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Along with the Chinese economy's fast development, the seaborne commerce channel becomes the Chinese foreign trade the lifeline, China is increasing largely year by year by way of the South China Sea - Straits of Malucca - Indian Ocean route's trade. This article through to the route physical geography condition and the economical trade present situation's analysis, understood route important position which and display important function occupies in the Chinese foreign trade. Route's security and stable direct relation China foreign economical trade overall security, also then affects the Chinese economic security and the social stability, but the Straits of Malucca is the entire route's pharynx and larynx and the weak link, regarding this, must strengthen our country and takes the corresponding measures to the South China Sea - Malacca - Indian Ocean route security strategy research, guaranteed that our country foreign economical trade the security and carries on smoothly.


Content summary: Along with the Chinese economy's fast development, the seaborne commerce channel becomes the Chinese foreign trade the lifeline, China is increasing largely year by year by way of the South China Sea - Straits of Malucca - Indian Ocean route's trade. This article through to the route physical geography condition and the economical trade present situation's analysis, understood route important position which and display important function occupies in the Chinese foreign trade. Route's security and stable direct relation China foreign economical trade overall security, also then affects the Chinese economic security and the social stability, but the Straits of Malucca is the entire route's pharynx and larynx and the weak link, regarding this, must strengthen our country and takes the corresponding measures to the South China Sea - Malacca - Indian Ocean route security strategy research, guaranteed that our country foreign economical trade the security and carries on smoothly. Key word: South China Sea, Straits of Malucca, Indian Ocean, route, foreign trade.

After cigarette smoke, your body will immediately the following changes: (1) speedup the heart rate, bloodpressure; 2) cough; 3) to reduce lung capacity, breathing bad; 4) fingers, toes, skin temperature; 5) to increase gastric acid; 6) trembling fingers; 7) urinary reduced; 8) loss of appetite reduce the senses of taste and smell; 9) dizziness, eye tears; 10) to reduce memory Smoking can affect many parts of the body, the most direct impact on the two major systems: respiratory and circulatory system. (1) respiratory 1) Smoking can damage lung function, sputum and toxic substances can not be ruled out, bacteria reproduced. Long-term stimulation, the formation of chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive airway, and further to the development of emphysema, coronary heart disease. 2) large quantities of tar smoke carcinogens attached to the respiratory tract, long-term stimulation can cause various parts of the respiratory tract cancer, lung cancermainly Other oral cancer, lip cancer, larynx and so on. (2) the impact of smoking on the circulatory system 1) the nicotine content in cigarettes will enable faster heart rate, while systolic bloodvessels, is high bloodpressure; 2) blood vessels in the long-term contraction, leading to hardening of the arteries, luminalnarrowing, reducing the transmission of blood; 3) nutrition myocardium after coronary artery, so that myocardial oxygen supply has been reduced, myocardial cell degeneration and necrosis, resulting in coronary heart disease; 4) Nutrition brain cells of artery hardening of the arteries, weakening of the vascular wall elasticity can be induced by cerebrovascular bleeding, luminalnarrowing, and even cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism, resulting in "stroke"; 5) continued, a large number of inhaled carbon monoxide to make the body hypoxia, can increase the above diseases .. scientists in recent years, according to research findings, from a health perspective, people once again to put forward a reason to quit smoking, with a view to arouse the people of the world attention. (1)Smoking not only endanger their own health, but also pollute the environment, endanger the surrounding non-smokers, especially women and children. Many people know that smoking damages health, but he did not know the seriousness of the health hazards of smoking. You quit smoking! (2)Smoking easily lead to insomnia, compared with non-smokers, smokers fall asleep and sleep more difficult. Nicotine in cigarettes can interfere with REM sleep, resulting in a decline in the quality of sleep. Smokers also more prone to snoring, daytime fatigue easy to doze off. (3)Smokers susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, a man's 42,000 study found that with the non-smokers compared to smokers occurred in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus the possibility of higher than 1 percent. 30 ~ 40-year-old author of smokers suffered a heart attack than non-smokers of the same age 5 times high. United Kingdom A 46 000 cases of smokers in the survey found for the first time, young smokers the risk of heart attack increased significantly, while the volume of smoke containing medium tar cigarettes than those who smoke low-tar cigarette volume of the heart attack rate by 10 %. (4)Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of stroke, British scientists 7 264 middle-aged men study confirmed that a large number of smokers (more than 1 pack per day), 5 years to quit smoking can halve the risk of stroke. And smoking less than 1 pack per day, and 5 years to quit smoking can reduce the risk of stroke is not the level of smokers. (5)Long-term smoking can cause breastcancer studies have shown that women who smoke 30 years than any other woman to have a high risk of breastcancer 60 percent, which occurred in breastcancer, the average age is 59 years old, rather than for the 67-year-old smokers . (6)Smoking women with mild thyroid disease may increase the smoking would be a clear increase indigenous women suffer from mild thyroid disease may lead to thyroid failure. The study also found that women smokers, the average serumHDL (good cholesterol) lower than non-smokers, the former heart attack was significantly higher than the latter. (7)Smoking wrinkles caused by a 1 000 40 ~ 49-year-old population study found that female smokers noticeable wrinkles for female non-smokers 3 times is because smoking will damage those essential to maintain skin elasticity vascular connective tissue. (8)High incidence of lung cancer caused by smoking has been that men die of lung cancer and smoking is closely related to the recent study found that women die from lung cancer due to smoking also increased significantly. After a number of years to quit smoking is a safe point of view is wrong. Smokers to quit smoking has occurred in the duration of the risk of lung cancer than previously thought much longer. One study found that half of patients with lung cancer for people who have quit smoking. This is not to say no role to quit smoking, but warned that only the sooner the more security to kick the habit. (9)The best reason to quit smoking is to set a good example. As the 50-year-old who died of a heart attack 80% caused by smoking, so parents have to quit smoking as role models for the next generation. Family and communityto deal with young people to carryout publicity and education on the hazards of smoking, research has proved that if the 19-year-old former non-infected with this nasty habit, then after a very small possibility of becoming habitual smokers


《科学》(英语:Science)是美国科学促进会(英语:American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。《科学》是发表最好的原始研究论文、以及综述和分析当前研究和科学政策的同行评议的期刊之一。该杂志于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”(American Association for the Advancement of Science ,AAAS)的官方刊物。全年共51期,为周刊,全球发行量超过150万份。




1、《Journal of Materials Science Technology》The aims of this journal are to enhance the international exchange of scientific activities.

《Journal of Materials Science Technology》登世界各国的具有创新性和较高学术水平的原始性论文,该杂志已被誉为看中国材料研究发展趋势的一个窗口。所设栏目:letters、review articles、original papers、research notes、brief scientifie achievement.

2、《International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials》目前已经被多个国际著名检索机构收录,

在国内外享有较好声誉,《International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials》主要刊载矿业工程(Mineral)、


3、《先进材料界面》英文期刊名称《Advanced Materials Interfaces》是由GERMANY出版。期刊ISSN:2196-7350,2017-2018最新影响因子:,2017-2018自引率:。

4、《应用粘土科学》英文期刊名称《APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE》由NETHERLANDS出版。出版周期:双月刊。期刊ISSN:0169-1317,2017-2018最新影响因子:,2017-2018自引率:20%。

5、《应用表面科学》英文期刊名称《APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE》由NETHERLANDS出版,出版周期:半月刊。期刊ISSN:0169-4332,2017-2018最新影响因子:,2017-2018自引率:。
















第五级-D类:一般公开刊物论文,指在国内公开发行的刊物上(有期刊号“CN”“ISSN” ,有邮发代号)发表的论文。



补充资料: 《求知导刊》于2013年正式发刊,属于一般的普通中文期刊,未被核心期刊数据库收录。其基本信息如下:主办单位:广西出版杂志社;出版周期:半月;ISSN:2095-624X;CN:45-1393/N;出版地:广西壮族自治区南宁市;语种:中文;开本:大16开;邮发代号:48-128;创刊时间:2013。










中国社会科学院文献信息中心1996年开始进行人文社会科学文献计量研究工作, 建有“社会科学论文统计分析数据库”、“中国人文社会科学引文数据库”、社科论文摘转量统计库。







全称The New England Journal of Medicine,由美国麻州医学协会1811年创办的评审性质医学期刊和综合性医学期刊,始称《新英格兰医学与外科期刊》,经常被列为世界学术期刊医学领域中拥有最高影响因子之刊物。




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Wiley Online Library为全学科期刊全文数据库,出版物涵盖学科范围广泛——包括化学、物理学、工程学、农学、兽医学、食品科学、医学、护理学、口腔医学、生命科学、心理学、商业、经济学、社会科学、艺术、人类学等多个学科大约1600多种期刊,以及很多其它重要的跨学科领域的期刊。

SpringerLink是全球最大的在线科学、技术和医学(STM)领域学术资源平台。Springer 的电子图书数据库包括各种的Springer图书产品,如专著、教科书、手册、地图集、参考工具书、丛书等。具体学科涉及:数学、物理与天文学、化学、生命科学、医学、工程学、计算机科学、环境科学、地球科学、经济学、法律。

ProQuest商业信息、学术研究、应用科技数据库涉及商业管理、社会与人文科学、科学与技术、金融与税务、医药学等广泛领域。提供期刊、报纸、参考书、参考文献、书目、索引、地图集、绝版书籍、记录档案、博士论文和学者论文集等各种类型的信息服务,其中ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global(PQDT Global)是目前世界上规模最大、使用最广泛的博硕士论文数据库。

PubMed 是一个免费的搜寻引擎,提供生物医学方面的论文搜寻以及摘要的数据库。它的数据库来源为MEDLINE。其核心主题为医学,但亦包括其他与医学相关的领域,像是护理学或者其他健康学科。提供指向全文提供者(付费或免费)的链接。


IEEE(Institute of Electrical & ElectronicsEngineers)是电气电子工程师协会IEEE和国际工程技术协会IET的全文库。IEEE致力于电气、电子、计算机工程和与科学有关的领域的开发和研究,在太空、计算机、电信、生物医学、电力及消费性电子产品等领域已制定了1300多个行业标准,现已发展成为具有较大影响力的国际学术组织。





