中国3D科技创新产业联盟副理事长 。任职于中国科学院自动化研究所模式识别国家重点实验室(NLPR)、中国-欧洲信息,自动化与应用数学联合实验室(LIAMA)。目前担任多个国际刊物的评审专家和国际程序委员会成员等学术任职,担任过ICCV/ CVPR/ ACCV国际程序委员会委员、程序主席秘书、以及北京市科学技术委员会项目评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家、国家科技计划高新领域评审专家。主要研究领域包括3D智能数字化打印、计算机三维视觉、视觉形状感知分析与处理、视频图像处理、计算机交互图形学等。主持和参与国家自然科学基金(两项,其中因取得突出研究进展获首批国家青年科学基金-面上项目连续资助项目)、国家高技术研究计划863项目(四项)、中国博士后科学基金(一等)、北京市自然科学基金、南京市科技领军人才计划等多项国家重大科研课题。在计算机视觉/计算机图形学领域的IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics、IEEE Transactions on IP、IEEE Transactions on CSVT、IEEE Transactions on ITS、ICCV、CVPR等国际权威期刊/会议上发表学术论文30余篇,相关技术申请国际/国家发明专利6项。著有《3D打印:三维智能数字化创造》(3D Printing: Three-Dimensional Creation via Intelligent Digitization)一书。研究成果应用到国产3D影视动漫制作当中,如国产三维动画电影《麋鹿王》中的三维形状渐变,该动画片获得第13 届中国电影华表奖优秀动画片奖、第二十七届中国电影金鸡奖最佳美术片提名奖。作为我国3D智能数字化打印领域的前沿领军人物,受《中国科学报》、《光明日报》 、《中国自动化学会通讯》邀请撰写长篇技术评论并连载在最新版面上,标题分别为:《3D数字化与3D打印:用“虚拟”再造“现实”》、《3D数字化与3D打印:转向“中国智造”的产业机遇》、《智能数字化与3D打印:“中国智造”推动“全球第三次工业革命”》、《3D打印:智能数字化》 。先后主持和参与基于随机回归森林与多源数据融合的高精度三维动态形状获取、流形调和分析的三维形状匹配与检索、立体视觉方法的三维运动捕捉系统研究及其应用、面向复杂非规则多运动对象的大规模全景动态光场采集与再现系统、虚实融合协同工作的集成环境和关键技术的科研工作,相关成果被CCTV新闻联播、中国科技网 、CETV中国教育电视台等报道。 [专著]:* 吴怀宇,《3D打印:三维智能数字化创造》 ,电子工业出版社(全彩印刷),2014.1(第1版)、2015.1(第2版)BOOK:Huai-Yu Wu, 3D Printing: Three-Dimensional Creation via Intelligent Digitization, PHEI Press, 2014.1(First Version)、2015.1 (Second Version)[论文]:* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Hongbin Zha, Qing Yang, Songde MA. Partwise Cross-Parameterization via Nonregular Convex Hull Domains. IEEE Transactions On Visualization And Computer Graphics (TVCG), Volume: 17 , Issue: 10, 1531-1544, 2011. SCI Indexed* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Qing Yang, Songde MA. Consistent Correspondence between Arbitrary Manifold Surfaces. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 14-20, 2007.* Huai-Yu Wu, Hongbin Zha. Robust Consistent Correspondence Between 3D Non-Rigid Shapes Based On 'Dual Shape-DNA'. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011), Barcelona, Spain, 6-13 November, 2011.* Huai-Yu Wu, Hongbin Zha, Tao Luo, Xu-Lei Wang, Songde MA. Global and Local Isometry-Invariant Descriptor for 3D Shape Comparison and Partial Matching. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognitionn (CVPR 2010), pp.438-445, San Francisco, California, June 13-18, 2010.* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Hongbin Zha, Songde MA. Model Transduction for Triangle Meshes. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 25(3): 584-595, May 2010. SCI Indexed* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Kun Zeng, Qing Yang, Songde MA. An Efficient Skeleton-Free Pose Retargetting Method for Triangular Meshes. Journal of Electronics ,Vol. no. 4, pp. 659-664, 2008. SCI Indexed* Lingfeng Wang, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Manifold Regularized Local Sparse Representation for Face Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2014. SCI Indexed* Lingfeng Wang, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Fast Image Upsampling via the Displacement Field. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2014. SCI Indexed* Lingfeng Wang, Hongping Yan, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Forward-Backward Mean-shift for Visual Tracking with Local Background Weighted Histogram. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), 2013, (accepted). SCI Indexed* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Qing Yang, Hong-Xia Wang, Songde MA. Model Transduction with Mean-value Shape Representation. Computer Graphics International (CGI 2008), Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Jia Pan, Qing Yang, Songde MA. A Sketch-based Interactive Framework for Real-time Mesh Segmentation. Computer Graphics International (CGI 2007), Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil, 2007.* Jia Pan, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Qing Yang. A Novel Scheme for Efficient Cross-parameterization. Computer Graphics International (CGI 2007), Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil, 2007.* LingFeng Wang, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Adaptive eLBP for Background Subtraction. The Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2010), Queenstown, New Zealand, 2010.* LingFeng Wang, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Mean-shift Object Tracking with a Novel Back-Projection Calculation Method. The Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2009), Xi’ an, China, 2009. (Oral: acceptance rate: 5.22%)* Tao Luo, Huai-Yu Wu, Hongbin Zha. Crease Detection on Noisy Meshes via Probabilistic Scale Selection. The Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2009), Xi’ an, China, 2009. (Poster: acceptance rate: 25.22%)* Huai-Yu Wu, LingFeng Wang, Tao Luo, Hongbin Zha. 3D Shape Consistent Correspondence by Using Laplace-Beltrami Spectral Embeddings. ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI'2009 (The 8th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry), ACM Press, Yokohama, Japan, 14-15 Dec, 2009.* Huai-Yu Wu, Tao Luo, LingFeng Wang, Xu-Lei Wang, Hongbin Zha. 3D Shape Retrieval by Using Manifold Harmonics Analysis with an Augmentedly Local Feature Representation. ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI'2009 (The 8th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry), ACM Press, Yokohama, Japan, 14-15 Dec, 2009.* Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Qing Yang, Jia Pan, Songde Ma. Mean-value Laplacian Coordinates for Triangular Meshes. IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV 2006), Sydney, Australia, pp.* Huai-Yu Wu, Qing Yang, Chunhong Pan. An Efficient Skeleton-Free Mesh Deformation Method with Motion Capture Data. IEE International Conference on Visual Information Engineering (VIE 2006), Bangalore, India, pp.465–469, 2006.* Kun Zeng, Liang Lin, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan, Qing Yang. Image Sketching Using Low-, Mid-level Vision Cues. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2008.* Lingfeng Wang, Huai-Yu Wu, Chunhong Pan. Region-based Image Segmentation with Local Signed Difference Energy. Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), 2013 (accepted). SCI Indexed* Hong-Xia Wang, Chunhong Pan, Haifeng Gong, Huai-Yu Wu. Facial Image Composition Based on Active Appearance Model. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008), 2008.* 吴怀宇. 3D智能数字化与3D打印:“中国智造”的新机遇. 《光明日报》,2013* 吴怀宇. 3D数字化与3D打印: 用“虚拟”再造“现实”. 《中国科学报》技术评论专栏,第5777期,2013-4-10* 吴怀宇. 3D数字化与3D打印:转向“中国智造”的产业机遇. 《中国科学报》技术评论专栏,第5782期,2013-4-17* 吴怀宇.智能数字化与3D打印:“中国智造”推动“全球第三次工业革命”.《中国自动化学会通讯》,2013 * 吴怀宇,潘春洪,陈艳琴,赵两可. 基于增量主成分分析的特征与模型互匹配人脸跟踪方法. 国际PCT发明专利: PCT/CN2013/078331, 2013.* 吴怀宇,潘春洪,王舒旸、沙金正. 一种基于单摄像头与运动捕捉数据的人脸表情编辑方法. 国际PCT发明专利: PCT/CN2013, 2013.* 吴怀宇、潘春洪、王莹、李成华、汪凌峰. 基于点对应的3D形状数据库分析与局部检索技术. 国家发明专利: IB147192, 2015.* 吴怀宇、潘春洪、郑荟. 一种基于超体素图割的视频显著物体分割方法. 国家发明专利: IB147153, 2014.* 吴怀宇,潘春洪,杨青,马颂德. 一种直接传递三维模型姿态的方法. 国家发明专利: 200610078215.0, 2006.* 潘春洪、王红侠、吴怀宇. 一种人脸图像自动合成方法. 国家发明专利: 2008102467465, 2008. * Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): High-Quality 3D Dynamic Shape Capture Based on Random Regression Forests and Multi-Data Fusion,2013.01 - 2016.12* Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): A Study of 3D Shape Match and Retrieval based on Manifold Harmonics Analysis, 2010.01 - 2012.12* Principal Investigator, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (The First Class): Digital Geometry Processing for 3D Scanned Data based on the Laplace-Beltrami Eigenfunctions, 2008-2010* Principal Investigator, Beijing Natural Science Foundation: A Key Study on 3D Media Shape Retrieval, 2013.01 - 2015.06* Main Investigator, National High Technology Program (China's 863 program): Large-scale panoramic dynamic light field collecting and relighting system for complex and irregular multiple moving objects, 2009.1-2010.12* Main Investigator, National High Technology Program (China's 863 program): Individualized Transformation and Reuse Technology on Cartoon Material Library, 2005-2006* Main Investigator, National High Technology Program (China's 863 program): The Integrated Environment and Key Technology based on Virtual and Real Fusion Cooperation, 2009.1-2010.12* Main Investigator, National High Technology Program (China's 863 program): The research and applications of 3D Motion Capture System based on stereo vision methods, 2004.10-2005.10────────────────────────────────────────────────────────