The Top 10 of Impact Factor in Reproductive Biology影响因子排名前十的生殖生物类杂志2009-10-17 20:34影响因子排名前十的生殖医学类杂志Title of Journal Impact Factor(old VS new)Human Reproduction Update 5.449 7.59Fertility and Sterility 3.114 4.167Human Reproduction 3.669 3.773Biology of Reproduction 3.583 3.469Reproduction 3.136 3.073Molecular Human Reproduction 3.191 2.537Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2.220 2.778Placenta 2.883 2.775Molecular Reproduction and Development 2.220 2.287Theriogenology 2.161 2.041附OTHERS-------仅!供参考REPROD TOXICOL 2.957REPROD BIOMED ONLINE 2.954REPROD BIOL ENDOCRIN 2.634REPROD FERT DEVELOP 2.439 CONTRACEPTION 2.327REPROD NUTR DEV 2.167REPROD SCI 1.951J REPROD DEVELOP 1.609REPROD DOMEST ANIM 1.526J REPROD MED 0.745