CV三大会议 CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (每年,6月开会) ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision (奇数年,10月开会) ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision (偶数年,3月截稿,9月开会) CV两大顶刊 TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 计算机视觉会议列表 A类 ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition AAAI: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning NIPS: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems ACM MM: ACM International Conference on Multimedia B类 ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision C类 ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision ICPR: International Conference on Pattern Recognition BMVC: British Machine Vision Conference 计算机视觉刊物列表 A类 TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IJCV: International Journal of Computer Vision TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing B类 CVIU: Computer Vision and Image Understanding PR: Pattern Recognition C类 IET-CVI: IET Computer Vision IVC: Image and Vision Computing IJPRAI: International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Machine Vision and Applications PRL: Pattern Recognition Letters 追论文技巧 个人的一点心得: arXiv就是用来占坑的,不建议刷; 会议论文代表了经过同行认可的高质量论文,且时效性很高。但是数量依然不少,依然需要甄别选读; 建议关注“新智元”、“机器之心”、“雷锋网”等优质公众号,可以第一时间接收到最新且最值得一读的论文推送; 期刊发表的论文都是经过时间考验的,都会比会议晚个一年半~两年,时效性差,不建议关注。