
> 学术论文知识库

首页 学术论文知识库 问题






Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

Significance of the study 29-30

Organization of the study 30-31

A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

Defining coherence 32-33

T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

Training in T/TP 47-49

Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

Theme and thematic progression 55-70

Theme 56-62

Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

The participants and the educational context 70-73

Background of the participants and the participating school 70

The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

The sample sizes 71-72

The pilot study 72-73

The interventional procedures 73-74

The questionnaire 74-75

The training 75-80

Considerations behind the training 75-76

The training material 76-79

The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

Data analysis 80-86

Analysis of the writing 80-86

Analysis of the questionnaire 86

Ethical considerations 86-88

Informed consent 86-87

Anonymity 87

Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

Interpersonal Themes 100-102

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

Interpersonal Themes 126-129

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

Interpersonal Themes 145-147

Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

Findings from closed questions 155-160

EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

Findings from open questions 160-164

The changes that occurred 161-162

The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

Implications 190-194

Pedagogical implication 190-193

Methodological implication 193-194

Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

Summary 195-197

Putting everything together 197-199

Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

Motivation of the present study 7-8

Significance of this study 8

Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

Language production 10-14

L1 Production 10-11

L2 Production 11-12

Dimensions of language production 12-14

Theories on oral output 14-15

Skehan’s dual-model system 14

Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

Task Repetition 15-17

Task 15-16

Task repetition 16-17

Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


Research justification and questions 19

Hypothesis 19-20

Methods 20-25

Participants 20-21

Material 21

Research design 21-23

Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

Results and Analysis 25-34

Quantitative analysis 25-27

Qualitative analysis 27-34

Discussion 34-41

Fluency 34-36

Complexity 36-38

Accuracy 38-39

interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

Conclusion and implication 41-43

Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54


Chapter 1 Introduction

Research Background

Significance of the Study

Research Goals and Questions

Data Collection and Methodology

Analysis Procedures

Organization of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Introduction to Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory

Studies on Appraisal Theory Abroad

Studies on Appraisal Theory at Home

Studies on Personal Statements

Introduction to Personal Statement


Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework

An Overview of Attitude System

Affect Resources

Judgment Resources

Social Esteem

Social Sanction

Appreciation Resources

Interactions of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation

Borders of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation


Appendix 1: Papers Published during Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Some Samples of the Study



英语论文提纲 范文


一、 title

from a new woman to a victim

二、 introduction

in china, the position of women becomes higher and higher, but discrimination and violence are existed all the same. there are a lot of women who have the same experience with desdemona. the intention of this study is to tell the importance of women’s independence in this modern society.

my attention was first directed to introduce desdemona and the good points of her character. this is because she is a new woman in the first two acts. then i put much attention on analyzing the reasons of her change. last i pointed out that women in modern society should learn from desdemona and try to be independent. however , the independence is not mean to stand against her husband or her father, but it means to find her own position in the society and establish a positive outlook on life. women should be independent not only from spirit, but also from finance.


1 introduction

a brief introduction of othello

a particular introduction of desdemona as a new woman

2 the reasons of turning from a new woman to a victim

a deion of women’s position in the 16th of england

the influence of patriarchy-centered culture

desdemona’s own weakness of her character

3 the impact of desdemona on women in modern society.

social problems on women

the reasons why women should be independent

the new meaning of “independence”

what women should do if they want to be independent

from spirit

from finance


theory guidance

1 feminism

2 freudian psychology



























I 英语毕业论文提纲的写作流程:























英语毕业论文提纲的写作流程:1.提纲写作需要先拟定论文标题.2.根据论文题目写出总论点.3.结合总论点考虑全篇的整体布局.4.确定论文的整体布局后再逐步考虑总论点下面的分论点,直至确定论点句.5.结合段落部署,把相关材料组合起来,以便写作过程中的随用随取.6.进行全面的检查,对于不必要的内容进行不必要的删减.英语专业毕业论文提纲要求学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分.(一)前置1.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成.2.目录:由论文的中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页.3.中、英文内容论文摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在200字左右4关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语.为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文,关键词,,这些关键词就是论文的中心词,以显著的字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要的左下方.各关键词之间用,分号,隔开.外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应.(二)主体部分主题部分包括引言(introduction)、正文(body)、结论(conclusion)、参考文献(bibliography).主体部分必须由另页右页开始.1.引言:主要说明研究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等.2.正文:论文的正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅.一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证.要求论据充分,论点明确.行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读.正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项的序号编码方法,采用阿拉伯数分级系列编号法,论文中的章、条、款、项依次排列,依次从1开始,连续编号,中间用,.,相隔,最末级编号之后不加点.3.结论:学位论文的结论是最终的、总体的结论,它是对正文部分的论述的概述,也可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、尚待解决的问题等.毕业论文提纲的编写方法: 标题式写法用简洁的文字凝练出标题,并将这部分内容概括出来.这种写法的好处是简洁明了,一目了然,但是这种方法存在一定的缺陷,作者本人对此非常了解熟悉,但是外人乍看没有眉目,因此,在毕业论文的提纲写作中,很少使用这种方法. 句子式写法就是用表述完整通畅的句子将所要描述出来的内容进行概括,这种写法更为具体,更为明确,自己了解的同时也能让外人看得懂.因为毕业论文不是针对个人,因此在毕业论文提纲的写作中得到广泛应用.2.毕业论文提供的修改推敲毕业论文提纲写好后,需要进行推敲和修改,修改的过程中需要注意以下几点: 题目是否合适.题目是一篇文章的精华所在,其重要性不容忽视,不合适的论文题目会对接下来的论文写作带来阻碍. 结构是否合理.合理的结构需要点明主题的基础上围绕主题进行拓展延伸,划分层次和段落,提高文章的逻辑性,检查过渡是否自然,然后进行全局性的把控. 层次是否完善.提纲的层次必须完善,每个层次必须保证清晰,总论点应该重点突出,序论和结论部分应该简明扼要.本论是全文的重点,是需要集中精力写的一部分,因此,提纲应该罗列地详细一点,层层深入,体现总论和分论的巧妙融合.希望能帮到你

英语论文提纲 格式


Acknowledgements 4-5

Abstract 5

摘要 6-9

Chapter One Introduction 9-16

Introduction 9

Background of the Study 9-12

Purpose of the Study 12-13

Significance of the Research 13-14

Thesis Structure 14-16

Chapter Two Literature Review 16-25

Introduction 16

Theoretical Background of Communicative Language Teaching 16-19

Concept of Communicative Competence 16-17

Hymes'Idea on Communicative Competence 17-18

Canale and Swain's Theory 18-19

Overview of Communicative Language Teaching 19-22

Development of Communicative Language Teaching in China 19-20

Features of Communicative Language Teaching 20-22

Relationship between Language Testing and Language Teaching 22

Summary 22-25

Chapter Three Analysis of IELTS Speaking Test and Questionnaire 25-36

Introduction 25

Analysis of IELTS Speaking Test 25-28

Structure of IELTS Speaking Test 25-27

Communicative Approach Embodied in IELTS Speaking Test 27-28

The Questionnaire 28-34

Design 28-29

Participants 29-32

Methods 32

General Results 32-34

Summary 34-36

Chapter Four Findings and Discussion 36-54

Introduction 36

Chinese Candidates'Performance in IELTS Speaking Test 36-38

IELTS Candidates'Attitude towards Oral English Teaching 38-43

Explanations for the Situation 43-45

Implications for College Oral English Teaching 45-52

Teaching Goal 46-47

Teaching Content 47-48

Teaching Methods 48-51

Make Use of Modern Teaching Equipment 51

Establish an Extracurricular Supervision System 51-52

Improve Oral English Testing and Evaluation 52

Summary 52-54

Chapter Five Conclusion 54-57

Summary of the Findings 54-55

Limitations and Suggestion for Further Study 55-57

Appendix Questionnaire 57-58

Bibliography 58-62







小说中的人物描写是十分重要的, 能够表现人物的性格,体现人物的形象,提示人物的思想。读者只有深入了解人物描写的写作方法和作用,才能真正把握人物的性格特点,才能理解作者所要表达的中心思想。在写作人物分析论文之前,一般导师都会要求先确定大纲,那么人物分析论文大纲写作有哪些干货呢?且听WOSCI沃斯编辑的我慢慢道来。 拟订写作提纲。 拟订写作提纲是论文写作的开始。提纲是论文发表的雏形,通过它把论文的主要观点和结构用文字固定、明确下来,使论文构思更完善,起到组织材料、思考缜密、防止遗漏的作用。在提纲的拟订的过程中,要完成下面几项工作。 (1)明确文章的中心论点和分论点。 中心论点也叫总论点。它是作者将要在文章中阐述的核心观点。文章里的全部材料都是为它服务的。中心论点在文章中就像血脉一样贯通全篇。但是,要想把中心论点阐述得具体、切实,就得分解成若干个分论点。分解中心论点的根据一定要明确、统一,前后一致。分解出的分论点,既要有紧密的内在联系,又要有外在的序列形式。每个分论点都是中心论点的构成部分,几个分论点的综合就是中心论点。全文就是根据分论点的序列展开的。 (2)安排分论点的的序列。 明确了有几个分论点以后,要把它们排列起来。安排时,论文发表要根据中心论点的需要和分论点的内在关系作全面分析。可以分成几个方面一一论述,也可以由主到次,由大到小,由轻到重地论述。这也就是前面所讲的两种情况,并列关系和递进关系。 (3)材料对号入座。 把将要写到文章里的材料,根据分论点的需要分组,属于同一分论点的材料放在一组。有几个分论点,就有几组材料。到撰写时,写到哪个分论点,就自然用到哪个材料。 进行了上述工作之后,要形成具体的写作提纲。常用的提纲类型有两种: 第一,列项式提纲:粗线条地搭起全文的框架。用简洁、概括的词组、句子、材料序号,把中心论点、分论点、材料一一排开,制成一个草图。例如论文“浅析学生掌握几何概念过程中的思维障碍及其对策”的列项式提纲如下: 分析产生障碍的原因,探讨排除障碍的方法(中心论点) 1.思维障碍分析 日常概念的干扰---材料①、材料② 非本质属性的干扰---材料①、材料② 认识水平的限制----材料①、材料② 2.排除障碍的方法 重视直观-----材料①、材料② 重视变式-----材料①、材料② 重视同化-----材料①、材料② 重视练习-----材料①、材料② 第二,陈述式提纲:用不加修饰的陈述句,把分论点和材料、分段、分层地表示出来。谁在前,谁在后,怎样衔接都考虑得十分严密。 写出提纲以后,要以审视的目光去复检,力求结构和谐。论文发表重要的部分要给以显要的位置,占的篇幅大些;次要的材料要就位得当,占的篇幅小些。 各位亲,看了这篇干货满满的人物分析论文大纲,对于自己的论文写作是不是帮助很大?是不是想对我说声感谢?不过,WOSCI沃斯编辑我在此还要提醒各位亲,大纲写出来以后,还要反复审视检查,要力求结构严谨,布局合理,重要的部分要浓墨重彩,占的篇幅要大,而次要的部分,则要用较小的篇幅去表现出来,一定要记得详略得当哦,否则就有可能前功尽弃,打道回府。


关于人物分析论文大纲怎么写,下面 文章 告诉你。 小说中的人物描写是为表现人物性格,揭示作品主题思想服务的。阅读时只有了解了人物描写的 方法 和作用,把握人物性格特点,才能深刻理解文章的思想内容。在写作人物分析论文之前需要拟定大纲,接下来我们就来看看人物分析论文大纲怎么写。 拟订写作提纲。 拟订写作提纲是论文写作的开始。提纲是论文的雏形,通过它把论文的主要观点和结构用文字固定、明确下来,使论文构思更完善,起到组织材料、思考缜密、防止遗漏的作用。在提纲的拟订的过程中,要完成下面几项工作。 (1)明确文章的中心论点和分论点。 中心论点也叫总论点。它是作者将要在文章中阐述的核心观点。文章里的全部材料都是为它服务的。中心论点在文章中就像血脉一样贯通全篇。但是,要想把中心论点阐述得具体、切实,就得分解成若干个分论点。分解中心论点的根据一定要明确、统一,前后一致。分解出的分论点,既要有紧密的内在联系,又要有外在的序列形式。每个分论点都是中心论点的构成部分,几个分论点的综合就是中心论点。全文就是根据分论点的序列展开的。 (2)安排分论点的的序列。 明确了有几个分论点以后,要把它们排列起来。安排时,要根据中心论点的需要和分论点的内在关系作全面分析。可以分成几个方面一一论述,也可以由主到次,由大到小,由轻到重地论述。这也就是前面所讲的两种情况,并列关系和递进关系。 (3)材料对号入座。 把将要写到文章里的材料,根据分论点的需要分组,属于同一分论点的材料放在一组。有几个分论点,就有几组材料。到撰写时,写到哪个分论点,就自然用到哪个材料。 进行了上述工作之后,要形成具体的写作提纲。常用的提纲类型有两种: 第一,列项式提纲:粗线条地搭起全文的框架。用简洁、概括的词组、 句子 、材料序号,把中心论点、分论点、材料一一排开,制成一个草图。例如论文“浅析学生掌握几何概念过程中的思维障碍及其对策”的列项式提纲如下: 分析产生障碍的原因,探讨排除障碍的方法(中心论点) 1.思维障碍分析 日常概念的干扰---材料①、材料② 非本质属性的干扰---材料①、材料② 认识水平的限制----材料①、材料② 2.排除障碍的方法 重视直观-----材料①、材料② 重视变式-----材料①、材料② 重视同化-----材料①、材料② 重视练习材料①、材料② 第二,陈述式提纲:用不加修饰的陈述句,把分论点和材料、分段、分层地表示出来。谁在前,谁在后,怎样衔接都考虑得十分严密。 写出提纲以后,要以审视的目光去复检,力求结构和谐。重要的部分要给以显要的位置,占的篇幅大些;次要的材料要就位得当,占的篇幅小些。 论文 写作指导 相关文章: 1. 论文写作指导范文 2. 论文写作方法指导 3. 写作指导:怎样安排详写和略写 4. 学术论文范文及写作指导 5. 写作指导:议论文作文指导之如何写好议论文





弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)着名英国女作家、文学理论家、意识流文学代表人物,被誉为二十世纪女性主义的先驱。伍尔夫立足于时代背景和现实生活,从女性写作传统、女性写作条件、女性形象、双性同体等方面阐述了女性与写作的关系。她强调经济独立对女性写作的重要性;主张女性建立自己的写作传统;鼓励女性大胆地拿起笔进行创作,摆脱男性作家塑造的不实的女性形象;在承认两性差异的前提下提倡双性同体的创作模式。本文试图梳理和分析伍尔夫的女性主义观念和理论,证明其思想在女性主义发展史中的发展性和超越性。









Virginia Woolf , famous British female writer and literary theorist, stream-of-consciousness literature representative, was honored as the forerunner of 20th centuryfeminism. Woolf based on the background of the times and the real life, expounds therelationship between women and writing from the aspects of women's writing tradition,women's writing condition, women's image, “androgyny”and other stressedthe importance of economic independence for women's women toestablish their own writing tradition. To encourage women to writing. Get rid of thefemale images of the male writers. Under the premise of recognizing gender differences,Woolf advocate androgyny. This paper attempts to sort out and analyze Woolf's feministideas and theories, prove the development and transcendence of the thought in thehistory of feminist development.

This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction of this paper,mainly introduces the significance of the research on VirginiaWoolf's feministthought ,the domestic and foreign research review.

The second part introduces the background of VirginiaWoolf 's feminist thought.

First of all, the special family education bring her some literary skills, patriarchal familylet feminist ideas take rood in her body. Secondly, effects of the Bloomsbury group ofWoolf also can not be ignored. Again, the women's Liberation Movement provided abase for her feminist thought.

The third part introduces VirginiaWoolf 's thinking on women and writing. Woolfrecognizes the shadow of the patriarchal culture on women's history, she devoted todiscover the tradition of female writing.

The fourth part introduces the female image under Woolf's creation. Woolf clearlysaw the control of the whole social ideology and culture of the patriarchal system, theycreated a series of false images of women. She constantly break the old tradition ofwriting in the personal creation practice, to promote the killing of the angel in the house.

This is a subversion to the writing of Patriarchal society.

The fifth part describes the expression of VirginiaWoolf on the relationshipbetween the gender. She refute the binary opposition of gender. She appeal tocommunication between woman and man. And put forward the “androgyny”.

The last part is the conclusion of this paper. It is a summarized evaluation ofVirginiaWoolf 's feminist thought. By combing the history of Feminism, this paperproved the transcendence of Woolf Virginia's feminist thought.

Key words: VirginiaWoolf , feminist thought, “a room of one's own”, “androgyny”





一 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性主义思想的形成




二 对女性与写作的的思考






三 对女性形象的书写



四 对两性关系的表达









Analysis of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind"Gone With the Wind” is my favorite novel written by Margaret Mitchell, a southerner in the ., and the situation is described from the southern point of view. The author, used many stories she heard from her family who had lived through it, to weave this thrilling novel. It is full of dashing, daring men and women, thrilling episodes, and much romance. The heroine Scarlett in this book is so different from a traditional Chinese woman that I have decided to write something about her.'Gone with the Wind' has represented the turbulent social reality in the South in American Civil War. Scarlett O’hara is beautiful then, in order to realize her dream of living better, she regards love and marriage as a chip of trade. There’s no true love in her three marriages, until the end, she understands that Ashley, the person she bears in mind for twelve years is not her true love, but one beautiful unreal image belongs to the South in the past and does not adapt to this coming new society. The person who she really loves is similar to her --- Rhett understand Scarlett better, I divided the essay into 4 parts as . Scarlett’s GrowthScarlett's growth can be divided mainly in two periods,before the Civil War and after it.To understand Scralett,we should know the two different ways of life have a great influence on Scralett’s character. Before the Civil War breaks out, Scralett as well as other old aristocratic young ladies in the south lives an easy,luxurious life full of barbecues,balls and flirting with beaus.For a young lady who has only got 16,the life for her just means learning the arts and graces of being more attractive to men,which is also the south society’s regulation of woman.On one hand,by the diligently stubborn teaching of her mother and black mammy, the seed off the purity and tradition are buried deeply in her mind. But on the other hand,her Irish father also influences her by the Irish stubbornness,arrogance,etc.These two spirits conflicts frequently in the young girl’s mind.Just like her spreading skirts,the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.After the Civil War, Scralett’s true self, which is apparently opposite to the lady-mannered discipline of the old south,crazily yield sand matures in the desolate earth after the war.Scarlett’s anti-traditional behavior is more and more undisguised. 2. Scarlett’s Character of Breaking the RulesPart of Scarlett's enduring charm for me is her aspiration to break the rules. She challenges nineteenth-century society's gender roles repeatedly, running a store and two lumber mills at one point. Scarlett is in some ways the least stereotypically feminine of women (in other ways the most), and the more traditional Melanie Wilkes is in many ways her foil. But Scarlett survives the war, several marriages, the birth of children, and even a miscarriage. Melanie, on the other hand, struggles with fragile health and a shy nature. Without Melanie Wilkes, Scarlett might simply be seen as harsh and "over the top", but beside Melanie, Scarlett presents a fresher, deeper female characterization; she lives a complicated life during a difficult period of history. 3. Scarlett’s Hopes and defectsThe other charm of Scarlett to me is that she is always full of hopes of tomorrow, life and the future. Some of her lines from Gone with the Wind, like "Fiddle-dee-dee!" "Tomorrow is another day," "Great balls of fire!" and "I'll never be hungry again!" have become well-known all around the world. She is charming and candid.The dream of tomorrow would call back the strength to live today, and the hope of future would help her to swallow all the bitterness of the present.The land is the only thing,which helps her to maintain her consciousness of tomorrow.From the beginning to the end,land Traa is always the core of Scralett’s life.Her constant care for Traa is never stopped because only from it her consciousness of tomorrow can be realized.Land is the only thing in the world that amounts to anything.For it’s the only thing in this world that lasts;it’s the only thing worth fighting is remained as one of the most controversial literature figures from the day the book published till now.Her bad deed,bad words and bad thoughts after the war-time appropriately reflect her natural character——mixture,she is a blending of the good and evil,of practical and ideal,of despair and hope,and of yesterday and tomorrow.She is by far the most developed character in “Gone with the Wind.” She stands out because she is strong and saves her family but is incredibly selfish and petty at the same . Conclusion From the analysis of her character, she cannot be regarded as a perfect woman. By a rough glimpse, she seems to be a rude,ignorant,and hypocritical remaining of the old Southern aristocrats.Just like other southern people,she hates the war, disgusts the new established south government, deeply recalls the previous life,together with the careless revealing of her attitude towards slavery.They become the root where the criticism derives from.However, Scarlett is real and the past doesn’t really mean that nothing has happened. Forgetting the past is to accumulate energy of the future.The purpose of Scarlett’s looking forward is to survive to fight, because that is the miracle literature has created to attract,to move,and to encourage the people wherever they are. The old are gone with the wind, while the new are gathering new strength to march on.


Character Analysis Essay,也就是人物分析论文,也是我们留学生经常遇到的一类essay作业,不知道怎么写的同学们通常有可以从以下几个方面入手,分别为人物描写,人物环境,情节发展,人物关系和主题。









32.斯佳丽:旧时代的新女性Scarlett:A “New”Woman in the “Old” Time.海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Love Between Hester and Camilla.解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识On the Imperialistic Consciousness of Jane Eyre.像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩The Creation of Splendor in Adversity like Robinson Crusoe.《三国演义》对诸葛亮和《教父》对考利昂的描述对比A Comparison Between the Depiction of Zhuge Liang in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Corleone in The Godfather.论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性The Tragedy of Roberta in American Tragedy.从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用The Decisive Effect of Character on Fate From Robinson Crusoe.《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素The Tragedy Aspects in Hamlet.从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象About the Perfect Man Viewed from the Movie Life Is Beautiful.从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长The Tragedy and Growth of the Black Women Embodied in Beloved.从《哈利波特》看儿童的成长Harry Potter and the Growth of Children.苔丝的反叛精神The Rebellion of Tess.一位坚强独立的女性简爱A Tough and Independent Woman.《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析Causes of Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles.浅析苔丝之死The Death of Tess.《老人与海》象征主义探究The Inquiry of the Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea.论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格Hemingway’s Unique Writing Style in Hills like White Elephants.浅析爱默生的《论自助》人生自主的源泉On Emerson’s Self-reliance —The Source of Life’s Reliance.盖茨比美国梦的幻灭—透视现实生活中的爱情The Disillusionment for Gatsby American Dream Analysis of Love in Reality.从《西风颂》看英国积极浪漫主义的特征Analyzing the Features of British Positive Romanticism from the Poem of Ode to the West Wind.我看简爱的爱情An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love.谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》On Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, and Well-Lighted Place.从《简爱》看知识改变女性命运Knowledge Changes Female’s Fate Through Jane Eyre.从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》看宗教禁欲主义下的爱情The Love under Asceticism in The ScarletLetter and The Thorn Birds.解读《皆大欢喜》中的浪漫主义An Analysis of Romanticism in As You Like it.基于作品人物浅析菲茨杰拉德Elementary Analysis on Fitzgerald Based on the Characters of The Great Gatsby.《老人与海》的悲剧色彩:对完美主义的质疑The Tragic Color of The Old Man and the Sea:Challenge to the Perfectionism.分析简爱的美An Analysis of the Beauty in JaneEyre.论《红字》中的孤独因素On the Aspects of Loneliness in The Scarlet Letter.从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看20世纪初女性的社会地位Social Status of Women in the Early 20th Century Reflected from Caddys Tragedy in The Sound and the Fury.论福斯塔夫的性格The Character of Falstaff.斯佳丽:旧时代的新女性Scarlett:A “New”Woman in the “Old” Time.美国社会的葛朗台现象Grandet Phenomenon in America.透过《飘》看现代女性对待生活的态度Analysis of modern females attitudes toward life through Gone with the Wind.从迷茫的玛尔特的悲剧看女性存在的社会价值An Analysis of the Social Value of Womens Existence from the Tragedy of Confused Mathlide.从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观About the Notion of Modern Love from ElizabethⅠs Love Experience.《倾城之恋》与《飘》的女性主义解读Feminism in Love in a Fallen City and Gone With the Wind.《简?爱》的浪漫主义解读Romanticism in Jane Eyre.从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看创新精神和知足长乐The Spirit of Innovation and Satisfaction-The Thought of The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.从《变形记》透视家庭环境对塑造儿童健康心理的影响The Family Influence on Molding Childrens Healthy Psychology Through The Metamorphosis41.论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情观和婚姻观Analysis on Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice.从劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》看恋母情结Mother Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers.论雪莱的自由之路Analysis of Shelley's Freedom Road.《威尼斯商人》中的人物形象分析An Analysis of the Characters in the Merchant of Venice.论盖茨比悲剧的必然性On Inevitability of Gatsby’s Tragedy.从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合The Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in the Joy Luck Club.《乱世佳人》对21世纪女性的启示Enlightenment for Women of 21st Century from Gone with the Wind.《喜福会》中母爱主题的文化阐释A Cultural Interpretation of Maternal Love in the Joy Luck Club.试析《老人与海》的悲喜色彩An Analysis of the Combination of Tragic and Delightful Facets in The Old Man and the Sea.解析《长腿叔叔》少女茱蒂 成长的日志A Girl’s Growing- up Story in Daddy-Long-Legs.莎士比亚的悲剧世界的分析An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy World.《鲁滨逊漂流记》中殖民文化对殖民地文化影响解读 the Women’s Status Seen in Pride and Prejudice Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers


