近年来,旅游管理系承担国家、省市及企业各类研究项目80余项,发表论文160余篇,出版专著、教材24部。旅游管理系不仅培养(旅游)管理学士、硕士、博士、博士后,而且是国家旅游局全国旅游饭店总经理岗位培训基地、全国旅行社总经理岗位培训基地、全国旅游饭店销售部经理岗位培训基地。旅游管理系立足浙江省,面向全国,为旅游业的发展着力打造、培养和输送了大批德才兼备的中高级旅游管理人才、教育人才和科研人才。旅游管理系坚持教学、科研、实践并重原则,以领先的科研为基础,把为全国旅游企业和政府旅游主管部门提供咨询与服务作为己任,并在咨询实践中取得了良好的企业效益、社会效益。本科专业核心课程:管理学、旅游学、饭店管理、旅行社管理、旅游规划与开发、旅游景区管理、休闲学、会展与节事管理、市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理、管理信息系统等。系副主任:周玲强教授(主持工作), 邹益民教授The Department of Tourism ManagementThe Department of Tourism Management was founded in 1980. It offered, in the field of tourism management, the first bachelor's degree program in China sponsored by China National Tourism Administration, and the first master's degree program. It has been authorized to award the doctoral degree and is also the first to take in postdoctoral researchers in this field.The department has 20 faculty members, of whom 5 are professors, 1 being supervisor in doctoral programs, 8 associate professors, 6 lecturers and 1 postdoctoral teacher. It includes two research units: the Institute of Tourism and the Institute of Hospitality Management. With more than 20 years of teaching, research and practice, the department has formed three distinctive research directions:―Optimized Hospitality Management Mode in China;―Tourism Development, Planning and Strategy;-Tourism and Leisure Consumption Behavior.The department has also achieved its distinctive superiority in cross-disciplinary research on tourism planning which integrates city planning, architecture design and landscape planning into it, in research on comprehensive development of hotels which involves hotel planning, design, construction and operation, and in research on cultural social tourism activities which include the design, planning and management of festivals, exhibitions, special events, folk custom activities, cultural and artistic activities. In recent years the faculty of the department have completed more than 80 research projects of national, provincial, and industrial level respectively, published more than 160 research papers and 24 academic books and textbooks.The department is not only a training cradle for bachelors, masters, doctors and post doctors of (tourism) management, but also a training base designated by China National Tourism Administration for general managers and sales managers of tourist hotels and general managers of travel agencies. It has contributed a lot to the development of the country's tourism industry by turning out a large number of excellent research, teaching and managerial personnel with both ability and integrity.The department adheres to the principle of laying equal stress on teaching, scientific research and practice. Based on the leading position in scientific research, taking providing consultation and services for government departments and various tourism enterprises around the country as its task, the department has made great contributions to enterprise profit and social profit.Deputy Director: Professor Zhou Lingqiang(charge), Professor Zou Yimin