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The main trend is that all grades including kindergarten is growing for every year. Kindergarten started highest at and ended highest at percent with a constant increase. But grades 1-2 and grades 5-6 shows a little different trend, both starts at 1,5 percent in 1999 and declines a little bit in 2000. Both of them increased slowly in 2002 and both it holds that course to 2004 where grades 1-2 ends at 2,1 percent and grades 5-6 ends at 3-4 has a slow but steady growth througt all six years. It starts at percent in 1999 and increases every year except in 2003 when it peaks up percent. Grades 7-8 starts at percent and stays there for three years until it rapidly rises up to and peaks at in , all grades including kindergarten has had a rise at rougly minimum 1 percent and more in 6 years.


雅思大作文结尾段怎么写招式一:回答问题 answer the a country develops its technology; the traditional skills and ways of life die is pointless to try and keep them what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means ‘ pointless’, in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.这个结尾段落明确的提出了自己的观点,不是所有的科技都是好的,但是科技也不是完全没有用处的。雅思大作文结尾段怎么写招式二:不要添加新的信息 not apply any new is considered to be very important in is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.用1句话明确自己的观点,幸福很难定义,可能有两个因素起到作用。雅思大作文结尾段怎么写招式三:2-3个句子为宜 2-3 sentences are people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are a complete waste of you agree or disagree?Finally, I think it is also important to remember that children need to relax as well as everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would 句话,作者的态度很明确,学生不可能花所有的时间去学习,否者就会完全失去对学习的兴趣,所以也应该给学生一些放松的时间。一般在结尾段的最开始部分,考生就应该给考官一个明确的信号词,让考官了解文章已经进入尾声了。这里所谓的信号词就是一些结尾段的套句:信号词:Finally, to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, therefore, thus, overall句型:1. it can be concluded that…2. we can find that…3. I think it is also important to remember that4. the main point is to make sure that5. I believe that/ Personally, I think that/ I would say that/ I agree that/ My view is that







Good facilities can be found in cities but not in the countryside. Therefore, new doctors and teachers should be sent to the countryside.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1农村医疗教育基础设施服务都很匮乏,处于劣势,将老师医生引入,有利于缓解这一困境(hospitals, clinics and schools are severely understaffed in rural areas, compared with their overstaffed counterparts in the city);

2对新人医生和教师也有裨益,城市里竞争激烈实践机会有限去农村可以增加工作经验,并且可以少借助医疗设备和教学辅助工具,从而提升职业技能(To the doctors or teachers that graduate freshly with a degree only, working in rural areas enables them to enrich work experience within the shortest possible period of time)。弊端也很明显,比如强制性分配违反人权,阻止他人追求更高生活质量的目标和愿望(compulsory assortment is not justifiable/it is not ethical to stop the desire of individuals for a more satisfying quality of life).


To conclude, working for a period of time in the country benefits new teachers and doctors alike with increasing their work experience and meanwhile, address the service shortage facing those areas. However, the voluntary sing-up should be guaranteed, instead of mandatory assignment.



Some people argue that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history gives many benefits.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


教育类老题---是否应该学历史,如果文章选取支持,可以从以下角度支撑:1. 学习历史可以借鉴前人知识,以史为鉴,避免走弯路,做出更明智的决定(understanding the past contributes to people’s decision making in today’s social context); 2. 也可以提高人们的分析能力,看问题的辩证能力(It is not only to seek self-knowledge, but also to enhance their skills and make themselves all-round individuals);从反面来看,学习历史也会有不可取之处,现在的世界日新月异,社会已经很复杂,过去的事情只有在特定语境下才有借鉴意义(the lesson from the past might be applicable in particular circumstances only)


As indicated above, studying history is of critical importance, particularly in increasing one’s knowledge and enhancing one’s intellectual abilities. However, it should not be attached with unjustified importance because its applications in today’s society are not known with certainty.

















(开头) 站在塞纳河畔,可以触摸巴黎时尚而又典雅的脉搏;身处第五大道、可以感受纽约华丽而又绚烂的气息;漫步银座街头,可以领略东京古老而又现代的文化;停留黄浦江边,可以体味上海兼容而又独特的精神.….

(结尾) 我在无限的思考中面对都市,触摸它的外壳,也渴望触摸它的灵魂。但愿有朝一日它的内质可以像外壳一样美丽动人,但愿有朝-日那些虚假与轻浮都会变得真实与坚固,但愿是“云销雨雾,彩彻区明",但愿我们可以重新触摸到都市那由内而外的如花般缩放的美丽。




(结尾) 当我们快要走完人生路
















分享一个雅思20年写作名师的大作文框架或者说文章结构 Organization。

Rephrase question sentence + both sides


• 段落1行文结构:

Nowadays, many people…

At the same time, however, there is some uncertainty…

In this essay, I will review the issue to seek a conclusion that…


• 注意:改写问题句 (rephrase question sentence), 不应该有单词重复

• 每一篇大作文都建有立场,万一没有可以写:(整个文章的主题句)

In this essay I will review both sides of the debate to seek a conclusion.

• 段落2行文结构:

To begin with, …

Moreover, …

In addition, …

• 段落3行文结构:

On the other hand, however, …

Furthermore, …

Consequently, …


both sides + my opinion,论点总结+自己的立场,同时跟其他一样,结论段也是三个句子。

• 段落4行文结构:

To summarize, there is no doubt that…

Meanwhile, …

In the final analysis, therefore, one can conclude that…

• 结尾段必须包括三个部分正方观点小结,反方观点小结,和个人观点,注意个人观点表述必须清晰明了,可以同意一个立场,也可以同意或不同意双方立场,言之有理,顺理成章即可。



1.词汇的背诵 这个毫无疑问,大家都非常清楚,比如说上升的词我们可能会背诵很多如:increase、rise、climb、grow、recover等等.

2.句式的掌握 小作文句式的背诵与掌握是非常重要的.举个简单的例子,比如说我们想表达A在B方面从哪一年到哪一年急剧增长,那么这个时候我们就需要牢牢记住我们至少可以用两种句式来做,也就是一个是副词修饰动词。



静观这几年, 教育 类的写作话题深受雅思君的喜爱,下面我给大家分享一些雅思写作 范文 集锦:教育类,希望可以帮助大家备考。


Nowadays children are joining extra coaching classes apart from the school studies. Some think it is important for their future, others think the extra time should be spent playing. Do you agree or disagree? 现在孩子加入额外的培训课程除了学习。一些人认为它是重要为他们的未来,别人都认为这些额外的时间应该用来玩耍。你赞成还是反对?

In order to improve their education, children are participating in extra classes after school instead of spending time playing. This has raised a heated debate around the world whether it is a positive or negative development. Some people believe extra coaching classes lead to good job prospect, whereas others hold a distinctive view and think that children should spend their spare time on leisure activities. In my opinion, I believe that students should join extra classes if they are poor in particular subjects.

In fact, many students have difficulty to keep up with other students in their class, so going to extra classes is an ideal way to fill in the part of lessons they do not understand. In addition, as extra coaching classes generally specialize in a particular subject, the teaching method is much more better than at school and students are able to practice solving exercise problems from a variety of resource. Although self-study is also an effective way to improve their study, some students find it hard to practice this method because the lack of resource for practice problems solving and someone to explain to them.

Furthermore, in the extra coaching classes, students can also improve their social skill, which is very important in their lives and usually requires in almost every career. Even though spare time after school studies should be spent on playing or other leisure activities, children can also do these activities at the weekend and spend the weekdays studying hard. Besides, the break time between classes allows students to play games and do some leisure activities such as reading books or listening to music.

To sum up, participating in extra classes can help students in their study a great deal and they will get result after studying extra time. However, students should not overwork themselves and should spend the weekend on some leisure activities apart from study so as to refreshing their mind and relax.

雅思教育类写作高分范文:大学是否应该为大学生提供 职场 技能


Nowadays, some university offer graduate students skills that assist to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be to access knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion?


As university education is the last stage before the starting of career, many people believe that it prepares students for employment only, but the fact is that it serves a lot many purposes. In this essay I shall discuss the various functions of a university.

Universities provide specialised education in fields such as medical, engineering, commerce etc. They provide library facilities, which support the curriculum. They provide laboratory facilities for science and technology related subjects. They send students to factories and industries so that they get practical experience. This job-oriented training helps them to understand the working conditions and also gives them an idea about competition in the market. They also create job opportunities for the students by arranging campus interviews.

On the other hand, universities also perform other functions which help the students in their personal life. They organise co-curricular activities such as cultural programmes, sports, debates, fairs etc. They gain many qualities such as self-confidence and positive attitude, which help them in their future life. Moreover, some people just go to university for gaining knowledge just out of interest for the subject. For example, a doctor may want to learn French language just for interest in the language.

Furthermore, a university is a place to know more about the world because there are students from across the globe in a university. For many, who may never travel abroad, this may be a chance of a lifetime for them to broaden their horizons and know more about the different cultures of the world. For example, in LPU ( Lovely Professional University), there are 200 students from Malaysia, Korea and other parts of the world.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, universities do not simply prepare a person for employment, but also have many other functions.

雅思写作范文海外 留学 的利与弊


More and more students choose to move to other oversea countries to have the higher education. Does the trend bring more benefits than disadvantages? What is your opinion?


An increasing number of Chinese students choose to have their higher education abroad. A heated discussion is triggered by the benefits and disadvantages that overseas education brings. In my opinion, although pursuing higher education in other countries may have some drawbacks, it would bring us more benefits.

Firstly, the ability to master a foreign language and appreciate other cultures could make us more competitive in the face of a globalizing world. A popular theory states that the best way to learn a different language is to spend a lengthy amount of time in the surroundings where the language is spoken. The possibility of broadening foreign language skills increases greatly when forced to communicate in such a way as different from their own. In addition, students who live under the confines of foreign culture develop the sense of a greater perspective of the world around them, and the ability to understand societal differences.

Secondly, many universities in other countries enjoy renowned reputations that provide a substantially higher quality of education. If students immerse themselves into such academic environments, they are exposed to the greatest minds of a certain field and chances that may sparkle brilliant insights.

Last but not least, studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back at home. While being away from friends and family can seem daunting, it is also a chance for you to hone your own skills and gain some independence. One major aspect of being an independent adult is having the ability to manage your own finances. Furthermore, living in a new country also forces you to familiarize yourself with the various living expenses. Understanding how to manage your expenses will especially be beneficial when you no longer rely on the support of your family.

Despite of some challenges international students may face such as homesickness and financial burden, studying abroad could reward students with excellent chances that lead them to a brighter future.

雅思教育类写作范文之 儿童 早学外语利弊

雅思教育类写作范文之儿童早学外语利弊写作题目:Some people say that teaching foreign languages to children in primary school is good and the advantages of teaching foreign language early outweigh the disadvantages. What is your opinion?有人认为,儿童在小学学习外语很有利,并且早学习外语的利大于弊。你怎么看?


Language is the best means of communication. In the moder globalization era it is not enough to be able to speak one language to communicate with the outside world. I strongly support the idea that children should begin learning a foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. They faster become familiar with a strange language, improve their hearing ability to understand new words as time goes by and learn new words. In the following paragraphs I will list some reasons to support my position.

Firstly, there is no doubt that a young mind readily absorbs new information. Child psychologists often mention that the most most formative years of learning happen in the first few years of life. Therefore, what children are exposed to is very often retained and remembered. In this way, a child is in a good position to learn the new information associated with a new language.

Secondly, senior students are often afraid to make mistakes when they are speaking in a new language. This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in their efforts to speak freely. Primary school children are not afraid of making grammatical mistakes because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them. So, they have a better chance to get used to the right pronunciation of the language.

To sum up, I think that it is very essential for children to begin learning a foreign language in their early ages. It is brings many benefits such as great pronunciation. Also, it helps a child develop and gain more knowledge which is good for a long run.



Today, teenagers in school nowadays have to study a wide range of subjects. Some people think the teenagers should learn all the school subjects, other think that the teenagers should concentrate in the subjects they are best at or they are interested in. Discuss both views and give your own points.


Nowadays, students are required to have a wide range of knowledge in order to seek a satisfied job or a higher degree. However, some still thinks that the quantity of subjects affect the quality of learning. They believe that it is better for the students to concentrate on several core modules. From my perspective, school is the place to provide students with general knowledge and to foster them a good habit of learning, so it is necessary to conduct the multi-disciplinary exploration.

The traditional view argues that students only need to focus on some major subjects, including English, math, ., etc. These subjects, to their understanding, are enough to foster the fundamental capabilities. Through learning the language, the teenagers can have better communication skills; through learning the math, the teenagers can have a clearer logic in thinking; through learning the ., the teenagers can build up their health. Apart from these, the other subjects may not contribute much. Instead, it is possible to distract the students from learning the core modules.

On the contrary, the opposite side has a wider consideration. They believe that it is the time for the teenagers to expand their vision at school. As a matter of fact, school is the place at which students spend most of their time and they acquire most of their education. So for them, a wider range of subjects provides them more opportunities. On the one hand, they are directly installed with more specialized knowledge. On the other, they may find their interests and foster their personal habits.

In summary, the limited amount of subjects contributes to a more concentrated type of learning experience and a higher ability in certain skills, while the multi-subjects exposure is beneficial for the teenagers' personal hobbies and long-term development.

雅思写作范文集锦:教育类相关 文章 :

1. 雅思写作范文 教育类

2. 雅思考试大作文范文3篇 教育类

3. 雅思大作文高分范文 教育类

4. 雅思写作范文:8分范文鉴赏

5. 雅思写作话题五大分类及去其高分表达词组

6. 雅思书信类写作范文赏析

7. 雅思写作范文3篇 文化类

8. 雅思写作范文2篇

9. 雅思写作大作文范文3篇 性别类

10. 雅思高分写作范文

雅思大作文教育类写作模板 教育类是雅思大作文写作当中最为主要的一个类型,所以大家在备考自己的雅思大作文写作的时候,一定会准备和教育类相关的话题。下面就为大家搜集整理了关于教育类的雅思大作文写作模板,希望对大家有所帮助。 1) Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 开头写四段 大学教育好处:我觉得有wider benefits 个人:提高个人知识水平和道德标准,为了今后步入社会训练一些生活技能等。 社会:促进社会的发展,教育水平的提升会让社会有更好的发展,公众道德的提升降低犯罪率。 让步:确实找工作是大学教育的目标之一,但是它不是全部。 总结 2) The government thinks that education system should be up to date. The following are a list of the subjects taught in school. Which two do you think are the most important subjects and which one is the least important to young people? literature sports mathematics economic physics music psychology history geography foreign languages 物理和数学 开头 最为重要的:物理,数学:是各个学科的基础,提高人的思维能力和对世界的认知 最不重要: 文学和音乐: 只有极少数人从事有关工作不是每个人都需要的,真正要学好文学和音乐的人学要一定的天赋和热爱的。而大多数的人对于音乐和文学的态度是作为一种消遣。所以不需要太多的力气去学习。 让步:当然学和重要没有很清晰的评判标准,但是认为数学和物理比较重要还是一种最为理性的选择。 3) Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 开头:同意一起第一:如果在一个班级是有不同能力的学生组成的一个团体,这样的话会让这些学生之间相互促进, 如果分开的话可能会让那些能力稍微差一些的学生有被歧视的感觉加重心理负担导致学的更差, 让那些能力好的学生有一种不应该有的优越感。第二:就社会而言,整个社会也是有不同能力的人组成的包括公司和社区,如果在一个有比你能力高和比你能力低的人之间保持一个平衡的心态和正式自己的能力这是以后社会生活需要的,因为社会是这样的所以应该从小让孩子在这样的环境中成长。让步:承认对于一些有特殊才能的学生应该区别对待比如说在某个学科。但是这种区别对待也不能完全将其与其他学生隔离。结尾:观点。否则学生可能导致畸形的心理状态。4) Some people think teachers have a greater influence than parents on the development of a child’s intelligence and social skills. Do you agree or disagree?开头:家长影响大第一段:家长跟孩子在一起的时候比较久,有更多的机会去影响小孩子。人的性格的形成可能是在最初的那里年,而在最初的那几年当中对老师的接触比较少。家长除了在言行上对小孩产生影响,还可以根据自己的生活态度和思维方式给小孩创造一个成长的环境。而一个老师通常面对几十个学生,没有那么多精力去照顾每一个学生的成长。第二段:家长比老师对于学生的教育方式更加多样,因为家长有各种惩罚方式,而老师在教育和影响学生的有许多限制。老师能够影响学生的智力无非就是在课上提供更多的知识,而家长除了自己教,还可以给学生在这方面进行更多的投资。家长更加深入。诚然,学生的成长是在老师和家长的共同影响下进行,但是家长占据了绝大部分。

学校教育 schooling家庭教育 upbringing (parenting)远程教育 tele-education素质教育 quality-oriented education小(中、大)学教育 primary(secondary, tertiary) education男女同校 co-education(segregated education)获取知识 acquire knowledge传授知识 impart( inculcate) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values教学方法 teaching method学习成绩 academic performance受过良好教育 well-educated学科 discipline专业知识 expertise死记硬背 learn things by rote创造力 creativity塑造性格 shape(mould) one's character学生的反馈 students' feedback(input)评价老师的教学 evaluate teachers' performance理论知识 theoretical knowledge




Many people believe that main aim for university education is help graduates to find a better job, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individual and society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


These days, more and more people are making the choice to go to university. While some people are of the opinion that the only purpose of a university education is to improve job prospects, others think that society and the individual benefit in much broader ways.

It is certainly true that one of the main aims of university is to secure a better job. The majority of people want to improve their future career prospects and attending university is one of the best ways to do this as it increases a person's marketable skills and attractiveness to potential employers. In addition, further education is very expensive for many people so most would not consider it if it would not provide them with a more secure future and a higher standard of living. Thus job prospects are very important.

However, there are other benefits for individuals and society. Firstly, the independence of living away from home is a benefit because it helps the students develop better social skills and improve as a person. A case in point is that many students will have to leave their families, live in halls of residence and meet new friends. As a result, their maturity and confidence will grow, enabling them to live more fulfilling lives. Secondly, society will gain from the contribution that the graduates can make to the economy. We are living in a very competitive world, so countries need educated people in other to compete and prosper.

Therefore, I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get the best job, there are clearly further benefits. If we continue to promote and encourage university attendance, it will lead to a better future for individuals and society.









你好,为你准备了2012年10月20日的雅思写作范文,供参考,以拓宽自己的写作思路。 Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries, is it development a positive or negative effect?参考范文:Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and , cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community , the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.

Should education and healthcare be free of charge and funded by the government, or should it be the responsibility of the people to pay for these services? The improvement of the life level due to the economic development has led people to focus more on their spiritual life, with their education and healthcare inclusive, but who has to be responsible for the cost of education and healthcare has been raised onto heated discussion. Health care and education, two of the basic elements in social life, are always in the concern of the public. Some people suggest that the service in these two fields should be paid by the government and be free to the public; while others believe it to be the duty of the people to pay on themselves. As to me, the coverage on education and healthcare should be made the duty of the government while leaving some special demands to be burdened by individuals. Government free provision of education and healthcare can demonstrate their responsibility in serving the people. Having fulfilled their obligations to the country in the form of taxes, citizens have the right to enjoy the service in return from the government, with education and health care being the two basic ones. Also, as the duty carrier in promoting social development, by guaranteeing the right of education and health care, the government are enabled to encourage citizens to make more contributions to the society. Government’s investment on these two fields is beneficial to ensure social equality. Being free of charge, every citizen can take advantage of these social services, without the worries about being treated unfairly due to their lack of social resources, such as their social status and human network. Besides, this will be helpful to reduce the difference between the rich and the poor, at least in these two basic rights, creating a more harmonious social atmosphere. Admittedly, if the citizens are wealthy enough, or when they demand some special service, or when the government is too limited in its budget, individuals’ sharing some of the cost may also seem to be reasonable. However, rare cases of particular requirements do not represent the general pursuits of the public, and limitation in budget does not free the government of its accountability. To sum up, government should provide free education and healthcare to the public and pay the cost. Only when people are better educated and healthier in physiques, can the society be more harmonious in atmosphere and dynamic in development.这是我在雅思救星上看到的一篇雅思作文范文,相信对你有用,你也可以去看看其它的范文。

2011雅思小作文写作万能模板1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that 、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。)There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: 、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to 、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, 、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出_________________________, just like many other things, are preferred by being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that according to the chart```2 the date lead us to the conclusion that```3 the date show```4 the tree diagram reveals how```5 the figures show```6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of```7 the pie graph depicts```8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding```9 the table shows the changes in the number of ``` over the periodfrom ```to ```10 as is shown in the table ```11 from the table ,we can clearly see that ```12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from ``` to ````13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in```14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of ```15 over the period from ```to ```the```remained in the year between ```and ```.17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through the number of ``` remained steady from ```to ````.19 the number sharply went up to ```20 the percentage of ``` stayed the same between ``` and ```21 the percentage remainede steady at```22 the percentage of ```is sightly large than that there is not a great deal of differece between ```and ```24 the graphs show a three fold increase in the number of ```25 ```decreased year by year while ```increased there is an upward trend in the number of ```27 a considerable increase occurred from ```to ```28 from ```to ```the rate of decrease slow from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the```reaching a figure be similar to ```be the same as31 there are a lot similarities between ```and ```32 the difference between X and Y lies in ```雅思学术性写作考试中Task 1 考查考生解释,说明信息的能力,这些信息通常体现在图解,表格和插图中,这一部分的模式化程度更高一些。下类50个句式是雅思留学类考生需要背诵的最最基础的句子。请同学们自己背诵。在写作小作文的时候,也可以作为参考材料。1. the table illustrates the changes in the number of...over the period from...to...该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化。2. the bar chart illustrates that... 该柱状图展示了...3. the graph provides some interesting data regarding...该图为我们提供了有关...有趣数据。4. the diagram shows (that)... 该图向我们展示了...5. the pie graph depicts (that).... 该圆形图揭示了... is a cure graph which describes the trend of...这个曲线图描述了...的趋势。7. the figures/statistics show (that)... 数据(字)表明...8. the tree diagram reveals how...该树型图向我们揭示了如何...9. the data/statistics show (that)...该数据(字)可以这样理解...10. the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that...这些数据资料令我们得出结论...11. as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table...如图所示...12. according to the chart/figures... 根据这些表(数字)...13. as is shown in the table... 如表格所示...14. as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in...从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化。15. from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that...or it is clear/apparent from the chart that...从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到...16. this is a graph which illustrates...这个图表向我们展示了...17. this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from...to...该表格描述了...年到...年间a与b的比例关系。18. the graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in...该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势。19. this is a column chart showing... 这是个柱型图,描述了...20. as can be seen from the graph, the two curves show the fluctuation of...如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况。21. over the period from...to...the...remained level.在...至...期间,...基本不变。22. in the year between...and... 在...年到...期间...23. in the 3 years spanning from 1995 through 1998...1995年至1998三年里...24. from then on/from this time onwards... 从那时起...25. the number of...remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year)....月(年)至...月(年)...的数量基本不变。26. the number sharply went up to... 数字急剧上升至...27. the percentage of...stayed the same between...and......至...期间...的比率维持不变。28. the figures peaked at...in(month/year)...的数目在...月(年)达到顶点,为...29. the percentage remained steady at... 比率维持在...30. the percentage of...is slightly larger/smaller than that of......的比例比...的比例略高(低)。31. there is not a great deal of difference between...and......与...的区别不大。32. the graphs show a threefold increase in the number of...该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。33. ..decreased year by year while...increased steadily....逐年减少,而...逐步上升。……太多啦,你给个邮箱,我发给你吧!



