Are JoVE articles cited in other science journals and what is the JoVE’s Impact Factor?Yes. JoVE articles are cited in many science journals including leading publications such as Nature, Cell, PNAS, PLoS and others. JoVE’s calculated unofficial Impact Factor is 1.19, determined using the regular impact factor methodology as described here. To obtain an official Impact Factor, a journal has to be selected by Thomson Reuters (ISI) for indexing in the Web of Science, which we expect to happen in the future.JoVE官网的解释,JoVE还未被Thomson Reuters选进Web of Science,希望将来可以选入。按Thomson Reuters的SCI计算方法,其影响因子大概是1.19。实验方法很实用,引用的多了自然会被汤森路透收录了,个人认为进SCI不会很久了。