按IF来排IFs Building Material Journals 2010Computer aided civil infrastructure 3.17Cement and Concrete Research 2.187Cement and Concrete Composites: 1.527Construction and Building Materials: 1.366ACI Materials : 1.023Materials and Structures: 1.011J. Material Civil Eng 0.677Advances in Cement Research: 0.651Magazine of Concrete Research: 0.52但ACI档次明显比CBM要高,虽然影响因子CBM更高。所以要看综合影响力或IF,就看自己的看法了Top 1,CCR:Cement and Concrete Research,SCITop 2,MCR:Magazine of Concrete Research,SCI,尽管影响因子不高,下面的期刊都是SCIE的Top 3,CCC:Cement and Concrete Composites,或者Materials and Structure 其他, 有Computers and Concrete ,Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology等