+++++++++++++++人家问的是英文论文啊!!!UNIX 发展史分析After over thirty years of use, the UNIX computer operating system from Bell Labs is still regarded as one of the most powerful and flexible operating systems in the computer world. Its popularity is due to many things. One of which was the ability to run a wide variety of machines, from single user workstations to supercomputers. Also UNIX’s portability led to its adoption by many manufacturers. The system also made a distinctive approach to software design by solving a problem with interconnecting simpler tools, instead of creating large application programs.Its development and evolution led to a new philosophy of computing. Computer systems didn't talk to each other in the early days of computing. Even the various computes made by the same company often needed interpreters. And forget about interoperability of systems by different vendors. Most operating systems very often performed only limited tasks, and only on the machines for which they were written. If a business upgraded to a bigger, more powerful computer, the old operating system usually wouldn't work on the new computer, and often the company's data had to be entered again into the new machine.To try to develop a convenient, interactive and useable computer system that could support many users. A group of computer scientists from Bell Labs and GE in 1965 joined the effort underway at MIT on what was called the Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) mainframe timesharing system. This project was a failure because the group effort initially failed to produce an economically useful system. Bell Labs withdrew from the effort in 1969. Four people Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Doug McIlroy, and J. F. Ossanna at the Bell Labs Computing Science Research Center continued to work on the project and eventually created the UNIX operating system.The first version of UNIX was written in assembler language, but Thompson's intention was that it would be written in a high-level language. Thompson first tried in 1971 to use FORTRAN but gave up after the first day. Then he wrote a very simple language he called B it worked but there were some problems. Because the implementation was interpreted it was always going to be slow. Ritchie added types to B, which for a while was called NB for "New B," and then he started to write a compiler for it. The first phase of C was really these two phases B and NB. The second phase was rewriting UNIX in C.Thompson started in the summer of 1972 but had two problems. Figuring out how to run the basic co-routines of how to switch control from one process to another. The second was the difficulty in getting the proper data structure, since the original version of C did not have structures. The combination of these things made Thompson give up over the summer. Over the rest of the year Ritchie added structures and over the next summer they made the concerted effort and did redo the whole operating system in C.剩余部分在 一共3页,可以删剪