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Editorial Manager 是一种在线投稿系统,用于管理期刊的投稿和审稿过程。关于通讯作者的设置,不同的期刊和投稿系统可能有不同的规定。通常来说,一篇文章可能只能有一个通讯作者,通讯作者是文章的主要联系人,负责接收编辑部和审稿人的沟通和修改建议。但是,有些期刊可能允许有多个通讯作者,在这种情况下,请遵循期刊的指导方针和程序。




Editorial Manager 是一种在线投稿系统,用于管理期刊的投稿和审稿过程。关于通讯作者的设置,不同的期刊和投稿系统可能有不同的规定。通常来说,一篇文章可能只能有一个通讯作者,通讯作者是文章的主要联系人,负责接收编辑部和审稿人的沟通和修改建议。但是,有些期刊可能允许有多个通讯作者,在这种情况下,请遵循期刊的指导方针和程序。


首先进去想要投稿的SCI期刊主页,找到期刊的投稿页面,英文显示为“online submission”,注册一下,然后登入即可投稿。PS:投稿前建议仔细阅读所投期刊的格式要求,并做修改,不然有很大可能会被秒拒

Editorial Manager 是一种在线投稿系统,用于管理期刊的投稿和审稿过程。关于通讯作者的设置,不同的期刊和投稿系统可能有不同的规定。通常来说,一篇文章可能只能有一个通讯作者,通讯作者是文章的主要联系人,负责接收编辑部和审稿人的沟通和修改建议。但是,有些期刊可能允许有多个通讯作者,在这种情况下,请遵循期刊的指导方针和程序。

想必SCI老手已经摸透了论文的投稿程序,不过对于那些刚刚接触sci论文的人来说,sci论文的投稿步骤还是非常重要的。今天就分享一篇sci论文的投稿步骤,希望帮助到你。1.选择合适的 SCI 期刊,结合专业知识,根据年度影响因子表和他人经验来综合选择要投递的期刊,并进入该期刊查询系统查询近年来的文章走向。2. 下载:进入每个杂志的首页,打开 submit paper 一栏,点击 Introduction 查看或下载即可。3. 稿件及其相关材料准备:Manuscript.doc、Tables.doc、Figures.tiff(jpg 等)、Coverletter,有时还有 Title page、Copyright agreement、Conflicts of interest 等。4. 网上投稿:首先进入每个杂志的首页,打开 submit paper 一栏,以通讯作者的身份登录,按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type、Enter Title、Add/Edit/Remove Authors、Submit Abstract、EnterKeywords、Select Classifications、Enter Comments、Request Editor、Attach Files,最后下载 pdf,查看无误后,即可到投稿主页 approve submission 或直接 submit it。5. 不定期关注稿件状态:SubmitNew Manuscript、Submissions Sent Back to Author、Icomplete Submissions、SbmissionsWaiting for Author's Approval、Submissions Being Processed、Submissions NeedingRevision、Rvisions Sent Back to Author、IcompleteSubmissions Being Revised、Risions Waiting for Author's Approval、Declined Revisions。6. 修回稿的投递:主要修改evised manuscript、response to the reviewers、cover letter,还有其他需要修改的相关材料。步骤是先进入投稿主页 main menu,点击 revise,仍然按照原先程序投递,切记把修改的标题、摘要和回复信等内容进行修改。最后上传附件时,先将留下来且未修改的材料打钩,然后点击 next,再上传已经修改的材料,最后下载 pdf,查看无误后,即可投递。7. 校样:一般编辑部先寄出三个电子文档,包括 Query、Proofs、P-annotate,有时也可能伴有纸质文档校样,如 J pineal research。校样后通过 E-mail 寄出即可。


功能模块: ⑴ 作者在线投稿查稿系统 ⑵ 编辑在线办公(采编)系统 ⑶ 专家在线审稿系统 ⑷ 期刊网站建设 ⑸ 网刊发布系统 ⑹ 网站自动同步备份系统 ⑺ 期刊发行管理系统 ⑻ 广告管理系统 ⑼ 文档管理系统 ⑽ 全系列英文版本 主要作用: ⑴ 提高工作效率,大幅减少重复劳动。 ⑵ 编辑经验积累,解放资深编辑(编辑部主任、主编)。 ⑶ 规范稿件处理流程,提高服务质量。 ⑷ 大幅节省邮寄费用。 ⑸ 缩短审稿周期。 ⑹ 提高期刊影响力。OA实施可对提高期刊影响力具有立竿见影的作用。与其他软件相比还是挺不错的!!!

As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development. In the process of thesis writing to the theory and practice, in the online journal submission process set out at the same time, coupled with the preparation of specific modules to achieve the essence of JAVAEE software engineering thinking and deeper understanding and awareness.

As Internet technology continues to develop and mature, and edit the newspaper articles and other departments collecting postal articles from a single process step by step to be more efficient and convenient Internet replaced by online submission process. Journals online submission system is to adapt to this demand by the emergence of a new acquisition mode presentation, it was a culture of providing a broader dissemination of high-quality platform. This article introduces the journals online submission system value, and then details the development of the system required the development of technologies and processes, the final approach to graphic systems introduced by the specific application functions and modules operation. JAVAEE use the system as a development language, MyElipse6.5 as a development tool, Tomcat6.0 as WEB containers, SQLServer2000 as a database. The use of the traditional MVC design patterns, JSP + Servlet development portfolio, to achieve the business layer and presentation layer of separation, not only to improve code reusability and flexibility, but also developers do not have the page view for the revision must first understand the model and , to a large extent to improve the efficiency of program development.






