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XX students in September 2009 and admitted to the school of information science and Technology College, majoring in computer science and technology, now is the four-year students. I am a computer science professor, had served as XX students learn course teacher, in the usual course of the XX students during an understanding, recommend the student to school.Spirit of love for the computer science, XX learning students access to computer systems, and have achieved good results on the course. XX computers that students have a good knowledge base, very seriously and work hard in our study. During my time teaching expertise, in an effort to learn his attitude and a strong desire to have left a deep impression on me. He was diligent in preparing and reviewing in the learning process, questions the courage to put forward, and positive to learn from me; careful listening in class, diligently taking notes, and after positive discussion and problem-solving. This serious and practical learning and independent thinking attitude is commendable. In addition, the XX students compared to modest, warm, and students get along well.In addition to expertise on learning, XX students in designing experiments also have excellent performance. He completed the requirements for the curriculum design and experimental, experimental study of the design before the understanding, do design-time pursuit of perfection for every detail, these are important factors which determine successful experiment. Have this quality, and the XX students have a high level of ability.XX classmates earlier on Japan culture has a tremendous amount of interest, and because Japan developed computer science research and education at the University level, he decided in College after graduation to go to Japan to study, in Japan to continue their education in the universities. He also prepared, trying to learn Japanese, understand the Japan culture, now has a good ability of Japanese, in Japan studying and living conditions.In view of the above, recommend it to your school the students, hoped that he could go to school to continue their studies, and eventually became an outstanding research talent.

因为不认识你,只能按想象的往好里写你。你可能比我写的还优秀。自己改改吧。祝你成功!To whom it may concern,I strongly support Miss Yu Cheng to apply for place in your school to carry out her PhD study.Yu has been a master student under my supervision since 2009 and undertaken her study on ABC since then. She is one of most talented students in our school. Her academic report based on the examination results of all her subjects has been excellent, which has ranked top 5% among all postgraduate students of her year.She has a very quick mind and a great learning capacity. She has a remarkable ability to carry out her project independently. She always works hard and her work is always productive. During her three years study she has published 2 journal papers, one in Chinese and one in English. She also presented her work at the 30st International conference on ABC in Berlin (2011). Based on what she has achieved with us and her ability, I am confident to recommend her to carry on her study under your supervision. I hope her application will be successful and a place can be offered to her.For any inquiries about Yu's academic backgroud, please don't be hesitated to contact me.Professor Tang


求职信作为一种专用书信,你了解英语求职信及翻译该怎么写吗?下面就让我带大家看看一系列的英语求职信及翻译。望大家采纳。 篇一 Cover letter headings Bank personal cover letter Hello. The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your pany can effect a modest! My name is XXX, graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology, was studying financial management specialty. The following is my personal letter of introduction. I to your bank for some basic understanding. As a newer students finish their studies, I have the confidence to accept the social test and the challenge from its own. During my college study hard, strict demands on themselves, respect for teachers, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school. On weekdays, and teachers and students live together in peace together. In English, passed Band Four six examination. I know, the bank clerk is the need to have a strong sense of responsibility, practice. Therefore, in school period, I tried a different practice and work. I do Secretary, did the promotion, has made the family, worked as a waitress, different occupation has given me a different experience let me gradually from a silly little girl into an independent thinking, problem solving skill and teamwork spirit. In order to remain invincible in the work, do a better job. I hope to go to your bank to work, to learn the theory of bination of knowledge and practice, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your bank is whole image, management mode, working atmosphere will be more attractive to me in my mind, is the pursuit of the ideals and goals. We enclosed a copy of my resume, hope to be able to notice will have the opportunity to meet. Sincerely yours Salute 附:英文求职信中文翻译版 求职信标题 银行个人求职信 您好!贵银行一直以良好形象在社会上享有美誉,我即将毕业,如果有机会的话很愿意能为贵公司效一份微薄之力!我叫XXX,毕业于XX大学,学习的是财务管理专业。以下是我个人求职信的内容介绍。 我对贵银行进行了一些基本的了解。作为一名将结束学业初入职场的学生,我有信心接受社会的考验和来自自身的挑战。我在校期间学习努力认真,严格要求自己,尊敬师长,积极参加学校组织的各类活动。平日里,与老师同学和睦相处。在英语方面,通过了四六级的考试。我深知,银行职员是需要有强烈的责任感的,实践出真知。因此,在学校期间,我尝试了不同的实习与工作。我做过店员,做过促销,做过家教,做过服务员等,不同的职业给予我不同的经历让我渐渐从一个懵懂的小女孩转变成为了一个具有独立思考、解决问题的能力和团结协作精神。以求在工作中立于不败之地,更好地做好工作。 我很希望能到贵银行去工作,使自己所学的理论知识与实践相结合,让自己的人生能有一个质的飞跃。我相信贵银行的整体形象,管理方式,工作氛围会更加吸引我,是我心目中所追求的理想目标。 随函附寄简历表一份,望能通知能否有机会见面。 此致 敬礼 篇二 Dear XXX, I am writing to apply for the Client Account Coordinator, which was advertised May 4th with the Career Services Center at Florida State University. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. I believe that I have the training, experience and qualities that you are looking for. According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent munication skills, puter literacy, and a B.S. degree in Finance. My studies have included courses in puter science, management rmation systems, speech munications, and business writing. I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team and detail-oriented, works well under pressure, and is able to deal with people in departments throughout the firm. These are skills I developed both in my course work and in my recent internship at Liberty Mutual, Inc. in Orlando, Florida. Your job description suggests that our relationship could be mutually beneficial. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic, nationally recognized investment management firm. I look forward to discussing my background and qualifications with you. If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in the position, I can be reached at . Looking forward to hearing from you! Yours sincerely, XXX 亲爱的XXX, 我写申请的客户帐户协调员,这是广告与佛罗里达州立大学的职业服务中心在5月4日。我已经附上了我的简历的一份,供你审阅。我相信我有你正在寻找的培训、经验和质量。 根据广告,你的职位需要良好的沟通技巧,计算机素养,并拥有金融学士学位。我的研究包括电脑科学、管理资讯系统、语音通讯和商务写作的课程。我明白这个职位也需要一个团队和细节的候选人,在压力下工作,并能够处理在整个公司的部门的人。这些技能,我开发了我的课程和我最近在实习的自由互动,公司在奥兰多、佛罗里达州。 你的工作描述表明我们的关系可能是互利的。我相信我能有效地执行工作,我很高兴能为一个动态的,国家认可的投资管理公司工作的想法。 我期待着与你讨论我的背景和资格。如果你想安排一个面试或讨论,我感兴趣的职位,我可以达成218365-3333。 期待你的来信! 谨上, 篇三 Dear Mr. Director, I am currently working on Master Degree in International mercial law at Fu Dan University. My supervisor Mr. Liu Mingyu, a well-know professor of law, tells me that SFSC specializes in remending qualified personnel to muti-national panies and suggests that I contact you for remendation. During the two years of studies at Fu Dan University, I have not only acquired a lot of knowledge of international mercial law, but learned two foreign languages as well -English and Japanese. Moreover, I have published two papers in the university journal on problems that may arise after China's entry to WTO. And they have been favorably accepted. I am enclosing a resume, copies of my published papers, and Professor Liu's letter of remendation. I sincerely hope you wil introduce me to a famous multi-national pany, to which I will dedicate myself. Truly yours, 亲爱的迪雷克托先生, 我目前正在丹大学国际商法硕士学位。我的导师刘明宇先生,一个著名的法学教授,告诉我,外服专业推荐人才,穆蒂的民族企业和建议我与您联络的建议。 在两年的研究在复旦大学,我不仅学到了很多国际商法的知识,而且学会两种外语——英语和日语-。此外,我已经发表了两篇论文,在大学杂志上的问题,可能出现在中国加入世贸组织后。他们已被毫不逊色。 我随信附上一份简历,我发表的论文的影印件,以及刘教授的推荐信。 我真诚地希望你会把我介绍给一个著名的跨国公司,我会奉献我自己。 真正的你, 相关文章:



①Hearing / Learning / Knowing that your company are looking for ... ,I'm writing to recommend xxx to you.


②Delighted to learning that you are seeking for ..., sb./sth. may be your second to none choice.


④It affords me much pleasure to recommend ... to you.


⑤When it comes to ..., I shall, without any hesitation, recommend ... to you.














XX students in September 2009 and admitted to the school of information science and Technology College, majoring in computer science and technology, now is the four-year students. I am a computer science professor, had served as XX students learn course teacher, in the usual course of the XX students during an understanding, recommend the student to school.Spirit of love for the computer science, XX learning students access to computer systems, and have achieved good results on the course. XX computers that students have a good knowledge base, very seriously and work hard in our study. During my time teaching expertise, in an effort to learn his attitude and a strong desire to have left a deep impression on me. He was diligent in preparing and reviewing in the learning process, questions the courage to put forward, and positive to learn from me; careful listening in class, diligently taking notes, and after positive discussion and problem-solving. This serious and practical learning and independent thinking attitude is commendable. In addition, the XX students compared to modest, warm, and students get along well.In addition to expertise on learning, XX students in designing experiments also have excellent performance. He completed the requirements for the curriculum design and experimental, experimental study of the design before the understanding, do design-time pursuit of perfection for every detail, these are important factors which determine successful experiment. Have this quality, and the XX students have a high level of ability.XX classmates earlier on Japan culture has a tremendous amount of interest, and because Japan developed computer science research and education at the University level, he decided in College after graduation to go to Japan to study, in Japan to continue their education in the universities. He also prepared, trying to learn Japanese, understand the Japan culture, now has a good ability of Japanese, in Japan studying and living conditions.In view of the above, recommend it to your school the students, hoped that he could go to school to continue their studies, and eventually became an outstanding research talent.

近年来, 出国留学热 使英文推荐信写作研究得到长足发展。同时,推荐信翻译也成为一种发展趋势。我整理了英文版的推荐信,欢迎阅读! 英文版的推荐信篇一 To Whom It May Concern, I have much pleasure in remending Mr. Zhang Ming to you. He was a graduate student of Foreign Language Department of Taiyuan Normal University. After graduation, he began to teach in our university. Mr. Zhang distinguished himself in both his academic ability and his strong sense of responsibility. As an English professor and the dean of the English Department, I am deeply impressed by his talents and enthusia *** . His classes are well planned and executed throughout the whole semester. Being cheerful and reliable, Mr. Zhang is very popular among teachers and students. Therefore, I here remend him with no reservation. I am sure you will have no regret in having him as a Ph. D candidate in your Graduate School. Sincerely, Li Ping Professor of English Dean of English Department Taiyuan Normal University 英文版的推荐信篇二 Dear Mr. XX: This is in response to your recent request for a letter of remendation for Maria Fuentas who worked for me up until two years ago. Maria Fuentas worked under my direct supervision at Johnson Technologies for a period of six years ending in October 2000. During that period, I had the great pleasure of seeing her blossom from a junior marketing trainee at the beginning, into a fully functioning Marketing, Program Co-Ordinator, in her final two years with the pany. That was the last position she held before moving on to a better career opportunity elsewhere. Maria is a hard-working self-starter who invariably understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively. During her two years in the Marketing Co-Ordinator position, I cannot remember an instance in which she missed a major deadline. She often brought projects in below budget, and a few were even pleted ahead of schedule. Ms. Fuentas is a resourceful, creative, and solution-oriented person who was frequently able to e up with new and innovative approaches to her assigned projects. She functioned well as a team leader when required, and she also worked effectively as a team member under the direction of other team leaders. On the interpersonal side, Maria has superior written and verbal munication skills. She gets along extremely well with staff under her supervision, as well as colleagues at her own level. She is highly respected, as both a person and a professional, by colleagues, employees, suppliers, and customers alike. Two years ago, when Ms. Fuentas announced her resignation to take up a new position with a larger pany, we were saddened to see her leave, although we wished her the greatest success in her new undertaking. Even now, two years after her departure, I can state that her presence, both as a person and as an exemplary employee, is still missed here. In closing, as detailed above, based on my experience working with her, I can unreservedly remend Maria Fuentas to you for any intermediate or senior marketing position. If you would like further elaboration, feel free to call me at . 英文版的推荐信篇三 Dear Sir or Madam, It is my pleasure to remend Ms. Yang, one of my former students to continue her study in your university. Li Yang received a master’s degree form our institute this summer . she distinguished herself not only in the grades, but also in her ability to work independently. Because of her diligence and unusual intelligence, she surpassed all her clas *** ates at graduation. As dean of the college of international Economics and trade, I have had close contact with her. I found Ms Li not only motivated and sincere in her own academic field, but aggressive and resolute in her performance as a leader in nonacademic activities. She was the leader of several school societies and also, the representative of her class throughout her graduate study. So I have no hesitate in remending her and feel confident that she is well qualified to participate in a program leading to the Ph. D . degree.

It is my pleasure to recommend my students so-and-so, as XXX university graduation thesis guides and the economics of the instructor, I want to do some students.I in 2007 to 2008, as a teacher in the economics (the two years, I have been watching so-and-so growth. The students in my professional achievements, although the student's most outstanding, but the students treat study attitude is perhaps the most serious. In my class, XXX will seriously take notes and thinking, and occasionally and I discussed some problems.At last, the thesis guidance dissertation5 topic is very novel so-and-so, also is thought-provoking, and let me think of understanding the so-and-so is not limited in theory and the data in political and economic policy, the plane seemed more interest. AboutThe student in the subjects involving math is very good, but usually use diligent effort to remedy the defects. As a teacher, I think of the university of intense curiosity and hard work is the most precious quality. XXXI wish in his study (road, also in this to recommend the patient and the students seeking knowledge desire.



who you are, yourconnection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and thespecific skills they have。此外,还应该包括联系方式,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。



如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr. smith, dear mr. jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。

paragraph 1


paragraph 2


paragraph 3



主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上i highly recommend the person,i recommendthe person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。


英文推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和email address。



writers name


(tel number ,mailing address)



1.1 基本要求:文稿应选题新颖,具有先进性、科学性、逻辑性,论点鲜明、数据可靠、结论明确、层次清楚、文笔流畅、用字及标点符号准确规范。1.2 内容要求:来稿文字务求准确、精炼、通顺、重点突出。论著、综述类稿件一般不超过4000字(包括摘要、图、表和参考文献),并附300字左右的中、英文摘要(包括英文文题、工作单位及汉语拼音书写的作者姓名);专家论坛、临床病例解析、手术技巧集萃、误诊误治与防范、医学快讯等稿件字数可视情况而定。1.3 排版格式:稿件内容排列顺序(论著及综述类)依次为中文文题、作者、作者单位和单位所在地、邮编;英文文题、作者、作者单位和单位所在地英译名、邮编;中、英文摘要及中、英文关键词;正文、参考文献。1.4 电子版稿件: 该刊实行网上投稿,从2010年10月12日起,本刊旧的审稿系统将停用,开始启用中华医学会新型审稿系统,请大家登录注册投稿。请自留底稿,该刊刊登与否均不退还稿件。另外,来稿需将作者所在单位主管学术机构的审核推荐信(电子版)发至编辑部邮箱。1.5 著作权相关事宜:作者文责自负。根据著作权法有关规定,该刊可对来稿做文字加工,做文字修改、删除,凡涉及原意的修改,则征求作者同意。来稿决定刊用后,由作者亲笔签署论文专有使用权授权书,专有使用权归该刊所有。除以纸载体形式出版外,该刊有权以光盘、网络期刊等其他方式出版决定录用的文稿。来稿刊登后,并赠送当期杂志2册。1.6 绿色通道:该刊为基金论文提供了绿色通道,及时报道外科科研项目的研究成果,若论文涉及的课题国家或部省以上科学基金或攻关项目等请在首页脚注中注明基金项目名称并在括号内注明其项目编号,并附基金项目证明复印件等相应证明。1.7 地址:北京市宣武区永安路95号北京友谊医院《国际外科学杂志》编辑部(100050)

稿件E-MAIL:责任编务:冯丽QQ:1661589041★★国际EI会议南京组委会电话: 一、正确掌握论文写作的基木要求及规范化,并注意选择对口的专业期刊投稿,且遵循所投刊物的格式要求,再加上导师能对论文严格把好质量关,则可避免因投稿后反复退修而耽误了论文发表的时间,又可减少稿件在初审阶段就被退稿的可能,从而提高论文的录用率.1. 文章超过8页,这不好,因为中文杂志页数有限制,不希望单篇文章太长2. 另外题目不醒目,缺乏对审稿人的吸引力3. 在实验现象的描述中缺乏对不同条件下不同实验现象的强烈对比4. 在现象解释中图太小,另外引用太多,看不到作者自己的独特看法大家要尽量避免呀!5. 写作前要浏览大量的经典文献、注意学术积累,在这个过程中,还要注重利用网络,特别是一些专业数据库6."一定要有创新点"7. 写作后,要进行校对、调整和仔细琢磨,还要注意新资料的及时补充,最好放几天再看,或请同学来看,这样便于发现问题。8.观点要突出,图形要美观。二、采用目标期刊所要求的格式,文章知识点要有创新点 首先应该看看别人做过的,国内的先看,然后再看看老外做的;另外,新技术一定要留意学,否则很难做出新东西来,国内牛点的刊物 还是比较看中创新 的。题目要有概括性,最好突出自己的工作;摘要很重要,需要反复斟酌,一般要有三方面:目的、方法、结论,还是要体现新;文章格式严格按刊物要求;参考文献要全;行文流畅、图表清晰。1、格式一定要符合所投刊物的要求,这是通过初审的因素之一;2、 参考文献的引用要适当;3、 摘要前言是关键;4、 刚写完后放段时间在修改,会有新的发现.三、科技论文方面的写作方法1、 文章要有条理,尤其是前沿和讨论,要层层深入,环环相扣2、 要注意一些常用化学试剂的写作技巧,如TRIzol.3、 注意写清楚菌种或毒株的背景,这一点很重要4、 文章中如果涉及软件,记得写清楚版本四、论文格式很重要,杂志审稿的一些知识点1、注意论文格式。我国的学报论文格式是有国家标准的,大家不必去仔细读那国标,但是一定要找个权威的本行业的刊物先看看,是什么格式。2、度量衡单位。国家一直在改革,在发表论文时是必须注意的3、参考资料的罗列,各学报要求不同,要注意你发表的那个杂志的要求(其实也有国标的) 1) 参考文献必须有外文的。 2)最好有基金支持。文章只要有一丁点创新就行了,大创新投到中文学报亏大了 3) 老板的名字要挂上。 4) 项目意义一定要清楚。 5)中文审稿件人一般不会看公式推导(工科类)。五、前言特别重要,特别在中文期刊杂志上发表论文 。另一个就是论文的结果与讨论,这是论文的重中之重。因为方法的撰写都不会有什么新意,除非你是发现一个新的方法。我在核心期刊发表论文的时候特别 注意这几个方面,在国外杂志发表 更是如此,参考文献最好是本年的,引用最新的,有利于吸引编辑的眼球!1.题目要新颖2.内容要突出自己的特点3.要注意第一印象,不要犯一些低级的格式错误。4.最后要注意引你所投稿的杂志的文献!5.最重要的是,如果能自己推荐审稿人的,一定要引用她的文献!六、EI核心论文投稿中遇到的问题:我个人认为,现在的中文学报文章都不怎么好:1、投稿周期长、关系稿多,还收很贵的版面费,不合算;2、同样影响的外文期刊,不收版面费,3、要投中文稿件,英文摘要要写好,中文表达要清楚,只要说明白自己做的是什么、为什么这么做、得到了什么结果、同国内外同样工作的比较情况,引用本刊的文章。总结:其一、在日历上制作投稿计划。 如果你不是牛人,权威杂志一投即中的几率是非常非常小的。即使是牛人,这个概率也未见得高(原因后面再叙)。虽然一般来说,投权威要抱定久投不中的思想准 备。在日历上做好什么时候把什么文章投给了什么杂志社的纪录,即不浪费时间,又避免了一稿多投(经济管理的牛杂志就那么几个,说不定审稿人都是重复的, 一 稿多投,难免马失前蹄)。每次寄出的论文挂号信收据直接往日历上贴,简单方便,一目了然。其二、不要因为某个文章一次不中就灰心地投往低级杂志。因为杂志社选题要考虑很多方面,拒稿不一定是因为你的文章不好。可能是因为选题与他人重复,也可能是政策、政治因素和杂志社品味、倾向等。所以同一级的杂志社最好多试几家。其三、时间是金。 节约时间的投稿办法有:用特快专递投稿,如果收入条件允许 ,这也向编辑部显视你重视自己的稿件;利用权威杂志的网上稿件查询系统或者稿件查询电话;千万不要尝试电子邮件的联系,这个是最不保险,最慢的,因为牛杂志没有人有空给你发信。其四、署名做到有的放矢 一些较厉害的期刊杂志一般相对公平,倾向于独立原创,这个时候作为第一作者单独署名会更容易获得青睐。而另一些则更希望获得业内已经有些名气的作者投稿,因此要署名可以拉上相关人士,提高投稿命中率。其五、关于投稿中的附件。在相关领域自己最近发过什么其他牛杂志的文章可以复印下来作为附件发给编辑,或者参加过最近的相关主要学术研讨会的会议记录也可。这些可以视作为有分量的推荐信反映出你的专业学术能力和选题的时效性。其六、关于参考文献将最近看的相关外文资料注明出来,让编辑感觉到你贴近学术前沿的意识和功底。用很多博士和博导的话来说,就是穷尽本领域的相关资料,并写出来。这些资料即使你不能全都仔细看,但是要尽量多地搜索。◆ 作者本人自带全英文论文,全权委托我们修改排版后发表。◆ 作者本人自带中文论文,全权委托我们翻译后排版发表。◆ 作者本人无论文,全权委托我们指导写作(或著作权转让)并发表。◆ 我们负责免费办理教育部查新工作站出具ISTP检索认证的报告证书。

一般在EI官网下载当前出版的最新EI Compendex收录刊源,判断是否被EI收录,之后找到要投期刊的官网,在官网投稿即可,部分期刊可能是邮箱投稿。

1 稿件要求:文稿的应具有先进性、逻辑性、可读性和实用性,主题明确,资料可靠,文字精炼、重点突出;数据准确无误,采用有效数字表示,并作统计学处理。文稿请用电脑打印稿,不用稿纸格式,采用A4纸小四号字,1.5倍行距,一式三份,附上光盘或软盘。简化字以国务院1986年10月15日公布的《汉语简化字总表》的规定,通常可参照新版的《新华字典》。投稿时须附上作者和通讯作者简介(内容包括性别、出生年月、职称、毕业学校、学位,学术专长,电话和电邮地址)、全部作者的亲笔签名,单位推荐信。推荐信内容包括保证资料来源和版权的真实性,确保无一稿两投或多投、署名无争议等项。2 注意事项2.1 文 题 文题应简明扼要,反映文章的主题,中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜。2.2 作 者作者姓名用揩体,放在文题之下,按序排列,逗号分隔,排序应在投稿时确定,编辑期间不再改动。由多个单位合作撰写的文稿,请在每个作者名的右上角以阿拉伯数字注明;作者单位名称、所在省市(县)及邮政编码以圆括号附于作者序列之后。文题页的左脚注标明收稿日期、基金项目(属国家或部、省级以上基金或重点攻关课题请附证明,本刊优先处理)、第一作者和通讯作者的简介、作者姓名、出生年月、性别、职称、最高学历毕业年份及学校名称、学位、从事专业、联系电话(单位、传真、手机)、电子邮箱等。2.2 文稿字数文题应简明确切,一般不超过20个字。论著、基础研究、综述、专家笔谈、临床病例(病理)讨论全文一般不超过5 000字,病例报告和护理论文不超过1 500字。2.3 摘要和关键词论著和基础研究须附中、英文摘要。短篇论著须附中文摘要。摘要包括目的、方法、结果、结论四部分,采用第三人称撰写;文字精练、准确,包括重要数据,可独立成文。中文摘要限于400字以内,英文摘要须包括文题,所有作者姓名,用汉语拼音书写,姓全部用大写,名第1个字母大写,字间用连接号,如WANG Xiao-er;括号内写明作者单位名称、地址及邮政编码。英文摘要内容可比中文摘要更具体(500个实词以上)。中、英文摘要后另行列关键词。其他文稿在文题下另行列关键词。关键词可标引3~8个。关键词的选择尽量使用美国国立医学图书馆编辑的最新版《Index Medicus》医学主题词表(MeSH)所列的词,若无相应的词,处理方法有:①可选用直接相关的几个主题词进行组配;②可根据树状结构表选用最直接的上位主题词;③必要时,可采用习用的自由词排列于最后。各关键词之间用分号隔开。英文关键词第一个字母大写,勿用缩略语。2.4 医学名词和药名以1989年及其以后由全国自然科学名词审定委员会审定、公布,科学出版社出版的《医学名词》和《英汉?汉英生物学名词》为准,暂未公布者以人民出版社编的《英汉医学词汇》为准。题目及正文中药物名称应使用药典名或国际非专利药名,见《中华人民共和国药典》或中华人民共和国卫生部药典委员会编,化学工业出版社出版的《中国药品通用名称》,一般不用商品名。2.5 图表照片文稿的表图不应重复,按先后排序。线条图应墨绘在白纸上,以计算机制图者须提供激光打印图样和相关文件, 图形文件要求用tif格式 ,扫描图要求在600 线以上。每幅图应冠有图题,另纸打印,并标明在文章插入处。表格要有表题,放在表格上方,表格采用三横线表(顶线、表头线、底线)形式,表下注释中标明所使用的缩略语以及中英文全称。表可放在文章内,一般不必另纸打印。照片必须反差明显,层次清楚,背面用铅笔注明图号和方向。病理照片要求注明染色方法和放大倍数。请附上照片的tif 格式文件。2.6 计量单位计量单位应以1991年中华医学会编辑出版部编辑的《法定计量单位在医学中的应用》为准。单位名称与单位符号不可混合使用;分子分母的计量单位同用中文或者同用符号表示,如次/分或mmol/L。单位符号中表示相除的斜线不能多于一条,如ng/kg/h应改用ng?kg-1?h-1或ng/(kg?/h)的形式。2.7 数 字数字执行GB/T15835-1995《关于出版物上数字用法的规定》。公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和计数、计量数据均用阿拉伯数字表示。小数点前后超过3位数时,每三位数字一组,组间空1/4个汉字符。百分数的范围和偏差,前一个数字的百分符号不能省略。附有长度单位的数值相乘,书写格式为4 cm×3 cm×5 cm。测量数据须采用有效数字。2.8 统计学符号按GB3358-82《统计学名词及符号》的规定统计学符号全部用斜体书写。如①平均数用英文斜体小写 (中位数仍用M);②标准差用英文斜体小写s;③标准误用英文斜体小写s ;④t检验用英文小写斜体t;⑤F检验用英大写斜体F;⑥χ2检验用希文小写斜体χ2;⑦相关系数用英文小写斜体r;⑧自由度用希文小写斜体υ;⑨概率用英文斜体大写P(P值前应给出具体检验值,如t值、χ2值、q值等)。2.9 缩略语文稿尽量不用缩略语,必须使用时首次出现处先叙述其中文全称,然后在括号内注出中文缩略语;首次出现的英文缩略语,应在其前写出中文全称,括号内注明英文全称,加逗号后书写英文缩略语。2.10 参考文献以亲自阅读过的近5年主要文献的原文为主,未公开发表的资料请勿引用。按GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制,文内引用处的右上角依次列出,其书写格式如下: [期刊] 序号 作者姓名,英文名用大写,first name仅列第1个字母,作者不超过3人者全部写出、第3名以后作者用“等”或“et al”代替。文题. 期刊名(外文期刊以《Index Medicus》格式为准,不加缩写点),年,卷(期):起页-止页. 例如: [1] 邓春玉,林曙光,钱卫民,等. 葛根素对大鼠心室肌细胞钠通道的影响[J]. 岭南心血管病杂志,2005,11(2):100-105. [2] HEESCHEN C, DIMMELER S, HAMM CW, et al. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A levels in patients with acute coronary syndromes: comparison with markers of systemic inflammation, platelet activation, and myocardial necrosis[J]. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2005, 45(2):229-237. [书籍] 序号 作者姓名. 书名. 卷次. 版次(第1版不写). 出版地:出版单位(国外可用标准缩写,不加缩写点),年. 起页-止页或作者. 文题. 见:编者. 书名. 卷次. 版次. 出版单位,年. 起页-止页. 例如: [1] 冯建章. 当代心脏病学[M]. 广州:广东教育出版社,2000:1-13.3 刊登或退稿根据《著作权法》,本刊有权对来稿对文字进行修改和删节。凡有涉及原意的修改提请作者考虑,作者寄回的修改稿请附论文编号,按规定修回时间尽快寄回。修改稿逾3个月不寄回者,视作自动撤稿。文稿刊用即由本部通知缴交版面费,刊印彩图者另付彩图印刷工本费。本刊发给稿酬(包括光盘电子期刊等其他形式出版的稿酬),出版后即赠当期杂志2册。来稿采用与否,均由本刊编委会最后审定。根据“著作权法”,并结合本刊具体情况,来稿在接到我刊回执后6个月内仍未被采用或未退稿修改,则仍在审阅中。作者如欲投他刊,应事先与本刊联系。逾期6个月未被采用或未接到退稿、修改通知可自行处理,对不用稿件本刊一般仅给予退稿通知,请自留底稿。4 地址:广州东川路96号广东省心血管病研究所二楼233室《岭南心血管病杂志》编辑部,邮政编码510100。





letter of recommendation保荐信,介绍信。

recommendation letter推荐信。

on the recommendation of通过…的推荐。


1、Many universities and scholarship program ask for letters of recommendation.


2、I participated volunteer activities on the recommendation of you.


3、I hope my recommendation can provide some references for you and wish you a delightful journey in China.


译为英文:As Referrals bachelor's thesis guidance of teachers during their university studies to guide their completion of their studies and thesis. The student's research focuses on the XXX, the degree thesis was titled: XXXX.The student to learn to consciously serious, hard work, there is a strong desire for knowledge, and study the spirit of discovery with a certain problem, analyze problems and independent problem-solving ability. In this expertise has laid a good foundation, especially in the XX, and other areas with outstanding results and has strong expertise. The student's dissertation research direction is mainly for the "XX areas of expertise" in the "XXX question of research." Under my guidance, the student through independent access to the relevant literature, analysis of the relevant cases, to overcome various difficulties and eventually completed an independent study on the subject. His thesis has been rated as excellent school papers,XX and therefore received a bachelor's degree awarded by the University X.While studying at the school the student is a high academic achievers, and a rare outstanding students. Therefore, I decided to recommend to your school of Health, National Graduate Institute for want to use your school a good academic environment and research atmosphere, so that the student to pursue advanced studies, so that his potential to be realized.Wang permit the enrollment of hope

推荐信英文: recommendation letter

美国大学往往非常关注你的英语程度。因此,除了GRE与托福的好成绩外,来自母语是英语的某人的推荐信也可能有帮助。Hence, in addition to good GRE and TOEFL scores, a letter of recommendation from a native speaker of English may be helpful.

申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.

我应该在推荐信里提到工作经验吗?Should I mention work experience in my letter of recommendation?

我十分荣幸地向您推荐我的学生某某,作为该学生大学毕业论文的指导者和微观经济学的授课老师,我在此为该学生做一些中肯的评价。It is my honor to recommend my student 某某. As the suporvisor of his final thesis on the undergraduate level, I hereby confirms 某某's academic appriciation.我在2005年到2006年间,担任了某某的微观经济学老师,在这两年多时间里,我一直注视着某某的成长。该学生虽然专业成绩在我的学生里不是最优秀的,但该学生对待学习的态度给我留下了深刻的印象。在我的课堂上,某某总会认真地做笔记和思考,并偶尔和我探讨一些问题。I was 某某's tutor for micro-economics from 2005 - 2006, and saw 某某's improvement. Although 某某 is not NO. 1 in terms of score, 某某's attitude has greatly impressed me that 某某 always takes notes of the lecture and discusses many interesting questions with me.在最后一年的论文指导中,某某的论文内容很新颖,也很发人深省,让我觉得某某虽然性格不太张扬,但兴趣十分广泛,而且对经济学的理解不仅仅局限于理论和数据上,在政治和经济政策的层面上似乎抱有更多的想法。During the proecess of thesis supervision in the final year, 某某's researching topic and context are very interesting, that shows 某某's understanding of economics is not only on the theoritic level, but also taking from political, economic and real-life perspectives.该生在某些科目上的表现并不十分优秀,但通常会用勤奋的努力来弥补这种缺陷,我认为这是很可贵的。而且通过和该学生不断的交流,对某某的了解也达到了较深的程度,作为一名大学教师,我认为某某是一名可塑性很强的学生,而强烈的好奇心和勤奋的努力是该生最为珍贵的品质。Although 某某 is not outstanding in some elective courses, 某某 touches me by 某某's hard-working and determination. I believe that 某某 has a great potential of convertibility since 某某 is curious to 某某's subject.我衷心祝愿某某会在自己的求学道路上达到成功的彼岸,也在此向您推荐这位具有耐心和求知欲望的学生。 With my best withes to 某某, I strongly recommend this enthusiastic young student to join your university.赶快给分。。


