代表性论文等成果· 发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录9篇,EI收录25篇,SAE论文7篇;· 获发明专利3项;· 代表性论文:[1] Wang Zhi , Wang Jian-xin, Shuai Shi-Jin. Numerical Simulation of HCCI Engine with Multi-stage Gasoline Direct Injection Using 3D-CFD with Detailed Chemistry. SAE 2004-01-0563 (SP 1819) SAE 2004 Transactions[2] Wang Zhi, Wang Jianxin, Shuai Shijin, Ma Qing-Jun. New Gasoline 'HCCI' combustion system using two-stage direct injection and assisted spark ignition. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Mar 2006.220(D3): 367-378.[3] Wang Zhi, Wang Jianxin, Shuai Shijin, Tian Guo-hong. Study of Spark Ignition on Gasoline HCCI Combustion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Jun 2006. 220(D6):817-825.[4] Wang Z, Wang JX, Shuai SJ, Tian GH, An XL. Experimental and computational studies on gasoline HCCI combustion control using injection strategies. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power-Transactions of the ASME. Jul 2007,129 (3): 870-876.[5] Wang Z, Wang JX, Shuai SJ, Tian GH. Study of Multimode Combustion System with Gasoline Direct Injection. Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power-Transactions of the ASME. 2007,129(4):1079-1087