在投稿的时候,有的会议或者期刊会要求所有作者附上biography。作为科研小白(部分在读硕士、博士研究生),如何简单明了的写一个biography呢?本文给出一个简易模板供参考。XXX(作者名字) received the B.S. degree in Automation(改成自己的本科专业名字) from XXX University, City, China,(改成自己的本科院校信息) in 20XX(改成自己的本科毕业年份) and the M.S. degree in Automation(改成自己的硕士专业名字)from XXX University, City, China,(改成自己的硕士院校信息) in 20XX(改成自己的硕士毕业年份). He/She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Automation(改成自己的博士专业名字)with the Department/School of XXX, XXX University, City, China.(改成自己的博士院校信息) His/Her research interests include XXX, XXX and XXX.