American Journal of Preventive Medicine《美国预防医学杂志》美国ISSN:0749-3797,1984年创刊,全年8期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子3.167。刊载预防医学基础和应用研究论文。涉及的学科包括流行病学、遗传学、营养学、毒理学和社会科学;应用的领域包括卫生管理、传染病防治、职业医学、环境卫生、航空航天医学、老年病、母婴保健、计划生育等。Annales de Génétique《遗传学纪事》法国ISSN:0003-3995,1958年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子0.625。法国遗传学会的会刊。刊载遗传学研究论文、技术札记、文摘和消息。Biochimie《生物化学》法国ISSN:0300-9084,1914年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子2.461。刊载有关酶学、遗传学、免疫学、微生物学和高分子结构等方面的研究论文及评论。Biomolecular Engineering《生物分子工程》荷兰ISSN:1389-0344,1983年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI、EI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子1.435,2005年EI收录30篇。研究分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学、生物化学和遗传学中使用的新技术、材料及器械。刊载研究论文和综论。Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics《癌遗传学与细胞遗传学》美国ISSN:0165-4608, 1979年创刊,全年16期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子1.640。刊载癌细胞与分子的基础研究论文。反映癌遗传学和细胞遗传学领域的最新研究进展。Current Opinion in Genetics & Development《遗传学与发育新见》英国ISSN: 0959-437X, 1991年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子9.361。著名遗传学权威专业性学术期刊,SCI收录期刊最高影响因子100种之一,刊载分子遗传学、疾病遗传学、遗传组织与变异、细胞繁殖、发育模式与机理等方面的研究进展评论。附近期有关学科主要论文索引。Developmental Biology《发育生物学》美国ISSN:0012-1606,1959年创刊,全年24期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子5.234。著名生物学权威专业性学术期刊,从分子、细胞和遗传的水平上研究动植物发育、变异、生长、再生和组织修复的机能。发表论文。European Journal of Medical Genetics《欧洲医学遗传学》ISSN: 1769-7212,2005年创刊,Elsevier Science出版社,主要刊载关于给类人研究和医学遗传学以及基因实验模型方面的论文。European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology《欧洲药理学杂志:分子药理浙江工业大学图书馆信息咨询部编 Elsevier Science 出版社期刊投稿指南 60学分册》荷兰ISSN:0922-4106,1989年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,刊载分子水平的药理学、药效学、神经系统药理学等方面的研究论文和简报,内容涉及分子神经传递,信号转导机理,蛋白质受体的遗传反应等。Human Immunology《人类免疫学》美国ISSN:0198-8859,1980年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子2.467。刊载人类免疫系统和其他脊椎动物模拟系统的研究论文。侧重于组织适应性和免疫遗传学的研究。Infection, Genetics and Evolution《传染、遗传和进化》荷兰ISSN:1567-1348,2001年创刊,全年4期,Elsevier Science出版社。主要刊载遗传学领域,包括疾病等的传染、遗传、进化等方面的论文。Journal of Molecular Biology《分子生物学杂志》英国ISSN:0022-2836,1959年创刊,全年50期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子5.229。刊载原始论文,论述分子生物学的各个方面,涉及基因结构、复制及解译机理、蛋白质、核酸等大分子的结构和性质、细胞和发育生物学、分子遗传学等。Molecular Genetics and Metabolism《分子遗传学与新陈代谢》美国ISSN:1096-7192,1976年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子2.678。1998年前刊名为Biochemical and Molecular Medicine,从生物化学和分子生物学角度对人体正常代谢和代谢病进行研究。发表原始论文、短评和简讯。Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis《突变研究-突变原理与分子结构》荷兰ISSN:1388-2112,1964年创刊,Elsevier Science出版社。主要刊载关于包括遗传变异基因的作用,并体现突变,可变化合物的代谢方式到以不同的身份和修复受损DNA的细胞复制等方面的论文。Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology《突变研究—遗传毒理学》ISSN: 0165-1218,Elsevier Science出版社,主要刊载化学物质的遗传毒性测试,以及对人类群体的遗传毒性效应、发育、进化的监督,监控等方面方面的文章。Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology《突变研究—遗传毒理学》ISSN: 0165-1218,Elsevier Science出版社,主要刊载化学物质的遗传毒性测试,以及对人类群体的遗传毒性效应、发育、进化的监督,监控等方面方面的文章。Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research《突变研究-突变研究评论》荷兰ISSN:1383-5742,1964年创刊,全年6期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子5.333。主要刊载突变和疾病的关系,涵盖人类基因组研究进展(包括演变和功能基因突变检测技术)与临床应用遗传学、基因治疗、环境健康风险评估,遗传毒理学和环境突变(包括遗传因素调节活性剂环境)等方面的论文。Trends in Genetics《遗传学趋势》英国ISSN:0168-9525,1985年创刊,全年12期,Elsevier Science出版社,SCI收录期刊,SCI 2005年影响因子12.047。权威专业性学术期刊,SCI收录期刊最高影响因子100种之一,刊载分子遗传学、变异、发育方面的评论、札记和书评,涉及临床遗传学、遗传学与社会、应用技术与人口遗传学等问题。
发表论文600多篇,其中被SCI收录论文高达250多篇 (SCI收录):1. Da-Wen Sun, Inspecting Pizza Topping Percentage and Distribution by a Computer Vision Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 44 [4] (2000) 245-249.2. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison and Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rice, Journal of Stored Products Research, 35 [3] (1999) 249-264.3. Da-Wen Sun, Comparative Study of the Performance of an Ejector Refrigeration Cycle Operating with Various Refrigerants, Energy Conversion and Management, 40 [8] (1999) 873-884.4. Da-Wen Sun, The Aqua-Ammonia Absorption System - an Alternative Option for Food Refrigeration, Journal of Food Processing & Preservation, 22 [5] (1998) 371-386.5. Da-Wen Sun, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Shelled Corn Based on Fitting to Available Data, Drying Technology, 16 [3/5] (1998) 779-797.6. Da-Wen Sun, Evaluation of a Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, International Journal of Energy Research, 22 (1998) 333-342.7. Da-Wen Sun, Comparison of the Performances of NH3-H2O, NH3-LiNO3 and NH3-NaSCN Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 39 [5/6] (1998) 357-368.8. Da-Wen Sun, Computer Simulation and Optimisation of Ammonia-Water Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Energy Sources, 19 [7] (1997) 677-690.9. Da-Wen Sun, Experimental Investigation of the Performance Characteristics of a Steam Jet Refrigeration System, Energy Sources, 19 [4] (1997) 349-367.10. Da-Wen Sun, Solar Powered Combined Ejector-Vapour Compression Cycle for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Energy Conversion and Management, 38 [5] (1997) 479-491.11. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Design Data and Optimum Design Maps for Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Applied Thermal Engineering, 17 [3] (1997) 211-221.12. Da-Wen Sun, Variable Geometry Ejectors and Their Applications in Ejector Refrigeration Systems, Energy, 21 [10] (1996) 919-929.13. Da-Wen Sun, Thermodynamic Analysis of Two-Stage Metal Hydride Heat Pumps with Different Operating Modes, Applied Energy, 54 [1] (1996) 29-47.14. Da-Wen Sun, New Methods for Evaluating the Performance of Metal Hydride Heat Pumps, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68[476] (1995) 121-129.15. Da-Wen Sun, Designs of Metal Hydride Reactors, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 12 (1992) 945-949. (SCI收录):16. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Development of a Mathematical Model for Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Meats, Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [3] (2006) 379-385.17. Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng, Vacuum Cooling Technology for the Agri-Food Industry: Past, Present and Future, in Da-Wen Sun and L. Y. Zheng (eds), “Progress in Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety”, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 77 [2] (2006) 203-214.18. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Experimental Investigation of Performance of Vacuum Cooling for Commercial Large Cooked Meat Joints, Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [4] (2004) 527-532.19. Da-Wen Sun and C. J. Du, Segmentation of Complex Food Images by Stick Growing and Merging Algorithm, in Da-Wen Sun (ed) Computer Vision Applications in the Food Industry, special issue of Journal of Food Engineering, 61 [1] (2004) 17-26.20. Da-Wen Sun and B. Li, Microstructural Change of Potato Tissues Frozen by Ultrasound-Assisted Immersion Freezing, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [4] (2003) 337 - 345.21. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 2. Pizza Topping Analysis, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 91-95.22. Da-Wen Sun and T. Brosnan, Pizza Quality Evaluation Using Computer Vision - Part 1. Pizza Base and Sauce Spread, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 [1] (2003) 81-89.23. Da-Wen Sun and L. J. Wang, Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cooked Meats Using Different Cooling Methods, International Journal of Refrigeration, 23 [7] (2000) 508-516.24. Da-Wen Sun and X. Zhu, Effect of Heat Transfer Direction on the Numerical Prediction of Beef Freezing Processes, Journal of Food Engineering, 42 [1] (1999) 45-50.25. Da-Wen Sun and Tadhg Brosnan, Extension of the Vase Life of Cut Daffodil Flowers by Rapid Vacuum Cooling, International Journal of Refrigeration, 22 [6] (1999) 472-478.26. Da-Wen Sun and C. Byrne, Selection of EMC/ERH Isotherm Equations for Rapeseed, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 69 (1998) 307-315.27. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Deep Bed Simulation of the Cooling of Stored Grain with Ambient Air: A Test Bed for Ventilation Control Strategies, Journal of Stored Products Research, 33 [4] (1997) 299-312.28. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Simulation of the Heat and Moisture Transfer Process during Drying in Deep Grain Beds, Drying Technology, 15[10] (1997) 2479-2508.29. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Optimisation of Ejector Geometry and its Application in Ejector Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Cycles, Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 2 [1] (1997) 16-21.30. Da-Wen Sun, I. W. Eames and S. Aphornratana, Evaluation of a Novel Combined Ejector-Absorption Refrigeration Cycle, 1. Computer Simulation, International Journal of Refrigeration, 19[3] (1996) 172-180.31. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Performance Characteristics of HCFC-123 Ejector Refrigeration Cycles, International Journal of Energy Research, 20[10] (1996) 871-885.32. Da-Wen Sun and I. W. Eames, Recent Developments in the Design Theories and Applications of Ejectors - A Review, Journal of the Institute of Energy, 68[475] (1995) 65-79.33. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Low Temperature Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Barley: Thin Layer Models and Equilibrium Isotherms, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 59 (1994) 273-283.34. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, Low Temperature Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Wheat During Thin Layer Drying, Transactions of the ASAE, 37 (1994) 1919-1926.35. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, The Selection of Sorption Isotherm Equations for Wheat Based on the Fitting of Available Data, Journal of Stored Products Research, 30 (1994) 27-43.36. Da-Wen Sun and J. L. Woods, The Moisture Content/Relative Humidity Equilibrium Relationship of Wheat - A Review, Drying Technology, 11 (1993) 1523-1551.37. Da-Wen Sun and Roy J. Crawford, Analysis of the Effects of Internal Heating and Cooling During the Rotational Moulding of Plastics, Polymer Engineering & Science, 33 (1993) 132-139.38. Da-Wen Sun and Roy J. Crawford, Computer Simulation of Rotational Moulding Heat Transfer Processes, Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications, 19 (1993) 47-53.39. Da-Wen Sun, Manfred Groll and Ronald Werner, Selection of Alloys and Their Influence on The Operational Characteristics of a Two-Stage Metal Hydride Heat Transformer, Heat Recovery Systems & CHP, 12 (1992) 49-55.40. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Major Factors Affecting the Reaction Rate in Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 16 (1991) 751-754.41. Da-Wen Sun and Yu-Cheng Peng, A Practical Method to Design Hollow Profile Dies, Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications 16 (1991) 109-114.42. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Theoretical Descriptions and Experimental Measurements on the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Metal Hydride Powder Beds, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 160 (1990) 387-395.43. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, A Theoretical Model Predicting the Effective Thermal Conductivity in Powdered Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 15 (1990) 331-336.44. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Non-Steady Heat and Mass Transfer Problem in Metal Hydride Beds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 15 (1990) 807-816.45. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Study of the Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Metal Hydride Beds: A Two-Dimensional Model, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 155 (1989) 271-279.46. Da-Wen Sun and Song-Jiu Deng, Study of the Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Metal Hydride Beds, Journal of Less-Common Metals, 141 (1988) 37-43. (SCI收录):47. N. A. Valous, K. Drakakis and Da-Wen Sun, Detecting Fractal Power-law Long-range Dependence in Pre-sliced Cooked Pork Ham Surface Intensity Patterns Using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Meat Science, (2010) (in press).48. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Improving the Representation of Thermal Boundary Conditions of Livestock during CFD Modelling of the Indoor Environment, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, (2010) (in press).49. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Effects of Freezing Rates on Starch Retrogradation and Textural Properties of Cooked Rice during Storage, LWT - Food Science and Technology, (2010) (in press).50. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of Air Mixing in a Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Porous Eave Opening Conditions, Biosystems Engineering, (2010) (in press).51. S. Yu, Y. Ma, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Physicochemical Properties of Starch and Flour from Different Rice Cultivars, Food and Bioprocess Technology, (2010) (in press).52. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza1and P. Ward, Identification of Important Image Features for Pork and Turkey Ham Classification Using Colour and Wavelet Texture Features and Genetic Selection, Meat Science, 84 [4] (2010) 711–717.53. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Performance of A Naturally Ventilated Livestock Building with Different Eave Opening Conditions, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71 [1] (2010) 7-21.54. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza and Da-Wen Sun, Emerging Non-contact Imaging, Spectroscopic and Colorimetric Technologies for Quality Evaluation and Control of Hams: A Review, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 21 [1] (2010) 26-43.55. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen, K. Brandon and A.-M. White, Correlation of Consumer Assessment of Longissimus Dorsi Beef Palatability with Image Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 564–568.56. A. Iqbal, N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Classification of Pre-sliced Pork and Turkey Ham Qualities Based on Image Colour and Textural Features and Their Relationships with Consumer Responses, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 455–465.57. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Supervised Neural Network Classification of Pre-sliced Cooked Pork Ham Images Using Quaternionic Singular Values, Meat Science, 84 [3] (2010) 422–430.58. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Optimising the Ventilation Configuration of Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings for Improved Indoor Environmental Homogeneity, Building and Environment, 45 [4] (2010) 983-995.59. N. A. Valous, Da-Wen Sun, P. Allen and F. Mendoza, The Use of Lacunarity for Visual Texture Characterization of Pre-Sliced Cooked Pork Ham Surface Intensities, Food Research International, 43 [1] (2010) 387–395.60. B. Wang, S. Y. Xu and Da-Wen Sun, Application of the Electronic Nose to the Identification of Different Milk Flavorings, Food Research International, 43 [1] (2010) 255–262.61. S. Yu, Y. Ma, T. Liu, L. Menager and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Cooling Rates on the Staling Behavior of Cooked Rice during Storage, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [3] (2010) 416-420.62. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Palatability from Colour, Marbling and Surface Texture Features of Longissimus Dorsi, Journal of Food Engineering, 96 [1] (2010) 151-165.63. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Characterization of Fat-Connective Tissue Size Distribution in Pre-sliced Pork Hams Using Multifractal Analysis, Meat Science, 83 [4] (2009) 713-722.64. S. Yu, Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Impact of Amylose Content on Starch Retrogradation and Texture of Cooked Milled Rice during Storage, Journal of Cereal Science, 50 [2] (2009) 139-144.65. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Automatic Segmentation of Beef Longissimus Dorsi Muscle and Marbling by an Adaptable Algorithm, Meat Science, 83 [2] (2009) 187–194.66. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of Various Wavelet Texture Features to Predict Beef Palatability, Meat Science, 83 [1] (2009) 82–87.67. A. E. Delgado, L. Y. Zheng and Da-Wen Sun, Influence of Ultrasound on Freezing Rate of Immersion-frozen Apples, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [3] (2009) 263–270.68. T. Norton, J. Grant, R. Fallon and Da-Wen Sun, Assessing the Ventilation Effectiveness of Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings under Wind Dominated Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biosystems Engineering, 103 [1] (2009) 78-99.69. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Comparison of the Predictive Power of Beef Surface Wavelet Texture Features at High and Low Magnification, Meat Science, 82 [3] (2009) 353-356.70. R. Zhao, E. Chen, M. Lin, Da-Wen Sun and B. Xu, Characteristics of Chamber Temperature Change during Vacuum Cooling, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 177-186.71. Y. Ma and Da-Wen Sun, Hardness of Cooked Rices as Affected by Varieties, Cooling Methods and Chill Storage, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 32 [2] (2009) 161-176.72. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Retrospective Shading Correction of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Beef Images for Three-Dimensional Visualization, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2 [2] (2009) 167-176.73. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and P. Allen, Texture Appearance Characterization of Pre-Sliced Pork Ham Images Using Fractal Metrics: Fourier Analysis Dimension and Lacunarity, Food Research International, 42 [3] (2009) 353-362.74. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du and P. Allen, Prediction of Beef Eating Qualities from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Surface Texture Features using Homogenous Carcass Treatment, Pattern Recognition, 42 [5] (2009) 751-763.75. T. Norton, A. Delgado, E. Hogan, P. Grace and Da-Wen Sun, Simulation of High Pressure Freezing Processes by Enthalpy Method, Journal of Food Engineering, 91 [2] (2009) 260-268.76. F. Mendoza, N. A. Valous, P. Allen, T. A. Kenny, P. Ward, and Da-Wen Sun, Analysis and Classification of Commercial Ham Slice Images Using Directional Fractal Dimension Features, Meat Science, 81 [2] (2009) 313-320.77. N. A. Valous, F. Mendoza, Da-Wen Sun and Paul Allen, Colour Calibration of a Laboratory Computer Vision System for Quality Evaluation of Pre-sliced Hams, Meat Science, 81 [1] (2009) 132-141.78. W. Wu, H. Zhang and Da-Wen Sun, Mathematical Simulation and Experimental Study of a Modified Zeolite 13X-Water Adsorption Refrigeration Module, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29 [4] (2009) 645-651.79. L. Drummond, Da-Wen Sun, C. T. Vila and A. G. M. Scannell, Application of Immersion Vacuum Cooling to Water-Cooked Beef Joints – Quality and Safety Assessment, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42 [1] (2009) 332–337.80. F. Xu, W.-J. Yu, Da-Wen Sun, X.-Q. Xu and T.-C. Hua, Performance Comparison of Free and Immobilized Chicken Liver Esterase Inhibited by Four Different Pesticides, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88 [14] (2008) 2538-2542.81. P. Jackman, Da-Wen Sun, C. J. Du, P. Allen and G. Downey, Prediction of Beef Eating Quality from Colour, Marbling and Wavelet Texture Features, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1273-1281.82. C. J. Du, Da-Wen Sun, P. Jackman and P. Allen, Development of a Hybrid Image Processing Algorithm for Automatic Evaluation of Intramuscular Fat Content in Beef M. Longissimus dorsi, Meat Science, 80 [4] (2008) 1231-1237.83. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Temperature Evolution and Mass Losses during Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef Joints – a Finite Difference Model, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 885-891.84. L. Drummond and Da-Wen Sun, Immersion Vacuum Cooling of Cooked Beef - Safety and Process Considerations Regarding Beef Joint Size, Meat Science, 80 [3] (2008) 738-743.85. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun and G.-Y. Zhou, Experimental Study and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Frozen Rabbit Aorta by Fracture Mechanics Approach, Journal of Biomechanics, 41 [3] (2008) 649-655.86. Y. Ma, L. Lin and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of High Fischer Ratio Oligopeptide by Proteolysis of Corn Gluten Meal, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 26 [1] (2008) 31-40.87. C. J. Du and Da-Wen Sun, Multi-Classification of Pizza Using Computer Vision and Support Vector Machine, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [2] (2008) 234–242.88. T. Norton and Da-Wen Sun, Recent Advances in the Use of High Pressure as an Effective Processing Technique in the Food Industry, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1 [1] (2008) 2-34.89. Q. F. Cheng and Da-Wen Sun, Important Factors Affecting the Water Holding Capacity of Red Meat Products: A Review of Recent Research Advances, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 48 [1] (2008) 1–23.90. P. Barreiro, C. Zheng, Da-Wen Sun, N. Hernández-Sánchez, J. M. Pérez-Sánchez and J. Ruiz-Cabello, Non-Destructive Seed Detection in Mandarines: Comparison of Automatic Threshold Methods in FLASH and COMSPIRA MRIs, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 47 [2] (2008) 189–198.91. L. Guo, Y. Ma, Da-Wen Sun and P. Wang, Effects of Controlled Freezing-Point Storage at 0oC on Quality of Green Bean as Compared with Cold and Room-Temperature Storages, Journal of Food Engineering, 86 [1] (2008) 25-29.92. Z. W. Cui, L. J. Sun, W. Chen and Da-Wen Sun, Preparation of Dry Honey by Microwave-Vacuum Drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [4] (2008) 582-590.93. D. Wu, Y. He, S. Feng, and Da-Wen Sun, Study on Infrared Spectroscopy Technique for Fast Measurement of Protein Content in Milk Powder Based on LS-SVM, Journal of Food Engineering, 84 [1] (2008) 124-131.94. Y. Xu, T.-C. Hua, Da-Wen Sun, G.-Y. Zhou and F. 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