当代日常生活的医学化,独著,《前沿》2010年第11期;病理与处方:曼海姆论现代西方社会的重建,独著(署名:鲍三石),《理论月刊》2010年第10期;农民工养老保险参保行为及其影响因素分析——基于江苏五市(县)的调查数据,第2作者,《南师大学报(社会科学版)》2009年第5期;转型期中国社会的风险意识及其培育研究,独著,《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2009年第4期;当前我国科技风险规制存在的问题与对策研究,独著,《科技管理研究》,2009年第11期;实在抑或建构——社会风险的认识论辨析,独著,《学习与实践》2008年年第4期;“格栅/群体”分析:玛丽·道格拉斯的文化研究图式,独著,《青海民族研究》,2008年第3期;人本主义视野下的健全社会,独著,《博览群书》2008年第6期;现代性反思中的风险,独著,《社会科学评论》2007年第4期;和谐社区标准化体系建设的理论探讨,独著,《前沿》2008年第11期;知识的不确定性与风险社会,独著,《杭州市委党校学报》2006年第6期;不确定性的困扰与权威的丧失——风险社会中的专家困境,独著,《中共浙江省委党校学报》2006年第5期;关系与信任的嵌合——人际行动研究的综合框架,独著,《南京市行政学院学报》2006年第6期;文化视野下的风险——道格拉斯的文化与风险思想探析,独著,《学习与实践》2006年第6期;人大复印资料《文化研究》2007年第6期全文转载。多样性、复杂性与自然化——读《美国大城市的死与生》,独著,《博览群书》2005年第9期;极端现代主义的运作逻辑)——读《国家的视角——那些试图改善人类状况的项目是如何失败的》,独著,《博览群书》2005年第5期。译 著:《真正的穷人》,译著(合译),上海人民出版社,2007年版。
已发表的代表性论文、著作和重要研究报告:1. 混凝土断裂韧性的试验及分析。水利学报,1982年6期,61-66,徐世烺。2. 混凝土断裂韧度的概率统计分析。水利学报,1984年10期,51-58,徐世烺。3. 混凝土损伤和断裂的机理,国家自然科学基金资助项目总结报告。大连理工大学(已通过国家自然科学基金会材料与工程学部组织的评审),1987,1-99,赵国藩、徐世烺。4. 混凝土断裂韧度的概率模型研究。土木工程学报, 1988年,21卷 4期,9-23,徐世烺、赵国藩。5. 混凝土裂缝的稳定扩展过程与临界裂缝尖端张开位移。水利学报,1989年4期,33-44,徐世烺、赵国藩。6. 混凝土裂缝的评定技术,七五国重点科技攻关17-2-1 FLCL,2项目总结报告。大连理工大学(已通过国家能源部部级鉴定),1989,1-295,赵国藩、徐世烺、王凤翼、高泉。7. 混凝土巨型试件断裂韧度和高混凝土坝裂缝评定的断裂韧度准则。土木工程学报, 1991年,24卷 2期,1-9,徐世烺、赵国藩。8. 混凝土大型试件断裂能和缝端应变场。水利学报,1991年1期,17-25,徐世烺,赵国藩,黄承逵,刘毅,王凤翼,靳国礼。9. 用光弹性贴片法研究混凝土裂缝扩展过程。水力发电学报,1991 年第3期,8-17,徐世烺,赵国藩。10. 混凝土断裂力学研究。大连理工大学出版社,1991年,徐世烺,赵国藩。11. 岩石和混凝土断裂力学,中南工业大学出版社,1991年,(合著者之一)。12. 混凝土结构裂缝扩展的双K断裂准则。土木工程学报, 1992年,25卷 2期,32-38,徐世烺、赵国藩。13. 大尺寸混凝土试件的断裂韧度。水利学报,1997第6期,67-76,吴智敏,赵国藩,徐世烺。14. 基于虚拟裂缝模型砼双K断裂参数。水利学报,1999年第7期,12-16,吴智敏,徐世烺,王金来。15. 三点弯曲梁法研究砼K断裂参数及其尺寸效应。水力发电学报。2000 年第4期,(35-39),吴智敏,徐世烺,王金来,刘毅。16. 基于虚拟裂缝模型的砼等效断裂韧度。工程力学,2000,17卷第1期,(99-104),吴智敏,王金来,徐世烺,刘毅。17. 双相介质界面附近裂纹的断裂力学特征。复合材料学报,2000年,17卷第3期,(78-82),王利民,陈浩然,徐世烺,赵光远。18. 试件初始缝长对砼双K断裂参数的影响。水利学报,2000 年第4期,吴智敏,徐世烺,刘毅。19. 考虑材料断裂特性的结构设计理论,国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目总结报告。大连理工大学,2000,1-201,徐世烺,吴智敏,王利民,赵志方,赵艳华。20. 试件尺寸对混凝土新KR阻力曲线的影响。水利学报,2001年12期。赵志方,徐世烺。21. 混凝土强度对基于粘聚力的新KR阻力曲线的影响。水力发电学报,2001年10月,第3期,11-21,赵志方,徐世烺。22. 混凝土软化本构曲线形状对双K断裂参数的影响。土木工程学报,2001年,34⑸,29-34,赵志方、徐世烺。23. 裂纹垂直于双相介质界面时的应力强度因子。计算力学学报,2001,18⑴,33-36,王利民,陈浩然,徐世烺。24. 光弹贴片法研究裂缝扩展和双K断裂参数的尺寸效应。水利学报,2001年4期,34-39,吴智敏,徐世烺,刘佳毅。25. 裂纹端部细短纤维的应力分析。力学学报,2002,34⑵,200-207。王利民,徐世烺,陈浩然。26. 准脆性材料裂纹中远场桥联筋的应力与变形。工程力学,2002,19⑶,132-136。徐世烺,王利民,赵艳华。27. I-Ⅱ复合裂纹脆性断裂的最小J2准则。工程力学,2002,19⑷,94-98。赵艳华,徐世烺。28. 混凝土软化本构关系对双K断裂参数的影响。工程力学,2002 19⑷,149-154。赵志方,徐世烺,周厚贵。29. 混凝土双K断裂参数计算理论及规范化测试方法。第七届全国岩石混凝土断裂损伤和强度学术讨论会大会特邀报告,武汉,2001年10月,徐世烺。(见三峡大学学报,2002,24⑴,1-8)。30. 高性能精细混凝土与碳纤维织物粘接性能研究。第十一届全国结构工程学术会议大会特邀报告。2002年10月,长沙,徐世烺,(见工程力学,2002,增刊,95-111)。31. 配箍率对钢骨高强混凝土短柱轴压力系数限值影响的试验研究。土木工程学报,2002年,35⑹,39-43,贾金青,徐世烺,赵国藩。32. 砼双K断裂参数的实用解析方法。工程力学,2003,20⑶,54-61,徐世烺,吴智敏,丁生根。33. 楔入劈拉法研究混凝土断裂能。水力发电学报,2003年第4期,15-22,徐世烺,赵艳华吴智敏,高洪波。34. 钢骨高强混凝土短柱轴压力系数限值的试验研究。建筑结构学报,2003年1期,14-19,贾金青,徐世烺。35. 半无穷大裂纹端部粘聚力分析,应用数学和力学,2003,24⑻:812-820,王利民,徐世烺。36. 混凝土断裂过程区的虚拟裂纹粘聚力奇异性。应用力学学报,2004,21⑴:30-35,王利民,徐世烺。37. 混凝土Ⅱ型断裂与破坏过程的三维非线性有限元数值模拟。水力发电学报,2004,23⑸:15-21,徐世烺,赵艳华。38. 混凝土结构裂缝扩展的双G准则。土木工程学报,2004, 37⑽:13-18;51;91,赵艳华,徐世烺,吴智敏。39. 混凝土断裂能的边界效应. 水利学报,2005年11期,赵艳华,徐世烺,聂玉强。40. 纤维编织网增强混凝土的拉拔计算分析。铁道科学与工程学报,2005,⑵:15-21,徐世烺,李赫。41. 短纤维增强混凝土应力传递剪滞理论的改进。工程力学,2005,22⑹,165-169,张滇军,徐世烺。42. 考虑软化效应的粘聚裂纹张开位移分析。中国科学G辑,2006,36⑴,59-71,王利民 徐世烺 赵熙强。43. 一类Fredholm型弱奇性核积分方程展开解。物理学报,2006,55⑵:543-546,王利民任传波徐世烺 赵熙强。44. Development of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete in China. Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy of concrete (edited by Wittmann F.H.),Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,Amsterdam,The Netherlands,1986 (363-374), Xu Shilang,Chen Shiming and Zhao Guofan.45. A Study on the Probability Distribution and the Size Effect on the Fracture Toughness of Concrete. Ibid (edited by Wittmann F.H.),Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.,Amsterdam,The Netherlands,1986(337-341),Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan.46. The Determination of the Fracture Toughness and the Fracture Energy of Concrete,Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy-Test Methods for Concrete and Rock (edited by H.Mihashi et al.),A.A.Balkema Publishers,The Netherlands,1989. (157-163),Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan.47. A Study on Fracture Process Zones in Concrete by Means of Laser Speckle Photography.Brittle Matrix Composites 2(edited by A. M. Brandt),Elsevier Applied Science,The Netherlands,1989 (373-383), Xu Shilang and Zhao Guofan.48. Research on Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering. Workshop Notes,Application of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete to Dam Engineering (edited by F.H.Wittmann),Locarno,Switzerland,September 17 to 18,1990(56-60),Zhao Guofan and Xu Shilang.49. Study of Fracture Toughness and Fracture Energy by Means of Wedge Splitting Test Specimens. Brittle Matrix Composites 3(edited by A.M.Brandt),Elsevier Applied Science,The Netherlands,1991. Zhao Guofan,Jiao Hui and Xu Shilang.50. Study on Fracture Behavior with Wedge Splitting Test Method. Fracture Process in Concrete,Rock and Ceramics (edited by J.G.M. van Mier,J.G.Rots and A. Bakker),E & FN Spon,An Imprint of Chapman & Hall,London,1991. (789-798),Zhao Guofan,Jiao Hui and Xu Shilang.51. A Probability Model of Fracture in Concrete and Size Effect on Fracture Toughness. Magazine of Concrete Research,London,Vol.47,No.173,1995 (311-320),S. Xu and Ben Barr.52. Mode Ⅱ Fracture Testing Methods for Highly Orthotropic Materials Like Wood.International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 75,No. 2,1996(185-214),Shilang Xu(徐世烺),Hans-W. Reinhardt and Murat Gappoev.53. Experimental determination of KⅡc of normal strength concrete. Materials and Structures,Paris,vol. 31,1998(296-302),H. W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu.54. Shear of Structural Concrete Members and Pure Mode Ⅱ Testing. Advanced Cement Based Materials,New York,Vol. 5,1997(75-85). H. W. Reinhardt,J. Ozbolt,S. Xu and A. Dinku.55. Acoustic Emission Analysis Applied to Concrete Under Different Loading Conditions. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,Vol. 18,1997(255-269),Bernd Weiler,Shilang Xu (徐世烺)and Utz Mayer。56. Crack Extension Resistance and Fracture Properties of Quasi-Brittle Softening Materials Like Concrete Based on the Complete Process of Fracture. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 92,1998 (71-99),Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. Reinhardt.57. Numerical Experiments and Characteristics of the New KR-Curve for the Complete Fracture Process of Three-Point Bending Beams. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (399-408),H.W. Reinhardt and S. Xu (徐世烺).58. Analytical Solution of the Fictitious Crack and Evaluation of the Crack Extension Resistance for a Griffith Crack。Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (409-420) ,S. Xu (徐世烺)and H. W. Reinhardt.59. Determination of the Double-K Fracture Parameters in Standard Three-Point Bending Notched Beams. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vo. 1,1998 (431-440),S. Xu(徐世烺) and H.W. Reinhardt.60. Numerical Studies on the Double-Edge Notched Mode Ⅱ Geometry. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Proceedings FRAMCOS-3 (ed. H. Mihashi and K. Rokugo),Aedificatio Publishers,Germany,Vol. 1,1998 (773-782),J. Ozbolt,H.W. Reinhardt and S. Xu(徐世烺).61. Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials,part I: experimental investigation of crack propagation. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),1999,Vol. 98,Issue 2,(111-149). Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. Reinhardt.62. Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials,part Ⅱ: Analytical Evaluating and Practical Measuring Methods for Three-Point Bending Notched Beams. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),1999,Vol. 98,Issue 2,(151-177). Shilang. Xu(徐世烺)and H. W. Reinhardt.63. Determination of Double-K Criterion for Crack Propagation in Quasi-Brittle Materials part Ⅲ: Compact Tension Specimens and Wedge Splitting Specimens. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),Vol. 98,Issue 2,1999,(179-193). Shilang Xu(徐世烺)and Hans W. Reinhardt.64. Crack Extension Resistance Based on the Cohesive Force in Concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics(工程断裂力学),London,1999,Vol. 64,Issue 5,(563-587). Hans W. Reinhardt and Shilang Xu(徐世烺).65. Determination of parameters in the bilinear,Reinhardt'snonlinear and exponentially nonlinear softening curves and their physical meanings. Werkstoffe und Werkstoffprüfung im Bauwesen,Hamburg,Libri BOD,1999,(410-424). Shilang Xu.66. A Simplified Method for Determining Double-K Fracture Parameters for Three-Point Bending Tests. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报), 2000,Vol. 104,Issue 2,(181-208). Xu,Shilang (徐世烺)and Hans W. Reinhardt.67. A Practical Testing Approach to Determine Mode Ⅱ Fracture Energy GⅡF for Concrete. International Journal of Fracture(国际断裂学报),2000,Vol. 105,Issue 2,(107-125). Reinhardt,Hans W. and Shilang Xu(徐世烺)。68. Conservation Law and Application of J-Integral in Multi-Materials. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Vol. 22,No. 10,2001,(1097-1104). WANG,Li-Ming,Haoran Chen,Shilang Xu.69. A New Improved Uzawa Method for Finite Element Solution of Stokes Problem. Computational Mechanics,Springer,27⑷,April 2001,6 pages (305-310). Weiming Liu and Shilang Xu.70. Experimental and numerical studies on bond properties between high performance fine grain concrete and carbon textile using pull out tests. In: Beiträge aus der Befestigungstechnik und dem Stahlbetonbau. Stuttgart: ibidem,2002,(151-164),Krueger,M.,Xu,S.,Reinhardt,H.-W.,Ozbolt,J.71. The comparison between the Double-K Fracture Model and the Two Parameter Fracture Model. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,Vol. 24,2003,Shilang Xu,Hans W. Reinhardt,Zhimin Wu and Yanhua Zhao.72. Analysis on the Cohesive Stress at Half Infinite Crack Tip. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Vol. 24,No. 8,2003,(917-927). WANG,Li-Ming,XU Shi-lang.73. Double-K parameters and the cohesive-stress-based KR curve for the negative geometry. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Li et al (eds),2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) :pp.423-430,Shilang Xu,Hans W. Reinhardt.74. Determination of double-G energy fracture criterion for concrete materials. Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures,Li et al (eds),2004 Ia-FraMCos (ISBN 0 87031 135 2) :pp.431-438,Zhao Yanhua,Xu Shilang.75. The analysis and computation of energy dissipation along the fracture process zone in a concrete. Computers and Concrete,Vol. No.1,2004,(47-60),Yanhua Zhao,Shilang Xu,Zongjin Li.76. Bond properties between carbon,aramid and alkali resistant glass textiles and mortar. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE),Vol. 16,No. 4,July/August 2004,(356-364),Xu,Shilang,Krueger,M.,Reinhardt,H.-W.,Ozbolt,J.77. A quasibrittle model for the service life prediction of self-compacting concrete structures,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L,Bagneux,2005,549-556,Zheng,J. J.,Zhou,X. Z.,and Xu,S. L.78. Pore structure simulation of self-compacting concrete and application,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,413-420,Zheng,J. J.,Jiang,L.,and Xu,S. L.79. Study on fracture properties of self-compacting concrete using wedge splitting test,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,421-428,Yanhua Zhao, Jianxin Ma,Zhimin Wu,Shilang Xu,Hongbo Gao.80. Self-compact concrete for textile reinforced elements,1st International Symposium on Design,Performance and Use of Self-consolidating Concrete,RILEM Publication S. A. R. L.,Bagneux,2005,687-494,He Li,and Shilang Xu.81. Shear fracture on the basis of fracture mechanics. Otto Graf Journal,Stuttgart,2005,16,21-78,Shilang Xu,Hans W. Reinhardt.82. Analysis on cohesive crack opening displacement considering the strain softening effect. Science in China Series G-Physics and Astronomy,2006,49⑴,88-101,Limin Wang,Shilang Xu and Xiqiang Zhao.83. Study on the Average Fracture Energy for Crack Propagation in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (accepted),ASCE,Shilang Xu,Yanhua Zhao,and Zhimin Wu.
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