近5年来已发表论文20余篇,参编著作1部,获国家实用新型专利1项。1. Wei Wei,Guang Chen. An upper-bound solution analysis ofequal-channel angular pressing. Journal of Metastable & Nanocrystalline Materials,2004,23: 109-112 (EI收录)2. Wei Wei,Guang Chen and Jingtao Wang. Influence of outer arc angle on mechanical properties of bulk ultrafine grained pure copper. The 2004 TMS Annual Meeting,NC,USA. pp. 155-160(EI、ISTP收录)3. Wei Wei,Kun Xia Wei,Qing Nan Shi. Grain refinement of copper sheets through accumulative roll-bonding process at room temperature. The 2006 TMS Annual Meeting,San Antonio,TX,USA.(EI、ISTP收录)4. 魏伟,陈光. 大塑性变形制备块体纳米材料. 机械工程学报,2002,38(7):1-55. 魏伟. 多孔金属基载体挤压成型模具. (实用新型)专利号:ZL 01 2 73093.9主持在研项目:SPD技术与常规材料高性能化研究,江苏工业学院科技发展基金(2005~2007)