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I've published the paper on (论文主题) in the (期刊名称)

英文翻译:Publish a paper。

谈英文学术论文发表和写作技巧 最近,国内几个同行和我谈及用英文发表学术论文的问题,我想借这个地方谈谈我的经验和看法。国内语言学和应用语言学的学者倾向于在国内用中文发表文章,主要是因为, 一来, 学校要求老师和研究生在核心期刊上发文章;二来,英文毕竟不是母语, 写一篇英文文章的时间可以用来写好几篇中文文章。国情如此,实在无可厚非。但近来有同行抱怨,国内的期刊大多喜欢定量研究型的文章,对于以定性研究为主(如 ethnography research, action research)的文章不是那么欢迎。我没有太多用中文发表学术论文的经验,国内学术论文发表的内情是否如此,我就不得而知了。 写学术文章、参加学术会议,其实是一种学术圈内同行的对话。用中文写,懂中文的同行能读到你的研究,很好。用英文写,懂英文的同行能读到,也不错。如果想将你的研究和全世界的同行分享的话,可能英文比较能够达到这个目的。过去几年,我发了一些英文论文,也应一些英文学术期刊 (应用语言学方面的有TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Second Language Writing, Journal of Language Learning and Technology, World Englishes)的邀请做了审稿的工作。结合我的经验,我想谈谈在英文的应用语言学期刊上发文章应该注意的几点。这种经验之谈,供有兴趣的同行参考,以共同促进我们国际学术交流的水平。 首先,论文综述的目的不仅是发现本领域目前讨论/研究过什么,什么还没有讨论过,更重要的是提出你对已有的研究的批判,以发现值得进一步研究的问题。我发现后面的一步最不容易做到了,我做学生时不容易做到,我现在指导的博士生不容易做到,我审阅的许多投稿也没有将这一步做好。 第二,在论文综述的基础上提出研究问题和研究方案。问题和方案的提出,必须是基于对以往研究 (包括内容与方法) 的批判基础上提出。 我经常发现许多论文的论文综述和后面研究问题和研究方案的提出脱节。 第三,材料的收集和分析过程一定要详细描述。无论是定性还是定量分析,要在论文综述的'基础上先提出你想观察/研究的几个方面,然后详细、具体地描述你的测量方法或分析方法。 第四,根据先前提出的几个想观察的方面,对材料一一分析。分析的过程中,可以比较和讨论前人发表的研究,通过对比, 通过引用别人的已有发现, 来了解或阐述你的新发现。材料分析和讨论的部分一定要紧紧扣住文章前面提出的研究问题,这样才能使本研究的贡献凸现出来,从而体现学术交流的精神。 说了这里,有人可能会说,这几点不是和中文学术论文的要求一样吗?其实这些就是学术文章的最基本要求,如此看来,国内的学术论文规范已经和国际接轨了。最后,说一点可能和国内很多文科学术期刊不一样的要求。 第五,文章可能要修改再投。英文期刊一般会有编辑先筛选一遍, 将研究内容和写作风格适合本刊物的文章寄给两到三个领域的同行匿名审阅。一般而言,文章一投就中的可能性很小。很多时候,编辑会综合文章审阅人的意见,让作者依审阅人的建议(往往是对上面几点做评论)一一修改后再投。这实在是好消息了,因为编辑和审稿人都认为该研究做得不错,论文的内容和写作风格基本符合该期刊的传统。作者应该根据他们的意见,将文章修改再投。如此般地修改一轮或两轮是家常便饭,千万不要放弃。 第六,反复修改,提高论文的逻辑性和表达的准确性。在论文的写作过程中,要反复修改几遍,要反复思考苛刻的读者可能会有的质难。在寄给期刊编辑部之前,一定要让你的一两个同行先“无情”地批判一番,确保没有重大的逻辑和语言表达上的问题。我发表的第一篇英文论文修改了不下十遍!现在在这方面也丝毫不敢松懈。

问题一:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题二:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题三:我想问一下,毕业论文后面写的已发表论文,状态里面,英文怎么表达?比如Accepted 等等。 10分 submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能; under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知; major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意; minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受; accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间; early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码; published: 最后印刷出版了 问题四:“发表论文”用英文怎么说 to issue the dissertation 问题五:“有一篇论文正准备发表”用英语怎么说 有一篇论文正准备发表A paper is being prepared for publication 问题六:他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气用英语怎么说 他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气 He published several influential papers, is very famous in academia 问题七:以第一作者发表sci论文用英文怎么说 毕业论文是教学科研过程的一个环节,也是学业成绩考核和评定的一种重要方式。毕业论文的目的在于总结学生在校期间的学习成果,培养学生具有综合地创造性地运用所学的全部专业知识和技能解决较为复杂问题的能力并使他们受到科学研究的基本训练。 标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,轻易激起读者的注重。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ③交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注重,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中心和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判定句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 问题八:文章已经发表用英语怎么说 文章已经发表用英语 The article has been published. 问题九:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题十:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快!


I've published the paper on (论文主题) in the (期刊名称)

I'm glad to have such a good chance to be here for your interview..First of all,I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is DZW I am 23years old. My hometown is YJ,a very beautiful city in the east of HuNan . I will finish my undergraduate education in Changsha University of Science and Technology this July During the university, my major is financial management Everyone has a dream,and even when I was young,my dream was to be a people who would be useful to the society in the future I plan to focus my research in accounting study.And I hope I can have a systematic view of it and making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. I have the confidence because I have such ability! If I could have the chance to study here,I promise that I would never fail your expectation.I will try my best to study and learn as much as I could. Besides above,I also have many interests in spare time.I like music、chinese chess and all kinds of sports,such as basketball .Because I think it can relax myself and build up my body.Generally speaking,I am a working-hard student especially do the things which I love.I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.In my view ,as long as we don”t lose heart and keep on trying, we are sure to go through failure and achieve our aimsThat is all ,thank you for your attentionGood morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******, the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July, 2001. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO. ****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you。I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *******. Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparative good command of network application. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information on Internet. I am a football fan for years. Italian team is my favorite. Anyway, I feel great pity for our country's team。I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master a good command of advance ******。Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is Song Yonghao, I am 22 years old. I come from Luoyang, a very beautiful ancient city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in Chang''an university in July, 2004; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Tongji University。Generally speaking, I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weaver a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end。Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying。Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention。Good afternoon, my dear professors! It is my great honor to be here for this interview. My name is Li Qiushi. I’m 22 years old and I come from School of Architecture and Civil Engineering of CUMT, i.e. China University of Mining and Technology. During the past 3 years in my college as an undergraduate student, I have been working diligently at my major. I have built up a solid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality. And my great interest is underground space development.I am a man full of passion and enthusiasm. Always I am interested in fresh things and I will be energetic when confronted with difficulties. I am a perseverant person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around and at the same time, I’m also a man of team spirit.In my spare time, I like doing some sports and reading some news. Table tennis and jogging are my favorite sport. They keep me in good health, full of energy and breed optimism towards life. By reading news, I could know what’s going on in the society.I have long admired Tongji University, because of its highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment in the field of Civil Engineering. I am confident that I am a very qualified applicant for your subject group. I remember Doctor Jocob Chen once said“Aim high, vertical launch, fly fast, complete your mission with style.” I deeply believe in it and I will try my every effort to make it.Thank you for your attention!

我把我答paper的模板给你吧。第一段应该写你选题目的是什么,这里无非就是些套话。第二段写my diploma paper investigates.......... aimed at,,,,,,,,,,The key goals of the work are:......The object of research is ........ The subject is ............The paper includes (论文的几部分)........To sum up the chapter 1,............To sum up the chapter 2.............(此处就是对分小节进行总结)



I am glad to stand here to let the teachers konow my thesis.introduce是介绍人的 不是事物的 这句应该用introduce 因为是把自己的论文介绍给别人


It's my honor to be here and introduce my paper to you, my dear teachers.可以用introduce的,因为论文开头也要用到introduction.

问题一:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题二:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题三:我想问一下,毕业论文后面写的已发表论文,状态里面,英文怎么表达?比如Accepted 等等。 10分 submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能; under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知; major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意; minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受; accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间; early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码; published: 最后印刷出版了 问题四:“发表论文”用英文怎么说 to issue the dissertation 问题五:“有一篇论文正准备发表”用英语怎么说 有一篇论文正准备发表A paper is being prepared for publication 问题六:他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气用英语怎么说 他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气 He published several influential papers, is very famous in academia 问题七:以第一作者发表sci论文用英文怎么说 毕业论文是教学科研过程的一个环节,也是学业成绩考核和评定的一种重要方式。毕业论文的目的在于总结学生在校期间的学习成果,培养学生具有综合地创造性地运用所学的全部专业知识和技能解决较为复杂问题的能力并使他们受到科学研究的基本训练。 标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,轻易激起读者的注重。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ③交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注重,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中心和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判定句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 问题八:文章已经发表用英语怎么说 文章已经发表用英语 The article has been published. 问题九:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题十:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快!


问题一:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题二:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快! 问题三:我想问一下,毕业论文后面写的已发表论文,状态里面,英文怎么表达?比如Accepted 等等。 10分 submitted: 就是这篇文章已经提交给期刊,但还没有得到任何答复,还完全有被拒收的可能; under review: 就是文章进入评审阶段,一般提交给期刊的文章先要经过期刊助手对文章结构,字数等技术性检查,合格的话才送交主编,由主编邀请评审专家初审。under review 表明主编已经将论文送审了,结果仍未知; major revision: 文章需要大改,一般情况下如果(2-3位中)1位评审专家对文章提出一些尖锐、负面的意见,而另几位的意见比较正面,则主编往往会要求作者进行大改动;至此,文章还是有被接受的可能,但要看改动后的文章是否让评审专家或主编满意; minor revision: 小改动,至此文章被接受的可能已经达90%,只需要对文中小的差错进行修改即可接受; accepted:完全接受,但离出版印刷发行还有段时间; early online (or online ready):已经完全定型的文章还需要排队印刷发行,这个过程有的期刊会很长,1-2年,early online 或 online ready 就是先将文章在网上发布出来,供读者阅读。这时的文章 doi 号码已经有,也可以引用,但还没有正式的卷号,期号及页码; published: 最后印刷出版了 问题四:“发表论文”用英文怎么说 to issue the dissertation 问题五:“有一篇论文正准备发表”用英语怎么说 有一篇论文正准备发表A paper is being prepared for publication 问题六:他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气用英语怎么说 他因发表了几篇有影响的论文,在学术界颇有名气 He published several influential papers, is very famous in academia 问题七:以第一作者发表sci论文用英文怎么说 毕业论文是教学科研过程的一个环节,也是学业成绩考核和评定的一种重要方式。毕业论文的目的在于总结学生在校期间的学习成果,培养学生具有综合地创造性地运用所学的全部专业知识和技能解决较为复杂问题的能力并使他们受到科学研究的基本训练。 标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,轻易激起读者的注重。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ③交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注重,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中心和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判定句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 问题八:文章已经发表用英语怎么说 文章已经发表用英语 The article has been published. 问题九:"论文"用英语怎么说 论文(Paper) 或:dissertation(论文) 或:thesis(论文) 经常说的:)~ English dissertation(英语论文) Graduation thesis(毕业论文) 问题十:在期刊上发表了论文用英语怎么说 在期刊上发表了论文 Published a paper in the Journal ――――――――――――――――― 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――祝您生活愉快!

jdghsjbgjf   nmfdhgfu   mdshog   jmshugdh   dslmh   dmshgi   mdsahj   dmshg   dlshn   dslhkdngkdnks





dear mr. / ms.,

this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketing介绍信格式specialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business.

we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

yours faithfully,

yang ning





Dear Bob,


Yesterday I heard from you. I am very glad to be your pen friend. My name is Peter Zhang. I am sixteen years old. I live in...


I am a middle school student, too. I like English and maths very much. I also like sports. I am good at singing. I know a little about America. Could you tell me something more about your country in your next letter?


Please write to me soon.




Peter Zhang


1 文体介绍

正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。 这种介绍信言和格式比较规范、严谨, 内容一般包括以下几个方面:






(1)subject: introductiondear mr. / ms.,

this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketingspecialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business. we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to


yours faithfully,

yang ning

To it may concern,

This is to introduce Mr. and who are to make an investigation of [yjsjl] family condition on our instructions. We should esteem it a great favor if you would afford [them] the necessary information. With high respect.

November xx, xxxx

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has July 1993 to Sept. 1994). Mr. Li's main duties and responsibilities are as folloputer hardponets solved through the application of computer technology.

Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for netputer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.

Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the folloputer netputer netpany. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Singature, Zhang Jianguo

Senior Engineer and Technical Manage Company Name, Address, Tex & Fax

Dear Admission Committee:

Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply puter Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, binatorial Mathematics”. This inquisitive and assiduous young an etimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knoe questions. But the folloputer Science and technology Peking University

Email: qmendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid.

Considered a promising student e courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly a the beginning of the project.). From analyzing user’s requirements to designing the the detailed designing to the final programming, she an, friendly and helpful, and she has almend Mr. Fuping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project- "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997.

His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man pleted satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him petence and pleasant personality, mend his admission e guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as mend to you Li Ming, an outstanding graduate majoring in Business Administration.

I have been in charge of Mr. Li’s class since they puter science, munication ability and good command of English add a lot to his managerial skills.

I believe Mr. Li’s education and character undoubtedly qualify him to serve as an administrator in your company. I recommend him without reservation and believe you will find him a helpful and responsible staff member.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Hua

Dear Colleagues:

As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leading university in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your PhD program.

In September, 20xx, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, the first professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. I teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.

Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. All of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. I am gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about General Biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. Therefore Miss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for granted.

I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommend her without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program.

Sincerely yours,



Dear Miss LIN,

In searching for employment opportunities on the Internet, I learned of a job vacancy in the Sales Representative of your company. I believe that my qualifications match the requirements you have listed for the position.

I am very organized, I am a self-motivated worker, and enjoy working in GE, especially trough the past three intern experience in this pleasant workplace.

With a sound educational background demonstrated and a keen desire to be part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to GE.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I anticipate the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualification and your needs.


XI Meng

xxx People’s Republic of China Presents its compliments to the Embassy of Germany in Beijing and has the honor to request for the issue of entry visas of Germany for 此处写学员姓名的汉语拼音, who is leaving China on October, 3, 20xx.

此处写单位英文名称avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of Germany the assurances of its highest consideration.


July 5,xxx

Dear ,

I want to take this opportunity to inform you that1 will be joining us shortly. She holds a doctor's degree in genetics and has worked in this field for twelve years. It is exciting that she has decided to join our company in this transformation period.

She is a person who is good at time management and I have no doubt you will find a good partner in her.

1 is currently involved in a project which might be of interest to you, and she shall be contacting you immediately after her arrival. I am sure that you will soon join hands and make progress step by step.

Sincerely yours,

dear mr. / ms.,

this is to introduce mr. frank jones, our new marketing介绍信格式specialist who will be in london from april 5 to mid april on business.

we shall appreciate any help you can give mr. jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

yours faithfully,

yang ning





DONGAO KUAIJI Letter of Identification

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Lei Li was working with the above mentioned company from 20xx to20xx. Even though she was majoring in Economics but she was working with us as a Lab Technician. Together with her studies Ms Li was doing part time job, as the intern in our company and from 20xx to January, 20xx she was a full time worker in the company. With her stay for this many days with the company she has learnt a lot and gained good knowledge in this field. During her stay in the company she was assigned the duties such as:

Preparing resources for testing and mixing chemicals for processing Liaise with the team to ensure tests and project is compliance with company policy andprogram.

Recording and maintaining reports for the director.

During her stay with us Ms Li has proved to be a good team player, was punctual and a good worker and we have no hesitation in commending her to any prospecting employer.

Yours faithfully

For and on behalf of DONGAO KUAIJI LIMITED



Dear ,

I want to take this opportunity to inform you that1 will be joining us shortly. She holds a doctor's degree in genetics and has worked in this field for twelve years. It is exciting that she has decided to join our company in this transformation period.

She is a person who is good at time management and I have no doubt you will find a good partner in her.

1 is currently involved in a project which might be of interest to you, and she shall be contacting you immediately after her arrival. I am sure that you will soon join hands and make progress step by step.

Sincerely yours,

Good morning, my name is xxx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.

in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.

i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of pp, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.

To whom it may concern,

I deem it a great pleasure to write this letter of reference on behalf of Mr Ma to support his application to study in your university.

I am the dean of Finance School in Tianjin Commerce of University boustead college of International Finance and Economics, and Mr Ma is one of my students majoring in International Finance and Trade. I have known his very well in terms of personality and academic performance. The intelligent nature and sense of logical analysis make his powerful in mastering complicated theories. In his active participation in the campus activities, he has demonstrated his intellectual independence as well as impressive ability. Additionally, he expresses his ideas clearly and has good analytical skills, which give me deep impression. To my surprise, Mr Ma finihed any tasks very excellently thanks to his agile mind and quick analysis ability.

Based on my appreciation of such an ambitious student who receives the challenge bravely, I strongly support hes decision of highis academic pursuit without reservation. And I sincerely hope my recommendation will receive your favorable consideration.

Yours Honestly,


DONGAO KUAIJI Letter of Identification

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Lei Li was working with the above mentioned company from 20xx to20xx. Even though she was majoring in Economics but she was working with us as a Lab Technician. Together with her studies Ms Li was doing part time job, as the intern in our company and from 20xx to January, 20xx she was a full time worker in the company. With her stay for this many days with the company she has learnt a lot and gained good knowledge in this field. During her stay in the company she was assigned the duties such as:

Preparing resources for testing and mixing chemicals for processing Liaise with the team to ensure tests and project is compliance with company policy andprogram.

Recording and maintaining reports for the director.

During her stay with us Ms Li has proved to be a good team player, was punctual and a good worker and we have no hesitation in commending her to any prospecting employer.

Yours faithfully

For and on behalf of DONGAO KUAIJI LIMITED

Dear xxx,i am xxx.i am that a man is brave is xxx circle speciality is measured and maintained,graduate from the xxx college of auto industry of xxx.

i study specialized course diligently in the time at school, train ones own self-study been admitted to the time at school car steering xx and shone,repair the card in automobile g admitted to the automobile sale and after-sale service speciality of undergraduate course of self-study examination of the university of always load in jetta and fields lying fallow in rotation of the treasure of our company one is practised,receive the leaders trust, with the heavy repair shop of the audi now.

today, the automobile is fierce in competition , it is higher and higher to peoples demand.i like the automobile very much, i like the work of the automobile very much too.i can be competent at the company and hand over any post to me.i is it is it hope leader can give me chance to let me make contribution for company to progress to demand me offer some strength for beautiful tomorrow of the company,express gratitude to the leaders ks for your attention,thats all.

Dear Mr.Smith,

Please allow me to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Mr.Li Xiaobin, one of my best students who is going to study in your city at the beginning of next month.

Xiaobin graduated from Department of Physics, Fudan University this summer with distinction and is going to study in Stanford University for his master?s degree.I have got his accommodation arranged already.

I want to ask you such a favor as to act as his sponsor if it will not bring you too much trouble.He is an upright and honest young man and I am sure he won?t cause you any trouble.I will shoulder the responsibility in case anything does happen.Thank you for your kindness.Wish you happy and healthy.

Yours sincerely,

Liu Gang


首段的bearer表示“带信人,持信人”。第二段的accommodation表示“膳宿”。第三段的in case表示“万一”。

Directions:Suppose that your friend is going to a new university.Write a letter in about 100 words to introduce her to a friend there.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Linda”instead.


how about you recently?from you letter,i learned you want to know

my hometown ,i am very happy introduce it to you.

my hometown is a very historical city,you konw,in this place many great person have their name konwn,the most famous is zhou nenlai,isn`t it?and now,our city is developing very fast,it become very modren ,too.you can find anything you want,the citizen is also very frendily and kind,there are many place you can go,no matter ancient or modren.

so,my frend,come on,i am waiting for you !!

dear sir/madam:

how do you do!

it is my great honor to my clever students for xudandan write this recommendation letter. she not only hard work and have a good moral character and the strong will. if my suggestions can help you to assess her ability i will be very happy.

xudandan students attended the first one is yunnan qujing key high school. in recent years, our school has already entered the university graduates to 100%. because of her diligence study, she is evaluated many times model student, outstanding student cadres, etc. more important is, she had the diligence and good study habits, a because of her outstanding performance in the study, in each semester studies testing comes top.

xudandan students in learning strong exploring spirit, deep thoughts and opinions is unique, have the pursuit-of-truth spirit. remember in eleventh grade culture life a research study class, xudandan students in the study group on his behalf with the slide presentation to the class the ancient chinese traditional culture research results from the beijing olympic opening ceremonies video broadcast to the pre-qin times introduced by, from the book of changes , the tao-te to the idealist phylosophy of the original analysis, and much of the knowledge, fluent expression, let classmates and teachers deeply admit defeat. later in the exchange, that xudandan students love reading, especially for the pre-qin times of chinese classical quite have the research of chinese traditional art as a special love. from traditional culture can learn philosophy wisdom to guide their study and life, this for a modern students is very valuable.

xudandan students study hard, hard working hard, with excellent results. learning ability is stronger, class is good at listening to, independent thinking, often can put forward some valuable problem discussed with the teacher. study on notice to the knowledge integration and inductive method, after school time can also often focus on current events, and published his current affairs comments. since high school in all previous test made class and even the whole grade outstanding achievements. language the number three lessons especially math scores obvious advantages, almost every test can obtain the class the first. excellent win the teachers and students of praise.

at the same time, in the social sector, she showed her a strong leader and organization skills. as the class cadres xudandan students initiative, burden task, dedicated spirit. as the monitor of my class, xudandan students work at ordinary times initiative, a strong management ability, the teacher in charge at the leadership, independence bold to carry out all the class activities, from the campaign design, mobilization, coordinate to organizations to carry out, and then to activities of the summary after reflection, can arrange in order, participants to leave many enlightenment and deep impression, however, is that the teacher in charge teachers right-hand man, by the students of the love. not only eager to class management, to around the students care and help also give me a good impression: in class activities, xudandan students can help the students enthusiastically, in view of the students in studying in the ordinary weak links with guidance, and reasonable suggestion, make the results have been significantly improved. these activities improve the xudandan students social practice ability.

enter your school for further study has been xudandan classmate elusive goal, i believe, had the comprehensive quality and the solid foundation of basic skills, plus the your school first-class environment for education, students can have a nice xudandan development prospects. in view of this, i seriously recommend to your school xudandan classmate, sincerely wish she would be in the talents gathered on the platform of the talent show, march toward success!


single bit: xx xx secondary school

december 12, 20xx

Dear Mr. Johnson,

I take great pleasure in introducing Mary Brown one of my classmates and best friends to you. She is going to pursue her education as a postgraduate in your university after her graduation here. She and I had lived and studied together for four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as she does. Now that we have finished our study here we had to part with each other.

Will you please give her some guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as well as your introduction for him to meet the future tutor shall be appreciated very much.

Yours truly,








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