
> 期刊论文知识库

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I see, really, have hoped that I can pass BA thesis oral defense smoothly , have liberated like that completely. I go to pay your father a visit first after returning to Shanghai , he cares for your cartoon very much , am bustling about on thinking that they can hurry up and come out , I also hope that I can help specially. Wow, you mention Los Angeles I have thought of Hollywood , very good, place hey , haw-haw that beautiful the whole world type male daughter concentrates, whenever ~ I also have to go to stroll around, ha-ha

关于内容: 1、一般概括性内容:课题标题、答辩人、课题执行时间、课题指导教师、课题的归属、致谢等; 2、课题研究内容:研究目的、方案设计(流程图)、运行过程、研究结果、创新性、应用价值、有关课题延续的新看法等; 3、PPT要图文并茂,突出重点,让答辩老师明白哪些是自己独立完成的,页数不要太多,30页左右足够,不要出现太多文字,老师对文字和公式都不怎么感兴趣; 4、凡是贴在PPT上的图和公式,要能够自圆其说,没有把握的坚决不要往上面贴; 5、每页下面记得标页码,这样比较方便评委老师提问的时候review 。关于模板: 1、不要用太华丽的企业商务模板,学术ppt最好低调、简洁一些; 2、推荐底色白底(黑字、红字和蓝字)、蓝底(白字或黄字)、黑底(白字和黄字),这三种配色方式可保证幻灯质量,个人觉得学术ppt还是白底好; 3、动手能力强的大牛可以自己做符合课题主题的模板,其实很简单,就是把喜欢的图在“幻灯片母版”模式下插入就行了。 关于文字: 1、首先就是:不要太多!图优于表,表优于文字,答辩的时候照着ppt念的人最逊了; 2、字体大小最好选ppt默认的,标题用44号或40号,正文用32号,一般不要小于20号。标题推荐黑体,正文推荐宋体,如果一定要用少见字体,记得答辩的时候一起copy到答辩电脑上,不然会显示不出来; 3、正文内的文字排列,一般一行字数在20~25个左右,不要超过6~7行。更不要超过10行。行与行之间、段与段之间要有一定的间距,标题之间的距离(段间距)要大于行间距。关于图片: 1、图片在ppt里的位置最好统一,整个ppt里的版式安排不要超过3种。图片最好统一格式,一方面很精制,另一方面也显示出做学问的严谨态度。图片的外周,有时候加上阴影或外框,会有意想不到的效果; 2、关于格式,tif格式主要用于印刷,它的高质量在ppt上体现不出来,照片选用jpg就可以了,示意图我推荐bmp格式,直接在windows画笔里按照需要的大小画,不要缩放,出来的都是矢量效果,比较pro,相关的箭头元素可以直接从word里copy过来; 3、流程图,用viso画就可以了,这个地球人都知道; 4、ppt里出现图片的动画方式最好简洁到2种以下,还是那句话,低调朴素为主; 5、动手能力允许的话,学习一下photoshop里的基本操作,一些照片类的图片,在ps里做一下曲线和对比度的基本调整,质量会好很多。windos画笔+ps,基本可以搞定一切学术图片。 关于提问环节: 评委老师一般提问主要从以下几个方面: 1、他本人的研究方向及其擅长的领域; 2、可能来自课题的问题:是确实切合本研究涉及到的学术问题(包括选题意义、重要观点及概念、课题新意、课题细节、课题薄弱环节、建议可行性以及对自己所做工作的提问); 3、来自论文的问题:论文书写的规范性,数据来源,对论文提到的重要参考文献以及有争议的某些观察标准等; 4、来自幻灯的问题:某些图片或图表,要求进一步解释; 5、不大容易估计到的问题:和课题完全不相干的问题。似乎相干,但是答辩者根本未做过,也不是课题涉及的问题。答辩者没有做的,但是评委想到了的东西,答辩者进一步打算怎么做。 建议 一、要对论文的内容进行概括性的整合,将论文分为引言和试验设计的目的意义、材料和方法、结果、讨论、结论、致谢几部分。 二、在每部分内容的presentation中,原则是:图的效果好于表的效果,表的效果好于文字叙述的效果。最忌满屏幕都是长篇大论,让评委心烦。能引用图表的地方尽量引用图表,的确需要文字的地方,要将文字内容高度概括,简洁明了化,用编号标明。 三、 1、文字版面的基本要求 幻灯片的数目: 学士答辩10min 10~20张 硕士答辩20min 20~35张 博士答辩30min 30~50张 2、字号字数行数: 标题44号(40) 正文32号(不小于24号字) 每行字数在20~25个 每张PPT 6~7行 (忌满字) 中文用宋体(可以加粗),英文用 Time New Romans 对于PPT中的副标题要加粗 3、PPT中的字体颜色不要超过3种(字体颜色要与背景颜色反差大) 建议新手配色: (1)白底,黑、红、篮字 (2)蓝底,白、黄字(浅黄或橘黄也可) 4、添加图片格式: 好的质量图片TIF格式,GIF图片格式最小 图片外周加阴影或外框效果比较好 PPT总体效果:图片比表格好,表格比文字好;动的比静的好,无声比有声好。 四、(注意) 幻灯片的内容和基调。背景适合用深色调的,例如深蓝色,字体用白色或黄色的黑体字,显得很庄重。值得强调的是,无论用哪种颜色,一定要使字体和背景显成明显反差。注意:要点!用一个流畅的逻辑打动评委。字要大:在昏暗房间里小字会看不清,最终结果是没人听你的介绍。不要用PPT自带模板:自带模板那些评委们都见过,且与论文内容无关,要自己做,简单没关系,纯色没关系,但是要自己做!时间不要太长:20分钟的汇报,30页内容足够,主要是你讲,PPT是辅助性的。 记得最后感谢母校,系和老师,弄得煽情点。

,Really hope I can smoothly reply through a bachelor's degree thesis and so and thoroughly father returned to behind Shanghai me to go first to visit you, he concerns you very much of cartoon, specially think that they can hurry a publication, I also hope that I can help up the favour., You made reference to Los Angeles me to thought of Hollywood, too good, whole world type male pretty girl the place ah of the concentration, ha ha, when I have to also take a walk, ha ha


掌握简单,通用的词汇,再涉及几个难度大的词汇,加分的。不要紧张,听不懂可以再让他重复一遍,pardon。答题技巧:正面回答问题,不转换论题,不要答非所问。 抓住主题、要领,抓住关键词语,言简意赅

1. 关于目的论理论方面的问题,以考查你是否真的了解所用理论。2。翻译方法、翻译原则方面的问题,以考查你对翻译理解的程度。3。你论文中所涉及的具体问题,包括语言问题、老师认为表述不巧当的地方等,都可以提问。4。具体的翻译,比如让你当场翻译。总之,对自己的论文要非常熟悉,每个句子每个单词都不能马虎。

据学术堂了解,英语专业的论文答辩主要分为两部分:自我陈述和回答答辩老师问题,下面对这两部分进行详细讲解.一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-8分钟,要简明扼要,必要时可将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件.2、主要陈述内容:(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件).4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式,如:When I was designing the lessons, I found that….二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有4-6个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟.2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话).3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉.4、常见问题:① 关于选题:Why do you choose this topic for your thesis? // Why wereyou interested in this topic?② 关于选题意义:What's the importance/significance in doing such aresearch/project?//What do you want the readers get from your thesis?③ 关于论文:- 理论知识:Explain … (your theory). //Why do you think this theorycan be applied in your project? // Use one example to illustrate 数据分析:How do you analyze your data? //How do you justify thevalidity of your data analysis?- 例证:Can you explain this example?【对于翻译类论文,答辩组可能会针对某些例句让你解释为什么在此种情况下要运用你所提议的翻译方法,或者对于有问题的译文让你给出自己的译文,或者临时给出例子让你运用相关翻译方法进行翻译】- 语言:In the xx paragraph on page xx, what do you mean?论文存在的问题:如 In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical/spelling/…Errors.总之,要通过论文答辩,应注意:1.在平时的学习过程中必须注意提高自己的听说能力.2.答辩前应做好充分的准备,最重要的是熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点.这一点十分重要,如果不熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点,答辩时很难自圆其说.3.要有自信心.当然,自信心主要来自事先的充分准备.4.带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致).5.最后要向老师们表示感谢.最后祝大家答辩顺利!

简单的问题:What's the significance of your paper?What's the originality of your paper?这类问题很常见,你对自己的论文较熟悉就行。难点的问题:老师可能会挑出你写出来的某一点很细节的东西来问,比如说:别人认为这个人物是这样的,为什么你会认为是那样的,而这两种看法刚好相反?我答辩的时候老师问我:我写的是的《纳尼亚传奇》。老师问:作者写的Narnia真的会实现吗?这就很难回答了,因为站在作者的观点是有可能的,从现实的角度看几乎不可能了。答辩的时候,一般是不会翻论文的。因为你必须对自己的论文很熟悉,另一方面,老师问的问题,你读答案也不太好。除非老师说翻到某一页,你这一页有什么观点,解释一下为什么?这才会翻论文看。老师有的时候也不问什么难问题,只是指出你的论文那个地方修改,因为最后答辩后还要交终稿存档,所以会让你继续改改格式之类的。建议:要对自己的Bibliography(参考文献)有一定的了解,有的老师会问某本文献里讲了什么观点,这类问题笼统回答一下就好,所以你得知道自己用了什么文献。总之,不用太紧张了,老师肯定会放你过得,不让你毕业就是他给自己早麻烦啦。呵呵,祝你顺利通过答辩!


All the teachers:Good morning. My name is * * *, * class. My thesis is entitled" thinking differences between English and Chinese influence on English writing". The paper is in * * the teacher's guidance, completed, I am here to my teacher to express my deep gratitude to the judges, and worked tirelessly to participate in my thesis to express my heartfelt I will for the purpose of writing this paper and the main content to the teacher make a report:This essay focuses on the comparison of Sino Western differences in thinking mode, discuss its to English writing in the vocabulary, sentence structure, paragraph structure and discourse organization differences between English and Chinese mode of thinking, hope that through the comparative analysis, help us in English writing more consciously to get rid of the influence of Chinese thinking habits, in accordance with the habit of thinking in English to layout plan, write idiomatic English , my thesis is divided into the following five parts:The first part, briefly introduce our students in English writing of the status quo and problems of thinking, the language meaning;The second part, discusses the characteristics of English language thinkingThe third part, from the word, sentence structure, paragraph structure and text construction in Chinese and English thinking difference analysis of different performance, effects on fourth part, based on the comparative analysis of the differences between Chinese and English thinking modes in English writing, give me some inspirationThe fifth part of the thesis, is to make a brief summaryThe thesis writing process, I also increasingly aware of their lack of knowledge and experience. Although, I try to collect the materials, have tried to use his knowledge of writing papers, but still has many deficiencies, there are many more areas for improvement, please judge teacher criticism, I will humbly accept, thus further study.

,Really hope I can smoothly reply through a bachelor's degree thesis and so and thoroughly father returned to behind Shanghai me to go first to visit you, he concerns you very much of cartoon, specially think that they can hurry a publication, I also hope that I can help up the favour., You made reference to Los Angeles me to thought of Hollywood, too good, whole world type male pretty girl the place ah of the concentration, ha ha, when I have to also take a walk, ha ha

Oh, I really hope that I can pass degree thesis, so thoroughly liberation. After I come back to Shanghai to visit your father, he CARES about you, especially the cartoons published, they can quickly I hope I can help. Wow, you say to Los Angeles I thought of Hollywood, fantastic charm, the world where centralized ah girl, ha ha, when I have to go around, ha ha ~

I see, really, have hoped that I can pass BA thesis oral defense smoothly , have liberated like that completely. I go to pay your father a visit first after returning to Shanghai , he cares for your cartoon very much , am bustling about on thinking that they can hurry up and come out , I also hope that I can help specially. Wow, you mention Los Angeles I have thought of Hollywood , very good, place hey , haw-haw that beautiful the whole world type male daughter concentrates, whenever ~ I also have to go to stroll around, ha-ha




Chapter One Influencing Factors of Creative Treason

Background of Gone with the Wind

Author's Life and Emotional Experience

Development of the Feminist Movement

Influence of Economic Crisis

Background of the Translator

Reader's Expectations and the Ability to Accept

Chapter Two Creative Treason and Translator Style

Selection and Use of Words

Symbolthe Usage of Idioms

Symbolthe Usage of Reduplication

Structure and Modalitythe Usage of Parallel Construction

' Logic and Combination

's Device and Style

's Transition

, Slangs and Fixed Collocations


of Narrative Style

Chapter Three The Limitation of Translator Style

Chapter Four The Sociality of Creative Treason



' Effort


This article conclusion

Creative treason develops a new domain for literary translation. In this thesis, thebackground of main factors was taken as the entry point. Through analyzing thebackground of tiie original, translator and readers we got the result that affected byvarious factors especially different background the creative treason in literary translationis objective and inevitable. By reason of existence of creative treason, it is possible toform the unique translation style in the translation process. Based on parsing FuDonghua's version of Gone with the Wind,this study analyzes translator style from sixaspects and has proved the existence of translator style. Retoning to the ultimate purposemotivation of translation, we should affirm that the translation work which is in theframework of the original and makes recreations for the need of target readers is thehigh-quality one.

Behind two literary works are two different languages, behind two languages are twodifferent cultures,after discussing the translator style which is based on the languageexchange we should see the most fundamental factor is the cultural differences, which isone of the social significance of creative treason. Just as Escarpit states, all thetranslations are the result of creative treason. So the social significance of translation isalso creative treason V In the process of social development the role of translation can notbe replaced and the creative treason's function should be paid more attention to. For theexistence of creative treason, we can not ignore the hard work and efforts the translatorsdo,it should be folly admitted and respected.

In addition to translation activities, in the field of other social life, we can still findthe creative treason. There are some subjective factors which are mixed into theunderstanding and judgment of object,that's why different people have differentcognitions for the same thing. Therefore, in the process of recognizing the world creativetreason always exists- This can be the new point of creative treason's socialization, enrichthe connotation of the concept and extend the social significance of creative treason.



Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

Significance of the study 29-30

Organization of the study 30-31

A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

Defining coherence 32-33

T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

Training in T/TP 47-49

Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

Theme and thematic progression 55-70

Theme 56-62

Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

The participants and the educational context 70-73

Background of the participants and the participating school 70

The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

The sample sizes 71-72

The pilot study 72-73

The interventional procedures 73-74

The questionnaire 74-75

The training 75-80

Considerations behind the training 75-76

The training material 76-79

The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

Data analysis 80-86

Analysis of the writing 80-86

Analysis of the questionnaire 86

Ethical considerations 86-88

Informed consent 86-87

Anonymity 87

Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

Interpersonal Themes 100-102

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

Interpersonal Themes 126-129

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

Interpersonal Themes 145-147

Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

Findings from closed questions 155-160

EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

Findings from open questions 160-164

The changes that occurred 161-162

The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

Implications 190-194

Pedagogical implication 190-193

Methodological implication 193-194

Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

Summary 195-197

Putting everything together 197-199

Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

Motivation of the present study 7-8

Significance of this study 8

Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

Language production 10-14

L1 Production 10-11

L2 Production 11-12

Dimensions of language production 12-14

Theories on oral output 14-15

Skehan’s dual-model system 14

Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

Task Repetition 15-17

Task 15-16

Task repetition 16-17

Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


Research justification and questions 19

Hypothesis 19-20

Methods 20-25

Participants 20-21

Material 21

Research design 21-23

Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

Results and Analysis 25-34

Quantitative analysis 25-27

Qualitative analysis 27-34

Discussion 34-41

Fluency 34-36

Complexity 36-38

Accuracy 38-39

interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

Conclusion and implication 41-43

Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54


Chapter 1 Introduction

Research Background

Significance of the Study

Research Goals and Questions

Data Collection and Methodology

Analysis Procedures

Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Introduction to Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad

Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home

Studies on Personal Statements

Introduction to Personal Statement


Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

An Overview of Attitude System

Affect Resources

Judgment Resources

Social Esteem

Social Sanction

Appreciation Resources

Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation


Appendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Some Samples of the Study
































简单的问题:What's the significance of your paper?What's the originality of your paper?这类问题很常见,你对自己的论文较熟悉就行。难点的问题:老师可能会挑出你写出来的某一点很细节的东西来问,比如说:别人认为这个人物是这样的,为什么你会认为是那样的,而这两种看法刚好相反?我答辩的时候老师问我:我写的是的《纳尼亚传奇》。老师问:作者写的Narnia真的会实现吗?这就很难回答了,因为站在作者的观点是有可能的,从现实的角度看几乎不可能了。答辩的时候,一般是不会翻论文的。因为你必须对自己的论文很熟悉,另一方面,老师问的问题,你读答案也不太好。除非老师说翻到某一页,你这一页有什么观点,解释一下为什么?这才会翻论文看。老师有的时候也不问什么难问题,只是指出你的论文那个地方修改,因为最后答辩后还要交终稿存档,所以会让你继续改改格式之类的。建议:要对自己的Bibliography(参考文献)有一定的了解,有的老师会问某本文献里讲了什么观点,这类问题笼统回答一下就好,所以你得知道自己用了什么文献。总之,不用太紧张了,老师肯定会放你过得,不让你毕业就是他给自己早麻烦啦。呵呵,祝你顺利通过答辩!

1. 关于目的论理论方面的问题,以考查你是否真的了解所用理论。2。翻译方法、翻译原则方面的问题,以考查你对翻译理解的程度。3。你论文中所涉及的具体问题,包括语言问题、老师认为表述不巧当的地方等,都可以提问。4。具体的翻译,比如让你当场翻译。总之,对自己的论文要非常熟悉,每个句子每个单词都不能马虎。



