors were chock-a-block with racing and sports cars.词复(Word Repetition)也可以用在英汉翻译中,增强译文的美感。 father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.他父亲看着他跨过漫漫岁月和悠悠哀愁的鸿沟——那条必然会把父子隔开的鸿沟。三、连词(Conjunction)选讲:不只是“和”and是英语中最常用的连词(Conjunction,Copulative),用以连接单词、词组,从句甚至不同的整句。在语法意义上,and所连接的成分是并列的(parallel).基本用法是连接一系列动作,名词的并列以及列举。 mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass, who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇了摇头笑着飞开了。2.战争与和平war and , B, C and D甲、乙、丙和丁实际上,and也可以用以连接非并列成分.and连接的成分并不等同,而是作为一个整体表义,或者是两个成分有隐含的从属关系 beam and scale 天平 and cream 浇了奶油的水果 and water 掺了水的牛奶 and saucer 带托碟的茶杯 face is milk and roses.她的脸色白里透红。 has been prime minister and foreign minister for ten years.他担任首相兼外交大臣已有十年。当and重复连接同一个词时,目的是为了突出差异而不是起强调作用 are friends and 1: 朋友多的是/我们的朋友遍天下(false)Version 2:朋友和朋友不一样,有真朋友,也有所谓的朋友(true) can find doctors and doctors.大夫和大夫可不大一样(意思是有些大夫比其他大夫更好)在口语中的用法 and/ nice and/fine and口语中good and/nice and/fine and用来代替very,而不是表示“……又好又……” was good and angry.他非常生气。 wish your eyes would always flash like that, for it looks so nice and manly.我希望你的眼睛老是那样的炯炯有神,这样看上去很有大丈夫气概。2.用and代替 will try and finish the task.我会设法完成任务。 stay and have supper,won't you?Version 1:请你留下来并且吃晚饭好吗 ?(false)Version 2:留下来吃过晚饭再走,好吗?(true)注:and 后面的请求(have supper)是前面的请求(Please stay)目的,同时在逻辑上是吃完晚饭再走,翻译时有必要用解包袱法译出and前后隐含的语义关系 的其他用法1.完成时and过去时(perfect+past)用and连接一个完成时和过去时常常隐含了指责的意思're been and bought such a pair of shoes.你怎么会去买这么一双难看的鞋?'s been and taken my dictionary?谁这么讨厌,竟然把我的字典拿走了! who has gone and told him about it?谁这么缺德,竟然告诉了他?'ve gone and woken him. He's so tired out.你怎么搞的,竟然把他吵醒了。他可是累坏了。2.用于强调, we still have shortcomings, and very big ones too.但是我们还有缺点,而且是很大的缺点。 can express his ideas in English, and effectively.他能用英语表达他的想法,而且说得很清楚。 is not easy to carry such a heavy load, and during the dog days.拿这么重的东西本来就不是什么易事,况且是在三伏天。3.用在否定句中表部分否定and not 的否定意义只能修饰到and前后的其中一个成分 cannot go to Beijing and not see the Great Wall我若是到北京去,那就得去看长城。、 one can read it and not be moved.没有人读了它不受感动的。 couldn't see you, and not love you.见到你,我不可能不一见钟情。修饰成分的语义关系1.对比(此时and可视为语气较弱的but) if not forever, and failure is not total.成功不是永远的,而失败也不意味着一切都完了。 has wronged me, and I wish to do her justice.她冤枉了我,可我还是希望对她做到仁至义尽。2.引出结果 straight for a mile or so and you'll see a church at the left side.一直往前走大约一英里,你就会看到左边有一座教堂。 found sleep impossible and rose from bed.他睡不着,于是干脆起来了。 the fear of death, and you are put into possession of your life.征服了对死亡的恐惧,你才真正拥有生命。3.隐喻和象征(metaphors)这种情况下在and之后的成分往往是前者连带的象征含义,常见的译法是“犹如,像”,当然也有其他灵活的译法。 and bears often worry their keepers.伴君如伴虎。 and roses have thorns about them.真理和玫瑰一样都有刺。4.引出目的、原因、时间、同位语、让步成分、插入语等.(让步) Rich and poor,all must die.无论贫富,人总有一死。2.(时间)The earth rotates and it revolves.地球一边自转一边公转。3.(原因)Aluminum is used as the engineering material for planes and spaceships and it is both light and tough.因为铝质地轻,韧性强,所以常用作飞机和宇宙飞船的材料。4.(插入对话)—He was a miser.​ —And how!——他是个小气鬼。——可不!:不只是时间状语从句when作连词时常用在时间状语从句中,最基本的译法是“当……的时候”。实际上在翻译时常常把这种明显的时间标志略去,与此同时when的含义也远远不止死板的“当……时”。 we were having a class some stranger rushed in.我们上课的时候有个陌生人冲了进来。(when在此是介绍背景) were having a class when some stranger rushed in.我们正在上课,有个陌生人冲了进来。(when在此强调突然性) conflict began,when it soon appeared which was the stronger of the two.搏斗开始了,很快就决出了胜负(when表示随后,即时间上的顺承)的其他用法when也可以用在让步状语、条件状语从句中。 gain of lying is not to be trusted by anyone, nor to be believed when you speak the truth.如果说说谎有什么好处的话,那就是得不到任何人的信任,而且即使说了真话,也没有人相信了。 paid when she could have entered free.尽管她可以免费入场,但她还是买了票。(本句when的让步语义是配合情态动词的虚拟语气实现的) you have driven a Jaguar once, you won't want to drive another car.只要你开过一次捷豹,你就不想再开别的车了。四、定语(Attributive)选讲1.定语的信息压缩(information condensed in the attributive modifier)在英语中,"attributive+modified"的结构既可以承载较少的信息,也可以压缩大量的信息在定语中。在汉语中,前者也有对应的用法,而后者有时会存在表义的困难。 weather 暖和的天气warm clothes 寒衣 graphic account 生动的描述a graphyic writer 文笔生动的作家 increase of traffic deaths is a warning.交通(事故)造成的死亡人数 crowd shouted in ragged unison.人们此起彼伏地喊着。 spite of the investigative effort, gaps remain.尽管我们做了很多努力去调查,还是有几个环节连不上。由于英语中定语存在信息压缩的现象,翻译时给出适当的阐释(elaboration),将压缩的信息释放出来是必要的。2.定语的转译根据定语与其修饰成分的语义关系,定语常可以灵活地转译为其他成分,最常见的是转译为状语。 apparent cause of his illness was excessive drinking.表面看来,他生病是由于喝酒过多。 wanted to find a lonely place to shed private tears.她想找个没人的地方,自己一个人哭一场。更具体的分类如下:1.作为原因 behaved with guilty caution and rather enjoyed stealing a march on Doctor Ed.他心中感到内疚,所以举止小心谨慎,但为能偷偷地抢在埃德大夫之前颇为得意。 is an accumulated pile of pebbles along the banks of the river.沿河两岸,鹅卵石积聚成堆。2.作为目的 is the speech he made at the appreciation banquet.这是他在答谢宴会上讲的话。 supervisor was probably pacing up and down with a dismissal speech rehearsed.他的上司大概在一边踱步,一边构思着用什么话解雇他。3.作为方式 Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest.富兰克林·罗斯福目光炯炯,满脸笑容,聚精会神地听着;他没说什么,只是跟着大伙开心地鼓掌喝彩。 sideways, the closing-line of her lips formed the almost geometric precision, the perfect curve ever found in arts of design.从侧面看,她双唇紧闭的线条之间不露纹丝空隙,精确得几乎和几何学上的图形一样,这样完美的曲线只有在艺术设计中才能看得到。4.作为结果 leaped to his feet, moving with surprising agility.齐默尔曼纵身跳了起来,动作敏捷得让人感到吃惊。 don't like the sleepy warmth of that classroom.那间教室暖洋洋的,让人昏昏欲睡,有些人不喜欢。5.与修饰成分并列 lips and chin had a gentle firmness.她的嘴唇和下巴既柔和又坚决。 were sitting in the library in unfriendly silence.周围的人们对他们很不友好,都不做声。, in wretched suspence, could only say something indistinctly of his concern and observe her in compassionate silence.达西一时摸不着头脑,只得含含糊糊说了些安慰的话,默默无言地望着她,心里很是同情。3.定语修饰的颠倒现象英语和汉语修饰成分(modifer)和被修饰成分(modified)颠倒的情况十分常见。 budget 收支平衡 Washington 华盛顿官方 triangle 三角恋爱 updates 最新的技术 Chinese spaceflight 中国载人航天飞行 world is still engaged in a massive armaments race designed to insure continuing equivalent strength among potential adversaries.世界仍在进行大规模的军备竞赛,目的是为了潜在的对手之间继续保持力量的平衡。 moon through the rifted clouds looked down upon what had been the camp.月亮透过云间的缝隙,照在原先的营地上。4.汉英翻译中的定语处理英语中"attributive+modified"的结构十分常见,在汉英翻译时可以考虑将其他句式结构转译为定语+被修饰成分的结构,获得更地道的表达效果。.越来越多的人接受了这一想法。Version 1: More and more people begin to accept the 2: Ther


1、书声琅琅 [ shū shēng láng láng ] 形容读书声音响亮。


2、流水淙淙 [ liú shuǐ cóng cóng ] 形容流水的声音。


3、雨声潺潺 [ yǔ shēng chán chán ] 潺潺,拟声词。形容溪水、泉水等流动的声音,表现出一种幽静的环境。雨声潺潺指大雨一直下个不停。


4、流水汩汩 [ liú shuǐ gǔ gǔ ] 水汩汩流动的声音或样子。


5、琴声瑟瑟 [ qín shēng sè sè ] 形容琴发出轻微的声音。



1、窃窃私语 [ qiè qiè sī yǔ ] 暗地里小声说话。


2、琅琅上口 [ láng láng shàng kǒu ] 琅琅:玉石相击声,比喻响亮的读书声。指诵读熟练、顺口。也指文辞通俗,便于口诵。


3、飒飒来迟 [ sà sà lái chí ] 形容风吹动树木枝叶等发出的声音。


4、声声入耳 [ shēng shēng rù ěr ] 无论是周围环境的声音还是读书的声音都很好听。表示学生要好好读书。


5、汩汩流淌 [ gǔ gǔ liú tǎng ] 形容水或其他液体流动的声音。也形容水急流的样子。



dié dié bù xiū

[释义] 喋喋:形容说话的声音。唠唠叨叨;说个不停。

[语出] 《史记·匈奴传》:“嗟士室之人;顾无多辞;令喋喋而占占;冠固何当!”

[辨形] 喋;不能写作“谍”。

[近义] 滔滔不绝 口若悬河 津津乐道 娓娓而谈

[反义] 默不作声 守口如瓶 默默无言 闭口无言 喋若寒蝉

[用法] 含贬义。一般作谓语、定语、状语。

[结构] 偏正式。

[辨析] ~和“滔滔不绝”;都表示话很多。不同在于:~重在说话不简要;罗嗦;“滔滔不绝”重在说话不断;为中性成语;有时形容口才好;含褒义。

[例句] 在众人面前讲话;他总是拖泥带水;~;令人讨厌。

[英译] rattle on































29、The Characteristics of Athletic English and Its Translation体育英语的特点及翻译

30、Chinese Reduplicated Words and their Translation into English 汉语叠词及其英译

31、Non-Correspondence in English-Chinese Translation of Color Words中英文翻译中颜色词的非对应

32、On the Cultural Signification of Animal Idioms and Translation 动物俚语文化含义与翻译

33、Foreignizing and Domesticating Translations in Cross-cultural Vision跨文化视野中的异化和归化翻译

34、The Loss of Affective Meaning in Translation ―from the Perspective of Cultural Differences 从文化差异的角度看翻译中情感意义的丢失

35、On the Explicitness and Implicitness of Conjunctions in English-Chinese Translation Process 论连词再英汉翻译中的显性和隐性存在

36、Approaching Domestication and Foreignization in Translation from a Functional Perspective 从功能翻译角度看归化与异化

37、Conversion of Part of Speech in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉中词类的转换

38、The Transfer of Culture Image and of English and Chinese Idioms in Translating 论英汉习语翻译中的文化意象的转化 VI 旅游英语方向的选题

39、科技汉英翻译中的.修辞现象述评 ( An Overview of Rhetoric in Scientific English Translation )

40、科技英汉翻译中的虚实互化现象微探 ( Research on the Change from Abstractness to Concreteness in Scientific Translation )

41、翻译方法个案研究?如?“从海明威的短篇小说《一个 干净、明亮的地方》看简洁句的翻译”?

42、两个译本比较研究 ?或某 个译本翻译评论?



45、广告翻译策略 研究

46、Culture Differences and Translation of English &Chinese Idioms


48、烹饪英语 翻译探微



51、汉语颜色 词的英译



54、论英语委婉 语的差异和翻译对策

55、实用文体翻译中的语 言、文化透视?结合语言学、跨文化交际等相关内容分析影响实 用文体翻译的因素?

56、关于对外交流翻译中不足 的反思?如?电影名的误译?旅游翻译的误译及其他。?

57、对某一翻译的理解与 探讨?如“信、达、雅”的探讨与新解?等等





62、英汉修辞格 的语篇衔接作用及其在翻译中的再现


64、英汉语篇衔接 作用及其翻译策略

65、汉语广告英译中的巧 译策略探微

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简介[编辑本段]词牌,就是词的格式的名称。词的格式和律诗的格式不同:律诗只有四种格式,而词则总共有一千多个格式②(这些格式称为词谱)。人们不好把它们称为第一式、第二式等等,所以给它们起了一些名字。这些名字就是词牌。有时候,几个格式合用一个词牌,因为它们是同一个格式的若干变体;有时候,同一个格式而有几个名称,那只因为各家叫名不同罢了。 词牌的来源[编辑本段]⑴本来是乐曲的名称。例如《菩萨蛮》,据说是由于唐代大中初年③,女蛮国进贡,她们梳着高髻,戴着金冠,满身璎珞(璎珞是身上佩挂的珠宝),象菩萨。当时教坊因此谱成《菩萨蛮曲》。据说唐宜宗爱唱《菩萨蛮》词,可见是当时风行一时的曲子。《西江月》、《风入松》、《蝶恋花》等,都是属于这一类的。这些都是来自民间的曲调。 ⑵摘取一首词中的几个字作为词牌。例如《忆秦娥》,因为依照这个格式写出的最初一首词开头两句是 “箫声咽,秦娥梦断秦楼月” ,所以词牌就叫《忆秦娥》④,又叫《秦楼月》。《忆江南》本名《望江南》,又名《谢秋娘》但因白居易有一首咏“江南好”的词,最后一句是“能不忆江南”,所以词牌又叫《忆江南》。《如梦令》原名《忆仙姿》,改名《如梦令》,这是因为后唐庄宗所写的《忆仙姿》中有“如梦,如梦,残月落花烟重”等句。《念奴娇》又叫《大江东去》,这是由于苏轼有一首《念奴娇》,第一句是“大江东去”。又叫《酹江月》,因为苏轼这首词最后三个字是“酹江月”。 ⑶本来就是词的题目。《踏歌词》咏的是舞蹈,《舞马词》咏的是舞马,《唉乃曲》咏的是泛舟,《渔歌子》咏的是打鱼,《浪淘沙》咏的是浪淘沙,《抛球乐》咏的是抛绣球,《更漏子》咏的是夜。这种情况是最普遍的。凡是词牌下面注明“本意”的,就是说,词牌同时也是词题,不另有题目了。 但是,绝大多数的词都不是用“本意”的,因此,词牌之外还有词题。一般是在词牌下面用较小的字注出词题。在这种情况下,词题和词牌不发生任何关系。一首《浪淘沙》可以完全不讲到浪,也不讲到沙;一首《忆江南》也可以完全不讲到江南。这样,词牌只不过是词谱的何罢了。词牌的几种常见的英译方法略抒浅见。 一、一般性词牌名的译法 一般性词牌名没有什么历史典故,或有,但已无从考证,或取自前人的某个词句,或只是一个风雅的名词而已。在这种情况下,按字面意思直译成英文,即可较好地保留原文的风格,传达原文的神韵和美感形象。例如: 鹧鸪天 Partridge Sky 踏莎行 Treading On Grass 相见欢 Joy At Meeting 点绦唇 Rouged Lips 满江红 The River All Red 模鱼儿 Groping For Fish 最高楼 The Highest Tower 疏影 space Shadows 玉楼春 Spring In Jade Pavilion 昼夜乐 Joy Of Day And Night 西江月 The Moon Over The West River 风入松 Wind Through Pines 双双燕 A Pair Of Sparrows 二、“歌”、“词”、“歌头”、“吟”等词牌名的译法 1.常带"歌"、"词"、"子"的词牌,不妨直译成"Song",既简单明了,又贴切自然。例如: 子夜歌 Midnight Song 洞仙歌 Song Of A Fairy In The Cave 柳枝词 Willow Branch Song 卜算子 Song Of Divination 天仙子 Song Of Immortal 更漏子 Song Of Water Clock At Night 南歌子 A Southern Song 2.词牌子带"吟"一类的较"歌"、"词"更为典雅,是一种便于吟诵、格调高雅、节奏舒缓的诗体,译成"Chant",可以显得庄重端方,因为英语中的"Chant"多指宗教中的赞美诗或圣歌,意思与"吟"很相近。例如: 水龙吟 Water Dragon Chant 瑞龙吟 Auspicious Dragon Chant 3."歌头"意即前奏或序曲,可译成"Prelude"。例如: 水调歌头 Prelude To Water Melody




1. 论文的开题报告怎么写 论文的开题报告怎么写 【开题报告怎么写啊?我的论文题目是《运用现代教育技术优化数学 有格式的,由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题说清楚,应包含两个部分:总述、提纲.1 总述开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法、必要的数据等等.2 提纲开题报告包含的论文提纲可以是粗线条的,是一个研究构想的基本框架.可采用整句式或整段式提纲形式.在开题阶段,提纲的目的是让人清楚论文的基本框架,没有必要像论文目录那样详细.3 参考文献开题报告中应包括相关参考文献的目录4 要求开题报告应有封面页,总页数应不少于4页.版面格式应符合以下规定.开 题 报 告 学 生:一、 选题意义 1、 理论意义 2、 现实意义 二、 论文综述 1、 理论的渊源及演进过程 2、 国外有关研究的综述 3、 国内研究的综述 4、 本人对以上综述的评价 三、论文提纲 前言、 一、1、2、3、··· ···二、1、2、3、··· ···三、1、2、3、结论 四、论文写作进度安排 毕业论文开题报告提纲一、开题报告封面:论文题目、系别、专业、年级、姓名、导师二、目的意义和国内外研究概况三、论文的理论依据、研究方法、研究内容四、研究条件和可能存在的问题五、预期的结果六、进度安排。 论文开题报告怎么写? 说实在的 现在我刚好也遇到这个问题 一、如何选择问题 我一直萦绕于怀的,是在写博士论文开题报告的一年多时间里,导师薛澜教授反复追问的一个问题:“你的 puzzle 是什么?”多少次我不假思索地回答“我的问题就是,中国的半导体产业为什么发展不起来。” 薛老师问题以其特有的储蓄,笑而不答。我在心中既恼火又懊丧:这么简单的道理,这么明显的答案,到底哪儿不对了?! 奥妙就在于提出问题的“层次”。不同于政策研究报告,学术文章聚集理论层面、解决理论问题。理论是由一系列前设和术语构造的逻辑体系。 特定领域的理论有其特定的概念、范畴和研究范式。只有在相同的概念、视角和范式下,理论才能够对话;只有通过对话,理论才能够发展。 极少有硕博论文是创造新理论的,能这样当然最好,但难度很大。我们多数是在既有理论的基础上加以发展,因此,在提出问题时,要以“内行”看得懂的术语和明确的逻辑来表述。 审视我最初提出的问题“中国半导体产业为什么发展不起来”,这仅仅是对现象的探询,而非有待求证的理论命题。我的理论命题是:“中国产业政策过程是精英主导的共识过程吗?”在这个命题中,“政策过程”、“精英政治”、“共识诉求”三个术语勾勒出研究的理论大体范围和视角。 简历下载 其次,选择问题是一个“剥笋”的过程。理论问题总是深深地隐藏在纷繁复杂的现实背后,而发现理论问题,则需要运用理论思维的能力。 理论思维的训练是一个长期积累的过程。不过初学者也不必望而却步,大体上可以分“三步走”:第一步,先划定一个“兴趣范围”,如半导体产业、信息产业、农村医疗、高等教育体制等,广泛浏览相关的媒体报道、 *** 文献和学术文章,找到其中的“症结”或“热点”。 第二步,总结以往的研究者大体从哪些理论视角来分析“症结”或“热点”、运用了哪些理论工具,如公共财政的视角、社会冲突范式等。第三步,考察问题的可研究性,也就是我们自己的研究空间和研究的可行性。 例如,西方的理论是否无法解释中国的问题?或者同一个问题能否用不同的理论来解释?或者理论本身的前提假设、逻辑推演是否存在缺陷?通过回答这些问题,我们找到自己研究的立足点。不过还要注意我们研究在规定的一到两年时间内,是否可能完成?资料获取是否可行?等等。 最后,如何陈述问题?陈述问题实质上就是凝练核心观点的过程。观点应当来自对现实问题的思考和总结,而不是为了套理论而“削足适”。 中国的政治、经济和社会发展充满动态的、丰富的景象,如何才能用恰当的术语、准确的逻辑表述出来呢?雄心勃勃的初学者往往提出宏伟的概念或框架,但我的建议是尽可能缩小研究范围、明确研究对象,从而理清对象的内存逻辑,保证能在有限的时间内完成规范的? 简历吧 术论文。如“中国半导体产业政策研究”就是一个非常含糊的陈述,我们可以从几个方面来收缩话题:( 1 )时间:从 1980 年到 2000 年;( 2 )对象: *** 的叛乱者和决策行为,而不是市场、企业、治理结构等;( 3 )视角:政治和 *** 理论中的精英研究;( 4 )案例: 908 工程、 909 工程、 13 号文件和《电子振兴》,这是发生在 1980 - 2000 年间半导体政策领域的两个重大工程和两个重要文件。 通过这样的明确界定,我们将目光集中在“政策过程”、“精英”、“共识”几个显而易见的概念上,问题也就水落石出了。同时,问题清楚了,我们在筛选信息和资料时也就有了明确的标准,在这个“信息冗余”的时代,能够大大提高研究效率。 二、 如何做文献综述 首先需要将“文献综述( Literature Review) ”与“背景描述 (Backupground Description) ”区分开来。我们在选择研究问题的时候,需要了解该问题产生的背景和来龙去脉,如“中国半导体产业的发展历程”、“国外 *** 发展半导体产业的政策和问题”等等,这些内容属于“背景描述”,关注的是现实层面的问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”,关注的是现实层面问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”。 “文献综述”是对学术观点和理论方法的整理。其次,文献综述是评论性的( Review 就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光 (critical thinking) 来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。 评论的主线,要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。 简历 清楚了文献综述的意涵,现来说说怎么做文献综述。 虽说,尽可能广泛地收集资料是负责任的研究态度,但如果缺乏标准,就极易将人引入文献的泥沼。 技巧一:瞄准主流。 主流文献,如该领域的核心期刊、经典著作、专职部门的研究报告、重要化合物的观点和论述等,是做文献综述的“必修课”。而多数大众媒体上的相关报道或言论,虽然多少有点价值,但时间精力所限,可以从简。 怎样摸清该领域的主流呢?建议从以下几条途径入手:一是图书馆的中外学术期刊,找到一两篇“经典”的文章后“顺藤摸瓜”,留意它们的参考文献。 论文的开题报告怎么写啊? 开题报告主要包括以下几个方面: (一)论文名称 论文名称就是课题的名字 第一,名称要准确、规范。 准确就是论文的名称要把论文研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚,论文的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要准确地把你研究的对象、问题概括出来。 第二,名称要简洁,不能太长。 不管是论文或者课题,名称都不能太长,能不要的字就尽量不要,一般不要超过20个字。 (二) 论文研究的目的、意义 研究的目的、意义也就是为什么要研究、研究它有什么价值。 这一般可以先从现实需要方面去论述,指出现实当中存在这个问题,需要去研究,去解决,本论文的研究有什么实际作用,然后,再写论文的理论和学术价值。这些都要写得具体一点,有针对性一点,不能漫无边际地空喊口号。 主要内容包括:⑴ 研究的有关背景(课题的提出): 即根据什么、受什么启发而搞这项研究。 ⑵ 通过分析本地(校) 的教育教学实际,指出为什么要研究该课题,研究的价值,要解决的问题。 (三) 本论文国内外研究的历史和现状(文献综述)。 规范些应该有,如果是小课题可以省略。 一般包括:掌握其研究的广度、深度、已取得的成果;寻找有待进一步研究的问题,从而确定本课题研究的平台(起点)、研究的特色或突破点。 (四)论文研究的指导思想 指导思想就是在宏观上应坚持什么方向,符合什么要求等,这个方向或要求可以是哲学、政治理论,也可以是 *** 的教育发展规划,也可以是有关研究问题的指导性意见等。 (五) 论文写作的目标 论文写作的目标也就是课题最后要达到的具体目的,要解决哪些具体问题,也就是本论文研究要达到的预定目标:即本论文写作的目标定位,确定目标时要紧扣课题,用词要准确、精练、明了。 常见存在问题是:不写研究目标;目标扣题不紧;目标用词不准确; 目标定得过高, 对预定的目标没有进行研究或无法进行研究。 确定论文写作目标时,一方面要考虑课题本身的要求,另一方面要考率实际的工作条件与工作水平。 (六)论文的基本内容 研究内容要更具体、明确。 并且一个目标可能要通过几方面的研究内容来实现,他们不一定是一一对应的关系。大家在确定研究内容的时候,往往考虑的不是很具体,写出来的研究内容特别笼统、模糊,把写作的目的、意义当作研究内容。 基本内容一般包括:⑴对论文名称的界说。应尽可能明确三点:研究的对象、研究的问题、研究的方法。 ⑵本论文写作有关的理论、名词、术语、概念的界说。 (七)论文写作的方法 具体的写作方法可从下面选定: 观察法、调查法、实验法、经验总结法、 个案法、比较研究法、文献资料法等。 (八)论文写作的步骤 论文写作的步骤,也就是论文写作在时间和顺序上的安排。论文写作的步骤要充分考虑研究内容的相互关系和难易程度,一般情况下,都是从基础问题开始,分阶段进行,每个阶段从什么时间开始,至什么时间结束都要有规定。 课题研究的主要步骤和时间安排包括:整个研究拟分为哪几个阶段;各阶段的起止时间。 毕业论文开题报告怎样写?范文! 一、如何选择问题 我一起萦绕于怀的,是在写博士论文开题报告的一年多时间里,导师薛澜教授反复追问的一个问题:“你的 puzzle 是什么?”多少次我不假思索地回答“我的问题就是,中国的半导体产业为什么发展不起来。” 薛老师问题以其特有的储蓄,笑而不答。我在心中既恼火又懊丧:这么简单的道理,这么明显的答案,到底哪儿不对了?!奥妙就在于提出问题的“层次”。 不同于政策研究报告,学术文章聚集理论层面、解决理论问题。理论是由一系列前设和术语构造的逻辑体系。 特定领域的理论有其特定的概念、范畴和研究范式。只有在相同的概念、视角和范式下,理论才能够对话;只有通过对话,理论才能够发展。 极少有硕博论文是创造新理论的,能这样当然最好,但难度很大。我们多数是在既有理论的基础上加以发展,因此,在提出问题时,要以“内行”看得懂的术语和明确的逻辑来表述。 审视我最初提出的问题“中国半导体产业为什么发展不起来”,这仅仅是对现象的探询,而非有待求证的理论命题。我的理论命题是:“中国产业政策过程是精英主导的共识过程吗?”在这个命题中,“政策过程”、“精英政治”、“共识诉求”三个术语勾勒出研究的理论大体范围和视角。 其次,选择问题是一个“剥笋”的过程。理论问题总是深深地隐藏在纷繁复杂的现实背后,而发现理论问题,则需要运用理论思维的能力。 理论思维的训练是一个长期积累的过程。不过初学者也不必望而却步,大体上可以分“三步走”:第一步,先划定一个“兴趣范围”,如半导体产业、信息产业、农村医疗、高等教育体制等,广泛浏览相关的媒体报道、 *** 文献和学术文章,找到其中的“症结”或“热点”。 第二步,总结以往的研究者大体从哪些理论视角来分析“症结”或“热点”、运用了哪些理论工具,如公共财政的视角、社会冲突范式等。第三步,考察问题的可研究性,也就是我们自己的研究空间和研究的可行性。 例如,西方的理论是否无法解释中国的问题?或者同一个问题能否用不同的理论来解释?或者理论本身的前提假设、逻辑推演是否存在缺陷?通过回答这些问题,我们找到自己研究的立足点。不过还要注意我们研究在规定的一到两年时间内,是否可能完成?资料获取是否可行?等等。 最后,如何陈述问题?陈述问题实质上就是凝练核心观点的过程。观点应当来自对现实问题的思考和总结,而不是为了套理论而“削足适履”。 中国的政治、经济和社会发展充满动态的、丰富的景象,如何才能用恰当的术语、准确的逻辑表述出来呢?雄心勃勃的初学者往往提出宏伟的概念或框架,但我的建议是尽可能缩小研究范围、明确研究对象,从而理清对象的内存逻辑,保证能在有限的时间内完成规范的学 术论文。如“中国半导体产业政策研究”就是一个非常含糊的陈述,我们可以从几个方面来收缩话题:( 1 )时间:从 1980 年到 2000 年;( 2 )对象: *** 的叛乱者和决策行为,而不是市场、企业、治理结构等;( 3 )视角:政治和 *** 理论中的精英研究;( 4 )案例: 908 工程、 909 工程、 13 号文件和《电子振兴》,这是发生在 1980 - 2000 年间半导体政策领域的两个重大工程和两个重要文件。 通过这样的明确界定,我们将目光集中在“政策过程”、“精英”、“共识”几个显而易见的概念上,问题也就水落石出了。同时,问题清楚了,我们在筛选信息和资料时也就有了明确的标准,在这个“信息冗余”的时代,能够大大提高研究效率。 二、 如何做文献综述 首先需要将“文献综述( Literature Review) ”与“背景描述 (Backupground Description) ”区分开来。我们在选择研究问题的时候,需要了解该问题产生的背景和来龙去脉,如“中国半导体产业的发展历程”、“国外 *** 发展半导体产业的政策和问题”等等,这些内容属于“背景描述”,关注的是现实层面的问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”,关注的是现实层面问题,严格讲不是“文献综述”。 “文献综述”是对学术观点和理论方法的整理。其次,文献综述是评论性的( Review 就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着作者本人批判的眼光 (critical thinking) 来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。 评论的主线,要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。清楚了文献综述的意涵,现来说说怎么做文献综述。 虽说,尽可能广泛地收集资料是负责任的研究态度,但如果缺乏标准,就极易将人引入文献的泥沼。技巧一:瞄准主流。 主流文献,如该领域的核心期刊、经典著作、专职部门的研究报告、重要化合物的观点和论述等,是做文献综述的“必修课”。而多数大众媒体上的相关报道或言论,虽然多少有点价值,但时间精力所限,可以从简。 怎样摸清该领域的主流呢?建议从以下几条途径入手:一是图书馆的中外学术期刊,找到一两篇“经典”的文章后“顺藤摸瓜”,留意它们的参考文献。质量较高的学术文章,通常是不会忽略该领域的主流、经典。

开题报告,老师一般会给模板,还要看你题目是什么。这是我的开题报告,你参考一下吧。 课题名称 An Analysis of the Different Cultural Connotations of Color Words between English and Chinese 试析颜色词的中英文化内涵差异 课题来源 Self-Selected and Approved by the Tutor 一、课题背景及意义 (课题的立题依据及研究意义) Research Background: A language not only expresses facts, ideas, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, and world outlooks etc. People of different cultures structure the world around them differently, at least in the language they use to describe that world. Languages differ enormously from one another, and these differences are related to important differences in the customs and behaviors and other aspects of the cultures in which those language reside. In a word, language is a mirror of culture. When we learn a new word we tend to look for its meaning in the word itself. Yet in addition to its dictionary meanings, the same word may stir up different associations in people, because of cultural differences. In our daily life, color words are the common illustrations of the cultural differences in language use. In Chinese and English cultures, color words are in the same way influenced by cultures, and used widely in people’s daily life. Research Significance: As the differences between Eastern and Western cultures led to the understanding of the color words are not the same . Color words contain a lot of deep meaning, implies a different ethnic feelings. If we do not take into account the impact of cultural differences, we are difficult to understand the implicit meaning of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable a better understanding of color words, in order to enhance communication skills, avoid conflict of cultures. 二、课题研究现状及发展趋势 (课题研究领域的发展现状及可能的发展方向) Research Status: Study of color words has long attracted linguists’ attention. The bright lights of the objective world and for humankind as a whole are the same, but the national language or in different books of different ages or different geographical dialects often be found to have different understanding about color words. This concentrated and fully prove that language is the result of human cognition to understand and express the objective world, different groups of people in cognitive understanding and expression of the world, due to the different natural environment, social life, cultural traditions. Study of color words in different languages between the similarities and differences. The same object can look at how the differences in cognitive terms showing similarities and differences between how the social and cultural differences and further expansion of the semantic differences, which for the cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics and culture, linguistics, and on second language teaching of applied linguistics has an important significance.. Research Tendency: 21st century’s color words study should stress the originality on research based on the achievements of the previous scholars, domestic or abroad. The study should keep track of the latest development of color words, making breakthrough, upgrading the research quality. 三、研究内容及研究目标 (对研究的内容进行说明,并阐明要达到的目标) Research Contents: A. Cultural Connotations of Black and Reflections in Idioms Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Black Is Associated With the Solemn and the Dignified Black Is Associated With Profit Black Is Associated With the Black People 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Black Is Associated With the Death Black Is Associated With the Evil and Unfortunate Black Is Associated With the Shame and Disgraceful Black Is Associated With Anger B. Cultural Connotations of White and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms White Is Associated With the Pure and Lucky White Is Associated With Integrity and Honesty 2. Negative Connotations and Reflections in Idioms White Is Associated With Death and Poor White Is Associated With Worthless and Timid C. Cultural Connotations of Red and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Red Is Associated With Honor and Love 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Red is Associated with the Obscenity Red Is Associated With Revolution and Socialism. Red Is Associated With Danger and Loss D. Cultural Connotations of Yellow and Reflections in Idioms Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Yellow Is Associated With the Noble Yellow Is Associated With the Joy and Missing 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Yellow Is Associated With the Vulgar and Exaggerative Yellow Is Associated With the Coward and Disease Research Objectives: I write this thesis in order to make English learners have a better understanding of the cultural meaning of color words and enhance communication skills, avoid conflict in Western culture. 四、预计的研究难点 (课题研究过程中可能遇到的理论难题或技术难点) With the changing society, people have a view of things may have diametrically opposite point of view, how is the color of the word has become more authoritative to be a problem; how to get people to attach importance to the implied meaning of color words which may lead to cultural conflict is also a problem. As the color words in real life, the widely used, it is difficult in a paper summarizing, so how to form the color words of the formation of an effective system is a difficult. Possible problems also contain: (1) Limited availability of helpful data, especially the books or articles written by the native scholars; (2) Difficulty in the presentation of insightful ideas and the attainment in originality due to lack of the knowledge related. 五、创新点 (选题、观点、理论、材料、方法等创新点) The English language is developing constantly, keeping absorbing more color words. What is new in my thesis is that I try to focus my study on color words in modern English, making the research keep pace with the times, with the latest development in loanwords. 六、进度计划 (根据研究内容及研究目标所预计的进度安排) 1. - , 2008 Subject selecting & topic narrowing 2. - , 2008 Data gathering 3. - , 2009 Opening report & detailed outline 4. - , 2009 Literature review 5. - , 2009 First draft 6. - , 2009 Second draft 7. - , 2009 Final version 8. - May 14th, 2009 Printing 9. May 17th - May 25th, 2009 Thesis debate 七、资料来源 (指能够支持“课题背景”、“课题研究现状及发展趋势”所论述内容的主要文献资料) [1] Baugh, . & Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language [M]. Peking: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. [2] Eckersley, . Brighter English [M]. London: Longman, 1979. [3] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Mac Millan Education, 1985. [4] Hornby, . Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English [Z]. London: Oxford University, 1974. [5] Knowles, G. A Cultural History of the English Language [M]. .: A Hodder Arnold Publication, 1997. [6] Lott, B. A Course in English Language and Literature [M]. .: Edward Arnold, 1989. [7] Lyons, J. Language and Linguistics [M]. London: Longman, 1981. [8] Wales, K. Northern English: A Social and Cultural History [M]. London: Cambridge University Press, 2006. [9] Wu Weizen. History and Anthology of English Literature [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. [10] Yang Yanhua & Zhang Shufan. Modern English Lexicology [M]. Peking: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007. [11] 陈永烨.“英汉颜色词所表现的中西文化差异” [J].《辽宁工程技术大学学报》,2005,(7). [12] 戴炜栋,何兆熊.《新编简明英语语言学教程》[A].上海:上海外语出版社,2002. [13] 邓炎昌,刘润清.《语言与文化》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1991. [14] 蒋栋元.“论颜色及颜色词的文化差异” [J]. 《四川外语学院学报》,2002,(3). [15] 唐振华.“英汉颜色词的翻译” [J].《中国科技翻译》,1997,(2). 指导教师意见:(对课题的认可意见) 指导教师 年 月 日 系(教研室)审查意见: 系(教研室)主任: 年 月 日




How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation

I. Purpose and Significance

With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty.

It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language.

Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries.

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, "In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator."(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

Another famous theory to explain ellipsis is Economy Principle. Economy Principle was put forward by Chomsky (1991,1993, and 1995) in his Generate Crammer. It maintains that language and linguistic study follow Economy Principle, which means using the least effort to express the most information. This principle just coincides with ellipsis in function.

In this thesis, I think that brevity is the most obvious and common function of ellipsis, especially in daily language. And in both English and Chinese, people advocate brevity. Shakespeare once remarked, “brevity is the soul of wit”, and in Chinese there are numerous idioms like “yan jian yi gai” (meaning compendious). However, apart from the function of brevity, ellipsis embodies other functions which are also pretty common in the two languages but less noticed.(Hua Xianfa,2002)These functions distribute in both English and Chinese unevenly and represent great colorfulness of language. Exploring other functions of ellipsis and searching for functional recreation in translation will be of much benefit to both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation.

I found that when Chinese authors try to analyse ellipsis in English to Chinese translation, they always initially put articles in the list. They consider that it is a common phenomenon that Chinese always leave out personal articles. While it is obviously different in English that almost every sentence has a subject, we can see articles fluently. That is because when we translate from English to Chinese, personal articles can be omitted, even though sometimes it may appear once, it can also be omitted if necessary. Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese.

In my point of view, the development of society has in some way has deliberately promoted the way of people’s thinking, translation system has become more and more perfect, people from all over the world have enjoyed the convenience. However, we can not neglect that there are still some problems in this field in China, and we have less influential Chinese translators in the world. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in translation.

III. Feasibility Analysis

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

IV. Problems of the research and solutions

1. Problems

Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.

2. Solutions

(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.

V. Necessary conditions

1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.

VI. Outline

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms


英语专业论文开题报告模板 题 目:呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫性格的双重性的分析一、选题的目的、意义(理论、现实)和国内外研究概况 1.目的和意义:《呼啸山庄》是十九世纪英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特生平创作的唯一一部小说。小说的故事情节主要是围绕希斯克厉夫和凯瑟琳的爱情展开的,希斯克厉夫的“爱一恨一复仇一人性复归”既是小说的精髓,又是贯穿作品始终的线索。评论家们对这部经典文学作品历来意见纷纭,尤其是对小说中的男主人公希斯克厉夫的讨论。评论家们对小说中希斯克利夫的性格从不同的方面进行了分析。全面而深入地分析希斯克厉夫这一人物对我们更好地研究小说起至关重要的作用。 小说中最精彩的部分就是希斯克厉夫与凯瑟琳之间的爱情故事,他们之间的爱情已远远超出了一般意义上的爱情,可以说是一种超人间的爱。但也就是这种爱情的产生和发展成了主人公西斯科历夫的性格中双重性形成的一个关键原因。本课题从西斯科历夫的被虐与自虐,懦弱与勇敢来分析主人公的性格成因,从而促使读者更好的理解艾米丽的呼啸山庄 2.国内外研究概况: 国内外许多的专家学者都对呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫的性格进行了分析。许多的专家学者从不同的角度分析了希斯克利夫的性格的双重性形成的原因进行分析,有的从社会背景原因进行了分析。有些学者认为他的性格是扭曲而自虐的,而有的学者则认为他是爱情中的英雄,敢爱敢恨。 许多的学者对希斯克利夫性格的成因进行了分析如闫红梅,张润翻译的艾米莉·勃朗特.呼啸山庄中说到因为欣德利“那样对待希斯克利夫,圣徒也会被他变成恶魔的” 。刘风辉也在《复杂的双面人》中说道希斯克利夫特殊的性格完全是他周围的环境所造成的。毋庸置疑,金钱主宰一切是当时社会的标准,贫穷是可耻的。无论是否因你的过错而导致的贫穷,无论是否你有努力的过程,只要你现在仍是衣衫褴 褛 ,你就注定遭受耻辱。贫穷带来的无穷无尽的耻辱生活就像一把刻刀,不断雕刻、改变着希斯克利夫的性格。而陈一萍在《希斯克利夫是浪漫主义英雄还是恶魔》中认为上帝是有报复性的,人类不会比他做得更好,希斯克利夫他不能超脱于人性,他也会为他所受到的.伤害进行报复。因此,从多角度出发,综合多种角度对希斯克利夫的性格分析有着重大的意义。 二、本课题的理论依据、研究内容和研究方法、步骤及进度安排 1.研究内容: 本课题对呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫的性格的双重性的形成进行分析,分析希斯克利夫性格中自虐与被虐的原因,在爱情中勇敢与懦弱的双重性性格成因。 首先会分析希斯克利夫在幼年时作为一个正常人得性格特征。 【幼年时的被虐】 其次分析长大后的希斯克利夫在复仇中所表现出来的冷酷与扭曲的性格。 【希斯克利夫的自虐】 再次:从希斯克利夫复仇后的性格分析,在他双重性的性格下是人性的扭曲。 最后通过对希斯克利夫的性格的分析,可以得到人性的回归。 2.研究方法: 查阅法:通过对相关文献进行查阅,从多种角度了解西斯科利福性格的成因。 分析法:通过对艾米丽笔下的西斯科历夫的性格分析,分析他性格双重性形成的原因。 比较法:通过西斯科厉夫的被虐与自虐,勇敢与懦弱进行对比。 3.步骤: 选题——开题——初稿——完善——截稿 4.进度安排: 11月 提交开题报告 12月 完成初稿 4月 完成论文写作 三、本课题的重点、难点,预期结果和成果形式 1.本课题的重点、难点: 本文将从西斯科历夫的被虐与自虐,勇敢与懦弱进行分析,从他最开始的正常性格到后来的性和扭曲的变化分析他性格中双重性的形成原因。以及他性格中的勇敢与懦弱也注定了他性格的扭曲。分析中凯瑟琳是一个影响西斯科厉夫的重要人物,而他们的爱情则是他性格双重性形成的至关重要的原因。最后,不论西斯科历夫的性格怎样扭曲,始终抵不过人性,从他最后的结局我们看到了人性的回归。 2.预期结果: 能够做到分析定位,表达清楚,提高对英文小说中人物性格的准确分析,达到论文研究的目的。 3.成果形式: 论文 ;

开题报告,老师一般会给模板,还要看你题目是什么。这是我的开题报告,你参考一下吧。 课题名称 An Analysis of the Different Cultural Connotations of Color Words between English and Chinese 试析颜色词的中英文化内涵差异 课题来源 Self-Selected and Approved by the Tutor 一、课题背景及意义 (课题的立题依据及研究意义) Research Background: A language not only expresses facts, ideas, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, and world outlooks etc. People of different cultures structure the world around them differently, at least in the language they use to describe that world. Languages differ enormously from one another, and these differences are related to important differences in the customs and behaviors and other aspects of the cultures in which those language reside. In a word, language is a mirror of culture. When we learn a new word we tend to look for its meaning in the word itself. Yet in addition to its dictionary meanings, the same word may stir up different associations in people, because of cultural differences. In our daily life, color words are the common illustrations of the cultural differences in language use. In Chinese and English cultures, color words are in the same way influenced by cultures, and used widely in people’s daily life. Research Significance: As the differences between Eastern and Western cultures led to the understanding of the color words are not the same . Color words contain a lot of deep meaning, implies a different ethnic feelings. If we do not take into account the impact of cultural differences, we are difficult to understand the implicit meaning of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable a better understanding of color words, in order to enhance communication skills, avoid conflict of cultures. 二、课题研究现状及发展趋势 (课题研究领域的发展现状及可能的发展方向) Research Status: Study of color words has long attracted linguists’ attention. The bright lights of the objective world and for humankind as a whole are the same, but the national language or in different books of different ages or different geographical dialects often be found to have different understanding about color words. This concentrated and fully prove that language is the result of human cognition to understand and express the objective world, different groups of people in cognitive understanding and expression of the world, due to the different natural environment, social life, cultural traditions. Study of color words in different languages between the similarities and differences. The same object can look at how the differences in cognitive terms showing similarities and differences between how the social and cultural differences and further expansion of the semantic differences, which for the cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics and culture, linguistics, and on second language teaching of applied linguistics has an important significance.. Research Tendency: 21st century’s color words study should stress the originality on research based on the achievements of the previous scholars, domestic or abroad. The study should keep track of the latest development of color words, making breakthrough, upgrading the research quality. 三、研究内容及研究目标 (对研究的内容进行说明,并阐明要达到的目标) Research Contents: A. Cultural Connotations of Black and Reflections in Idioms Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Black Is Associated With the Solemn and the Dignified Black Is Associated With Profit Black Is Associated With the Black People 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Black Is Associated With the Death Black Is Associated With the Evil and Unfortunate Black Is Associated With the Shame and Disgraceful Black Is Associated With Anger B. Cultural Connotations of White and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms White Is Associated With the Pure and Lucky White Is Associated With Integrity and Honesty 2. Negative Connotations and Reflections in Idioms White Is Associated With Death and Poor White Is Associated With Worthless and Timid C. Cultural Connotations of Red and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Red Is Associated With Honor and Love 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Red is Associated with the Obscenity Red Is Associated With Revolution and Socialism. Red Is Associated With Danger and Loss D. Cultural Connotations of Yellow and Reflections in Idioms Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Yellow Is Associated With the Noble Yellow Is Associated With the Joy and Missing 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms Yellow Is Associated With the Vulgar and Exaggerative Yellow Is Associated With the Coward and Disease Research Objectives: I write this thesis in order to make English learners have a better understanding of the cultural meaning of color words and enhance communication skills, avoid conflict in Western culture. 四、预计的研究难点 (课题研究过程中可能遇到的理论难题或技术难点) With the changing society, people have a view of things may have diametrically opposite point of view, how is the color of the word has become more authoritative to be a problem; how to get people to attach importance to the implied meaning of color words which may lead to cultural conflict is also a problem. As the color words in real life, the widely used, it is difficult in a paper summarizing, so how to form the color words of the formation of an effective system is a difficult. Possible problems also contain: (1) Limited availability of helpful data, especially the books or articles written by the native scholars; (2) Difficulty in the presentation of insightful ideas and the attainment in originality due to lack of the knowledge related. 五、创新点 (选题、观点、理论、材料、方法等创新点) The English language is developing constantly, keeping absorbing more color words. What is new in my thesis is that I try to focus my study on color words in modern English, making the research keep pace with the times, with the latest development in loanwords. 六、进度计划 (根据研究内容及研究目标所预计的进度安排) 1. - , 2008 Subject selecting & topic narrowing 2. - , 2008 Data gathering 3. - , 2009 Opening report & detailed outline 4. - , 2009 Literature review 5. - , 2009 First draft 6. - , 2009 Second draft 7. - , 2009 Final version 8. - May 14th, 2009 Printing 9. May 17th - May 25th, 2009 Thesis debate 七、资料来源 (指能够支持“课题背景”、“课题研究现状及发展趋势”所论述内容的主要文献资料) [1] Baugh, . & Thomas Cable. A History of the English Language [M]. Peking: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. [2] Eckersley, . Brighter English [M]. London: Longman, 1979. [3] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Mac Millan Education, 1985. [4] Hornby, . Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English [Z]. London: Oxford University, 1974. [5] Knowles, G. A Cultural History of the English Language [M]. .: A Hodder Arnold Publication, 1997. [6] Lott, B. A Course in English Language and Literature [M]. .: Edward Arnold, 1989. [7] Lyons, J. Language and Linguistics [M]. London: Longman, 1981. [8] Wales, K. Northern English: A Social and Cultural History [M]. London: Cambridge University Press, 2006. [9] Wu Weizen. History and Anthology of English Literature [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001. [10] Yang Yanhua & Zhang Shufan. Modern English Lexicology [M]. Peking: Metallurgical Industry Press, 2007. [11] 陈永烨.“英汉颜色词所表现的中西文化差异” [J].《辽宁工程技术大学学报》,2005,(7). [12] 戴炜栋,何兆熊.《新编简明英语语言学教程》[A].上海:上海外语出版社,2002. [13] 邓炎昌,刘润清.《语言与文化》[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1991. [14] 蒋栋元.“论颜色及颜色词的文化差异” [J]. 《四川外语学院学报》,2002,(3). [15] 唐振华.“英汉颜色词的翻译” [J].《中国科技翻译》,1997,(2). 指导教师意见:(对课题的认可意见) 指导教师 年 月 日 系(教研室)审查意见: 系(教研室)主任: 年 月 日



How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation

I. Purpose and Significance

With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty.

It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language.

Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries.

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, "In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator."(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

Another famous theory to explain ellipsis is Economy Principle. Economy Principle was put forward by Chomsky (1991,1993, and 1995) in his Generate Crammer. It maintains that language and linguistic study follow Economy Principle, which means using the least effort to express the most information. This principle just coincides with ellipsis in function.

In this thesis, I think that brevity is the most obvious and common function of ellipsis, especially in daily language. And in both English and Chinese, people advocate brevity. Shakespeare once remarked, “brevity is the soul of wit”, and in Chinese there are numerous idioms like “yan jian yi gai” (meaning compendious). However, apart from the function of brevity, ellipsis embodies other functions which are also pretty common in the two languages but less noticed.(Hua Xianfa,2002)These functions distribute in both English and Chinese unevenly and represent great colorfulness of language. Exploring other functions of ellipsis and searching for functional recreation in translation will be of much benefit to both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation.

I found that when Chinese authors try to analyse ellipsis in English to Chinese translation, they always initially put articles in the list. They consider that it is a common phenomenon that Chinese always leave out personal articles. While it is obviously different in English that almost every sentence has a subject, we can see articles fluently. That is because when we translate from English to Chinese, personal articles can be omitted, even though sometimes it may appear once, it can also be omitted if necessary. Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese.

In my point of view, the development of society has in some way has deliberately promoted the way of people’s thinking, translation system has become more and more perfect, people from all over the world have enjoyed the convenience. However, we can not neglect that there are still some problems in this field in China, and we have less influential Chinese translators in the world. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in translation.

III. Feasibility Analysis

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

IV. Problems of the research and solutions

1. Problems

Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.

2. Solutions

(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.

V. Necessary conditions

1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.

VI. Outline

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms





How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation

I. Purpose and Significance

With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty.

It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language.

Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries.

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, "In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator."(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

Another famous theory to explain ellipsis is Economy Principle. Economy Principle was put forward by Chomsky (1991,1993, and 1995) in his Generate Crammer. It maintains that language and linguistic study follow Economy Principle, which means using the least effort to express the most information. This principle just coincides with ellipsis in function.

In this thesis, I think that brevity is the most obvious and common function of ellipsis, especially in daily language. And in both English and Chinese, people advocate brevity. Shakespeare once remarked, “brevity is the soul of wit”, and in Chinese there are numerous idioms like “yan jian yi gai” (meaning compendious). However, apart from the function of brevity, ellipsis embodies other functions which are also pretty common in the two languages but less noticed.(Hua Xianfa,2002)These functions distribute in both English and Chinese unevenly and represent great colorfulness of language. Exploring other functions of ellipsis and searching for functional recreation in translation will be of much benefit to both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation.

I found that when Chinese authors try to analyse ellipsis in English to Chinese translation, they always initially put articles in the list. They consider that it is a common phenomenon that Chinese always leave out personal articles. While it is obviously different in English that almost every sentence has a subject, we can see articles fluently. That is because when we translate from English to Chinese, personal articles can be omitted, even though sometimes it may appear once, it can also be omitted if necessary. Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese.

In my point of view, the development of society has in some way has deliberately promoted the way of people’s thinking, translation system has become more and more perfect, people from all over the world have enjoyed the convenience. However, we can not neglect that there are still some problems in this field in China, and we have less influential Chinese translators in the world. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in translation.

III. Feasibility Analysis

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

IV. Problems of the research and solutions

1. Problems

Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.

2. Solutions

(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.

V. Necessary conditions

1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.

VI. Outline

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms



How to Deal with Ellipsis in English-Chinese Translation

I. Purpose and Significance

With the development of globalization, the world’s political, economic and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Therefore, the role of translation cannot be ignored. However, the differences between English and Chinese cultures that are reflected in the two languages pose considerable difficulty.

It is acknowledged that when doing translation one can not translate word for word, or sentence by sentence. Therefore, we must use some translation strategies such as amplification, ellipsis, conversion and so on. Ellipsis as one of the basic translation methods plays an essential role in English-Chinese rendition. Translators apply it in order to make their versions more coherent and understandable.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, ellipsis means leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. Ellipsis in translation does not mean cutting some content from the original articles. What could be omitted are words that are useless in translated works or else they will make the versions redundant or disobey the manner of expression in another language.

Some words and phrases are useless in Chinese but necessary in English. Articles in English are the most significant phenomenon from this aspect. They are very important in English, but we can hardly see any reflection of this part in Chinese. Ellipsis is designed on the basis of faithfulness to the original text, making it more fluent, smooth, concise, thus conforming to idiomatic Chinese. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipses of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve smoother and clearer communications among China and English-speaking countries.

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, "In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator."(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

Another famous theory to explain ellipsis is Economy Principle. Economy Principle was put forward by Chomsky (1991,1993, and 1995) in his Generate Crammer. It maintains that language and linguistic study follow Economy Principle, which means using the least effort to express the most information. This principle just coincides with ellipsis in function.

In this thesis, I think that brevity is the most obvious and common function of ellipsis, especially in daily language. And in both English and Chinese, people advocate brevity. Shakespeare once remarked, “brevity is the soul of wit”, and in Chinese there are numerous idioms like “yan jian yi gai” (meaning compendious). However, apart from the function of brevity, ellipsis embodies other functions which are also pretty common in the two languages but less noticed.(Hua Xianfa,2002)These functions distribute in both English and Chinese unevenly and represent great colorfulness of language. Exploring other functions of ellipsis and searching for functional recreation in translation will be of much benefit to both English to Chinese and Chinese to English translation.

I found that when Chinese authors try to analyse ellipsis in English to Chinese translation, they always initially put articles in the list. They consider that it is a common phenomenon that Chinese always leave out personal articles. While it is obviously different in English that almost every sentence has a subject, we can see articles fluently. That is because when we translate from English to Chinese, personal articles can be omitted, even though sometimes it may appear once, it can also be omitted if necessary. Furthermore, if the objects can be seen obviously, personal articles should also be omitted. However, it never happens in English. From this point, it is not only allowable but also necessary when we translate personal articles which are objects in sentences into Chinese.

In my point of view, the development of society has in some way has deliberately promoted the way of people’s thinking, translation system has become more and more perfect, people from all over the world have enjoyed the convenience. However, we can not neglect that there are still some problems in this field in China, and we have less influential Chinese translators in the world. Therefore, we still have a long way to go in translation.

III. Feasibility Analysis

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.

IV. Problems of the research and solutions

1. Problems

Despite the references I have collected and read, a thorough study of ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from the point of freely using still needs far more. What’s more, owing to the limited ways of getting references in Xinjiang, I will have to make full use of my present resources. Also, this is the first time I have ever written such a serious academic paper. I am therefore a learner and lack the needed training and experience.

2. Solutions

(1) I shall make full use of my already acquired references which come from books, magazines and the Internet as well.

(2) I shall value my own original thoughts and mainly rely on detailed analysis that I have read from the books which have closely idea with my purpose.

(3) When I have difficulties in the writing process, I shall consult my instructor and seek for help.

V. Necessary conditions

1. Our university and school of foreign languages have provided the basic study and research conditions and facilities, including books and journals in the library and reading rooms.

2. The Internet is another source of information and on the campus we have easy access to the Internet.

3. I have been assigned an instructor to guide me through the whole process of planning and writing.

VI. Outline

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms











thesis statemen:this essay discourse the features and translation of english

idioms and proverbs. and from the society culture to find out the basic different between chinese.


ⅰ. introduction: for chinese students, english idioms and proverbs is a stumbling block. so the characteristics and translation of idioms and proverbs should be studied.

ⅱ. the characteristics of english idioms and proverbs

a. the characteristics of english idioms

1. simple but rich

2. harmonious phonology

3. vivid metaphor

b. the characteristics of english proverb

1. concise and clear

2. symmetrical sentence pattern

3. rich and varied rhetoric

ⅲ. the translation of english idioms and proverbs

a. the theories of translation

1. literal translation

2. free translation

3. mechanical application of the synonym chinese proverb

4. literal translation and free translation

b. the points of translation

1. the literal translation of proverbs prohibited

2. the translation of proverbs to keep the original text style

3. the translation of proverbs to notice the national characteristic

4. the translation of proverbs to notice the artistic characteristic

ⅳ. conclusion



年 月 日








1 国外顺应论研究状况。

比利时语用学家维索尔伦(Verschueren)在《IprA工作文集》(IprA WorkingDocument 1) (1987, 45-48)中发表了一篇名为《作为顺应论的语用学》,标志着顺应论的提出。1995年,他较为详细并系统地在他主编出版的第一本《语用学手册》(handbook of Pragmatics)中对顺应论进行了进一步阐述。他认为,语言的使用过程就是语言为顺应不同的交际目的和交际对象进行动态地选择的过程。他将语用学描述为关于语言整体的、功能性综观,并将语用学定义为语言和交际在认知、社会与文化方面的研究。1998年,阿萨卡瑟(AsaKasher)主编的《语用学的关键概念》Pragmatics;: Critical Concepts)论文集中,维索尔伦发表了一篇名为《交际动态过程的语用模式》(v4 Pragmatic model for the dynamatics of communication )的文章,主要研究了顺应论中顺应的动态性。1999年,在他的专着《语用学新解》(Understaning Pragmatics)中,维索尔伦强调了语用学的地位和作用,这本书的出现标志着顺应论走向成熟。该书主张把语用学当作一种研究视角,突破了以往学者将语用学看作语言学的一个核心分支(语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学)的看法,而认为语用学是一种语言功能的视角或纵观,贯穿于语言学研究和使用的方方面面,可以照应到语言的各个层次。运用这一视角,可以研究不同的语言材料。这是一种研究方法上的革命,可以为语言的不同层面进行语用分析,也为语用学的学科性质进行了重新定位。

2 国内顺应论研究状况。



关于顺应论的部分,该书介绍了顺应论的理论来源、顺应论的三个核心概念、顺应论的视角观、顺应论的分析维度、顺应论的应用等。本书中理论与实例有效结合,为读者展现了顺应论的完整框架及其应用。该书指出,顺应论是宏观语用学的核心,顺应论为我们提供了一个研究和探讨语用学的全新视角。谭晓晨发表在《外语与外语教学》上的《语境的动态研究一--维索尔伦的语境适应论评介》(2000, 50-52)中介绍了维索尔伦的语境适应论,探讨了语言和语境互为构建的动态关系,指出动态生成的语境观是对传统语境研究及时而必要的补充。孙炬发表在《山东大学学报》上的《维索尔伦顺应论的语言哲学观》(2007,51-55)从语言哲学的立场阐释了维索尔伦的顺应论。语言的使用是哲学立场的反映,纵观维索尔伦的语用思想,折射出体现在意义观、心理认知观和语境观三个方面的语言哲学。此外,刘正光、吴志高从哲学、心理学以及语言学的角度论述了顺应论的理论基础,除了对语言顺应论做出肯定,他们还指出“将‘顺应’看成一把万能的朗匙,以解释所有的语言运用,有运用过度之嫌”(李元胜,2007:124)。


从理论研究的角度来看,有的学者侧重于顺应论对翻译理论研究的启示,戈玲玲在发表在《外语学刊》上的《顺应论对翻译研究的启示----兼论语用翻译标准》(2000,7-11) -文中,为我们展现了语用翻译理论的发展历程,它超越了以往语言学研究的框架,将翻译看作是一种动态的信息交流活动。文章还指出,根据顺应论,语言和语境之间的顺应是一个相互的过程,两者可以相互影响,同样,翻译作为语言转换的过程,也会涉及到原语和目的语之间的相互顺应,这种顺应应该以满了交际双方的需要为目的,对交际语境、语言的选择和语言结构做出改变。

有的学者从顺应论的角度分析翻译策略和方法,王建国发表于《外语研究》上的《从语用顺应论的角度看翻译策略与方法》(2005,55-59) -文中,针对国内外翻译界对翻译方法和翻译策略的争论,他指出直译、意译、归化、异化只是翻译方法,而不是翻译策略,动态顺应才是翻译策略。同时,他还指出翻译的过程和结果是动态顺应的过程和结果。


叶苗在其着作《应用翻译语用观》COn Pragmatics Translation from theperspective of Pragmatics)中,首先对应用翻译进行了定位,然后从语用学的角度研究应用翻译。同时她主张以顺应论为基础来讨论和解释异化,并以《选美中国》为例,结合应用翻译中“异化”和“归化”之争,提出了在对具有中国文化特色的应用文本翻译时,译者可以采取异化策略,担负起传播中国文化的使命,扩大目的语读者的'文化语境、认知语境,激发他们对中国文化和传统的兴趣和探索,增强我国软实力。



Reiss, Katharina. Translation Criticism, The Potential &上海外语教育出版社,2004.

Verschueren, Jef. Understanding Pragmatics. Beijing: Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press. 2000.

戈玲玲。《顺应论对翻译研究的启示--兼论语用翻译标准》[J].黑龙江,外语学刊。2002 (3) :7-11.


何自然。Pragmatics and CE/EC Translation [J].北京‘外语教学。1992 (1) ; 19-25.



胡芳毅,贾占波。《外宣翻译:意识形态操纵下的改写》[J] ?上海,上海翻译。2010⑴:23-28.

蒋澄生,廖定中。《语用学需要“顺应”潮流--顺应论的几个关键概念述评》[J].广州,广东工业大学学报。2005 (1) : 68-71.



李元胜《顺应论在中国的研究综述》[J].成都,成都大学学报 2007⑶:123-126.

刘恩祥,刘颖,李哲。《论语言顺应的动态性一基于广告语言的分析》[J].佛山,佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》。2011 (1) :70-73.


钱冠连。《语用学:统一连贯的理论框架--J. Verschueren〈如何理解语用学〉述评》[J].北京,外语教学与研究。2000(3) :230-232.

钱冠连。《语用学:语言适应理论一“Verschueren语用学新论评述》[J] ?北京,外语教学与研究。1991(1):61-66.

孙炬。《维索尔伦顺应论的语言哲学观》[J].济南,山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)。2007 (6) :51-55.

潭晓晨。《语境的动态研究-维索尔伦的语境适应论评介》[J].北京,外语与外语教学。2002 (6):50-52.

王建国。《从语用顺应论的角度看翻译策略与方法》[J].南京,外语研究。2005(4) :55-59.


张运桥,严敏芬。《语用三观:关联论、顺应论、模因论评介》[J].广州,外语艺术教育研究。2009(3) :36-38.


1 引言

2 文献综述



3 顺应论简介









4 从顺应论的视角看企业外宣翻译中的语篇重构










5 结论









