1.霍世诚、舒德干,1982:川西、陕南早寒武世高肌虫化石,古生物学报21:322-329。2.霍世诚、舒德干,1982:陕西古生物地层工作的回与展望,西北大学学报 12:56-59。3.霍世诚、舒德干,1983:关于高肌虫类的系统发生和个体发育--兼论甲壳纲的起源,西北大学学报13:82-88。4.霍世诚、舒德干等,1983:我国陕西、云南、四川、贵州、湖北及海南岛的高肌虫化石,西北大学学报 13(2):89-104 和13(3):56-75。5.Huo, S. & Shu, D. 1983: A mathematic study of Cyrtograptus sakmaricus lineage. J. International Association of Mathematic Geology (U.S.A.) 15: 701-708.6.霍世诚、舒德干,1984: 中国南部寒武纪高肌虫化石,第27届国际地质大会论文集(1),地质出版社, 北京大学239-248。7.霍世诚、舒德干,1984:萨克马尔谱系弓笔石的数学研究,地质学报58:177-184。8.霍世诚、舒德干,1984:关于澳大利亚一个高肌虫化石定向问题的商榷,西北大学学报 14:81-83。9.霍世诚、舒德干,1985:中国南部寒武纪高肌虫,西北大学出版社,(专著)251页。10.霍世诚、舒德干,赵靖舟,1986:寒武纪高肌虫研究,地质学报 60:18-30。 11.Huo, S. & Shu, D. 1986:The Silurian graptolite-bearing strata in China, In: Hughes, C. P. & Rickards, R.B. (eds) Geological Society Sp. Pub, London 20: 173-179.12.Huo, S., Fu, L. & Shu, D. 1986: A mathematic study of Cyrtograptus sakmaricus lineage with discussion of the evolutionary trends in this lineage, In: Hughes, C. P. & Rickards, R.B. (eds) Geological Society Sp. Pub, London 20: 197-205.13.霍世诚、舒德干,陈苓,1987: 我国一些高肌虫化石壳质成分和显微构造的研究极其地球化学特征的探讨,古生物学报26: 708-715。14.郝诒纯,舒德干,1987:陕西南部最古老的的放射虫化石,现代地质1:301-310。15.张兴亮,舒德干 1996:澄江化石库中双节虫的埋藏,西北大学学报,26:226-231。16.张兴亮,舒德干 1998:实验埋藏学及其进展,地球科学进展,13(6): 1-10。17.张仁杰,舒德干,蒋志文,姚华舟,2000:桐柏蔡家凹岩片内寒武纪高肌虫的发现及其地质意义,地质论评46:225-234。18.Zhang, X-L., Han,J. & Shu, D. 2000: A new arthropod Pygmaclypeatus daziensis from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, J. Paleont. 74(5): 979-98219.Zhang, X-L., Shu, D., Li, Y. & Han,J. 2001: New sites of Chengjiang fossils: crucial windows on the Cambrian explosion, J. Geol. Society, Lond. 158: 211-218.20.Zhang, X., Han J. and Shu D., 2002: The first occurrence of Burgess Shale arthropod Sidneyia (S. sinica) in the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte and the revision of arthropod Urokodia. Alcheringa 26: 1-8. 21.Zhang, X-L., Zhao, Y-L, Yang, R-D, J & Shu, D.. 2002. The Burgess Shale arthropod Mollisonia (M. SINICA new species): new occurrence from the Middle Cambrian Kaili fauna of Southwest China, J. Paleont. 76(6): 1106-1108.22.Zhang, X., Han J. Zhang Z., Liu H. and Shu D., 2003: Reconsideration of the supposed naraoiid larva from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Palaeontology 46(2): 1-23.23.Han Jian, Zhang Xingliang, Zhang Zhifei and Shu Degan, 2003a. A New Platy-armored Worm from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Largerstätte, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 77(1): 1-6.24.Zhang Zhi-fei, Han Jian, Zhang Xing-liang Liu Jian-ni and Shu Degan, 2003: Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista, Acta Geologica Sinica 77: .25.Conway Morris, S. and Shu Degan, 2003, Deuterostome Evolution, in McGraw-Hill yearbook of Science and Technology, Migraw-Hill, New York, 79-82.26.Liu Jian-ni, Shu, D-G, Han Jian, Zhang Zhi-fei, 2004, A rare lobopod with well-preserved eyes from Chengjiang Lagerstätte and its implications for origin of arthropods, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49.
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(G41072017)国家自然科学青年基金项目(G40702003)国家自然科学基金重点项目二级课题(40830208)教育部全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金(FANEDD)第十二届霍英东青年教师基金项目(121016)陕西省科技厅重点创新项目(2011kjxx37)中国科学院古生物学与地层学国家重点实验室自主课题(123117)中国博士后第五十批面上科学基金(2011M501273)参与国家重点基础发展规划973项目(2006CB806401)、教育部创新团队项目(PCSIRT)等项目,现为西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室早期生命研究所骨干成员。研究成果和发表论文:在英国皇家学会会刊和美、英、法等国际古生物学杂志发表学术论文50余篇(其中SCI 43篇),并应邀在国际大会上做专题发言(guest talk)多次,系列研究成果入选最新编写的国外古生物教材和最新修订的腕足动物典籍(Treatise)。 1. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J., Wang, Y., Emig, C.C. and Shu, D.G. 2009. Epibionts on the lingulate brachiopod Diandongia from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Proc. R. Soc. B, doi: 1098/rspb.2009.0618. (SCI)2. Zhang, Z.F., Li, G.X., Emig, C.C., Han, J., Holmer, L.E., Shu, D.G. 2009. Architecture and function of the lophophore in the problematic brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta (Early Cambrian, South China) Geobios, 42: 649-661. (SCI)3. Zhang, Z.F., Robson, S.P., Emig, C.C., Shu, D.G. 2008. Early Cambrian radiation of brachiopods: A perspective from South China. Gondwana Research, 14: 241-254. (SCI)4. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J, Zhang, X. L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2003. Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 77: 288-293. (SCI)5. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2004a. Soft tissue preservation in the Lower Cambrian linguloid brachiopod from South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49: 259-266. (SCI)6. Zhang, Z. F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2007b. Note on the gut preserved in the Lower Cambrian Lingulellotreta (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from South China. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88:65-70. (SCI)7. Zhang, Z.F., Shu D.G., Emig, C.C., Zhang, X.L., Han, J., Liu, J.N., Li, Y., Guo, J.F. 2007c. Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods with soft-tissue preservation from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte of South China. Palaeontology, 50 (6): 1391-1402. (SCI) 8. Zhang, Z.F., Shu, D.G., Han, J. & Liu, J.N. 2007a: A gregarious lingulid brachiopod Longtancunella chengjiangensis from the Lower Cambrian, South China. Lethaia 40 (1): 11–18. (SCI)9. Zhang, Z. F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2007b. Note on the gut preserved in the Lower Cambrian Lingulellotreta (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from South China. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88:65-70. (SCI)10. Zhang, Z.F., Shu D.G., Emig, C.C., Zhang, X.L., Han, J., Liu, J.N., Li, Y., Guo, J.F. 2007c. Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods with soft-tissue preservation from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte of South China. Palaeontology, 50 (6): 1391-1402. (SCI)11. Zhang, Z.F., Shu, D. G., Han, J. & Liu, J. N. 2006. New data on the rare Chengjiang (Lower Cambrian, South China) linguloid brachiopod Xianshanella haikouensis. Journal of Paleontology 80:203-211. (SCI)12. Zhang, Z.F., Shu, D. G., Han, J. & Liu, J. N. 2005. morpho-anatomical differences of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang and Recent linguloids and their implications. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm): 277-288. (SCI)13. Zhang, Z.F., Shu, D. G., Han, J. and Liu, J. N. 2004b. New data on the lophophore anatomy of Early Cambrian linguloids from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Southwest China. Carnets de Géologie – Notebooks on Geology, Letter: 1-7. (法国, 国际地层委员会网络杂志)(ISI)14. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2004a. Soft-issue preservation in the Lower Cambrian linguloid brachiopod from South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49: 259-266. (SCI)15. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J, Zhang, X. L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2003. Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 77: 288-293. (SCI)16. 张志飞,韩健, 2004. 澄江动物群发现新的舌形贝型腕足动物.西北大学学报(自然科学版), 34(4): 449-452. (Zhang, Z.F, Han, J. 2004. A new linguliform brachiopod from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science edition) 34 (4), 449-452.)17. 张志飞,舒德干,2008. 早寒武世腕足动物的形态解剖及其进化,中国科技论文在线精品论文,25-41.18. 张志飞,王妍,汪洋,韩健, 2009. 寒武早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略-来自澄江动物群的证据, 西北大学学报(自然科学版)39(6):534-541.19. 张志飞,王妍,汪洋,Emig, C.C. 2009. 海豆芽-进化中的”活化石”, 自然杂志:31(4): 201-203. Zhang Z.,WANG Y. & C. C. Emig, 2009. Lingulids: the Evolutionary “Living Fossils”. Chinese Journal of Nature 31, 4:201-203, 4 Figs.20. 张志飞,2006. 我国发现地球早期最原始的真后生动物——科学家提出早期动物起源演化的新谱系图, 自然杂志ISSN:0253-9608.0.2006-05-015.21. 汪洋,李勇,张志飞*,2010. 峡东水井沱组顶部微体骨骼化石初探,古生物学报:49(4):511-523. Wang Y., Li Y., Zhang, Z.F. 2010* Note on small skeletal fossils from the uppermost Shuijingtuo Formation (Early Cambrian) in the Yangtze Gorge area. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 49:511-523. (*通讯作者)22. Holmer, L.E., Skovsted, C., Larsson, C., Brock, G.A., Zhang,Z.F. 2011. First record of a ambria larval shell in Early Cambrian Tommotiids and its phylogenetic significance. Palaeontology 54:235-23923. Liu, J.N., Steiner, M., Dunlop J., Keupp H., Shu, D.G., Ou, Q., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Zhang, X.L., 2011. An armoured Cambrian lobopodian from China with arthropod-like appendages. Nature 470: 526-530.24. Shu, D.-G., S. Conway Morris, Zhang Z.-F. and J. Han. 2010. The earliest history of the deuterostomes: the importance of the Chengjiang Fossil-Lagerstatte. Proceeding of the Royal Society, B, 277: 165–174.25. Shu D.G., Conway Morris, S, Han J., Li Y., Zhang X.L, Hua, H., Zhang Z.F., Liu J.N., Guo, J.F., Yao, Y. & Yasui. K. 2006. Lower Cambrian Vendobionts from China and Early Diploblast Evolution. Science 312:731-734.26. Shu D.G., S. Conway Morris, Han, J., Chen, L., Zhang X.L, Zhang, Z.F., Liu, H.Q., Li, Y & Liu, J.N. Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Lower Cambrian, China. Nature, 2001, 41(4): 419-424.27. Shu, D. G., Conway Morris, S. Zhang, Z. F., Liu, J. N., Han, J. Chen, L., Zhang, X. L., Yasui, K. & Li, Y. 2003b. A new species of Yunnanozoan with implications for deuterstome evolution. Science, 299, 1380-1384.28. Shu, D. G., Conway Morris, S., Han J., Zhang Z. F. & Liu J.N. 2004. Ancestral echinoderms from the Chengjiang deposits of China, Nature, 430:422-428.29. Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, J. Han, Zhang, Z. F., Yasui, P. Janvier, L. Chen, X-L. Zhang, J-N. Liu, Y. Li, H-Q. Liu, 2003, Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys, Nature, 421: 526-529.30. Shu, D.G., Conway Morris, S., Zhang, Z.F. and Han, J. 2010. The earliest history of the deuterostomes: the importance of the Chengjiang Fossil-Lagerstatte, Proeeedings of Royal Society B, 277: 165-174.31. Han J., Zhang Z.F. & Liu, J.N., 2008. A preliminary note on the dispersal of the Cambrian Burgess Shale-type faunas. Gondwana Research, 14: 269-276.32. Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N. & Shu, D.G. 2007. Evidence of Priapulid scavenging from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Deposits, South China. PALAIOS, 22: 691-694.33. Han, J., Liu, J., Zhang, Z., Zhang, X. And Shu, D.G 2007. Trunk ornament on the palaeoscolecid worms Cricocosmia and Tabelliscolex from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits of China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 52 (2): 423–431.34. Han, J., Zhang X.L., Zhang Z.F. & Shu D.-G., 2006. A new theca-bearing Early Cambrian worm from the Chengjiang fossil Lagerstätte, China. Alcheringa 30:1-10.35. Han, J., Shu, D.G., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N., Zhang, X.L. 2006. Preliminary notes on soft-bodied fossil concentrations from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits, Chinese Science Bulletin 20: 2482-2492.36. Han, J., Shu, D.G., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N., 2004.The earliest-known ancestors of Recent Priapulomorpha from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(17): 1860-1868.37. Han J, Zhang X.L, Zhang Z.F. and Shu D.G, 2003. A new platy-armored worm from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Largerstätte, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 77(1): 1-6.38. Han, J., Jianni Liu, Zhang, Z.F., Xingliang Zhang, and Degan Shu, 2007.Trunk ornament on the palaeoscolecid worms Cricocosmia and Tabelliscolex from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits of China, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52(2): 423-431.39. Schoenemann, B., Liu, J.N., Shu, D.G., Han, J. & Zhang, Z.F. 2009. A miniscule optimized visual system in the lower Cambrian. 42: 256-273.40. Guo, J.F., Li, Y., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Zhang, Z.F., Ou, Q., Liu, J.N., Shu, D.G., Maruyama, S. and Komiya. T. 2008. Fossil Association from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gores Area, Hubei, South China. Acta Geologica Sinica. 82: 1124-1132.41. Liu, J.-N., Shu, D.-G., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F. and Zhang, X.-L. 2008. Origin, diversification, and relationships of Cambrian lobopods. Gondwana Research 14: 277-283.42. Liu Jian-ni, Shu De-gan., Han Jian, Zhang Zhi-fei and Zhang Xing-liang. 2008. The lobopod Onychodictyon from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte revisited. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53: 285-292.43. Liu Jian-ni, Shu De-gan., Han Jian, Zhang Zhi-fei, and Zhang Xing-liang. 2007. Morpho-anatomy of the lobopod Magadictyon cf. haikouensis from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagersträtte, South China. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 88: 279-288.44. Liu, J. N., Shu, D.G., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F. & Zhang, X.L. 2006a. A large xenusiid lobopod with complex appendages from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51(2): 215-222.45. Liu, J. N., Han, J., A. M. Simonetta, Hu, S.X., Zhang, Z.F., Yao, Y. & Shu, D.G. 2006b. New observations of the lobopod-like worm Facivermis from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(3): 385-363.46. Liu J.N., Shu D.G, Han J., Zhang, Z.F. 2004. A rare lobopod with well-preserved eyes from Chengjiang Lagerstätte and its implications for origin of arthropods. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004,49(10): 1063-1071.47. Zhang, X. L., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, H.Q. & Shu, D.G., 2003. Reconsideration of the supposed naraoiid Larva from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Palaeonotology, 46(3): 447-465.48. Zhang, X.L., Han,J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, H.Q.& Shu, D.G., 2004. Redescription of the Chengjiang arthropod Squamaculaclypeata Hou and Bergström, from the Lower Cambrian, south-west China. Palaeontology, 47(2): 1-13.49. Ou, Q., Shu, D.G., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N. 2009. A juvenile redlichiid trilobite caught on the move: Evidence from the Cambrian (Series 2) Chengjiang Lagerstatte, southwestern China. Palaios 24: 473-477.50. Han Jian, Yao Yang, Zhang Zhifei, Liu Jianni and Shu Degan, 2007. New observations on the palaeoscolecid worm Tylotites petiolaris from the Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, south China. Paleontological Research, 11(1): 59-69.51. Han, J., Zhang, Z.F. & Shu D.G., 2003. Discovery of proboscis on Tylotites petiolaris Luo & Hu, 1999. 西北地质,36(1): 87-91.52. Han J., ZHANG Z.-F. & LIU, J.-N., 2007. The trace fossils of priapulids from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits and implications for their locomotory styles. Journal of China University of Geosciences. 18(special issue), 392-393.
1995年4月,在中科院南京地质古生物研究所召开了一次颇有影响的“寒武纪大爆发国际学术讨论会”。会上对云南虫的属性进行了热烈的讨论。当时,对前者主要存在两种不同的意见:一种意见认为它与脊索动物接近,另一种意见则认为云南虫并没有形成真正的脊索和肌节构造,因而可能与更低等一些的半索动物相关。尽管存在上述分歧,但基于云南虫具有明显鳃弓构造的事实,他们都认同这种奇特的动物应属于后口动物范畴。但是在1996年,舒德干和合作者重新研究了云南虫化石,认为云南虫是更原始的半索动物。他们在1996年4月4日出版的英国《自然》杂志发表了题为“将云南虫重新解读为已知最古老的半索动物”的论文,文中指出,半索动物是脊索动物和无脊索动物间的一个重要过渡类型,因而在进化生物学上占据十分重要的地位。 陈均远与李家维在1997年提出了更多的证据,指明云南虫确实是脊索动物。海口虫和云南虫有很多相近的特征,它们大小相当、都有一条粗大的脊索、直条排列的肌节、和宽大的咽腔。但是海口虫有了明确的头、眼、脑、心、尾的分化,鳃弓上也密排了鳃丝,这些都是云南虫所没有的,也显示海口虫是演化自云南虫,在感觉及运动上都进步了许多。这一理论又遭到质疑,2006年,舒德干及其合作者认为,云南虫的进化地位应与半索动物相当,或者是古虫动物门的姐妹类群。同年,中国科学院的研究员采集并研究了云南澄江小滥田距今5.3亿年的前寒武纪帽天山页岩中的云南虫化石标本,发现云南虫鳃盘上发育了清晰的鳃丝,从而进一步肯定了云南虫的分类学地位,证明了云南虫是一种非常原始的脊椎动物,为该类动物的相互联系及脊椎动物起源和早期演化提供了新的化石根据。现在,仅在《自然》和《科学》杂志上专门讨论云南虫生物学属性的论文便有6篇;其中3篇认为它们可能属于脊索动物、甚至脊椎动物(Chen et al., 1995,1999,Mallatt and Chen, 2003),另3篇则认为它们并不具备脊索动物的基本属性。尤其是对数以千计的海口虫个体的仔细观察表明,这种动物没有、而且也不可能具有脊椎动物的脑和对眼,因而更可能与半索动物门或更低等的古虫动物门相关(Shu et al.,1996a,2003b,2003c;Shu, 2003, 2004)。虽然云南虫类的地位目前尚未取得一致意见,但学术界的主流思想已经明显支持“非脊索动物”观点。寒武纪大爆发研究的著名理论家J. Valentine在他的总结性专著《动物门类的起源》中指出:云南虫类“不可能具有脊索构造……它们要么代表着脊索动物祖先类群中的非脊索动物,要么构成后口动物谱系中的一种基干类群”。
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