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Dear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, whichwe wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict ofinterest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approvedby all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of myco-authors that the work described was original research that has not beenpublished previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, inwhole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that isenclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper issuitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forwardto receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’thesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author: Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色小贴士


1 投稿信要简单介绍你的工作的创新性,这样便于论文的快速发表,当然也应该客气几句,让编辑感到心里舒服,主要是夸杂志好之类的话; 有人写coverletter,就是写上题目、然后说很荣幸投稿之类地话,也有人干脆把摘要全写上,这样个人认为不好,一定用两到三句话说明你论文“新”在哪,这个非常重要. 2.论坛上很多人说不能写信催编辑,个人认为没关系,必要催信能够让人重视你的论文,一定要让人感到,你的论文在这发不了,好多地方在等着发呢(但很多牛杂志,可不吃这套哟,人家不缺稿,嘿嘿).当然写信的时候要客气,说一些快速发表对于学术讨论和促进工作等方面的重要性之类的话; 3.能写英文,就不投中文稿,特别是不投中文杂志英文版,好不容易憋了篇英文,还投到低水平的杂志,很不甘心; 最重要的是国内杂志要钱,而国外很多不要.自从国内某杂志告诉我他们之所以收我很高的版面费是为了他们的生存时,我发誓包括以后我的学生就不再投中文杂志了(如果要投,对做材料的人,个人认为金属学报不错,目前收费低); 4.坚持就是胜利,按照审稿人的建议好好改你的论文,只要坚持投稿,就一定能够被接收的,如果论文被某杂志拒稿,但不提倡降低杂志质量再投(应该根据审稿人意见修改后找合适的杂志);有人认为低影响因子的杂志一定中的几率高,我也这么认为,但一般低影响因子的杂志论文出稿比较慢! 再加两封催稿信!英语不好,但意思表达到了. 第一封,客气点! Dear Prof.Dr.Editor *** I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November.I want to know the review process.If there are some reponses from the reviewers.Would you please tell me the results so that I can deal with it as early as possible?Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me. I appreciate your contribution to the publication of the high quality papers. Kind thanks to you for your care. Best Regards Yours sincerely 第二封,很不客气了,他们刚开始说他们的审稿周期很短,但近四个月了,也没消息,所以打算投别的地方. Dear Dr.Prof.*** I am sorry to make you in trouble.It takes too long for reviewing my manuscript (***) which was submitted to Journal "***".Generally,only about two months are necessary for the reviewing process on my usual submissions to other Journals.Hence,I decide to withdraw this submission. I am sorry to make this decision.Please understand my condition because the rapid publication of my work is important for me and our group. I hope that I have chance to get a rapid publication in this Journal in future. Thank you for your attention and kind help. Best Regards Yours sincerely

SCI论文到底该不该催稿? 很多作者都有这样的经历,文章投稿两三个月了,一点消息也没有,投稿状态也不变,心里很着急,但又不知所措,到底该不该发封催稿信呢?是不是发了有可能就悲催了呢? 查尔斯沃思论文语言润色小编在往期的文章中提到,文章从投稿到发表是有其一整套流程的,不同的出版社审稿时间又不相同,所以导致作者等待的时间或多或少。审稿所耗费的时间最长,审稿时间是由编辑初审时间、审稿人审稿时间、编辑给出意见的时间组成的。如果恰逢审稿人原因不能按时审稿,那么作者稿件可能要等待更长的时间, 那么到底该不该催稿呢? 别等到花儿都落了,该催稿时就催稿,这是很正常的行为,编辑会理解的,如果稿件两个月或者更久还没有消息,不妨给编辑发一份态度诚恳的催稿信,这对于加快进度有一定作用,不过别太过,隔三差五的发催稿信,编辑就只能对你呵呵了。催稿信的写法其实很简单,态度要好是一定的,其次就是简明扼要,别废话太多,下面这封催稿信许多作者曾用它作为模板,大家不妨参考一下: Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure ifit is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submittedmanuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has beenlasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago.I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you couldspend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear fromyou on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@×××× 参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色贴士



(1)第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部"、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志"。






























收件人:编辑邮箱主题:投稿《杂志名》【栏目】《你的文章题目》【笔名】附加:可以添加,用WORD就可以,里面要注明自己的联系方式正文:短篇的话附上全文最后注明你的笔名,联系方式电子邮件投稿要注意以下几点: 一、 电子邮件投稿应该用什么格式? 主题:投稿栏目、文章名、发表笔名。 内容:文章的全部内容。 落款:您的真实联系地址、邮编、姓名、邮箱地址、固定电话、手机、QQ号码(注明QQ名)、其他您觉得有必要留的联系信息。 除了以上内容,一概不欢迎。 二、 为什么不欢迎使用附件? (只发附件不行。如果正文与附件一起发则非常欢迎。) 大家知道,很多病毒是通过邮件附件传送的,就我知道,很多杂志社的电脑上都装了病毒粉碎机这个软件,就是说在处理电子邮件的时候,有附件的系统一律删除。这意味着您辛苦的文字永远不会被编辑看到。 另外,附件来稿格式不同,往往因为软件问题而打不开,或者,打开是乱码。 所以,为了您自身利益,别使用附件投稿。



(1)第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部"、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志"。


































本刊提倡网上投稿,网上投稿请务必以Word文件(扩展名DOC)附件发送至本刊电子信箱,请将篇幅尽量控制在8000字以内,并采用以下格式和设置——作者姓名置于开头醒目处,正文五号字,单倍行距,不分栏,文内小标题最多一级,纸张类型A4,页边距上下2.5cm、左右3cm,作者联系地址请括注在文章最后; 用微机打印者也请务必采用上述格式单面打印,恕不接受手写稿件; 邮寄投稿,收信人请写“《现代物理知识》编辑部”,勿写本刊工作人员姓名; 投稿请务必将联系人姓名、详细地址,以及电话、传真、电子信箱等各种联系方式全部书写清楚; 文稿务必附上英文题目和作者的英文姓名,但无需附“参考文献”“摘要”和“关键词”等; 插图线条及其中的标注文字务必整洁清晰,插图须在文稿中的相应位置标上编号,插图及图表中的外文务必译成中文; 外国人名和地名请尽可能译成中文,有必要保留外文名称时,则在文中首次出现处将外文用括号标注在中译名后面; 请注意语言规范,例如“其它”一律改为“其他”、“公里”改为“千米”、“公斤”改为“千克”,数字和百分数尽量采用阿拉伯数字,书刊和一般文章的题目用书名号。















《全国优秀作文选》:南京市湖南路47号1001室【210009】 《小主人报》:上海市安西路427号【200050】 《未来科学家》:南京市草场门大街105号【210036】 《少年文艺(写作版)》:南京市湖南路47号15楼【210009】 《儿童时代》:上海市五原路300号【200031】 《小学生》:山西省太原市青年路新南西条43号【030001】 《小学生作文》:天津市和平区张自忠路189号625室【300020】 《家教周报·新春笋》:江苏省南京市建邺路66号【210004】 《小作家选刊·小学生版》:吉林长春市人民大街179—1号【130021】 《江海晚报》:南通市西寺路10号【226001】 《作文大王》:广西桂林市普陀路广西师范大学杂志社【 541004】 《百家作文指导》:黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区中央大街西佳路【163712】 《语文报小学版》:山西省太原市双塔寺街124号【 030012】 《儿童大世界》:河北省石家庄市工农路359号【050051】 《小学生创新作文》:广西南宁市建政路37号【530023】 《小学生优秀习作》:福建省福州梦山路27号【350001】 《小学生学习指导》:辽宁省沈阳市和平区十一纬路25号【110003】 《关心下一代周报》:江苏省南京市梅园新村大悲巷12号【210018】


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本着导师的期望和支持以及我对贵刊的敬仰和信任的态度,我把这篇稿件投到贵刊,得偿所愿,荣幸之至!再次希望专家、老师们能于百忙之中予以审阅。学生真成期待您的答复,并向您致以最诚挚的谢意! 祝专家、老师们身体健康,工作顺意,阖家安康,福禄双至! 此致敬礼!学生:***时间:***。

1.是的,可以用任何邮箱发E-mail 。












书信一般由称谓、问候语、正文、结尾、署名、日期所构成。 我们以刘星给强强的一封信为例作简单讲析。

1 .称谓 在首行顶格的位置写称谓,后加冒号。 为了表示尊敬、亲切,可在称谓前加上“尊敬的”或“亲爱的”等词。这由写信人与收信人的关系的亲疏远近而定。 亲爱的强强:(同学之间,关系亲密,可用亲爱的)

2 .问候语 第二行开头空两格写问候语。 运用礼貌语言,使收信人感到亲切,受到尊敬。 长者多问候身体,中年人多问候事业和家庭,青年人多问候爱情和学业,少年儿童多祝愿健康成长。 你好!你在新学校的生活还习惯吧,别忘记了老同学哟

3 .正文 另起一行空两格写,一般一件事一段,注意要分层次叙述清楚,简洁清晰 语言要求准确通俗,明白如话,不要作过多过深的修饰,已免造成对方难于理解。 最近我们准备开一次同学聚会,不知你有时间回来参加没有。 另外,请你帮我到新华书店买一本语文学习资料,阅读方面的。

4 .结尾 要根据收信人的身份,写表示祝愿的话,以示礼貌。 一般性的祝词“此致”“敬礼”,格式是另起一行空两格写“此致”,“敬礼”下一行顶格写。

给长者的信往往写“祝您健康长寿”,给朋友写“祝工作顺利”,给晚辈写“祝你学习进步”。 祝 学习更上一层楼。

5 .署名和日期


根据写信人与收信人的关系,在姓名前可表明身份,如“学生 *** ”、“儿 ** ”等。

好友:刘星 **年*月*日


1 .内容要写得清楚明白,以免造成对方的误会或疑问,耽误事情。

2 .用词要热情、自然、贴切、有礼貌。

3 .要按照书信的格式写,信封写作更要规范,避免投递困难。

4 .字迹要清楚,不能潦草,以免造成误会和麻烦。



再次希望专家、老师们能于百忙之中予以审阅。学生真成期待您的答复,并向您致以最诚挚的谢意! 祝专家、老师们身体健康,工作顺意,阖家安康,福禄双至!





若你是初次投稿,别选择那些名刊,否则屡投不中,会挫伤您的投稿积极性。建议找些门槛低的省级期刊投稿,这类杂志有故事汇、故事世界、幽默与笑话。另外知识窗杂志你也可去试试。投稿时,你还要注意投稿格式,电子邮件投稿注意事项。 在这里顺便给你介绍一些注意事项,以提高你命中率:







Respect of enterprise leadership:

How do you do! Thank you for taking your time read my letter of application.

It is reported that you are looking for a lawyer assistant, specially take the liberty of writing introduce ourselves.

I am a coming in June 2012 graduate of university undergraduate course graduate, major is law. At present I professional courses has been basically completed, has obtained the country pursues a scholarship, professional first-class scholarship twice, sit on behalf of the university of western hunan in the sixth public debate and was named "outstanding debator" once, was named law school professional debate "best debator" a. I already through the national college English six level of test, made putonghua level 2 A certificate, the provincial computer level certificate, to obtain the national judicial examination A card.

During the period of school, I worked as a sit university legal aid center vice President, sit university students news agencys vice President and vice minister of law school, and other job, serious and responsible work and is evaluated many times "outstanding worker".

Practice experience developed my strong team cooperation ability and adaptability. I always think learning no end, all these experiences and honor also is not an end, but a new starting point.

How have you are looking for a lawyer assistant, which for me is a very good opportunity and challenge. I am willing to accept your the selection. If I am lucky enough to be employed, believe that with my professional ability and passion, will to strive to your contributions.

Finally, thank you in spite of being very busy toglance finish see this letter. Such as have fix a date interview, please advise the time, the place, I signed the on time.

We look forward to your reply!

I sincerely wish your have development progresses day by day!

Dear Sir/Madam:

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Companys Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database.

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

Sincerely,Gu Bin.

Dear Sir or Madam:


According to the recruitment conditions, I am a college student. On September 25th, I read the information about the recruitment of editors for your magazine in the Literary Newspaper, so I am sending this letter to apply for the job! I have loved reading since I was a child, and read a lot of books, which laid a good foundation for later literary creation. Especially the seriousness and rigor of the work requirements, so that I have the most powerful conditions for being an editor.

I am currently studying undergraduate Chinese language major in xx University. Before that, I had won many related honors. I have won the "Second Prize of National Composition Competition" and "First Prize of National College Student Composition Competition". In addition, some novels have been published in books and magazines. I now serve as the vice president of the schools literature club, and I am responsible for the collection and editing of manuscripts from the magazine. In the past two years, I have accumulated a lot of work experience. The editing of literary works is already familiar. This has also accumulated enough confidence for my application this time.

So, I am still full of hope and hope that we can have a meeting. I also look forward to your call back. If the time is right, you can call me in the afternoon of any day, thank you again!





Dear Sir/Miss:

Hello! Reading the newspaper today, I learned that your company is soliciting content editors. I am confident that I meet the application requirements and write this letter to apply for an editorial position.

I graduated from the Department of Literature, Renmin University, with editing experience, and I am familiar with proofreading, adaptation, publishing, and related work. The relevant resume is as follows:

Once served as the editorial director of the "Weekly News" with sales of 30,000 copies for two years. And has directly participated in newspaper typesetting work.

worked as an editor for "Health Guide" in xx years.

Main tasks: Responsible for proofreading, rewriting and long-form writing projects. Five years of hard work has made me familiar with the actions of the media, and through interviews with celebrities, I have strong communication skills.

I am familiar with all the routine work in the office. I am currently employed by an advertising magazine, but this job is a temporary job, so I hope to find a more stable job.

I enclose my resume. I will be very grateful if I have the opportunity to have an interview with you.




Magazine Chief Editors Office:

My name is ×××, male. He is 22 years old and is a fourth-year student of the Chinese Department of ×× University. In two months, I will be out of school and embark on the road of social employment, both excited and a little anxious. I have always been a loyal reader of your journal, and I have published several short articles in your journal. Your magazine is my mentor and helpful friend. It has allowed me to spend a lot of good time, and obtained a wealth of knowledge and nutrition and profound life enlightenment from it. Your free and open policy of running the journal and your rigorous and realistic work style have left a deep impression on me. I often think in my heart, it would be an honor to work with you after graduation and to be part of your energetic group!

I think that editing work is a noble profession, and I have a strong interest in it. There is also the psychological preparation to devote a lifetime to it. I am the editor-in-chief of my departments internal literature and art publication "×××", and at the same time, I am also the correspondent of our school newspaper. Through the preliminary practice of the past few years. I have a certain perceptual understanding of the editing work. I have published some short essays in other publications, and I am sending you a few of them with a letter. I ask you for your criticism and guidance.

When graduating and choosing a career here, my biggest wish is to work and study in your journal. I urge you to consider my wish and give me a chance to study and develop in your journal.

I don’t know what your opinion is? Can you give me an interview or trial opportunity first? Hope to take the time to inform.




University Chinese Department



1、长句:没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且切记(You’re scanned, mot read.)原则,雇主只是在扫描您的简历。




5、”Reference available upon request.”这上短短的意思是如需证明,可提供见证人。这在许多英式、港式简历港文中经常出现,但是美式的.简历则不要这样写。



2.学习情况和英文水平; 3.兴趣特长;4.性格特点。 注意:1.词数100左右。


3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。 dear sir/madam ,


i m looking forward to your reply . sincerely yours,li hua dear sir or madam,


1. secretary n. 秘书

2. assistant n.助手

3. easy-going adj.随和的

4. outgoing adj.外向的

5. in my spare time

6. broadenmy horizons

7. apply for the job

8. have a gift for 在??有天赋

9. do well in be good at

10. i major in english. 我主修英语。

11.i’m li hua, a eighteen-year-old boy,studying in xin xing foreign school.

12.as for hobbies, reading is my favourite.

13.i have a wide range of hobbies, such as singing, dancing, writing and so on.

14.i easily.

15.i’m interested in the position, hoping that i can work for you.

16.as anoutgoing boy, i think i can get along well with my colleagues.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for reviewing my cover letter in your busy work.

My name is XXXX. I am a student who will graduate from XX University XX class tourism management major.

Graduation is coming, I have been ready to enter the community. Although I still lack a lot of experience in the society. But I am confident that optimistic, cheerful personality, because I have a heart of passion and extraordinary heart, I think young is my capital, I naturally hard work, effort is my responsibility. I firmly believe that: as long as I work hard, will become a qualified, excellent social needs of the people.

The main task of the students is to study, in the school period, I basically completed my study task. Test results are all qualified, with an average score of 80 points or more, and has won the Academy Award for many times. But I didn't because of the availability of scholarships and satisfied with the status quo, because I know, in the university is learning and the accumulation process, in order to better adapt to the work in the future, continue to enrich themselves, I participate in and through the university English four levels of tests, has also won the national computer second class certificate and certificate of tour guides, self-study office automation, master of the excel, PowerPoint and other office software. Like travelling, reading books, etc.. While learning this knowledge, I also read all kinds of books and magazines and also pay attention to improve my practical ability.

From the school so far, I have served as the class vice squad leader positions, also served as a college student liaison officers, enthusiastic organization participate in volunteer activities, including school all sorts of large motor activity, celebration activities, and so on. In these activities experience to and all work together to achieve the work fun, make like-minded friends; also exercise their own organization, leadership, benefit bandit is shallow. At the same time, also looking for social contact, increase social experience, the big moment has done mobile phone sales and the billing staff; done two months and two geographical tutor, two summer big two are working in a large bath, great exercise my the endurance, enhance service consciousness and skills of me, let me become more mature and stable; in three the school had three months of part-time sales Kangshifu, eloquence is improved greatly at the same time, also improve my sales ability; three year internship in the travel agency and served as a part-time tour guide the work, I will learn the theory of knowledge and practice fully combine to increase interpersonal experience, improve the ability of adaptability and deal with the problem of me, make me a lifetime!

After four years of university training, in the face of future career choice, I to myself have more sober understanding, I am very fond of my professional tourism and hotel industry, no matter I will choose a job which, I will work diligently in my job, strive! Now for me, all the glory and success are to become in the past, I will have to face is more challenging future. I firmly believe that a person only to the good and all the enthusiasm into the society in order to enable self-worth can be achieved, so do not want others to do, I will be duty bound to do; others can do, I will do my best to do better! Regardless of the future in which position, I would and future colleagues to work together, create brilliant! Thank you for reading my resume in 100 favours and sincere best wishes for your success.
















I have been told by Mr。John L。Pak,Credit Manager, The Business Book Publishing,New York, with whom I believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in June。I should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions。

You can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that I have had five years of varied experience in the book business。The companies for which I have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work I did while in their employ。

My work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both companies,with some experience also in inventory control。 In both positions,I have been assigned with the daily office administration。The courses taken at Central Commercial and the Bronx Community College specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department。

I hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you。If there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know。I can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter。

Very truly yours

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all, your company is the king in the area of software and is well-known for its development of software. It would be a great opportunity for me to start my career in the company.

What is more, my major is computer, and I have a strong interest in software.When I was still a freshman, I got Band Two certificate for computer, which was outstanding in my class. Besides, I have attended various computer contests and won top prizes several times, which greatly enriched my knowledge on computer. Finally, I had once worked part-timely in a company for two years, and I gained wide experience in software in these two years.

I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.



Flat X, 88/F

Centre Plaza

Hong Kong

2 January 20xx

Mr Ho



Harbour City

Tsim Shat Sui


Dear Mr Ho

Application for the position of Legal Officer

In response to your advertisement for the above position in the JobsPower。com on January 5, I am sending my resume for your consideration。

I have worked for two big law firms for five years and then become a consultant for over a year。 My responsibilities include drafting, reviewing and following contracts, as well as handling legal activities and company secretarial documents。 I believe that these experiences would make me succeed in this position。

Being responsible, independent and able to work under pressure, I believe that I will have a very positive impact on your firm。 I look forward to your favourable reply。 Thank you very much。

Yours sincerely

Steven Cheung

Steven Cheung


Dear leaders:

Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to review my cover letter.

I Department of Hanyang University College of English Department of Foreign graduates in 20xx, facing the choice, I am full of longing and expectation, your organization is willing to put themselves forward to a frank, and submitted my letter of the material, please review.

I am a young graduate of the school, sixteen years of hard I created a self-improvement. University four-year short and full of life, a thousand days and nights to come, I wisdom boat, Ying, Chaoyang, send Traveling in the ocean of knowledge. I understand that: modern society, the opportunities and challenges; I know: Only unremitting efforts to have a good harvest. It is with this conviction, I am optimistic and enterprising spirit, hard-working hard learning attitude, work hard pragmatic work style, the principles of teamwork skills, to forge ahead and beyond the self, and strive to become an innovative spirit, a positive open compound talents.

University life is my life, one of the most important stage of my exploration of life, the practice of true value, independent and wisdom, towards a more mature process. During this period I learned not only textbook knowledge, such as computers, the legal basis for Marxist political economy and other public courses and intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking, listening, writing, translation, Japanese, psychology and other professional courses, as well as the mathematical culture , the basis for economic management, logical thinking and methods, the wisdom of Western philosophy and dialectics of nature, such as elective courses, but also truly understand the meaning of life, the value of life. Work in the future, I was able to engage in English translation, administration, economic management, English education, the modern office, clerical and related work, such as import and export trade. Over the past few years, I am determined to make a study of excellence in this professional college, I not only have a solid theoretical foundation, but also a certain degree of practical ability and the spirit of hard team work. Born in rural families, I have a hard work, hardship, and pragmatic spirit and style. Rural life cast of my simple, honest, kind-hearted personality, I am not afraid of difficulties in cultivating the setbacks, the struggle of the spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat.

College, I constantly improve their knowledge structure, to improve their overall quality. "天道酬勤", today I have the system to learn and master all the courses set up and familiar with the development needs of the international situation. For this reason, in the university community during the many practical activities. And to integrate theory with practice, active in school practice, test their knowledge at the same time, so they have a strong analysis of issues and the practical ability to solve the problem, at the same time enhanced the lives of students of my high organizations and the leadership and management abilities, especially in the company model of grace on the stage even more enhanced my courage and self-confidence. Self-confidence and perseverance are my principles, I am calm and optimistic attitude, a broad-loving enrich me. Facing the choice, I have full confidence in their own community and the desire to be recognized by society, to have the opportunity to play to their wisdom, have contributed to society.

"Decade of grinding sword today to show-jun." I do not have university diplomas to sponsors, no political background to the rich decor, but I have a healthy and natural for me, self-confident and not arrogant, modest and innovative, mature and full of vitality. I would like to with the nature of my most sincere heart and with other students to accept your selection. "Master said a few heroes? Loyalty and fear of the public and its Literature," in the real world, such as the countless number of talents, that is, the god of the universe, it is difficult to pick up one by one, I can come to the fore, the only real value of post-mortem practice. Looking back, I have the courage to be diligent in their studies to explore the road of knowledge; Looking to the future, I would be willing to devote themselves to the cause of the business the way to open up.

Choose the good and the Migratory birds, the main and optional thing. "Distinguished leadership, one in urgent need of the sky eagle wings, good horse riding to be a party to the path. Your organization created to develop performance and long-term prospects, I admired for a long time. am sure I will be diligent in their own sweat, along with colleagues in your company for a bright future endless struggle, my dedication and enthusiasm of young talent! I sincerely hope to become a member.

I believe: It is the Federation of luminous gold! Past achievements have become history, the glorious future efforts need to be created and realized. In this gorgeous and colorful, ever-changing era, only high-quality, high-quality, high-capacity integrated talent to fierce competition in an invincible position. You believe that your trust and I will be a combination of strength for our common success. Meng Gu you a letter, be grateful!

I wish the work!


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Sunday paper for a sales manager in your company. Your company has a reputation for producing high-quality products like Mandolin network system. I am interested in joining such a professional organization.

As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work in an export company has provided me with lots of opportunities to contact all kinds of customers and suppliers home and abroad. Across communicating with them, I have got very familiar with the international trade and the current market. Besides, my educational training at university concentrated also on international trade which equipped me with a solid foundation in sales and trade.

As such, I believe that my service could be of great benefit to your company in terms of customer relation and new business connections.

I hope to have an opportunity to meet your human resource manager in order to let you know more about me. I enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,J.S. Wu



Cover Letter 既投稿信,对于科研论文新手来说,不知该如何下手,而对于论文老司机来说,重视程度普遍比较低。查尔斯沃思 论文润色 在往期的文章中多次介绍过投稿信的重要性(参见《投稿信的重要性》),投稿信可以告诉杂志及其编辑为什么他们应该考虑你的文章。这是特别重要的,因为当初审编辑在筛选你的论文时,就此决定是否在同行评审环节中寻找特定的专家,所以期刊欢迎增加对你研究的简要总结。 不同的期刊对投稿信的要求各不相同,例如有的杂志会要求推荐几位审稿人。一般会在杂志的作者指南(guide for authors)中看到具体的要求。许多作者并没有注意到投稿信的重要性,即便它的重要性已经成为常识问题。有些作者甚至对此有一些误解。 投稿信应包含哪些内容?这一问题在《投稿信的重要性》中已经有给出了详细的说明,在此再次强调一下,除了一些基本信息外,最主要的是把该篇论文的研究重点及学术贡献、创意简洁的强调下。 我们也为大家准备了一个通用模板,供作者参考,该模板来自SPIE: [Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address] [Date] Dear Dr. [Editor name], I/We wish to submit a new manuscript entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by the [journal name]. I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I/we report on _______. This is significant because __________.  The paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of __________. [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.] Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address]. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, [Yourname]




