速度还是蛮快的 第一次投稿,被拒,想知道还可以不可以修改后再投?编辑在回信中也没有提到可以重投的问题Thank you for submitting your above-mentioned paper to Acta Materialia. As the Coordinating Editor of Acta Materialia, I receive all submitted papers. It is my responsibility to examine all papers before sending them to different editors for processing. Since in recent times, the number of submissions has increased substantially, I use my judgment in dividing the submitted papers into two categories: to be processed and not to be processed. This is to maintain a reasonable workload for the editors and the reviewers. I am afraid your paper fell into the latter category.My decision for a paper for "not to be processed" is based on several criteria: the quality of writing; the review of relevant literature in the Introduction Section: the length of the article (we do not publish short articles in Acta because we have Scripta Materialia for that purpose); the match with aims and scope of Acta; and the advancement of existing knowledge base.