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看你对哪些方面有兴趣了,之前有这么几大类1:文学 深度剖析某位作者及其一部或几部作品2.旅游针对西班牙旅游现状分析3.历史针对西班牙某一时间的历史 发表个人见解4.建筑可剖析高迪建筑如果语言水平不高,可选择旅游类等比较通俗简易的内容去写


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首先翻译一下这句话是什么:这是两篇文章,在塞万提斯网上学院查得到的信息,有点早了,是2001年写的。作者叫Maximiano Cortés Moreno,文章分为上下两篇,在Glosas Didacticas(直译是教育解读)这本西班牙文艺文学教育协会(Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura) 的国际数码电子杂志(Revista Electrónica Internacional)的第七册发表。内容是关于在台湾的西文学习情况(La enseñanza del español en Taiwán)。以下就是他写得两篇文章作者 AUTOR: Maximiano Cortés Moreno标题 TÍTULO: ¿Enseñar español en Taiwán?: Reflexiones sobre la situación actual 在台湾教授西班牙语?对于现况的深思。发表杂志 REVISTA: Glosas Didácticas, Revista Electrónica Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura作者 AUTOR: Maximiano Cortés Moreno标题 TÍTULO: ¿Aprender español en Taiwán?: El factor motivación 在台湾学习西班牙语?学习动力的来源。发表杂志 REVISTA: Glosas Didácticas, Revista Electrónica Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura如果还有疑问可以追问,望采纳,谢谢。




哈,西语同仁~~我也马上要写论文啦!1.有关西班牙语言的研究(语音、词汇、词缀、语法等) 2.有关西语国家文化、社会、政治、经济和宗教等 3.我国和西语国家之间政治、文化、经贸等方面的交流与合作的专题研究 4.中国与西语国家文化之间的比较 5.有关西语国家文学的研究(流派、作家、作品等) 6.中国与西语国家之间文学的比较 7.西汉、汗西翻译理论与实践方面的研究 8.语言与文化两者之间关系方面的研究 这个挺全面的不过个人建议选择2,3或5,其他的题目学术性比较强而且涉及比较文化这方面的专业知识,写起来之后会有点难以真正下手,作为本科论文还是挑好下手的,体现出自己的知识水平就好。另外找一个合适的导师也很重要哦!

Second, status quo The trademark name for people like commodities as important. For commodities, trade mark is not only a title, but also a symbol of quality, enterprises, trademarks do not have to open more of a salesman. Trademarks competition as a special language symbols, have their differences, and the protection of advertising, we in the process of translation needs more stringent carefully and seriously weighed. In recent years, many scholars from a variety of different angles on the translation of the word in English and Chinese trademark conducted an in-depth study and research, and put forward some of the theoretical basis for the translation of strategy. Cultural perspective In international trade, a well-known brand names faithful translation of the language allows a potential entry point for consumers from knowing the product. "Literal translation" of the trademark is the original meaning of the surface of the converter. However, the special case of trademarks, and sometimes literal not a good expression of the cultural trademarks of the original flavor, but also because of cultural differences may be unable to target markets and customer acceptance of its products. Dai-rong (2004) from the start with cultural factors, on the trademark translation notable commercial purposes in the Western culture and the great differences in the translation, the traditional "true" and "equivalent" translation standards have been unable to adapt trademark translation flexibility not without losing the "letter" or "letter." I should be the desired goal at the top of translation. Trademark Translation is a cross-language, cross-cultural communication, and made in the translation of Chinese and Western cultures should focus on the exchange of information (Yuan Zhifa, 2007). Wang 1 (2007) in its "trademark trademark translation and cultural translation of the" trademarks in the text of a translation should be allowed to trademark product information disclosed; trademark advertising language translation must be consistent with the cultural identity; trademark translation market with the goal of social and political concern to close problems associated. An aesthetic point of view There are also many scholars believe that attention should be paid to trademark translation trademark aesthetic values. Trademarks to trigger a potential users better Lenovo. "Translation" is based on such purposes is in the majority. Mei Li (2007) from an aesthetic point of view, in its "aesthetic perspective from the translation of brand names in an article entitled" on the sale of trademarks in products plays an important role in advertising, the name of the goods it is necessary to use a translation, easily overwhelming majority consumers understand the ordinary people but also the aesthetic needs and aesthetic capacities, and for them to accept and appreciate, but also in line with the national, political, economic, cultural and religious beliefs and customs. Trademarks can be aesthetic features of the sound from the United States, form the United States, the United States intended to explore three areas, the translator should have the courage to innovation, with the sound translated the United States, Italy and the United States market effect of translation. (Cuijinqi, 2006) Function on the angles The same information, use two different languages, different recipients, but it has to have the same effect, which is equivalent translation of the main principles (Liu Chang-e, 2007). Li Ying (2003), Xiao Hui (2000), and other people think that the trademark should not rigidly adhere to the original translation, but should be flexible. The trademark translation and text to produce the same or similar functions. Li Ying in its "equivalent English translation of the word trademark" trademark in the translation should be avoided because of cultural differences in the use of a different understanding of the term as far as possible Baoyi or neutral color word, as brief as possible accessibility, innovative and good mind Word. And the lack of regret China's trademark translation After several decades of development and through the diligence of many research scholars have made notable achievements. But research in the field there are still some deficiencies and shortcomings. Translation Studies trademark line with the actual use. Traditional methods of translation, linguistics approach because too much emphasis on "faithful" and ignored cultural factors, resulting in the one-sidedness and on the actual operation of blindness. For example, the trademark is intended to arouse customers better purchasing desire to mark commercial function. Translation sector more than talking about is a trademark translation Alto, shape, the name of the right and so on, and ignored the trademark been accepted by the target market of consumers. Therefore, in the process of translation trademarks often be asked trademarks and translated language culture does not conform with trademark violation in the target language: the customary usage, and so on. 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)


语言和文化是密不可分的统一体。在大学西班牙语教学中要重视语言和文化的关系,运用恰当的教学方法是语言和文化这两个方面有机地联系起来,提高西、汉文化差异的敏感性,培养学生的跨文化意识,提高其跨文化交际的能力。 教学方法 文化交际 大学西班牙语 一、引言 美国语言学家萨丕尔在他《语言》一书中写道:“语言有一个环境,使用语言讲话的人们属于一个由于自身特征不同而与其他集团分开的集团,语言不能脱离文化而存在。”由此可见,语言和文化是密不可分的统一体,语言是文化的载体,也是该社会整个文化的基础,文化对语言反过来又起着制约作用。因此,在大学的西班牙语的教学中,教师不应只注重培养学生的“纯语言能力”,即听、说、读、写、译这几项基本技能而忽视外语文化教学,在西班牙语的教学中注重文化渗透是十分必要的。 二、大学西班牙语教学中文化渗透的实践意义 我国传统的外语教学对文化传授重视不足,历来一说到外语教学,人们往往只谈及语音、语法、词汇知识等语言知识的教学和对学生“纯语言能力”的培养和训练。在实际教学中,教师往往比较重视语言的外在形式和语法结构的讲授,而忽视了语言的文化载体功能,忽视了语言的社会环境,特别是不同的语言间的文化差异,致使培养出来的学生虽然发音准确、语法知识牢固,但是学生往往弄不清楚应该在什么场合说什么话,致使说出来的外语经常令人费解,甚至造成误解。 语言本身就是文化的一部分,是文化的载体,反映了一个民族的历史地理、传统习俗、风土人情、生活方式、价值观念和思维方式等,故而语言和语言的应用不可能脱离文化而独立存在。西班牙语教学从语音、语调、词汇到表达都无处不渗透着异域文化的色彩。学习一门语言的过程,同时也是认识和了解其文化知识的过程,难以想象一个缺乏对异国文化知识背景的人能这一国家进行正常的交往。正如美国语言学家罗伯特・拉多曾指出:“我们不掌握文化背景就不可能教好语言。语言是文化的一部分。因此,不懂得文化的模式和准则,就不可能真正学到语言。”“El abad lo que canta yanta.”这个西班牙语句子,看上去是个很简单的句子,它是文艺复兴时期的西班牙伟大作家塞万提斯最著名的作品《堂吉诃德》中的一句著名谚语,如果不了解文化上的内涵,而仅是单纯地从语言的角度去理解,也只能懂得句子词汇的表面意义和语言结构,而无法真正了解这句话的意义。 因此,针对当前大学西班牙语教学中重视语法、忽视文化教学的现象,以及在实际的跨文化交际中存在的文化休克现象,西语教师要明确地认识到跨文化交际在外语教学中的重要性,以培养学生的跨文化意识为己任,全面提高西班牙语教学的效率和质量,显著提高学生的语用能力。所以,在西班牙语教学中重视文化渗透有着不可低估的实际意义。 三、西班牙语教学中文化渗透的方法 语言和文化是相互依存,不可分割的。大学西班牙语教学不仅仅是语言教学,也是文化教学。要攻克文化差异对语言学习造成的障碍,在大学西班牙语教学中的文化导入首先要注重与日常生活的主要方面密切联系,对于那些干扰学生交际的文化因素,要详细解释,多做练习,使学生做到学以致用;其次,课堂上文化的导入尽量与学生所学的教材相结合或是教材内容的适度拓展,采用内容丰富、形式多样的教学方式,见缝插针地进行文化渗透,从而使语言教学更富吸引力,更加生动实用,也更有利于增强学生的学习积极性和提高学习效率。 1.从词汇入手,努力挖掘文化内涵 词汇教学是语言教学的重要组成部分,许多词汇在长期的使用过程中积淀了丰富的文化内涵。一般两种语言的常用词汇中意义完全对等的情况比较少见,表面意义对应的词,也许表达的却是完全不同的文化心理,引起不同的联想。大学西班牙语教师在平时的教学工作中,要留意挖掘、搜集词汇内部的文化因素,经常对比、归纳和总结这些词汇与我国文化的差异。 举例来说,在动物词汇的文化伴随意义方面,西汉两种语言的差异就相当明显。猴子在中国文化里颇受青睐,它是聪明伶俐、活泼灵巧、追求自由的象征。而在我国传统文化中猴也有很高的地位。自古以来,人们就有猴”与“侯”同音的说法,“侯”为中国古代的爵位之一。《礼・王制》中记载:“王者之禄爵,公、侯、伯、子、男,凡五等。”自此以后,五爵虽有变化,但历代都有侯爵。如春秋战国时期的列国诸侯,秦汉时代的封侯拜将,人们希望加官封侯,于是封侯使“猴”更增添了一种吉祥、富贵的象征意义。中国古典四大名著《西游记》中机智勇敢的孙悟空更使得猴子在中国人心中的形象得以大幅提升,而在西班牙语里,猴子则带有“微不足道、滑稽可笑”之意,在与猴子有关的习语里多为贬义。 另外,在颜色词汇的文化附加义方面,两种语言的差异也不小。西班牙语和汉语中对绿色这个色彩词汇在语用方面存在诸多不同之处:比如,西语中的ponerse verde de envidia翻译成汉语就改变了颜色,意为“害了红眼病”或“眼红”。另外,在西语中的verde还可以用来表示“生的,未煮熟的(专指食物)、不成熟、知识浅薄、缺乏经验”等类似的意思,例如:“Ese baloncestista es bastante joven y está aún un poco verde.”(这个篮球运动员相当年轻,经验还不足)。还有,西语中的“verde”又是还可以表示“风流的,好色的”的意思,例如,“viejo verde”指“老色鬼”,“libros verdes”意为“黄色书籍”。让学生在掌握了西班牙语词汇的特殊文化背景之后,他们对“sangre azul”(贵族血统)、“ponerse rojo”(感到害臊、难堪)、“oveja negra”(害群之马)、“un día de perros”(糟糕的一天)、“comer pavo”(指在舞会上,没有被人邀请跳舞的女人)等词汇也就不难理解了。 2.从西班牙语国家的特有节日入手,进行文化渗透 每个国家每个民族都有自己的节日。西语国家大多节日丰富多彩,种类繁多,以西班牙为例,每年约有200多个节日。除了国庆节、元旦、圣诞节、复活节、圣周等一些重要的传统节日外,每个地区都有自己的带有浓郁地方色彩的节日。比如在教授《西语国家概况》这门课程时,教材中提到了西班牙世界闻名的两个节日,奔牛节(San Fermín)和西红柿节(Tomatina),这是教师可以把握这一时机,在课堂上通过展示PPT课件和播放在西语网站上下载的与这两个节日相关的新闻报道、广播音频,向学生进行文化教育,介绍节日的地点、由来和庆祝方式,以及相关词汇表达,这样既培养学生的文化意识,又拓宽了学生的知识面和词汇量。 3.对比西汉“熟语”表达差异 西班牙语和汉语中都有相当多的习惯用语、谚语、成语和俗语。西语中的这些语言现象统称“熟语”(modismo)。它们是一个民族特有的历史背景、文化生活、风俗习惯、心理情绪等的具体反映,都具有丰富的文化内涵。它们大多语言洗练、寓意深刻,学生在理解和应用时一般都会存在不同程度的困难,这就要求教师在大学西班牙语的教学过程中,结合实例讲授习语的文化背景,并进行适当地知识拓展,逐渐增强学生跨文化交际意识的敏感性和适应性。西班牙语中有大量来自《圣经》和西方神话的词汇,比如“apocalíptico”(取苦难、恐怖之意)、“diluviano”(形容历史久远的事务)。 另外,熟语的产生源于人们的劳动、生产、生活等社会实践,他们常用浅显鲜活、生动简练的语言,高度地阐述了人文习俗、思想好恶,并体现其民族的独特的自然、社会和人文因素,具有浓厚的民族特色。 4.利用各种机会,向学生灌输非语言交际知识 人类交际往往强调语言交际,却忽略了非语言交际的重要性。非语言交际是人类在语言之外进行交流的所有符号。莫然(Genelle )将非语言文化交际分为三类: 人体语:与他人交往时所使用的移动、手势、姿态、面部表情、目光接触、人体接触、人体距离。 物体语:与他人交际是所使用的标志、图案、实物、服装和个人饰品。 环境语:颜色、亮度、建筑、空间、方向和周围的自然环境。 虽然非语言文化内容不太直观,但它同样是文化的重要组成部分,在教学中不容忽视。例如,在一节外教课上,西班牙籍教师在课堂上向一位同学提问,学生用一只手的食指和中指指着自己的太阳穴,表示“他需要想一想,考虑一下”,而西班牙外教却因此而生气了,因为这个手势在西班牙表示“alguien está pasado,loco,ido,chaveta”,即“某人做事情做得过份了或某人丧失理智、疯了”。如果教师在获知这种情况后,能够及时地准备图片或多媒体课件向学生们讲解在不同的文化背景下同一手势的不同含义,这样既能给学生留下比较深刻的印象,又拓宽了学生的文化视野。 四、结束语 综上所述,西汉文化差异是客观存在的。如果大学教师教授的西班牙语背离了它的文化内涵,就会只剩下一个空壳了。优秀的大学西班牙语教学必须将文化背景知识的渗透由始至终地贯穿于外语教学实践过程之中。在这个过程中,教师一定要重视西汉两种语言与文化的对比,尽力挖掘教材本身的文化因素,利用各种机会、不拘形式地向学生们灌输相关的文化知识,培养学生的跨文化意识,让学生真正地掌握和灵活运用西班牙语。 参考文献: [1]常世儒.西汉口译实用理论与技巧[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008. [2]唐民权.西班牙语习语词典[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007. [3]孟宪臣.街头西班牙语习语[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,2008. [4]孟宪臣.街头西班牙语俚语[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,2007. [5]赵士钰.汉语西班牙语双语比较[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999. [6]盛力.西汉翻译教程[M].背景:外语教学与研究出版社,2005. [7]杨云嵋.探讨《堂吉诃德》中中西谚语的语义对比及具体的翻译对策[J].硅谷,2009,(9). [8]付彩艳.汉语和西班牙语中动物词汇的文化伴随意义对比分析[J].语文学刊(外语教育与教学),2009,(12).






咖啡的起源咖啡树和咖啡食用的起源地公认在非洲,其具体地区说法不一,但多数人认为在东非的文明古国埃塞俄比亚。关于咖啡起源的时间则莫衷一是。 在咖啡的发现、起源和利用史上,有一个神奇的故事非常流行,我以为也较为符合实情。很久很久以前,埃塞俄比亚西南部咖法(Keffa)地区的牧羊少年卡尔迪(Kaldi)一次赶羊经过一片树林时,他的山羊群啃食路边大型灌木丛上的红果子。①卡尔迪无意中发现,山羊吃了红果子后异常兴奋,即使是老山羊也像小山羊一样奔跑跳跃。牧羊少年觉得奇怪,便也摘下一些果实品尝。结果自己也变得非常兴奋、精神,不由得手舞足蹈起来。咖啡(果可食用并能提神)就这样被人发现了。②人们把这种果子就叫成当地的地名“咖法”(keffa),以后经过长期地传递和演变就成了今天的“咖啡”(coffee)。咖啡被发现后人们最初只是采摘野生的果子食用,③后来才慢慢开始人工栽培。在食用方式上,最初是连肉带核(即咖啡种子—咖啡豆)一起嚼食,后来进步为把咖啡果泡水或煮水喝。④在用途上,最初主要用于宗教界的宗教活动和医生治病及病人恢复。埃塞俄比亚—红海一带基督教、犹太教都有,后来还有伊斯兰教。各种宗教的教士、修士、教徒嚼了咖啡果或喝了咖啡水后,在彻夜进行的宗教法事活动时便很有精神不打瞌睡。病人们嚼了它或喝了它也能恢复一些精神。 咖啡的食用、采摘渐渐跨过非常狭窄的红海传入阿拉伯半岛。《中国大百科全书·农业卷·咖啡条》和《中国农业百科全书·农作物卷·咖啡条》说公元前6世纪阿拉伯人已开始栽种咀嚼食用咖啡,但它们没有例证和文献出处,不大可信。而且,从社会发展史角度审视,公元前6世纪阿拉伯半岛上的阿拉伯人(假如当时已有“阿拉伯人”的话)还处于原始社会的野蛮时代。如果那时他们已有了农耕种植,那也只可能种植椰枣、麦子、瓜菜等粮食、蔬菜、多用途作物,而不可能栽培药用类、嗜好类、消闲类作物咖啡。因为当时的生产力水平只允许他们种植那些作物,以保证自己少挨饿,生存下去。新版《美国百科全书·咖啡条》认为,公元后6世纪阿拉伯人开始栽种食用(咀嚼)咖啡。⑤有的学者还把栽培利用咖啡的时代地点精确到公元575年在也门开始栽种。⑥我认为公元后6世纪开始栽培咖啡相对较为可信。由此推断,埃塞俄比亚人发现利用咖啡当在此前好长一段时期,或者在此前两三个世纪,即约公元3世纪。公元9—10世纪的阿拉伯医学家拉吉斯(Rhazes,865—932)在文献中首次明确提到了咖啡,即记载下有人将干咖啡果研碎后用水煎服当药喝First, coffee origin Coffee-tree and coffee edible origin recognition in Africa, itsconcrete local view not one, but the most people think in EastAfrica's ancient nation Ethiopia. Time origins which about the coffeethen unable to agree. In in the coffee discovery, the origin and the use history, somemysterious story is extremely popular, I thought also conforms to thetruth. Before very long very long time, the Ethiopian north west 咖law (Keffa) the area tends sheep young Cull to enlighten (Kaldi) timeto catch up with when the sheep passes through woods, his mountainflock of sheep gnaws on the food roadside large-scale shrubbery thered fruit. (1) Cull enlightens accidentally discovered that, after thegoat ate the red fruit exceptionally to be excited, even if were theold goat also likes the small goat equally to run jumps. Tends sheepthe youth to think strangely, then also takes off some fruits totaste. Result also change extremely excitedly, the spirit, cannot helpbut dances with joy. The coffee (fruit might edible and can stimulate)on is discovered like this by the person. (2) The people are calledthe locality the geographic name this kind of fruit "咖 the law"(keffa), later passes through for a long time the transmission and theevolution has become today "the coffee" (coffee). The coffee wasdiscovered the posterity only are at first pick the wild fruit edible,(3) afterwards only then slowly started artificially to cultivate. Inthe edible way, is at first Lian Roudai the nucleus (namely coffeeseed - coffee bean) chews the food together, afterwards progressed forsoaks in water the coffee fruit or 煮水 drinks. (4) In the use,mainly uses in at first religious circles' religious activities anddoctor treats an illness and the patient restores. Area the Ethiopian- red sea Christianity, the Judaism all have, afterwards also had theIslamism. After each kind of religious priest, the member of areligious order, the believer has chewed the coffee fruit or has drunkthe coffee water, in carries on all night when religious Buddhistceremony activity then very much has the spirit not to hit patients have chewed it or drink it also to be able to restoresome spirits. The coffee edible, picks gradually bridged over extremely narrow redsea to spread to the Arabian Peninsula. "Chinese Big EncyclopediaAgriculture Volume Coffee Strip" and "Chinese Agriculture EncyclopediaCrops Volume Coffee Strip" said the . 6 centuries Arabs startedto plant chew the edible coffee, but they do not have the illustrationand the literature source, is not greatly credible. Moreover,carefully examined from the social development history angle, 6 centuries Arabian Peninsula Arabs (at that time if had "Arab"speech) also is in primitive society the barbarism. If at that timethey had the agriculture to plough the planter, that also onlypossibly plants 椰枣, grain, the vegetables, the multipurpose cropsand so on wheat, melon vegetable, but is impossible to cultivate kind,the hobby class for medicinal purposes, whiles away the time the kindof crops coffee. Because then productive forces level only allowedthem to plant these crops, guaranteed oneself little starved, thesurvival got down. New edition "American Encyclopedia Coffee Strip"believed that, . the latter 6 centuries Arab starts to plant edible(chews) the coffee. (5) Some scholars also precisely start thecultivation using the coffee time place until the . 575 years inYemen to plant. (6) I thought the . latter 6 centuries startrelatively to cultivate the coffee to be credible. From this theinference, the Ethiopian discovered using the coffee works as inbefore this good long section of times, or in before this 23centuries, namely approximately . 3 centuries. . 9 - 10centuries Arabic medical scientists pull lucky Si (Rhazes, 865 - 932)explicitly mentioned for the first time in the literature the coffee,after namely under the record some people will do the coffee fruit togrind the water used to fry the clothing when the medicine will drink 三、咖啡在全世界的传播和咖啡馆文化欧洲人和其他国家的人接触到咖啡饮料后,有的人便很快喜欢上了。商人和资产者更垂涎于咖啡带来的效益和利润。但是在地理大发现时代(15世纪末—17世纪末),欧洲或其他任何帝国对奥斯曼土耳其还不具有军事优势(须知土耳其甚至在1529年和1683年两次大举围攻维也纳)。还无法采取军事暴力手段来获取咖啡苗(诸如击败土军,占领某地,抢走当地的咖啡树和咖啡果)。面对土耳其的严厉控制政策,既不能合法进口,又无力武装抢夺;于是人们只好设法去“偷”,从而演绎出咖啡外传的诸多有趣故事。1616年,荷兰人从也门摩卡港躲过土耳其严格检查,偷运出一株咖啡树苗。②他们驾船走葡萄牙人开辟的新航路经阿拉伯海、印度洋、大西洋、英吉利海峡绕道回国。但欧洲的气候水土不适合热带亚热带植物咖啡树的生长,荷兰人只好把它作为实验树栽培在暖房里。1656年荷兰人侵入锡兰(斯里兰卡)。1658年荷兰人就在锡兰岛上进行咖啡树苗的大田种植并获成功。③1603年荷兰人在印尼爪哇岛上建立起第一个商站一殖民据点,1619年荷兰人侵占雅加达,并把它改名为巴达维亚。1696年荷兰人从印度西南部沿海的马拉巴尔(Malabar)地区运进咖啡树苗和种子把它们栽种在印尼爪哇巴达维亚的种植园。经过一点波折后终获成功,并很快获益赢利。④ 不过印度西南部的咖啡林却不是荷兰人或其他西欧人传去的,而是由当地的一位叫巴巴·布丹(Baba Budan)的人于17世纪30年代传入的。作为一个虔诚的穆斯林,巴巴·布丹去过伊教的圣城麦加朝圣。返回时他把七粒能发芽的咖啡豆(种子)紧贴在肚皮上,躲过了土耳其人的检查,成功地“偷”回了他在印度西南部的家乡。从此,咖啡开始在南亚生根栽培了。⑤ 综上可知,东非埃塞俄比亚人民发现了咖啡,阿拉伯人民栽培了咖啡,中国人民促进了咖啡从神饮药饮转变为大众饮料,土耳其人民发明了咖啡最正宗最科学的饮用法,南亚人民也参与了传播咖啡。可见,咖啡能成为世界三大饮料之一,非、亚、欧洲人民都为之做出了贡献。不过,对咖啡最钟爱,把咖啡馆(文化)发展得最繁荣,把咖啡传播得最远的是欧洲人民。 1615年威尼斯商人把进口的咖啡豆运回威尼斯开设咖啡馆经营。[3](P11)这大概是欧洲的第一家咖啡馆。不过,咖啡馆老板使用的是进口的土耳其咖啡而非在意大利种出来的咖啡。1650年,英国牛津出现英国的首家咖啡馆,1652年,伦敦出现咖啡馆。[4](n78-179)1643年,巴黎开设了首家咖啡馆,1650年,马赛也开设了咖啡馆……。[4](P161)1684年,维也纳出现首家咖啡馆。[4](P52)到17世纪末18世纪初,咖啡馆在欧洲特别是西欧各大中小城市已雨后春笋般出现,迅速普及。从此欧洲(包括后来的北美)的社会生活和风俗习惯中多了喝咖啡这项内容,街头多了咖啡馆这道风景线。人们在咖啡馆里休闲,聊天,看简易的文艺表演,谈生意,议论国是,吃零食,谈情说爱,咖啡馆成了与中国茶馆媲美的一种西式休闲场所。一些文人、作家、艺术家在泡咖啡馆时构思了自己的作品;一些政客在咖啡馆里活动,一些罪犯在咖啡馆里策划犯罪,一些青楼女子也在咖啡馆里拉客……咖啡馆成了欧美人民的重要社交场所。Third, coffee in world dissemination and cafe culture After the European and other national people contact the coffeedrink, some people then very quickly liked. The merchant and theproperty drool the benefit and the profit which brings to the in the geography big discovery time (15 century's ends - 17century's ends), Europe or other any empires did not have the militarysuperiority to the Osman Turkey (notice Turkey even and in 1683 two ona large scale besieges Vienna in 1529). Also is unable to adopt themilitary violence method to gain the coffee seedling (such as todefeat 土军, seizes some place, snatches locality coffee-tree andcoffee fruit). Facing Turkey's severe control policy, both cannotlegitimately import, and incapably arms robs; Thereupon the peoplehave to try "to steal", thus deducts the coffee unauthorized biographymany interesting stories. In 1616, the Dutch hid Turkey from theYemenese 摩卡port strictly to inspect, smuggle a coffee seedling.(2) They harness the ship to walk the Portugese opening new routeafter the Arabic sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic, the English Channeldetour to return to homeland. But Europe's climate water and soil doesnot suit the tropics subtropics plant coffee-tree the growth, theDutch has to take it the experimental tree cultivation in thegreenhouse. In 1656 the Dutch invaded Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka). In 1658the Dutch on carried on the coffee seedling on the Sri Lankan islandthe big field planter and attains successfully. (3) In 1603 the Dutchestablished the first business on the Indonesian Java island to standas soon as colonizes the foothold, in 1619 the Dutch invaded Jakarta,and changed name it as 巴达维亚. In 1696 the Dutch (Malabar) thearea transported the coffee seedling and the seed from Indian northwest coast Malabar plants them in the Indonesian Java 巴达维亚plantation. The end attains successfully after twists and turns, andvery quickly obtains benefits the profit. (4) But the Indian north west coffee forest actually is not the Dutch orother westerners passes on, but is calls anxiously the bhutan (BabaBudan) by local the person spreads to the 17th century 30's. As areverent Muslim religion, anxiously the bhutan goes to holy city Meccawhich Iraq teaches to go on a pilgrimage. Returns when he the coffeebean which can germinate seven grains (seed) tightly pastes on thebelly, has hidden Turk's inspection, the successful place "stole" hasreturned to him in the Indian north west hometown. From this time on,the coffee started in the South Asia to take root to cultivate. (5) In the synthesis may know, the East Africa Ethiopia people haddiscovered the coffee, the Arabic people cultivated the coffee, theChinese people promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from the godto drink transform into the populace drink, the Turkish peoplescientifically invent the coffee most orthodox school to drink theusage, the South Asia people also participated in the disseminationcoffee. Obviously, the coffee can become world one of three big drink,non-, Asian, the European people have all made the contribution forit. But, to the coffee most cherish, (culture) develops the cafeprosperously, disseminates far the coffee is the European people. In 1615 the Venetian merchant shipped back the import coffee beanVenice to open the cafe management. [ 3 ] (P11) this probably isEurope's first cafe. But, cafe boss uses is the import Turkish coffeebut non- the coffee which plants in Italy comes out. In 1650, theEnglish Oxford appeared English the first cafe, in 1652, Londonappeared the cafe. [ 4 ] (n78-179) in 1643, Paris has opened the firstcafe, in 1650, Marseilles has also opened the cafe... ... . [ 4 ](P161) in 1684, Vienna appeared the first cafe. [ 4 ] (P52) to 17century's ends the beginning of 18th century, the cafe in Europespecially was the Western Europe each major and medium small cityalready mushroom growth appearance, rapid popularization. From this time on Europe (including afterwards North America) in thesocial life and the manners and customs were many has drunk coffeethis content, the street corner many cafes this scenery line. Thepeople in the cafe the leisure, chat, looked the simple theatricalperformance, discusses business, discussed the country is, eats thebetween-meal snack, talks love, the cafe has become one kind ofwestern-style leisure place which compares favorably with with theChinese teahouse. Some writers, the writer, the artist when soaked thecafe has formed in one's mind own work; Some politicians move in thecafe, some criminals plan the crime in the cafe, some brothel femalesalso draw in customers in the cafe... ... The cafe has become theEuropean and American people's important public relations place. According to 16th century Arabic literature "Coffee Origin" records,in 13 centuries the leaf has a Muslim 阿訇 Austria Masurium you(Sheikh Omar) to convict, 摩卡(Mocha) exiles from Yemen to Ou the way, he saw is eating on the roadside tree's red fruit to abird in merrily the calligraphy stroke, then also tried to pick some煮水 has drunk. The small fruit has one kind of marvelous flavor,after drank has been sleepy wearily, eliminates immediately. AustriaMasurium you thereupon drink the coffee fruit the usage instruction togive some big at the beginning of sickness the person. After AustriaMasurium will send into exile the expiration to return in future摩卡then and drinks the coffee fruit the usage to disseminate. (1)Austria Masurium you discovered the coffee the fable is extremelypopular in the Arabic area, I think this fable Yu Shizhuo severalpoints: First, Austria Masurium you are possibly the public figurewhich independent rediscovers the edible wild coffee. He possiblydiscovered the different wild species as soon as to plant 培种.Already verified, the coffee had the different wild species anddevelops in this foundation plants 培种, if 小果 - the Arabiccoffee (Coffea arabica), center the fruit - went against the basketgirl coffee (C. canephora), big fruit - Liberia coffee (C. 1iberica);[ 1 ] (P258-259) two, Austria Masurium you possibly are the Arabicarea most early attempt one of planter coffee public figures; Third,Austria Masurium you are promote the coffee edible and one ofcultivation public figures. We knew, when Arabic area middle ages the agriculture quite is alsodeveloped, massively plants the multipurpose crops 椰枣 and othercrops. The Arab in knows the coffee to be possible edible to drinkafter and has the marvelous effect not to carry on the manualcultivation then with difficulty to persuade by reasoning. Therefore Iextrapolated, 6 since the probably centuries have been thenfragmentary in the Yemenese area, occasionally watch, the researchcultivation coffee, you the time namely develop from Austria Masuriumfrom the l3 century for the big field cultivate. In 1454, Yemen'sMuslim dynasty officially proclaimed the command allows to drink withand plants the coffee. (2) This indicated the coffee the planteredible before this had the quite long section of times, and hasachieved the certain scale. From this time on, the coffee and drank inthe length and breadth Arabic area widely planter with 古代非洲埃塞俄比亚人发现了咖啡,中世纪阿拉伯人栽培了咖啡。中世纪晚期,中国人促进了咖啡从神饮药饮转变为大众休闲饮料,土耳其人发明了咖啡正宗科学的饮用法,印度人参与了传播咖啡。在地理大发现时代(15世纪末至17世纪末),欧洲人把咖啡传遍全世界;此后又将咖啡馆文化发展得最繁荣。所以非、亚、欧人民都为咖啡发展为今日世界的三大饮料之一做出了贡献。晚清咖啡传入我国,民国在华已站稳脚跟。改革开放以来咖啡饮用开始在中国流行,并在逐步形成自己的咖啡文化。Ancient times the African Ethiopians had discovered the coffee, themiddle ages Arab has cultivated the coffee. The middle ages laterperiod, the Chinese promoted the coffee to drink the medicine from thegod to drink transforms into the populace leisure drink, the Turkinvents the coffee orthodox school science to drink the usage, theIndian participated in the dissemination coffee. In the geography bigdiscovery time (15 century's ends to 17 century's ends), the Europeanspread over the coffee the world; Hereafter develops the cafe cultureprosperously. Therefore non-, Asian, the European people all have madethe contribution for the coffee development for today world one ofthree big drink. The late clear coffee spreads to our country,Republic of China stands firm in Hua Yi. Since the reform and openpolicy the coffee has drunk with starts to be popular in China, andgradually is forming own coffee culture.




















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