Aims and Scope: The Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Application. Indexing and Reviews: Mathematical Reviews and MathSciNet databases of the American Mathematical Society and also in Zentralblatt fur Mathematik of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Frequency: The Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications is published in Two volumes annually and each volume consists of two issues in the February, May and August, November. One volume of this journal is expected to comprise of 300 pages.We are very pleased to inform that our journal “Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications” is going to complete its two years of publication successfully. In a very short period it has acquired global presence and scholars from all over the world have taken it with great enthusiasm. On account of a large number of accepted papers awaiting publication, we have decided to increase its frequency from 2010 onwards. From 2010 the JMS: AA will be published in three volumes each having two issues and thus it will be a bimonthly journal. We are highly grateful to our authors and members of the Editorial Board for their support.