1. 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:《食品原料学》副主编,东南大学出版社,2007年2月第一版。2007年7月入选国家级精品教材主要学术任职日本水产学会海外会员日本食品科学工学学会海外会员中国食品科学技术学会会员山东省啤酒评酒委员会资格评酒委员(2005.6)论文发表主要论文:1、Xin Gao, Hiroo Ogawa, Yuri Tashiro and Naomichi Iso. Rheological properties and structural changes in raw and cooked abalone meat, Fisheries Science,67(2): 314-320 (2001).2、Xin Gao, Yuri Tashiro and Hiroo Ogawa . The relationships between structural factors and rheological properties of abalone meat. Proceeding of the international commemorative Symposium: 70th Anniversary of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. Fisheries Science, 68(II): 1663-1665 (2002).3. Xin Gao, Yuri Tashiro and Hiroo Ogawa. The correlation between rheological properties and characteristic values of structure for steamed abalone meat. Food Science and Technology Recearch, 8(4), 304-310 (2002).4. Xin Gao, Yuri Tashiro and Hiroo Ogawa .Rheological properties and structural changes in steamed and boiled abalone meat. Fisheries Science, 68(3): 499-508 (2002).5. Gao xin, Tang Zhixu, Zhang zhaohui and Ogawa hiroo Rheological properties and structural changes in different sections of boiled abalone meat. Journal of Ocean university of Qindao (English Edition), 2(1): 44-48 (2003).6. Gao xin, Tang Zhixu, Zhang zhaohui and Ogawa hiroo.The relationships between rheological properties and structural changes of chilled abalone meat. Journal of Ocean university of Qindao (English Edition), 2(2):171-176 (2003).7. Gao xin, Tang Zhixu, and Liu Lijun. Rheological properties in different sections of chilled abalone meat. Collection of Extent Abstracts 2004 CIGR International Conference. 1(2): 16-17(2004).8. GAO Xin, XUE Dongmei, ZHANG Zhaohui, XU Jiachao, XUE Changhu. Rheological and Structural Properties of Sea Cucumber Stichopus japonicus During Heat Treatment. Journal of Ocean university of China (English Edition). 4(3): 244-248 (2005) (0.434)9.薛冬梅,高昕,崔凤霞,董平,李八方,薛长湖。加热条件下刺参(stichopus japonicus)结构和流变学性质的变化。中国食品学报,6(1):161-166(2006)(0.445)10. GAO Xin*, ZHANG Yaqi, XU Jiachao, SUN Yan, ZHAO Qingxi, and Chang Yaoguang. Structural Changes and Rheological Properties of Dry Abalone Meat (Haliotis diversicolor) During the Process of Water Restoration. Journal of Ocean university of China (English Edition). 6(4): 403-406 (2007)11. Zhang zhaohui, Xin Gao, Yuri Tashiro, Shingo Matsukawa and Hiroo Ogawa. The Isolation of Prophyra-334 from Marine Algae and Its UV-absorption Behavior. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 23(4):400-405 (2005).12. Xu Jiachao, Gao Xin, Zhang Zhaohui, Li Zhaojie, Huo Lihua, and Xue Changhu. The Hydrolyzation of Collagen by Fucoidan Oligosaccharide’s Complex with Ce IV. Journal of Ocean university of China (English Edition). 5(2): 151-156 (2006)13. 张亚琦,高昕*,许加超,孙妍,常耀光,薛长湖。鲍鱼热风、晾晒干燥试验的比较与研究。中国农业工程学报,24(1):296-299(2008)(0.907)(EI)14. 高昕*,张亚琦,许加超,张朝辉。不同干燥条件对鲍鱼组织构造及流变特性的影响。中国食品学报,9(4):88-94(2008)15.高昕*,贺庆梅 ,张朝辉,许加超,薛长湖。两种海藻中MAAs(Mycosporine-like amino acicds)抗氧化活性的研究。海洋环境与科学,27(3):47-51(2008)