1. Cheng Huanwen. The Impact of American Librarianship On Chinese Librarian-ship In Modern Times (1840~1949). Libraries & Culture, Vol.26, No.2, Spring1991, 372~387(《图书馆与文化》,原名《图书馆史学刊》,美国得克萨斯大学出版社)2. Cheng Huanwen. A Bibliometric Study of Library and Information Research inChina. 62nd IFLA General Conference Booklet 7, 25~31 August 1996: 21~35(《第62届IFLA大会论文集》第7册,北京)3. Donald G. Davis, Jr. & Cheng Huanwen. Destruction of Chinese Books in thePeking Siege of 1900. 62nd IFLA General Conference Booklet 7, 25~31 August1996: 46~52(《第62届IFLA 大会论文集》第7册,北京)4. Donald G. Davis,Jr. and Cheng Huanwen. La destruction d’ouvrages chinoispendant le siege de Pekin en 1900. Bulletin d’informations de l’Association desbibliothecaires francais. No.173 ( 4 trimestre,1996):101-105(《法国图书馆协会会刊》,法国巴黎)5. Cheng Huanwen. A Bibliometric Study of Library and Information Research inChina. Asian Libraries. Vol.5, No.2 (1996): 30-45 (《亚洲图书馆》,马来西亚MCB大学出版社)6. Donald G. Davis, Jr. & Cheng Huanwen. Destruction of Chinese Books in thePeking Siege of 1900. IFLA Journal. Vol.23 , No. 2 (March 1997): 112-116 (《国际图书馆协会联合会会刊》,荷兰海牙)7. Donald G. Davis, Jr. & Cheng Huanwen. The Destruction of A Great Library:China’s Loss belongs to the World. Ameirican Libraries. October 1997: 60-62 (《美国图书馆》(美国图书馆协会会刊),美国芝加哥)8. Cheng Huanwen. The Effect of the Cold War on Librarianship in China. Books,Libraries, Reading and Publishing in the Cold War. IFLA Library History RoundTable and ecole nationale superieure des sciences de l’information et desbibliotheques, Paris, June 1998: 60-68 (《冷战时期的图书、图书馆、阅读和出版》(国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA)图书馆史圆桌会议和法国国立图书馆学信息学学院出版,法国巴黎)9. Cheng Huanwen. Gateway to Understanding Libraries and Librarianship inChina. H-LIS, H-Net Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences, May 1999.(H-NetReviews—联机学术评论期刊,美国密执根大学主办)10. Rowena Cullen and Cheng Huanwen. The Use of New Technologies in Reference and Information Work: A Survey of Training Needs in China and New Zealand China. Asian Libraries. Vol.8 (1999): 101-120 (《亚洲图书馆》,马来西亚MCB大学出版社)11. Cheng Huanwen. Miss Mary Elizabeth Wood: from An American Librarian to the Queen of the Modern Library Movement in China. 见: 澳门图书馆暨资讯管理协会编. 《两岸三地图书馆管理与技术》. 澳门图书馆暨资讯管理协会出版(ISSN 1606-903X). 2000,1: 85-10112. Cheng Huanwen. The Effect of the Cold War on Librarianship in China. Library Review. Vol.50; No.3 (2001): 132-137 (《图书馆评论》,英国MCB大学出版社)13. Cheng Huanwen. The Effect of the Cold War on Librarianship in China. Libraries and Culture. Vol.36, No.1 (Winter 2001): 40-50 (《图书馆与文化》,美国得克萨斯大学出版社) ,9000字14. Cheng Huanwen. China’s Openning for Information Transfer. Spannungsfield: Internationaler Informations-transfer Chancen und Risiken Globaler Vernatzung. Berlin, 21~22, February 2002, 1~16, 20000字(德国)15. Cheng Huanwen. Ways with Words: Writing about Reading Texts from Early China. Libraries and Culture. Vol.37, No.4 (Fall 2002): 402-403 (《图书馆与文化》,美国得克萨斯大学出版社) ,1000字