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需要。 对于Cell出版的期刊来说,给予了通讯作者对等的权利和义务。通讯作者需要确保所有的作者都知道:稿件已经被提交,并有机会出版。还要整理每个作者可能的利益冲突,并确保每位作者都看到。审查的时候要保证论文中所有数据的真实性。扩展:《CELL》(《细胞》)是一种美国爱思唯尔(Elsevier)出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行的关于生命科学领域最新研究发现的杂志。2018年1月25日,克隆猴“中中”和“华华”登上学术期刊《细胞》封面,这意味着中国科学家成功突破了现有技术无法克隆灵长类动物的世界难题。2018年9月,世界顶尖科学期刊《Cell》发表文章称,新的两项研究表明,服用益生菌不仅没有好处,还可能对人体有害。2019年,Cancer Cell最新刊登了一篇文章,研究人员发现在禁食状态下使用二甲双胍可以显著抑制肿瘤生长,并提出PP2A-GSK3β-MCL-1通路可能是肿瘤治疗的新靶点。

其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!


plant cell 审稿流程如下:文章投稿成功后,编辑部一般会进行登记,并交给相关栏目的编辑进行初审。 编辑初审是指编辑人员对论文稿件进行初步审查和评价,以决定是退稿、退修、或者送专家评审。扩展资料:plant cell即《植物细胞》,是美国植物生物学家学会出版的生命科学领域学术刊物。即《植物细胞》,是著名学术刊物,影响因子10左右,在SCI植物类非评论性杂志中排名第一。SCI所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字。

其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!


其中编辑给了大家一些建议: Read the Aims and Scope page Does the journal publish on the topic? • Look at the papers that you cite • Do a literature search The right journal will have editors who: -know the field and the important questions being asked -know reviewers -can guide the process and resolve disputes Title: keep it short Abstract:write it for the readers Manuscript structure: the chronology of the experiments is not important. Keep the logic of the experiments and the story front and center. Don’t repeat the abstract, but convey your excitement in a personal manner Summarize how your work builds upon what’s been done before and how it advances work in the field Be precise. Be honest. Let us know what the work does not do. Note competition and controversies. Make reviewer suggestions and exclusions. Simplicity is often a virtue • Keep focus on the main points - with too many sick stones, the major points can get lost • Ask yourself for each piece of data whether it is absolutely necessary to support the main story. Do the same thing for each phrase in the paper Help the reader understand your work with as little effort as possible. ---Use paragraph headings that describe concrete findings. And use similar language in figure tides. — Put information where readers expect it. Make use of color/shapes/etc in figures to highlight parts that you want readers to pay attention to. Guide readers to specific pens of figures in the text. • Recruit colleagues outside of your area to read it • Is the flow of logic clear? • Is all the jargon defined? • Do the experiments support the conclusions? • If English is your second language ask a native speaker to check for grammar and clarity. • Pre-submission inquiries. • Feedback is a gift • Focus on the scientific issues. • Ask the editor for clarification. • If you think we’ve missed something— tell us! • If you think the reviewer is wrong about something, then try to see it as an honest mistake and address the issue as a misunderstanding. • Put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would the tone and content of the rebuttal make you want to change your mind? 最后祝大家早日发Cell!!



第一步:找到sci文章的作者署名。发表的sci文章,都会安排作者署名。我们查看sci文章是第几作者,必须找到在sci发表的文章。即查sci文章的作者,需要知道怎么查sci发表的文章。而查找的途径,可以是sci期刊官网、sci期刊纸质版以及web of science网站。第二步:用标注分区sci文章的第几作者和通讯作者。写作发表的sci文章,署名的作者不仅有第几作者还有通讯作者。一是为了识别第几作者和通讯作者,我们会有相应的标注。二是通讯作者署名位次,可能是在第一作者之后,也可能是在所有第几作者之后。第三步:根据署名位次看是第几作者。sci文章第几作者,我们依据署名位次进行判断。当看到署名在第一位,那自己是第一作者。署名在第二位,那是第二作者,以此类推。如果某单位只认可sci文章的第一作者,那必须看到自己的署名位次是第一位才行。如果是其他位次,那是没有用的。

在sci期刊上投稿,有专业人员指导的加持,可以让sci论文投稿变得更顺利,更高效。下面学术顾问结合多年经验,给大家总结了一下sci期刊投稿指导步骤,希望对大家在sci期刊投稿有所帮助。首先,选择合适的sci期刊。sci数据库所收录的期刊涉及到的行业是非常多的,可以说每个行业都有sci期刊。而且有些热门的行业,比如:医学类期刊被sci收录的就比较多。这个时候大家在选择的时候就需要精心选择下。选择时需要从论文质量、期刊影响因子、投稿刊期等几个方面入手进一步挑选适合投稿的期刊。其次,确定论文格式这里提醒大家在撰写论文之初就要确定好投稿期刊,这样可以按照投稿期刊的要求及格式撰写论文。当然,在写完之后也可以再选择期刊,只是这样调整起来会比较麻烦。再有,提前了解与自己领域相关的审稿人员,并确定好推荐的审稿专家1、 推荐你文章中引用其文献的作者作为审稿人,最好是近几年发表的;2、 可以选在这本刊物发表过相关文章的作者;3、 选择的审稿人不能全是国内的或者亚洲或者非洲地区的,至少美洲、欧洲的审稿人得占上一半的比例吧。最后,确定投稿方式投稿方式有很多种,比如:到期刊官网通过投稿系统投稿、通过搜索期刊编辑联系方式投稿;再就是通过论文发表机构发表。这里学术顾问考虑到大部分人英文不是很好,加之两国存在时差,以及支付等方面都不是很方便,所以建议大家最好通过论文发表机构发表,效率更高,且成功率也比较大。












尽管国家有关管理部门尚未正式颁布官方的核心期刊表,但在国家有关部门的正式文件如新闻出版署《社会科学期刊质量管理标准(试行)》、《科技期刊学术评估标准》中都已认可了核心期刊在评价期刊学术、业务水平方面的作用。5、为期刊论文质量评价提供依据在科研成果中,研究论文占有较大比重,对研究论文的学术水平评价成为科研成果评价中很重要的一部分。对研究论文的评价长期以来采用专家评议来完成,由于其公正性、客观性、规范性比较差,近年来人们逐渐趋向于以期刊的质量来衡量、评价研究论文的学术水平。核心期刊是按照科学的方法和指标评选出的、审稿制度严格的、学术质量高的期刊。利用核心期刊来鉴别论文的质量,不仅能简化评价手续、提高评价效率,而且能解决因评审者研究领域不同或是外行而无法公正评价论文水平的难题。利用核心期刊评价论文质量,可供对科研人员的成果评价、专业职务评定以及评优、晋升等参考。6、为我国社科、科技论文统计分析提供依据中国科学技术信息研究所受国家科技部委托定期公布的我国科技论文年度统计分析公报,其基础工作是确定来源期刊表。该公报将科技论文分为国际、国内二种,国际以《SCI》来源期刊 30 0 0多种作为入选范围,国内以中国科技情报所选择的1000多种“中国科技论文统计源期刊”为统计依据。目前,国内有多种版本的综合性和人文、科技版核心期刊、来源期刊目录,例如北大版的《中文核心期刊目录要览》以及南大版CSSCI和中科院CSCD的来源期刊,这些工作为我国学术论文统计分析典定很好的基础。7、为数据库建设提供支持现代技术的发展,数据库建设方兴未艾。而在各类型数据库中,全文数据库愈来愈受到人们的青睐,但建设期刊全文数据库首先要确定收录期刊的范围。核心期刊所具有的特点,使得核心期刊成为全文数据库来源文献的首选。至于像SCI、CSCD、CSSCI等引文数据库的来源期刊,事实上具有核心期刊的作用,许多单位已将这些数据库的来源期刊确定为核心期刊。

(1)投稿前必须和所有作者确认:① 发给所有作者投稿的文稿,并请所有作者修改;② 作者署名和单位无误;③ 作者署名位置无争议;④ 作者同意投稿和发表;⑤ 请他们回信并确认“同意”。请务必确保每个作者都知情且同意署名。以免有人不同意,导致撤稿。另外,保密稿件需要单位同意。(2)查重报告,避免剽窃(3)伦理批件(伦理证明)(4)授权发表同意书(5)推荐审稿人/回避审稿人(6)其他

一、传播最新学术信息(公共性)和发表有学术价值的新研究成果(专有性);二、通过设计和策划一些有前沿性的、有原创意义的、有战略意义的重要选题,推动一些新的研究领域的拓展和新的学科的建设;三、通过发现优秀作者,培养学术新人,壮大社科研究队伍;四、倡导社科学术规范,弘扬良好的学术新风。 ——摘自《江西社会科学》



