

首页 职称论文知识库 问题





1 artwork 其实是一起的 就是作品的意思,你的理解是正确的。2 其实photoshop 什么的就可以看,很多自己上去找找,如果是PICT格式的话需要300像素才可以。3 在准备作品的时候,我们最后出版的排版是,全文(包括图片和文字)最小的行间距要求是0.1毫米,如果你用的软件不能改你的行间距,那么千万别用最小的行间距来排版。 特殊的电子照片应保存再相应的储蓄媒介里(要有适合的运行环境才能打开的媒介)。注意:很细的线和虚线将会出现在最后的出版中。

SCI查新(又称查重) 通过查新,确定课题的选择是否符合期刊时,主要看刊载的论文能否反映学科的最新进展,是否是热点问题、热点领域或有特殊意义的领域。 目前,我国科学研究选题与国际水平还有一定距离,只有了解国际上有关研究的动态,关注国际研究热点,选择与国际接轨的课题,才能写出高质量、有国际影响力的科研论文。 我国的科技作者与国际交流较少,由于查找外文期刊途径少,对有关学科的学术动态、前沿课题了解不够,许多科学研究选题与国际水平存在较大的分歧。 论文的质量是被SEI选上的重要因素。向SCI源期刊投稿,不同于向国内期刊投稿,论文的研究内容必须有创新性。 由此,通过SCI检索查新,可以帮助作者更多地了解国际学术研究动态,了解研究内容国际上是否有报道,选择没有人研究过的问题,开辟新领域的探索性研究;选择有人做过,但课题有可持续性课题来研究,同时,把了解到的最新进展材料对论文补充和修改,只有高质量的论文才能在国际期刊上占有一席之地。 二、关于SCI英文写作 由于SCI期刊多数为国外的期刊,且其中英国与美国的期刊占据SCI期刊约三分之二,因而我们在写作SCI文章的时候,便有了不成文的规定:写作英文文章。但是,面对不同的语言和表达习惯,常常会在英文写作中出现许多的问题,那么我们应该如何正确的写作SCI英文文章呢? 1. 要熟悉你的专业,你的实验方法,要尊重结果,实事求是面对结果,下笔之前多看看文献,尤其国外近期文献。我相信只要是正确试验得来的真实结果都是可以解释的,是可以发表的。 2. 对于初写者,“抄写”不可避免,妙在“抄写”的技巧。同类性质的研究文章,撰写格式大同小异,所以,格式可以“照抄”。常用句型可灵活“抄”用。有些描述性、结论性的句子在读懂的情况下尽量用自己的语言“抄写”和总结。谓之“妙抄”。切记:千万不可照抄未读懂的原句。 3. 尽量使用你熟悉的词汇。不要故意使用华丽、少用或罕见词汇。 4. 要舍得投入精力和时间。 5. 文章写成后,一定要请导师、老板、共同作者或同事审阅。 在写作的过程中,我们不可能一下子便发现自己在SCI英文论文写作中存在的一些疏忽,所以修改在论文初稿完成之后进行必要的修改。可是英文论文修改我们应该改哪里呢? 1、基本错误的修改。我们知道,英文论文中的错误大致可以分为以下几类。首先是基本的语法错误,词汇拼写错误,标点符号错误等低级错误。这些错误在所有错误中是最低级的,然而也是最常见的。但是在英文论文修改中处理这些错误却并不简单。首先这些基本错误分布广,数量多且分散,如果一字一句的去检查,十分耗费时间和精力。并且还有可能出现检查疏漏的情况。这时我们建议大家可以使用一些专门的电脑软件去检查。这些软件的原理很简单,就像计算机的编程软件自带的纠错系统一样,能自动检查出拼写错误,语法错误和标点符号错误。错误的部分会用红色或者黄色等显眼的颜色标出。这样可以节省下大量的时间和精力。 2、写作结构,也称为写作格式的错误。这种错误也是英文论文修改中常见的错误。比如说,书信,托福写作,学术论文等有其特定的格式。写作的时候必须按照特定的格式来写作。特别是学术论文,格式不合格的甚至会被直接退回。因为特定的格式不仅能表现出作者的严谨,还能方便读者的阅读。 3、强化逻辑,英文论文修改的最后一点,也是英文论文修改中境界最高,要求最高的一点,那就是强化文章之间和句子之间的逻辑。特别是对于英文论文这种学术性论文来说,逻辑很重要。许多作者因为英文水平不过硬,写出来的句子都是短句,或者是没有章法的长句。通过这些句子拼凑出来的英文论文逻辑性肯定不强。而且对论文水平要求越高的,文章的逻辑要求就越强。比如说SCI论文,对英文论文的逻辑要求就非常高。英文论文修改时要提高文章的逻辑水平,还是要看修改者的英文水平和逻辑意识。语言运用组织能力越好,对要写的东西认识程度越高,文章的逻辑水平就越高。 三、SCI影响因子与选刊 选择影响因子和被引频次高的期刊影响因子目前是国际上通行的期刊评价指标,是美国加菲尔德于1972年提出的。影响因子是指该期刊前两年发表论文在统计当年被引用的总次数与该期刊前两年发表的论文总数的比,是相对数。通常,期刊影响因子越大,它的学术影响力和作用也越大。 例如:国内的一位老师开始把一篇文章投到一本影响因子还不到1的杂志,但是被拒了。这位老师没放弃,在修改之后又把文章投到了学科领域内最着名的杂志,影响因子高达10,文章被接受了。这件事告诉我们,选择一个合适的期刊对于文章是否能发表有很大的影响。 由于不同学科期刊的影响因子存在很大差异,因此,选择拟投稿的期刊时应注意避免过于看重期刊影响因子的大小,作者必须要十分了解自己研究领域的重要期刊,力求所选择期刊的出版内容与稿件的专题确实密切相关,尽可能选择影响因子高且稿件的主题与期刊出版的内容相符,论文的录用率高些。 如何提高投稿论文命中率是非常重要的。查新机构为作者提供SCI论文收录及SCI引用检索服务,查阅2015影响因子总表,利用JCR检索该期刊的总被引频次和影响因子来了解期刊的学术影响力。即期刊的总被引频次和影响因子越高,则表明期刊被读者阅读和使用的可能性越大。 进而可推断该期刊的潜在的学术影响力也越大。从总被引频次和影响因子人手,帮助作者选择影响因子高的期刊为首选发表期刊。



随着世界经济全球化的加剧,人们的职业发展道路越来越国际化,对于求职者来说,一份好的英文简历是非常重要的。以下是我整理的,以供大家参考。 一: Chinese Li English Name: Eldon Li 外企习惯以英文名字作为同事间的称呼,如果你有英文名字,将会首先给你的面试官一份亲切感。 Sex: Male Born: 6/12/82 University: Beijing University Major: Marketing Address: 328#, Beijing Telephone: 1398**** 不论你是肥环瘦燕,还是鹤立鸡群,“身高体重”的话题都不要在简历中提及。在西方文化中,“身高体重”属于特别隐私性的话题。另外,政治色彩越少越好,老外一般没有兴趣知道你的政治隐私。 Job Objective: A Position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing. Education: 2000-2005 Bejing University, College Of merce Graduating in July with a B. S. degree in Marketing. Fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies. 1994-2000 The No.2 Middle School of Xian. 第二部分教育背景必须注意:求职者受教育的时间排列顺序与中文简历中的时间排列顺序正好相反,也就是说,是从求职者的最高教育层次写起。 Social Activities: 2000-2005 Secretary of the Class League Branch. 1994-2000 Class monitor. Summer Jobs: 2002 Administrative Assistant in Sales Department of Xian Nokia Factory. Responsible for public relations, correspondence, expense reports, record keeping, inventory catalog. 2003 Provisional employee of Sales Department of Xian Lijun Medical Instruments & Equipment Holdings pany. Responsible for sorting orders, shipping arrangemeents, deliveries. Hobbies: Internet-surfing, tennis, travel. English Proficiency: College English Test-Band Six. puter Skills: Microsoft office, Adobe Photoshop, etc. 大多数外企对英语及计算机水平都有一定的要求,个人的语言水平、程度可单列说明。 References will be furnished upon request. 二: CVs are a summary of your skills and achievements and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of two pages. You have the freedom to choose which format you think will most appeal to your prospective employer and so will maximise your strengths whilst minimising your weaknesses. 简历是对你所掌握的技能和取得的成就的总结,必须简洁,最多不超过两页。你可以任意选择最适合自己的简历模板,以吸引你的潜在雇主,并扬长避短。 The standard CV is the Chronological CV; this is the traditional, familiar layout and is the most monly used format. A second type is the Functional CV which focuses on skills and achievements rather than employment history and qualifications. 标准简历是以时间为序进行制作的,它的布局传统、常见,且使用频率最高。第二种形式的简历是功能型简历,侧重于对自身技能和成绩的描述,而不是工作经历和资质。 Which CV format is best for you, depends, to some extent, on your career development. If you are a recent graduate, the standard CV, which is also called a petency-based CV, is more suitable. For a more mature student, a skills-based CV works well, as it demonstrates life experiences more effectively. However it is useful for any job seeker, who is applying for a career that is not directly related to his or her degree subject or previous experience. 在某种程度上说,哪一种简历更适合自己取决于自身的职业发展情况。如果你是一名刚毕业的大学生,标准简历也称为基于个人能力的简历更为合适。对于成熟的求职者,基于技能的简历更合适,因为它能有效地描述个人经历。同时它也适用于那些寻找与自己所学专业和之前工作经历无关的工作的求职者。 Here is a standard graduate CV: 一份标准的简历应该是这样的简历括号内的绿色字型为写作提示: Paul William Marrow use bold type face to make important information stand out Home address: Other address: 45, Sunset Drive, if you have any other addresswork or university etc Manchester M3 7EY Tel. Date of Birth:6. 11. 1983 EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Universityof Tsinghua BscHons. puter Science 2007-2010 Subjects the relevant parts of your syllabus to the job you are applying for Software engineering and system software. Visualisation and puter graphics I obtained 74% in my second year exams equivalent to a 2:1include any results which are good My project involved test automation techniques, which required independent research skill *** ention relevant project or dissertation work, also useful skills such as team work or problem solving Manchester Grammar School 1999-2007 ‘A’ Levels: Mathematics C, Physics C, Biology DChinese graduates applying to a Western pany or university should establish how grades are scaled in China 7 GCSEs including Mathematics, English and Spanish WORK EXERIENCE Horse and Hounds Pub, Manchester 2007 to present Part time barmen serving customers and managing the accountsshows you can keep accounts and balance the books Odeon Cinema, Manchester Summer 2006 Assisting customers, keeping accounts and booking filmsshows more evidence of being good at numbers ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS President of Anglo-Chinese Understanding Society, Tsinghua University; involved booking guest speakersevidence of organising skills I enjoy playing football for the University football team Other interests include sailing and reading sci fi novels ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Programming skills in Java and Modula 3. Good knowledge of Linux and SQLexplain acronymsunless they are mon. In this case puter employers would know what you mean Good level of spoken Spanish Full clean driving licence REFEREES I am happy to supply these on requestit is not essential to name these in your CV and you might be running out of space. In any case you could put them in your covering letter if necessary 三: PERSONAL INFORMATION 个人资讯 DATE OF BITH : 2th SEP. 1990 NATIONALITY : CHINESE GENDER : MALE MARITAL STATUS : SINGLE CHINA LANGUAGE KNOWN: MANDARIN ENGLISHFluent Basic Infomation P.O.BOX:*********** MOB: 135*********** ADDRESS: Yue Yang Hunan Email BOX: ******************* for suitable job寻找合适的工作岗位 Respected sir: 自我介绍: Being given to understand that there exist vacancies in your esteemed organization under your favorable control. I would like to apply for the sale assistant; my brief bio-data are as follows for your kind consideration. OBJECTIVE 求职意向 To be a part of an up growing pany that i can share my load of capabilities. To contribute my professional knowledge and presentation skills with self-confidence.To improve my careerand enrich my working experince. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION 教育认证 ● SECONDARY SCHOOL FROM GOVT .OF CHINA ● GUILIN INSTITUTE OF TOURSIM MANAGEMENT TRAINING ATTENDED 培训经历 1.HEALTH SAFETY 2.BASIC FOOD SAFETY HYGIENE 3.PLAINT HANDLING 4.PROFESSIONAL IMAGE 5.SELLING TECHNIQUES 6.PUTER BASIS 7.EMERGENCY TRAINING CROSS TRAINING Language skills EnglishWell Hear & SpeakWell, Read & WriteWell English Grade: CET-6 CUSTOMER SERVICE ● TRAININGSHENZHEN SHANGRI-LA HOTEL ● PROMOTION TRAINING3M CHINA LIMITED WORKING EXPERIENCE ● Worked as a waiter in GuiLin Shangri-la hotel,Guilin sheraton hotel . ● Worked as a trainee in ShenZhen Shangri-la hotel in health club. ● Worked as a promoter in 3M CHINA LIMITED for one year . I got a lot of sales experience. I also assure that I can up to my colleagues and guests satisfaction。 I am looking forward to your early confirmation, with thanks from the bottom of my heart。








1、个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permanent Domicile, Nationality, Marital Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.

2、职业意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels

3、资历: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.

4、经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写

5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, California

Editorial and Marketing Trainee

5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, California

Sales Clerk


Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987

Bachelor of Science

Beijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 1985

6、技术资历与特长(Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills)

7、著作及专利(Publications and Patents)

8、社会活动(Social Activity)

9、荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)

10、爱好及兴趣(Hobbies and Interests)


一、英文 简历 撰写注意事项:1.多用无主句2.年代顺序由近及远3.单项标题大写4.纸张一般为16开或A4二、英文个人 简历 表的基本内容1、个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permanent Domicile, Nationality, Marital Status, Children, Religion, Party Affiliation, Health, Height, Weight, Present Address, Permanent Address.2、职业意向:Objective/or: Position Wanted: A position as English Instructor, preferably handling students from the intermediate to the advanced levels3、资历: QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, major in marketing.4、经历(Job Experience):一般逆序写。5/86-12/86 University of California Press, Berkeley, CaliforniaEditorial and Marketing Trainee5/86-8/86 Wyatt and Duncan Interiors, Berkeley, CaliforniaSales Clerk5. 文化程度(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。例如:Master of Science with concentration in Electronics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Sept.,1985 to June, 1987Bechelor of ScienceBeijing University, Department of Electrical Engineering, from Sept.,1981 to July, 19856.技术资历与特长(Technical Qualifications/ Special Skills)7.著作及专利(Publications and Patents)8.社会活动(Social Activity)9.荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)10.爱好及兴趣(Hobbies and Interests)


SCI期刊对收到的稿件有明确的要求,那么在投稿SCI论文投稿需要准备什么材料或做哪些准备呢? 1、格式排版。投稿前需要按照期刊的格式要求进行格式排版,有一些期刊还提供格式模板,作者投稿前应该按照期刊格式要求仔细排版。排版可以起到美化论文的作用,一篇没排版的论文就像裸妆的美女是很难给人好印象的。 排版的过程中,尤其要注意的是参考文献的排版,各个期刊对参考文献格式都有明确要求,按照参考文献排版是一个繁琐和考验耐心的工作,您可以借助endnote等参考文献管理工具进行参考文献排版。图表的格式是排版过程另外一个需要特别注意的问题,很多期刊对图表有严格的要求,比如图片的分辨率不能低于300。图片中的字体和字号期刊也有明确的要求。有一些期刊图表可以放到正文里面一起提交,也有很多期刊要求图表是分别单独提交的,而不是放到正文里面。 2、撰写cover letter。cover letter是作者向期刊编辑推荐自己的稿件,一般包括稿件内容介绍、为什么适合投稿期刊、推荐专家、稿件没投稿、作者联系信息等情况。cover letter是不会公开出版的。 3、撰写highlight。为了让读者更快了解文章的要点,很多期刊还要求作者撰写3-5条highlight来概括文章的亮点。highlight要求必须精练,有明确的字数要求,一般不超过85个字符(含空格)。 4、推荐3-5个审稿专家。找到合适的专家是编辑头疼的事情之一,推荐3-5个审稿专家可以帮助期刊编辑迅速寻找到合适的审稿专家。

















1.期刊投稿一般是要给期刊发每位作者的照片和对应作者的简介的。2. 投稿论文时是需要填写关于作者的个人信息的,方便编辑和作者联系,在投稿的时候要看所投的稿件是怎么规定的。3. 阅读并遵守期刊的投稿须知非常重要。每个期刊都会针对各类文章提出详细的投稿要求,包括字数、作者数量、图表、作者的经济利益披露、剽窃、代写等。遵守投稿须知,论文不一定会被接收,但不遵守一定会被拒稿。


对文章的主要作者可按以下顺序刊出其简介:姓名(出生年-), 性别(民族--汉族可省略),籍贯, 职称, 学位,简历以及研究方向(任选)。在简介前加 “作者简介:”或 “[作者简介]”作为标识。同一篇文章的其他主要作者简介可以在同一 “作者简介:”或“[作者简介]”的标识后相继列出,其间以分号“;”隔开,最后以“.”或“。”结束。?英文文章的作者简介用 “Biography:”(单一作者)或“Biographies:”(多作者)作为标识。从以上可以看出,论文发表作者简介内容其实很简单,但要写得有水平,需要一定的文笔基础。甚至一些期刊杂志,就因为作者简介方面不过审,要求作者按照标准修改,否则不给予审稿通过,安排见刊。


Ryan Guo


+86-136-XXXX-XXXX |



Sep 2010– Jun 2013        J&J University              Mathematics               Master                        Top 10%

Sep 2006– Jun 2010        J&J University              Information System   Bachelor                      Top 30%

3、工作经历 (下面范例是刚刚毕业同学版本,包含实习和校园活动)


Jul 2012– Aug 2012        XX Pharmaceutical Company                                               Sales Summer Intern

§ Supported the team’s visiting and sales management of 11 hospitals, the revenue in Aug was 40% exceeding the target;

§ Be responsible for the invitation for XXX forum. Invited 50 guests (70% of total) in one-week time via cold call, and ensure their attendance and satisfaction level;

§ Visited the newly opened hospital to understand their needs. Successfully invited key decision makers to visit our plant and reached the initial purchasing alignment

Jan 2012– present          XX FMCG Company                                                          Marketing Interviewer

§ Conducted the market survey for Johnson’s Baby, Neutrogena, and Listerine. Accomplished 2,421 surveys within one month, the completion and credibility rate was the top among 30-interviewer team;

§ Gain the 1st line experience to interact with customers, understand the systematic market research knowledge, and brand position and segmentation.


Jun 2011– Jun 2012       Johnson &Johnson Tomorrow Leader School (TLS)                    President

§ Launched a project team, developed 15 core members, and over 300 volunteers in 1 year, widely promoted the activity to other campuses;

§ Held the 1st Business Challenge “EDIT DREAM” thoroughly planned and run by TLS members, enhanced 90% of participants’ understanding of J&J and TLS;

§ Took an active part in MKT course, gained knowledge of insight, brand equity, and 4P.

Sep 2010– Sep 2011        Postgraduate student union of School of Chemistry        Minister of Publicity Dep.

§ In charge of two commercial lectures held in succession, attendance up to 87/100, 180/200; The propaganda mode was still used today;

§ Won the Bid Conference with highest score (1/9).



Apr 2012                            Second Prize of C Company Social Media Competition             Top 2%

Oct 2011                             Award for social work in A University A Class                           Top 10%

Oct 2011                             Second prize of Academic Scholarship (Twice)                         Top 10%

Dec 2006                             Academic award of B University in three years                   Top 20%



§ English: CET-4 (604) / CET-6 (541)

§ IT: proficient in Excel/PowerPoint/Word

§ Hobby: jogging, traveling


怎样才能写出一份完美的英文求职 简历 ,下面是由我分享的英文工作简历 范文 ,希望对你有用。 英文工作简历范文(一) Mark Williams 300 Boylston, Phoenix, AZ 85123, (123)-486 7891. OBJECTIVE: Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Manhattan area. SUMMARY: More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience. Auditor internship with Ernst And Young in New York City. Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting. Proficient with MS Office, Windows XP, and the Internet. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2003 Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale Courses taken included: Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation Intermediate Accounting I And II Financial Management Accounting I And II Internal Audit Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics EXPERIENCE: Auditor Internship, May 2002 to August 2002 Ernst And Young, New York, New York Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including development of the final certification report. Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors. Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors. Received Employee of the Month award twice—first intern ever to win the award. Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2000 to Present Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing. Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system. Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers. ACTIVITIES: Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2002-2003 Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2002-2003 英文工作简历范文(二) Richard Anderson 4309 S Morgan Street, Tucson AZ 95705, (123)-386 7890. An accounting manager with more than 16 years' experience in setting up and directing accounting departments, system reviews and financial reporting and analysis for public and private corporations and small businesses. Expertise includes Securities and Exchange Commission filings, tax preparations, automated general ledger accounting systems, audit management and training of staff. Outstanding interpersonal and communications skills. EXPERIENCE: Good Health Ltd., Los Angeles, California 1989-Present Accounting Manager Prepare monthly, quarterly and annually audited consolidated financial statements for a public healthcare company with net revenues of $500 million. For five years running, financial statements for state, federal, shareholders and the securities exchange commission were prepared on time. Substantially reduced significant audit adjustments through better financial controls. Participated in the successful conversion to the G.T.E. hospital-based general ledger system without any interruption of accounting operations. Completed three years of delayed reporting for the pension plan and kept it and other employee benefit plans current on a timely basis for more than 5,000 employees. Developed a system to track primary and fully diluted earnings per share calculations including common stock equivalents. Revised the 10K format in compliance with segment reporting requirements and other recent GAAP pronouncements. Christine Smith, CPA, Los Angeles, California 1987-1989 Accounting Manager Performed public accounting for small businesses, professionals and non-profit organizations with emphasis on financial statements, taxes and audits. Opened the way for a 35% growth in services and revenues. Provided improved controls for internal operations. Upgraded the ten most important clients' financial reports to the latest GAAP pronouncements. Big Bank Corporation, Los Angeles, California 1985-1987 Accounting Supervisor Underwrote tax exempt securities, equipment finance leases and provided financial advisory services for municipalities located throughout the Western United States. Organized a new accounting department and recruited and trained four accountants. Designed and implemented a database for investor payment tracking covering leases valued in excess of $20 million. Funded transactions on a timely basis upwards to $13 million per case without a single mishap. Reconciled a large leasing account saving $5 million in unaccounted transactions. Business Enterprises, Inc., Los Angeles, California 1981-1983 Internal Auditor Conducted audits to determine if business units were following company policies and procedures. Performed financial audits in addition to the company's independent CPA staff. Improved productivity by eliminating an average of two weeks field time during audits. Designed and implemented a department performance evaluation system to replace a non-functioning one. Trained four college graduates in principles of auditing that became permanent staff. Charted internal control systems for non-utility subsidiaries that pointed out system weaknesses and reduced loss risks. Accountants Company, Los Angeles, California 1978-1981 Semi-Senior Accountant Performed audits for large publicly held corporations and medium-sized privately owned companies in manufacturing and retail industries. Audited pension and profit sharing plans. During this period, fulfilled professional experience that led to CPA certification in California. Managed small- to medium-sized audits during the second year. Managed physical inventory counts for more than 25 clients. EDUCATION: University of San Diego, San Diego, California Bachelor of Science Degree, Accounting, 1978 AFFILIATIONS: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants California Society of Certified Public Accountants Board Member, Girl Scout Council LICENSES: Certified Public Accounting, California, #11111



Annie Smith

69 N. Grant Street, Mid Lake City, California 84301

Cell :( 988) 598-1331


Career Objectives:To gain the position of a Customer Service Billing Administrator where my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.

Core Competencies:

Good knowledge of mathematics that can handle complex billing tasks

Excellent analytical and problem solving skills

Proficient in computer applications like Excel, Word and Outlook

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Ability to handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines

Proficient in handling tasks independently as well as a part of the billing team

Ability to handle sensitive and private information in a professional manner

Educational Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from University of California in the year 20xx

Work History:

Organization: CF Engineering Groups, California

Duration: March 20xx till date

Designation: Customer Service Billing Administrator

Responsible for processing the organization billing through a weekly cycle in the Deltek FMS database

Handles the tasks of supervising and monitoring every stage of processing invoice

Performs responsibility like issuing various reports and other administrative tasks like filing and copying and updates the same to the billing manager

Produces invoices as well as distributes and mails the invoices to the concerned person

Handles tasks like Issuing and Processing Billing Reports

Responsible for Data Entry of time sheets, and expenses on a daily basis

Assist department in handling day-to-day functions on areas of billing

Organization: NKOI Group Co Inc, California

Duration: January 20xx to February 20xx

Designation: Billing Administrator

Perform tasks like maintaining records for management reports and inventories of supplies required

Handles the charge of making proper calculations of the charges for jobs performed as well as maintains some billing logs

Reviews the invoices for general cost charging errors

Coordinates as well as responds to all service calls required by customer

Performs filing duties in accordance with the specific request

Responsible for handling day-to-day clerical duties like typing, filing and handling mails

Personal Details:

Name: Annie Smith

Date of Birth: 15/03/1978

Employment Status: Full time

Relationship status: Married


Mr. Charlie Smith

Customer Service Billing Head

Lopez Associates Co Inc, California




Female, 22,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 5000-8000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe

Objective: nurse/nursing staff

Work experience (work for 11 months, do 2 job)

Keep on brain hospital

Working hours: between January 20xx and July 20xx [6 months]

Job title: nurse baiyun mountain

Working time: July ** to December ** 5 months

Job title: nurse

Education experience

Graduated in June 20xx Meizhou city health nursing vocational and technical school

Franklin Crowe

124 Franklin Street,

Melbourne, VIC 20xx


Telephone No: 61-3-9329-3476

Email id:

Career Objective

To achieve a senior, development-oriented position which requires professional know-how, educational background, technical knowledge, and a dedication for excellence will have valuable implementation.

Academic Background

Achieved Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Hampbell College of Business, Melbourne, Australia in the year 1994.

Computer Programming Skills

Knowing Office Package: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook Express.

Knowing Operating Systems: Windows9X, Windows20xx, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Professional Background

Since 20xx working as a Tax Inspector in the Higher Tax Office of the Internal Revenue Commission, Sydney, Australia and is responsibly handling the following:

Analyzing both individual and company tax files for comprehensiveness and exactness.

Consulting tax claims and settlements in resolving differences or conflicts and resolving inequities arising from wrong information, absence of information at time of initial recording.

Responding to inquiries on matters related to tax as to policies and measures.

Determining penalties as bound by law and route claims for collection procedure.

Examining company payment records for exactness.

Executing collections with the help of direct payment to the Collector General's Office.

Organizing, instructing, scheduling, and monitoring 25 employees.

Assorting monthly statistical data base for permanent report and data for national reports.

Monitoring performance of subordinates and offer selections of traders and vendors.

From 1995-20xx worked as a Director in The Revenue Commission Social Club, Canberra, Australia, and efficiently handled the following responsibilities:

Organized in general operations and functioning of the Club representing employees and staffs of the revenue commissioners.

Retained facility of four bars, large function rooms, multi-gym, saunas, indoor basketball arena, and additional space areas.

Recruited and terminated, organized, instructed, and motivated employees.

Monitored office administration, accounting and member details.

Maintained for time to time equipment substitution, control and bid-purchases.

Andre Norbert

City, State

24th ABC, Boulevard Home: 10021-002365-54897

Cell: 1250-12548-98751


Career Profile:

A highly talented, accomplished and professional SAP B1 Consultant with proven track record of developing quality software products. Seeking a position as Senior B1 consultant to utilize my skills and proficiency in a renowned IT firm.

Areas of Interest :

Possess excellent knowledge of OOPs and SDLC

Highly motivated, self-driven and excellent team player

Ability to comprehend and modify the configuration of software applications and web services

Familiar with coding and software engineering life cycles

Possess voluminous knowledge of database and pays attention to details

Possess extensive knowledge of core CRM business processes

Highly skilled in SAP Business One Module and designing Print Layout

Goal oriented and ability to perform tasks under pressure

Technical skills:

In-depth knowledge of Windows 20xx, XP, SQL server, Vista, IIS and .NET infrastructure and technologies

Knowledge of Languages like SQL, HTML ,C# ,Visual Basic .Net , .NET Framework, complex XML Schema and Java script

Extensive knowledge of SQL Server 20xx, SQL scripting, SQL Batch Jobs, SQL DTS Packages and SQL back-end

Professional Experience:

ABC Global software solutions, Boulevard

20xx to till date

SAP B1 Consultant

Handled the tasks of installing and configuring business applications

Responsible for developing menus and screens by using the method of dialog programming

Developed and designed process to integrate Business One with 3-party applications

Assigned the tasks of developing project plans and schedules

Handled the tasks of supervising and maintaining MS SQL backups and SQL servers

Responsible for recommending and responding to issues and questions regarding software implementation

Assigned the tasks of creating reports by using Queries, User Defined fields ,Formatted searches and User Defined tables

Handled the tasks of conducting training to users on SAP's functionality

Assisted users regarding screen and menus development to streamline their process flow

TRITECH Software, Boulevard

20xx to 20xx

SAP B1 Consultant

Assigned the tasks of developing forms and structures of Print Layout Designs

Assisted the Project Manager in handling a project with a software company, Evitable Inc., based in Cuba City, Boulevard

Responsible for providing technical support in case of issues related to SAP Business One, software and SQL Server setup

Handled the tasks of working out in ERP designed for mid-sized and small business firms

Performed other tasks as assigned

Educational Qualifications:

Bachelor of science in Computer, Boulevard Science college, Boulevard 19XX

Master's degree in Information systems, Information Technology Center, Boulevard 19XX

Certificate course in SAP B 1, ABC center, Boulevard 19XX


Will be available upon request










