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违章过期未处理的需要先去交警大队进行违章处理,再缴纳罚款和滞纳金。根据《道路交通安全违法行为处理程序规定》第五十二条规定:当事人逾期不履行行政处罚决定的,到期不缴纳罚款的,每日按罚款数额的 3 %加处罚款,加处罚款总额不得超出罚款数额...


































直视错误,勇于改过自新的人,往往不会在同一错误处再次跌倒。因为他将这次错误作为了教训,时时提醒自已。而摔碎了缸,头也不便走的人,会一次摔碎自已的缸,因为他把错误当做了负担,维恐避之而不及。事实证明,回避错误虽然带来了苟安却永远不会长久,只有直视错误,寻找原因,才能避免再犯。这一直视,固然痛苦,但只有去直视错误,才是不再犯错的必要条件。 纳粹德国挑动的第二次世界大战,为世人带来了沉重的灾难。虽然时隔多年,但是这件事就象阴霾一般笼罩在人们的心中久久不能散去。直到有一天,一位叫勃兰特的总理驱散了有的阴霾。 访问波兰时,勃兰特参加了纪念二战间被屠杀的犹太人的活动。看着纪念碑一个个年轻的面孔,勃兰特心中愈来愈感到沉重。他不住的用手拭去额上的汗,当听到解说员讲述纳粹如何杀死犹太人时,勃兰特的手越攥越紧。终于“扑通”一声 在了纪念故里前,说道:“愿主原谅我们,愿死者得到安息。“后来,全场和勃兰特一起,进入了久久的沉默…。。 这一跪,是对错误的忏悔,是她对错误的直视。敢干直视错误的德国最终被世人原谅。我曾记得犹太王的手杖上刻着一句话:“一切都会过去。”不,他错了,一切都不会过去。错误可以改正,但绝不会过去。认为错误公过去的了,只会困惑在一个又一个错误之中,直视错误并改正错误的人,却可以在人生的道路中披荆斩芾,高歌猛进。可以说,直视错误是通往美好未来的康庄大道,回避错误,只会让自已寸步难行。 同样作为德国总理默多克就少了这样的勇气。当本。拉登被击毙的消息传到德国时,默多克十分高兴,并多次在公开场合表示出自已愉悦的心情。但这却引起朝野的极度不满,因为默多克所在的政党名为“德国民主基督党”,它认为“生命是平等的”。而默多克这一做法显然有悖于此宗旨。虽然默多克极力回避她“口误”这一话题,但一波又一波的质问向她袭来,甚至影响了她的支持率。 两位德国总理的反差令人瞠目。直视错误的勃兰特令世人原谅了德国,并赋予了这个国家新的希望,而默多克想极力掩饰的“口误”却一次又一次影响了她的政治前途。为什么?因为这一切都不会过去。直视错误化解成警醒,回避错误化做沼泽让自已越陷越深。回避错误,只会再次打碎手中的瓷缸,直视错误,才能让自已抓紧手中的瓷缸。让我们直视自已的错误吧,不要再蹈以往的复辙,因为一切都不会过去。

关于直言和婉言 看人生,走红尘,就关于直言和婉言........“直言”“婉言”两个相似“直接”和“间接”的代名词。 -题记 “君子直言直行,不婉言而取富,不屈行而取位。”这一直言是指君子坦荡不阿谀奉承, 其实人生就生活与直言和婉言之间,“直言”笼统的事就是直接,人靠一张嘴,成也是嘴,败也是嘴,如果什么事斗直接一点,看似很利索,内涵中却隐藏着我们表面看不到的东西,就随便那一件事来说,例如:“成绩下来了,你没有考好,老师很想特批你一顿。”可是老师却婉言向劝:“这次没考好,还有下次,下次争取考好,但是一定要上进,不要老想着还有下次,人生的下一次毕竟不多,老师的话就说这么多,以后的路老师相信你知道该怎么走。”简短的几句话,相比之下婉言却乎占了上分,但比如别的事:记得我们学《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》,当时的邹忌似乎是我们集体学习的榜样,敢直言不讳,而不像其他官员阿谀奉承,这样一比,直言似乎又占了上分。 简简单单的两个例子,告诉我们做人的道理,人生不是一味的去追求某些东西,人生也不是一味的执着, 该放下的就放下,该追求的就努力追求,就像直言和婉言,不是邹忌一味的毫不忌讳,也不是老师的一直鼓励支持,什么样的人,什么样的事,分场合,分地点,不是说做一个圆滑之人,而是做一个聪明的人........ 直言有直言的个性,婉言有婉言的潇洒,不可以笼统的认为的,你该直言或婉言........人的话是自己说出来的,不是一味的直言也不是一味的婉言,之所以一开始说,人活在直言和婉言之间。 看世界,走尘路,慢慢懂得直言和婉言是我们的必修课。


1In the first study to look at what happens over the years to the billions of pounds of plastic waste floating in the world's oceans, scientists are reporting that plastics — reputed to be virtually indestructible — decompose with surprising speed and release potentially toxic substances into the water.2Chemicals are an important aspect in our economy and serves with many uses. However, when chemicals are not properly used they can create a problem with global security. There is the threat of chemical spills and also a possible use by terrorists. Many chemicals are stored and processed at numerous facilities. If terrorists were to attack any chemical plants in the United States it would kill more than 2 million people. There is also a long-term threat of contamination that will affect both people and the environment. These chemicals can contaminate the water and cause many illnesses to people. In 1962, Rachel Carson informed the public about the horrible effects that DDT had on the environment and health problems of humans. But it took 10 years for the United States to ban this compound. But not all chemicals pose a security threat. To reduce the use of chemicals facilities are required to provide the public with annual chemical releases. This has allowed our society to force these facilities to use these chemicals better and safer. The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants came into effect in May 2004. This treaty would ban or restrict the production and use of 12 hazardous chemicals. There will always be an abundance of chemicals but their use needs to be lowered to make them less of a threat. 3A captain of a ship drunkenly crashes a massive oil tanker along a reef and changes the physical and emotional world forever. Chemical spills are major problems that plague the environment. Strict government regulation is trying to aid with this problem, but governmental leaders face many challenges. Disposal of harmful chemicals is often difficult and costly. Since chemical waste has destroyed the environment, steps are being taken to prevent further pollution. 看看,参考一下吧:

我来写吧:Nowadays,people across the globe are paying more and more attention to their health conditions and what we bring about to the natural environment. 然后写化学品对人类的危害:1.食品中的有害添加剂影响人类健康;2.化学品影响水质和空气质量;3.不当化学品影响药物质量。再写化学品对环境的影响。字数差不多够了。(主要是太晚了。要不然就帮你写完了)

有机化学英语论文Abstract In this work the effects of the microporosity and chemical surfaceof polymeric adsorbents on adsorptive properties of phenol wereinvestigated. Textural parameters of four kinds of polymeric resins namely AB-8 D4006 NKA-II and D16 resin were separately measuredby ASAP 2010. The surface chemistry of these polymeric resins was determined by means of inverse gaschromatography (IGC) and diffusereflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). Static equilibrium adsorption experiments were carried out to obtain theisotherms of phenol on the polymeric resins. It was shown that NKA-II and AB-8 resin possessed relatively high BET surface areas andmicropore volumes while D4006 and D16 resin possessed comparatively low BET surface areas and micropore volumes. The results of IGCexperiments revealed that NKA-II resin had extraordinary high specific component of the free energy of adsorption both for polar acetone andbenzene probe and thus extraordinary strong surface polarity compared to the other polymeric resins. It was also found that the isotherm ofphenol on NKA-II was much higher than that on the other polymeric resins due to its strongest surface polarity and largest micropore volumeamong four kinds of resins. These experimental observations indicated that adsorption of phenol on the polymeric resins depended greatly ontheir microporosity and surface chemistry. The well-developed microporosity and the strong surface polarity would improve the adsorptionof phenol on the polymeric resins. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Polymeric resin; Phenol; Porosity; Surface chemistry; Inverse gas chromatography

The Importance of Chemistry in Daily LifeMost people have chosen to write their essay about how chemistry has played an important role in everyday life. I have chosen to ask, how doesn't it play a role in everyday life? The simple fact is that chemistry plays an important role in every person's daily activities from the moment we're born.So what role does chemistry really play in everyday life? Well, this involvement usually begins first thing each morning. Most people wake up to an alarm or radio. These common household items contain batteries, which make them very chemically dependent. These batteries contain positive and negative electrodes. The positive electrode consists of a carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of carbon and manganese dioxide. The negative electrode is made of zinc. Chemistry plays an important role in the discovery and understanding of materials contained in these and many other common household items. Things like household cleaners and water purification systems are vitally dependent on chemistry. Without chemistry something as simple as scrubbing a toilet without fear of severe burns or small explosions might not be possible.Next, though it isn?t widely known, chemistry is also heavily involved with the manufacturing of things such as makeup and soap. Each time you bathe you are witnessing chemistry at work. Chemicals such as cetyl alcohol and propylene glycol are typical ingredients in the soap used to wash your hair and skin. Without chemistry, these materials (or combinations of these materials) might be hazardous or might not exist. The chemical coloring agents used in makeup and nail polish would not be possible without an understanding of the chemicals involved.Almost anything you do during the course of a normal day involves chemistry in some way. The gas and tires in cars we drive, the makeup we put on our faces, the soaps and cleaners used everyday, burning wood or other fossil fuels, chemistry is all around you each and every day. The associations are practically limitless. So, as you go about your daily activities, remember to thank chemistry. As my teacher always says, remember, "CHEMISTRY IS LIFE!"


