不对称,才有大千世界 Asymmetry, only Taiqianshijie 不管是故意也好,疏忽也罢,上帝或许真的并不是一个绝对对称的完美主义者。 Whether intentional or negligent worth mentioning, perhaps God really is not an absolute and perfect those Symmetrical. 从某种意义上来说,正是不对称创造了世界。 In a certain sense, is the asymmetry has created the world. 道理其实很简单。 Reason is very simple. 虽然对称性反映了不同物质形态在运动中的共性,但是,只有对称性被破坏才能使它们显示出各自的特性。 Although the symmetry reflected in a different form of campaign material in common, but only symmetry can be destroyed so that they show their own characteristics. 这正如建筑一样,只有对称而没有对称的破坏,建筑物看上去虽然很规则,但同时却一定会显得非常单调和呆板。 As this building, not only symmetric and asymmetric damage, although the buildings look very rules, but at the same time it will become very dull and wooden. 只有基本上对称但又不完全对称才能构成美的建筑。 Basically, only symmetrical but not completely symmetrical to the United States constitute the building. 大自然正是这样的建筑师。 This is the nature of the architects. 当大自然构造像DNA这样的大分子时,总是遵循复制的原则,将分子按照对称的螺旋结构联接在一起,构成螺旋形结构的空间排列也是基本相同的。 When the structural nature of macromolecules such as DNA, the copy is always followed the principle of symmetry would be in accordance with the elements of the structure linked together, constitute a spiral-shaped structure with the space is essentially the same. 但是在复制过程中,对精确对称性的细微的偏离就会在大分子单位的排列次序上产生新的可能性。 But in the process of copying the precise symmetry of the minor deviation from the unit will be in the order of macromolecules on a new possibility. 因此,对称性被破坏是事物不断发展进化、变得丰富多彩的原因。 Therefore, the symmetry is the destruction of evolutionary things continue to develop and become rich and varied reasons. 正如著名的德国哲学家莱布尼茨所说,世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。 As the famous German philosopher Leibniz said, the world no two are exactly the same leaves. 仔细观察树叶中脉(即树叶中间的主脉)的细微结构,你会发现就连同一片叶子两边叶脉的数量和分布、叶缘缺刻或锯齿的数目和分布也都是不同的。 Veins in the leaves carefully observed (that is, leaves the middle of the main vein) of the fine structure, you will find a leaf on both sides, together with the quantity and distribution of veins, carved or serrated leaf edge lacking in the number and distribution are also different. 绝大多数人的面部发育都不对称,66%的人左耳稍大于右耳,56%的人左眼略大,59%的人右半侧脸较大;人的躯干、四肢也不完全对称,左肩往往较高,75%的人右侧上肢较左侧长。 The face of the overwhelming majority of people are asymmetric, 66 percent of the people left ear slightly larger than the right ear, 56 percent of the people left eye slightly, 59 percent of the people in right Celian larger the trunk, limbs, not entirely symmetrical , Left shoulder often higher, 75 percent of the people the right than the left upper limb length. 可以说,生物界里的不对称是绝对的,而对称只是相对的。 It can be said that in the biological asymmetry is absolute, and the symmetry is only relative. 实验研究证明,这是由于细胞内原生质的不对称性所引起的。 Experimental studies have shown that this is because the cell protoplasts caused by the asymmetry. 从生物体内蛋白质等物质分子结构可以清楚地看到,它们一般呈不对称的结构形式。 From the biological material, such as proteins in molecular structure can clearly see that they were generally asymmetrical structure. 科学研究还发现,不对称原生质的新陈代谢活动能力,比起左右对称的化学物至少要快三倍。 Research also found that asymmetry protoplast metabolic activity, compared to about symmetry to the chemical at least three times faster. 由此可见,不对称性对生命的进化有着重要的意义。 This shows that the asymmetry in the evolution of life is of important significance. 自然界的发展,正是一个对称性不断减少的过程。 The development of the natural world, is a steady decline in the process of symmetry. 其实,不仅在自然界,即使在崇尚完美的人类文明中,绝对的对称也并不讨好。 In fact, not only in nature, even in respect of human civilization in a perfect, absolute symmetry is not to please. 一幅看来近似左右对称的山水画,能给人以美的享受。 It seems that a similar symmetrical landscapes, to give people the enjoyment of the United States. 但是如果一幅完全左右对称的山水画,呆板而缺少生气,与充满活力的自然景观毫无共同之处,根本无美可言。 However, if a completely symmetrical landscapes, inflexible and the lack of angry, and the natural landscape is full of vitality nothing in common, is impossible to speak of the United States. 有时,对对称性或者平衡性的某种破坏,哪怕是微小破坏,也会带来不可思议的美妙结果。 Sometimes, the balance of symmetry, or some kind of damage, even minor damage, will also have incredible wonderful results. 从这种意义上来说,或许完美并不意味着绝对的对称,恰恰是对称的打破带来了完美。 In this sense, perhaps does not mean that the absolute perfect symmetry, it is brought to break the symmetry perfect.