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谈英文学术论文发表和写作技巧 最近,国内几个同行和我谈及用英文发表学术论文的问题,我想借这个地方谈谈我的经验和看法。国内语言学和应用语言学的学者倾向于在国内用中文发表文章,主要是因为, 一来, 学校要求老师和研究生在核心期刊上发文章;二来,英文毕竟不是母语, 写一篇英文文章的时间可以用来写好几篇中文文章。国情如此,实在无可厚非。但近来有同行抱怨,国内的期刊大多喜欢定量研究型的文章,对于以定性研究为主(如 ethnography research, action research)的文章不是那么欢迎。我没有太多用中文发表学术论文的经验,国内学术论文发表的内情是否如此,我就不得而知了。 写学术文章、参加学术会议,其实是一种学术圈内同行的对话。用中文写,懂中文的同行能读到你的研究,很好。用英文写,懂英文的同行能读到,也不错。如果想将你的研究和全世界的同行分享的话,可能英文比较能够达到这个目的。过去几年,我发了一些英文论文,也应一些英文学术期刊 (应用语言学方面的有TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Second Language Writing, Journal of Language Learning and Technology, World Englishes)的邀请做了审稿的工作。结合我的经验,我想谈谈在英文的应用语言学期刊上发文章应该注意的几点。这种经验之谈,供有兴趣的同行参考,以共同促进我们国际学术交流的水平。 首先,论文综述的目的不仅是发现本领域目前讨论/研究过什么,什么还没有讨论过,更重要的是提出你对已有的研究的批判,以发现值得进一步研究的问题。我发现后面的一步最不容易做到了,我做学生时不容易做到,我现在指导的博士生不容易做到,我审阅的许多投稿也没有将这一步做好。 第二,在论文综述的基础上提出研究问题和研究方案。问题和方案的提出,必须是基于对以往研究 (包括内容与方法) 的批判基础上提出。 我经常发现许多论文的论文综述和后面研究问题和研究方案的提出脱节。 第三,材料的收集和分析过程一定要详细描述。无论是定性还是定量分析,要在论文综述的'基础上先提出你想观察/研究的几个方面,然后详细、具体地描述你的测量方法或分析方法。 第四,根据先前提出的几个想观察的方面,对材料一一分析。分析的过程中,可以比较和讨论前人发表的研究,通过对比, 通过引用别人的已有发现, 来了解或阐述你的新发现。材料分析和讨论的部分一定要紧紧扣住文章前面提出的研究问题,这样才能使本研究的贡献凸现出来,从而体现学术交流的精神。 说了这里,有人可能会说,这几点不是和中文学术论文的要求一样吗?其实这些就是学术文章的最基本要求,如此看来,国内的学术论文规范已经和国际接轨了。最后,说一点可能和国内很多文科学术期刊不一样的要求。 第五,文章可能要修改再投。英文期刊一般会有编辑先筛选一遍, 将研究内容和写作风格适合本刊物的文章寄给两到三个领域的同行匿名审阅。一般而言,文章一投就中的可能性很小。很多时候,编辑会综合文章审阅人的意见,让作者依审阅人的建议(往往是对上面几点做评论)一一修改后再投。这实在是好消息了,因为编辑和审稿人都认为该研究做得不错,论文的内容和写作风格基本符合该期刊的传统。作者应该根据他们的意见,将文章修改再投。如此般地修改一轮或两轮是家常便饭,千万不要放弃。 第六,反复修改,提高论文的逻辑性和表达的准确性。在论文的写作过程中,要反复修改几遍,要反复思考苛刻的读者可能会有的质难。在寄给期刊编辑部之前,一定要让你的一两个同行先“无情”地批判一番,确保没有重大的逻辑和语言表达上的问题。我发表的第一篇英文论文修改了不下十遍!现在在这方面也丝毫不敢松懈。





以建筑、地景、城市规划三位一体,构成人居环境科学的大体系中的“主导专业”。下面我整理有关介绍建筑的英语 文章 ,希望大家喜欢!有关介绍建筑的英语文章品析 Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modernbuildings. How are the old buildings important in our society? With the rapid development of urbanization, many people advocate the demolition of oldhouses for the benefit of economic and social development. But others argue that we can’truin the traditional cultural heritage. Personally, I side with the former opinion. In the first place, the existence of old houses is an obstacle to modern urbanization bydamaging the image of the city. If they are replaced with modern skyscrapers, the city will takeon a new look. Take the Summer Palace in Beijing for example, Being government hasdemolished a large number of run-down the Summer Palace and constructed many newhousing buildings instead. In the second place, there is a potential danger to people living in old houses or evenpassers-by. If the houses are old enough to collapse in the end, where does the value ofculture or tourism exist? The tourists surely will not travel a long distance to see these so-called“culture heritage” at the risk of their lives. [More:www.cnielts.com] In the third place, replacing old houses with buildings can help to solve housing problems.It is well-known that China is a densely-populated country and people in urban areas onlyhave little housing space. Undoubtedly, replacing old houses with new buildings is a good wayto solve the problem. As mentioned above, I can draw a conclusion safely: It is irresistible to replace old houseswith modern buildings. At the same time, it is necessary for us to restore a limited number ofold houses for the sake of conserving traditional culture and attracting tourists. 经典有关介绍建筑的英语文章 1.The Portland Building, Portland, United States 美国波特兰大楼 File photo of The Portland Building. It is an accepted fact that the 1980s was the decade where taste went mad and decided tostart donning pattern sweaters and shoulder pads. However, that still doesn't explain whyjudges went with Michael Graves' design for a new civic building in the US state of Oregon. 众所周知,20世纪80年代是大众品味变得疯狂的十年,人们开始穿花样毛衣,戴垫肩。但这仍然无法解释为什么米歇尔•格列夫斯会设计出这栋美国俄勒冈州的民用建筑。 2.The Fang Yuan Building, Shenyang, China 中国沈阳方圆大厦 File photo of The Fang Yuan Building. Like most of the buildings on our list, this effort is distinctive if not distinguished. ArchitectCY Lee — who did a much better job with his Taipei 101 skyscraper over in Taiwan — wantedto fuse cultures by merging an old Chinese coin, complete with square cut-out, with acontemporary modern office block. 就像我们所列出的大多数建筑那样,这幢建筑的设计也很有特色,但并不杰出。它的设计师是CY李,其所设计的台北101大厦要好很多。设计师希望通过将中国古老孔方形状钱币与现代办公大楼相结合来达到 文化 相融的目的。 3.Petrobras Headquarters, Rio De Janiero, Brazil 巴西石油公司总部 File photo of Petrobras Headquarters. In a way you have to admire Petrobras for its audacity. After all, it is not every leading multi-national firm (the energy company is the biggest in Latin America) that chooses to house itsshowpiece headquarters in a building that's as awful as this. 你必须钦佩巴西石油公司的胆大。毕竟巴西石油公司不是领先的跨国企业(这家能源公司在拉丁美洲是最大的),公司选择将其作为样板的总部安排在这样一座丑陋的楼里。 Fact: The building is at least in good company. Its next door neighbor is Rio De JaneiroCathedral, an equally controversial (read ugly) example of concrete brutalism. 实情:至少,这栋大楼旁还有建筑相陪。大楼旁边是里约热内卢大教堂,同样也是一座典型的富有争议的粗犷混凝土建筑。 关于有关介绍建筑的英语文章 Memorial Archway 牌坊 Memorial archway, different from either houses dwelled by humans or temples where gods are worshiped , is a unique kind of memorial architecture. 牌坊又称牌楼,它不同于民居,民居是住人的;也不同于寺庙,寺庙是供神的;它是一种门洞式的、纪念性的独特的建筑物。 Memorial archway derives from the Lingstar Gate. The first emperor of the Han Dynasty stipulated that the Ling stare should behonored first when worshiping the heaven. Ling Star Gate, first built in 1028, was rebuilt in theConfucian temple later in honor of Confucius. It is considered that people offered sacrifice tothe Ling Star in the Han Dynasty in order to pray for a fruitful year which has nothing to dowith Confucius and then the Chinese character "灵" was turned into "棂" again. From the SouthSong Dynasty on, especially in Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ling Star Gate was not only builtnear the suburb altar and the Confucian temple, but also near ordinary temples, tombs,ancestral shrines, office buildings, gardens or beside the streets and cross. It is not only usedto worship heaven and Confucius, but also in praise of noble acts and chastity. The purposeof the construction of the memorial archway con be classified into three types: symbolicarchway, archway of credit and morality,and archway of achievement. 牌坊是由棋星门衍变而来的。提星原作灵星,灵星即天回星。汉高祖规定:祭天应先祭灵星。到宋仁宗天圣六年(1028),筑郊台(祭祀天地的建筑)外垣,设置灵星门。后移置于孔庙,用祭天的礼仪来尊重孔子。后来人们认为汉代祭祀灵星,是为了析求丰年,与孔庙元关。又改灵星为梗星。宋(南宋)元年以后,尤其是明清,这种建筑不仅置于郊坛、孔庙,还建于庙宇、陵基、祠堂、衙署和园林前或街旁、里前、路口。也不仅用于祭天、祀孔,还用于褒扬功德,施表节烈等等,于是灵星门不仅一变成为棋星门,而且再变为牌坊。牌坊就其建造意图来说,可分为兰类:一类为标志坊;二类为功德坊;三类是标志科举成就的。 Memorial is a symbol of lofty honor in the feudal society. As act of archway an promotion ofrender of immortal fame the construction of memorial virtues and is the highest in people'slives. history of archway pursuit With a time-honored building up southern Anhui has manywell-preserved memorial archway,archways enjoying equal reputation with the ancientshrines folk houses. 在封建社会牌坊是崇高荣誉的象征。树牌坊是彰德行,沐皇恩,流芳百世之举,是人们一生的最高追求。在安徽省南部有着悠久的修建牌坊的历史,许多牌坊至今保存完好。牌坊是当地古代建筑的"三绝"之一,与古祠堂、古民居鼎足齐名。


In the 20th century, bridge construction technology evolved and was fueled by the Industrial Revolution. At the turn of the century, steel bridges were riveted together, not bolted; concrete bridges were cast in place, not precast; and large bridge members were built from lacing bars and smaller sections, not rolled in one piece. Plastic had not yet been invented. Construction techniques such as post-tensioning, slurry walls, soil freezing, and reinforced earth walls had not yet been conceived. Surveying was performed mechanically since infrared, optical technology was still 75 years away. Bridge construction is changing as the new millennium begins. New construction techniques and new materials are emerging. There are also new issues facing the bridge building industry relative to the research needs associated with these new techniques and materials. LONG-SPAN BRIDGES Suspension Bridges While suspension bridge building was conducted at a modest pace throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented number of spans of remarkable record lengths were built in the Far East and Denmark. Both the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan and the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark were completed in 1998. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the world, with a span of 1991 m, and the Great Belt Bridge is the second largest, with a span of 1624 m. While spans lengths have increased nearly fivefold during the course of this century, they may have reached their physical limits with today’s materials. Research will be necessary to develop the new, ultra-high-strength steel wire or carbon fiber wire required to build the longer main suspension cables that will make it possible to increase span lengths to beyond 2000 m. As we enter the new millennium, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the existing suspension bridges must continue as well. Recent rehabilitation measures for the main cables and suspension systems of these bridges have uncovered degradation through corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Research is needed to determine the remaining useful service life of suspension bridge cables and what measures can be taken to slow or halt the degradation process. Transportation in the New Millennium 2 Other components of long-span bridges, existing and new, are being revolutionized as technology moves forward. Advances in deck technology are producing stronger, lighter decks. Orthotropic and exodermic decks are becoming increasingly popular on long-span structures as a means of reducing dead load. Bearings, joint systems, and seismic retrofitting components are becoming increasingly efficient as more large-scale testing facilities are built.在20世纪,桥梁施工技术,是由进化而来的 工业革命。随着新世纪的到来,钢桥受到铆接在一起,而不是 螺栓、混凝土桥梁被扔在的地方,不是预制、大型桥梁成员 从系酒吧和小的部分,不卷在一块。塑料尚未 发明了。制作等施工工艺、浆墙、土壤冻结, 加筋土墙尚未怀了孕。测量进行机械 自从红外、光学技术仍然是75年。 大桥建设是新千年开始转变。新建筑 技术和新材料正在浮出水面。也有新的解决面临的桥 建筑行业的相关研究的需要,这些新技术 材料。 大跨度桥梁 悬挂的桥梁 虽然悬索桥建设进行了整个20速度不快 世纪,前所未有的跨越了卓越的长度是建在记录 远东和丹麦。双方在日本明石海峡大桥正式通车,伟大的带桥 在丹麦是在一九九八年完成。这个明石海峡大桥正式通车是世界上最大的悬架 在这个世界上,与桥梁的m,1991年是中国的第二大带桥, 用一段1624)。 虽然已经增加了近5倍长度的跨世纪的过程中, 他们已经达到了他们的物理极限与今天的材料。研究将 必须发展新的、ultra-high-strength钢丝、碳纤维丝要求 建立了悬索,将不再主要可能增加到跨度的长度 超出2000米。 当我们进入新千年、康复和持续的维护现有的 悬索桥必须继续。最近的戒毒措施为主要 电缆悬架系统与这些桥梁发现退化 氢脆腐蚀,。研究还剩下的 寿命悬索桥电缆和什么措施可以减缓或 停止退化的过程。 在新千年的运输 其他组件的大跨度桥梁,现有的和新的,正在发生了革命性的变化 技术的进步。提出了在甲板上技术生产强的,更轻的 甲板。正交各向异性和exodermic牌是大跨度越来越受欢迎 作为一种手段,降低结构自重荷载。轴承、联合系统和抗震能力 越来越多的有效成分是更大规模的测试设备 建造。 50分!!~~谢谢 参考资料:我的大脑



Big span structure of FRP network analysis and forecastAbstract: this article will introduce a new big span structure, FRP netting structure. In a FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP materials like Chinese bamboo weaving of bamboo is a planar formation in the mesh network, the periphery of the structure of the anchorage in a JuanXing beam, the structure of the center for the anchorage netting another within the parameters. Threads on knitting production structure on the initial stress and advance within the parameters of surface movement to meet additional tension of various load resistance. Due to the high FRP materials, materials - weight ratio of this new form for some big span structure of space construction provides an attractive option, the span longer than conventional structural materials building span. In this paper, firstly introduces the basic structure of FRPWWS simple steps, then layout and construction illustrates three basic types of weaving structure, but also put forward some changes this way. This paper introduces a simple mechanical model for the mechanical deformation of FRP single, also gives an example of the structure of the finite element analysis process.A, introductionFRP is a new type of structural materials, in recent years in civil engineering research is very active. Because he has some good performance, such as corrosion, light weight, high strength, good fatigue resistance and low cost of maintenance, it was thought to be built in new century building long-span structure of ideal, but it is in some aspects of the traditional mechanical properties and structure of the material or have obvious difference, such as its various heterosexual phenomenon. Due to the uniqueness of FRP materials, the effective use of FRP materials and traditional building materials can span, it is necessary to study the new big span structure. Maeda et al. (2002) is built with the idea of FRP materials 5000 metres of suspension bridge spanIn this paper, the FRP netting structure of a kind of brand-new big span structure. This new structure form in a large span to try to effectively use the roof of FRP material performance. In FRPWWS structure, high intensity of FRP compiling Chinese traditional bamboo as the same are woven into a bamboo plane mesh structure. This mesh structure parameters on the anchoring outside outside, the structure of the center and a smaller parameters used in anchorage ribbon. Figure 1 is a small FRPWWS structure model. "Weave" to ensure the smooth of FRP materials at first, to the extent of FRP weave on the prestressed concrete. Then, through the surface movement within the parameters of FRP netting, to pull through the process of prestressing tendons tensile or may have certain parameters including the gravity. Therefore, the FRP nets formed a with two parameters of large-span roofs, the FRP nets set stiffness can resist all sorts of load.FRPWWS structure similar to the cable networks or cable retinal structure: they constitute part is flexible, By stretching and caused to resist geometric stiffness of load. However, FRPWWS structure has its unique advantages: (1) the weight of FRP materials of low and vertically superior materials properties are effective utilization and transverse weaknesses, but not exposed in the structure of large span of FRP system is ideal, (2) the interchange of FRP plait will produce the huge damping, thereby strengthening structural anti-seismic capability, (3) there are rules of netting modelling makes surface is beautiful, (4) due to corrosion and gravity small installation and maintenance costs low.This paper introduces a simple FRPWWS structure of the basic layout and construction steps. The plane was roughly threads for three. Also puts forward some practical application examples of the FRPWWS space. Proposes a used nets in the mechanical model of single FRP. Finally describes a simple analysis of finite element method FRPWWS examples.Second, simple FRPWWS layoutA summary of FRP netting structure includes a FRP weaving, used to anchor the outer ring beam and inner beam and one for the extra gravity tension loading or a group of prestress reinforcement, as shown in figure 1.Nets are woven from article by FRP, also recommend guest FRP or other high-performance carbon fiber hybrid woven article. Carbon fiber FRP in recent years is widely applied to high strength concrete structure of new materials, it is usually made by extrusion, including fiber to 65%. By China and the Swiss production of two kinds of representative products performance data in table 1 shows prosperity.Due to the density of woven material, small and easy to be bent and uncoiling. A standard of performance such as table 1 similar carbon materials can withstand FRP greater than or equal to 400KN tension, while a 300m long this strip 70kg less weight. As compared to the same intensity has more than 300m wire 500kg weight.These woven article according to certain spacing is arranged in an appropriate form of plane. One of the most simple weaving method is a belt, and the other by vertical band, to make up like a fabric of net surface. This type of netting structure can see figure 2 partial screenshots. But in most cases, the number of under-colunm crossing-beam in between each other and the Angle, is the main measure of netting style; Every two ribbon to 90 ° fellowship as shown in figure 3 (a), three little is 60 ° belt in the intersection, as shown in figure 3 (b), as shown in figure 3 (c) and the four ribbon 45 °. At intersections, when fully forming available to all the attached agglutinate FRP interoperability or no adhesion between which can slide freely. In the example, behind will introduce to the static friction between the weaving of the stiffness and static load under dynamic loading sliding friction can consume the kinetic energy大跨度FRP网架结构的展望和分析 摘要:本文将会介绍一种新的大跨度结构,FRP织网结构。在一个FRPWWS结构中,高强度的FRP材料条像中国竹席中的竹片一样被编织在一起形成一个平面网,这个网状结构的外围锚固在一个圈形的梁上,结构的中心处还有一个用于锚固织网的内圈梁。织网结构靠编织生产时的初步预施加应力和内圈梁面外运动引起的附加张力调整来抵抗遇到的各类荷载。由于FRP材料的具有较高的材料-重量比,这种全新的结构形式为一些大跨度的空间建设提供了一种具有吸引力的选择方案,该跨度长于用常规结构材料建筑的跨度。在本文中,首先介绍了简单的FRPWWS结构的基本布局和施工步骤,接着阐明了三种基本的织造结构,同时也提出了此类结构方式的几种变化。文中介绍了一个简单的力学模型用于单个的FRP条力学变形,也给出了一个实例结构的有限元分析的过程。 一、 引言 FRP是一种新型的结构材料,近年来在土木工程中的研究很活跃。由于他具有一些良好的性能,如抗腐蚀,重量轻,强度高,抗疲劳性好以及维修费用低,它被认为是在新世纪建造大跨度结构的理想建材,但是它在某些方面的机械性能与那些传统的结构材料还是有明显的区别,譬如它的各项异性现象。由于FRP材料的独特性,为了FRP材料的有效使用以及获得传统建材所不能及的跨度,有必要研究新型的大跨度结构。Maeda et al.(2002)就设想了用FRP材料建造跨度5000米的悬索桥。 本文提出了FRP织网结构结构,一种全新的大跨度结构形式。这种新的结构形式旨在试图在一个大跨度的屋顶中有效利用FRP材料的性能。在FRPWWS结构中,高强度FRP编制像中国传统竹席中的竹片一样被编织成一个平面网状结构。这个网状结构的外沿锚固在外圈梁上,结构的中心处还有一个较小的内圈梁用于锚固织带。图1所示既是一个小型FRPWWS结构模型。为保证进行“编织”时FRP材料条的平直,首先要对FRP编织条施加一定程度的预应力。然后,通过内圈梁的面外移动来拉动FRP织网,施加预应力的过程可以通过预应力筋拉伸或在内圈梁设一定的重力来达成。 因此,受拉的FRP网形成了一个带有两个圈梁的大跨屋面,该FRP网的集合刚度能抵抗各种荷载。 FRPWWS结构类似于索网或索网膜结构:他们的构成部分是灵活多变的;并且靠拉伸引起的几何刚度来抵抗各种荷载。然而,FRPWWS结构有其独特的优点:(1)FRP材料自重低且纵向上优越的材料性能被有效利用,而横向上的弱点却没有暴露出来,因此在超大跨度的结构中FRP系统是理想的;(2)FRP编条的交汇处会产生巨大的阻尼,从而加强结构抗风抗震能力;(3)有规则的织网造型会使表面比较美观;(4)耐腐蚀并且由于自重小安装和维护成本低。 本文详细介绍了一个简单的FRPWWS 结构的基本布局和施工步骤。织网的平面被大致的归为三类。同时提出了一些实际应用的空间FRPWWS的例子。提出了一个用于网中单一FRP条的力学模型。最后描述了有限元法分析一个简易FRPWWS的例子的结论。 二、 简单FRPWWS的布局 一个简易的FRP织网结构包括一张FRP编织网、用于锚固的外环梁和内环梁还有一个用于张紧的额外重力荷载或一组被施加预应力的筋,如图一所示。 网是由FRP条编织成的,也客人推荐使用碳纤维FRP或其他的高性能混杂纤维类编织条。碳纤维FRP是近年来被广泛应用于高强度混凝土结构的新型材料,它通常由挤压制造,含纤维比例达到65%。由中国和瑞士生产的两类代表产品繁荣性能资料可见表1。 编织条材料由于密度小而易被弯曲和盘绕。一根标准的性能如表1相似的碳纤维FRP材料可以承受大于等于400KN的拉力,同时一根300m长的这种长条重量少于70kg。作为对比同等强度的300m钢缆自重已经超过500kg了。 这些编织条按一定的间距被编排在一个合适形式的平面上。最简易的编织方法之一就是一根带子与经过的垂直的其他带子上下交错,来制造一个像织物一样的网面。这种类型的织网结构的部分截图可参看图2。但大部分情况下,编织条在交叉点处的数量和互相之间的角度,才是衡量织网样式的主要标准;每两根织带以90°相交如图3(a)所示,三条织带在一点呈60°相交如图3(b)所示,还有图3(c)所示的四条织带的45°相交。在交叉点处,当完全成型后可用附着粘合使FRP条全部互交或不进行粘合使其相互之间可以可以自由滑动。在后面的例子里,会介绍编织条之间的静摩擦有助于静荷载下的刚度而滑动摩擦可消耗动态荷载下的结构动能。


我擦你妹啊 这是哥毕业原创翻译的文章放在co188上面,转载也不给老子说一声。 不过此文尚不全,上面的只是摘要部分。别到时候抄的全世界都在用我这篇翻译。

Fire FightingAlong with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out mistakes.First, design basis The fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis: 1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the meaning.2nd, must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval opinion.Second, fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire detector.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector. The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level installs.The elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift well.2nd, the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the button.In the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than 12.5 meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the speaker.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the instruction.4th, fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the instruction.The fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground 1.8 meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case controls.Is equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone receptacle.Third, fire linkage control 1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp). 2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition. 3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific stipulation.Fourth, fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking.Fifth, concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.消防 随着我国经济发展快速发展,人民生活的水平不断提高,城市使用是每天着急,敦促建设面临着发展的方向。这种高层次的民间建筑维修所需的材料和方式也更加多样化加快,而且随着使用电力负荷和煤气消费量扩大,提议消防自动报警系统设计较高,更严格的要求。为了保证人民生命和财产的安全,消防自动报警系统的设计已经成为在高级别民间建筑设计的一个最重要的设计内容。目前的基础上撰文火灾自动报警系统设计监督工作的高层次的民间建设的经验,建议在目前国家相关标准和标准不清楚真正详细浅见解,为同事们的讨论,并指出错误。 首先,设计依据 火灾自动报警系统的设计是一家专业非常强的技术工作,同时还具有很强的政策性。因此,首先应明确以下设计依据: 第一,必须紧紧抓住的建筑设计防火标准,该系统的设计标准,标准的设备制造,安装施工审批标准和管理的法律和规章等五大方面的消防法律法规,并在实际了解国家有关本标准和标准积极字: “必须” , “必须假定” , “不适合” , “可能”和反面词: “严格禁止” , “不应该” , “没有” , “不适合“的含义。 第二,必须着眼于高层次的民间建筑的功能,利用和保护对象的防火等级,认真开展本标准和国家有关标准,认真对待公安防火监督部门的审批意见。 其次,火灾自动报警系统设备的建立 建立火灾探测器 要么全打开的印章或楼梯大厅应单独划分搜索范围,每个2 〜 3建立火灾探测器。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防前面房间烟雾楼梯大会堂来用场)和过道应区分单独划分搜索范围,特别是前面的房间,以及电梯,分散楼梯大厅和走道都是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾比较容易收集或流动,是人员分散保存目标与防火,因此,应该安装火警探测器。关于共同电梯前室虽然不是人员分散,而且这方面的空间和良好的电梯是相互关联的,有时间的火灾烟雾也很容易被收集或流动,适当地划分为单独的搜索覆盖面和安装消防探测器。 电缆轴因此很容易形成掏出烟炎症渠道,拥有火灾时的火强度不容易延伸沿电缆燃烧,为此, “高级别民间建筑设计防火标准”和“民用建筑电气设计标准“分别提出了详细具体的规定,在建筑和在电线或电缆塑造。但认为具体实施的难度和目前的情况下,电缆竖井安装了火灾探测器是非常必要的,坐标轴的防火分隔要求,每2 〜 3或每一级安装。 电梯机房应安装火灾探测器,它的电梯是重要的垂直交通工具,其两个电梯机房已具有火灾危险性,其存在的三个基本解除以及打开洞,像打开闸门的水平之间的球洞,在气孔,持久的关系打开了洞与电梯机房或滑轮等,其时,有四个火,升降机以及往往成为火灾强度传播渠道,很容易危及电梯机房设施。因此,电梯机房建立了火灾探测器是必要的,也适用于皇冠建立火灾探测器举井。 2 ,手动火警报警按钮建立 (包括防前面的烟雾楼梯大厅鉴于各层前房间前面的房间,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时人员驱散节省目标,防火,应立即向警方举报的按钮,首选地点设立手动火警。此外,该室也应建立防火手册的共同电梯前,向警方报案的按钮。 在公共活动场所(包括会堂,礼堂,餐厅,多功能厅等)和主要通道等场所,是所有工作人员非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应立即向警方举报的按钮,在这些公共活动场所主要通道设立手册火灾;该手册规定的火灾中的主要通道报警按钮,以保证“ ,以手动火警最接近报警按钮距离防火区的任何位置不应该超过30米。 “ 第三,消防紧急广播喇叭建立 走道,大厅,餐厅等公共场所的工作人员都非常集中,主要是分散的渠道。因此,应该按这些公共场所的“最近的一项发言距离不超过25米的防火保护区的任何位置”和“在走道上不应大于十二点五米扬声器的过道末端距离”建立消防应急广播喇叭;下一步还应当建立消防在公共浴室的地方紧急广播喇叭。 第一个房间(包括防前面的烟雾大厅楼梯前室,消防电梯间,消防电梯防这些烟雾楼梯大会堂派上用场前室)是有火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也有分离和防火门的声音,人民的混乱和嘈杂,因此,应建立消防应急广播喇叭。在前面的共同电梯房也应建立消防应急广播喇叭。分散大厅楼梯也已经火灾时的人员驱散节省目标与防火,也是人民的声音和嘈杂的混淆,因此应建立消防应急广播喇叭,由主张消防紧急广播驱散指令。 第四,建立火灾报警装置 建立消防应急广播火灾自动报警系统,笔者认为还应该安装消防报警装置,但它的控制程序应该是:该报警器应确认火灾后,利用手动或自动控制模式统一消防相关区域传输预警,报警器停止工作时间的规定,迅速联系消防应急广播和电视节目,并且分散了人们的指示。 火警警报装置建立的立场,笔者认为应该向警方报案的按钮位置的手动火警是相同的,它的墙面安装应为距地面1.8米高度 第五,消防专用电话设立 安装消防专用电话分机电话,应设机房其中也涉及一些人是在工作地点经常与消防联动控制(包括消防给水设备,备件发电机房,火柴变电站,主要ventilates空调引擎室,排放烟气轮机室,防火电梯机房及其他) ,消防控制系统的经营场所或设备的控制室,消防责任人员观察室,现场的安全管理等公共空间。轿车的影院中消防电梯和普通电梯应假设所有使用的特殊电话,请电梯机房和电梯轿车影院中,电梯机房及消防控制室,电梯轿车影院方块和消防控制室等三个成分是可靠的讲通信电话系统。通常在消防控制室;建立电梯监测演示板(包括位置指示器,显示方向灯,以讲信函电话,麻烦灯等) ,以进行必要的电梯在运行状态的监视和紧急情况下的控制。 配备了手动火警报警位置等按钮,消火栓按钮,还应该安装消防专用电话插座。 第三,消防联动控制 第一,消防联动控制应包括控制消防泵开启,停止,也应表现出的按钮,打开泵的位置和消防泵的工作和故障。当消火栓设有消火栓按钮时,其电气安装工程现场也应表现出的消防泵的工作模式有效状态(即建立消防泵工作表明灯) 。 第二,消防联动控制应包括控制喷洒水和水雾化灭火系统打开,停止,也应表现出的消防泵的工作和故障和流利显示,报警阀,安全信号阀工作模式积极的地位。此外,该盆地,水箱水位也应进行示范监测;为了防止检修信号阀关闭,作者认为应该使用带电信号控制信号阀证明它打开条件。 第三,消防联动控制其他控制和示范作用,应进行本标准和国家有关标准的具体规定。 第四,火灾自动报警系统布线 为了防止火灾发生时,消防控制,通信和警戒线遣散,使灭火工作无法进行,造成了更大的经济损失,也为抑制electronmagetic干扰(例如变压器,电电机,电缆等)的影响而产生的火灾自动报警系统。火灾自动报警系统的输电线路和消防控制,通信和预警线应使用被阻燃电缆,并应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。消防手册积极理事分期付款行应使用防火电缆,其电缆也应使用金属管或封闭式金属线槽保护。使用明复,应采取防火保护措施的金属管或封闭金属trunking.Fifth ,结论备注 作者取决于具体的项目实施经验,阐述了设计依据,火灾自动报警设计和实际问题,以便建立系统设备,消防联动控制及其接线拿出一些肤浅的意见,其目的是增强了火灾自动报警系统的设计质量,早期发现,并通知消防,预防和减少火灾危害,通过保护个人和财产安全。



提交技术报告,然后写论文发表即可。学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或预测性上具有的新的科学研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录,或是某种已知原理应用于实际上取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流、讨论或学术刊物上发表,或用作其他用途的书面文件。按写作目的,可将学术论文分为交流性论文和考核性论文。写作方法:一、选题 选题在学术论文写作中具有头等重要的意义。这是因为,只有研究有意义的课题,才能 获得好的效果,对科学事业和现实生活有益处;而一项毫无意义的研究,即使研究得再好, 论文写作得再美,也是没有科学价值的。钱学森教授认为:“研究课题要紧密结合国家的需 要。……在研究方法上要防止钻牛角尖,搞烦琐 哲学 。 目前 在 社会 科学中,有的人就古人的 一句话大作文章,反复考证,写一大篇论文,我看没有什么意思。”因此,我们要选择有科 学价值的课题进行研究和写作。 那么,应该根据哪些原则来选题呢?(一)具有科学性。它应包括:急待解决的课题;科学上的新发现,新创造;学科上短 缺或空白的填补; 通行说法的纠正;前人理论的补充;等等。(二)有利于展开。指的是:要有浓厚的兴趣;能发挥业务专长;先易后难,大小适中; 已占有一定的资料;能得到导师指导;在一定时间内能完成;对题目加以限定。注意事项1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。2、不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。3、结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。摘要慎用长句,句型应力求简单。每句话要表意明白,无空泛、笼统、含混之词,但摘要毕竟是一篇完整的短文,电报式的写法亦不足取。摘要不分段。4、用第三人称。建议采用“对……进行了研究”、“报告了……现状”、“进行了……调查”等记述方法标明一次文献的性质和文献主题,不必使用“本文”、“作者”等作为主语。5、要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。6、除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。7、不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。8、缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。科技论文写作时应注意的其他事项,如采用法定计量单位、正确使用语言文字和标点符号等,也同样适用于摘要的编写。摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。格式一.准确得体要求论文题目能准确表达论文内容,恰当反映所研究的范围和深度。常见毛病是:过于笼统,题不扣文。如:'金属疲劳强度的研究'过于笼统,若改为针对研究的具体对象来命题。效果会好得多,例如'含镍名牌的合金材料疲劳强度的研究',这样的题名就要贴切得多。再如:'35Ni-15Cr型铁基高温合金中铝和钛含量对高温长期性能和组织稳定性能的影响的研究'这样的论文题目,既长又不准确,题名中的35Ni-15Cr是何含义,令人费解,是百分含量?是重量比?体积比?金属牌号?或是其它什么,请教不得而知,这就叫题目含混不清,解决的办法就是要站在读者的角度,清晰地点示出论文研究的内容。假如上面的题目中,指的是百分含量,可放在内文中说明,不必写在标题中,标题中只需反映含Ni和Cr这一事实即可。可参考的修改方案为:'Ni、Cr合金中Al和Ti含量对高温性能和组织稳定性的影响'。关键问题在于题目要紧扣论文内容,或论文内容民论文题目要互相匹配、紧扣,即题要扣文,文也要扣题。这是撰写论文的基本准则。二.简短精炼力求题目的字数要少,用词需要精选。至于多少字算是合乎要求,并无统一的'硬性'规定,一般希望一篇论文题目不要超出20个字,不过,不能由于一味追求字数少而影响题目对内容的恰当反映,在遇到两者确有矛时,宁可多用几个字也要力求表达明确。常见了繁琐题名如:'关于钢水中所含化学成分的快速分析方法的研究'。在这类题目中,像'关于'、'研究'等词汇如若舍之,并不影响表达。既是论文,总包含有研究及关于什么方面的研究,所以,上述题目便可精炼为:'钢水化学成分的快速分析法'。这样一改,字数便从原21个安减少为12个字,读起来觉得干净利落、简短明了。若简短题名不足以显示论文内容或反映出属于系列研究的性质,则可利用正、副标题的方法解决,以加副标题来补充说明特定的实验材料,方法及内容等信息,使标题成为既充实准确又不流于笼统和一般化。如?quot;(主标题)有源位错群的动力学特性--(副标题)用电子计算机模拟有源位错群的滑移特性'。三.外延和内涵要恰如其分'外延'和'内涵'属于形式逻辑中的概念。所谓外延,是指一个概念所反映的每一个对象;而所谓内涵,则是指对每一个概念对象特有属性的反映。命题时,若不考虑逻辑上有关外延和内涵的恰当运用,则有可能出现谬误,至少是不当。如:'对农村合理的全、畜、机动力组合的设计'这一标题即存在逻辑上的错误。题名中的'人',其外延可能是青壮年,也可以是指婴儿、幼儿或老人,因为后者也?quot;人',然而却不是具有劳动能力的人,显然不属于命题所指,所以泛用'人',其外延不当。同理,'畜'可以指牛,但也可以指羊和猪,试问,哪里见到过用羊和猪来犁田拉磨的呢?所以也属于外延不当的错误。其中,由于使用'劳力'与'畜力',就不会分别误解成那些不具有劳动能力和不能使役的对象。四.醒目论文题目虽然居于首先映入读者眼帘的醒目位置,但仍然存在题目是否醒目的问题,因为题目所用字句及其所表现的内容是否醒目,其产生的效果是相距甚远的。有人对36种公开发行的医学科持期刊1987年发表的论文的部分标题,作过统计分析,从中筛选100条有错误的标题。在100条有错误的标题中,属于'省略不当'错误的占20%(如:'完状动肪疾病运动后异常血压反应的决定因素'的标题,将'冠状动脉疾病患者'省略为'冠状动肪疾病';'世界各国肝病的进展'的标题,将'肝病治疗'省略为'肝病');属于'介词使用不当'错误的占12%(如:'内镜荧光检测对诊断消化道癌的评价'的标题,本意是作者运用这种方法去诊断消化道癌并做出评价,而实际上'内镜荧火检测'成了主语,当然不妥当)。在使用介词时产生的错误主要有:①省略主语--第一人称代词不达意后,没有使用介词结构,使辅助成分误为主语;②需要使用介词时又没有使用;③不需要使用介词结构时使用。粲'主事的错误'的占11%(如'新冠片'错对冠心病的临床及实验研究);属于'并列关系使用不当'错误的占9%(如:'老年患者的膀胱镜检查与并发症');属于'用词不当'、'句子混乱'错误的各占9%,其它类型的错误,如标题冗长、文题不符、重复、歧意等亦时有发生。






工程建设、建材发展导向 、建筑科技等都是可以的 带刊号的?CN是国内刊号 ISSN是国际刊号 还有一个是邮发代号 是值这个能在邮局订阅的 只要是正规期刊都是有CN和ISSN 都是有刊号的 没有的话就是假刊呀 你有问题的话可以给我留言


