
> 学术论文知识库

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1. It goes without saying that+句子= It is obvious that句子 = Obviously, S. + V. 不用说,很明显.例如:It goes without saying that everyone should keep a balanced diet for the benefit of health.


2. I am greatly convinced (that)句子…. 我深信… 例如:I am greatly convinced that we can improve our writing if we insist on recitingsome useful sentences. 我深信,只要我们坚持每天背一些有用的句子,我们就可以提高我们的英语写作。

3. It can be easily proved (that)句子… 很容易证明….例如:It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.

4. There is no doubt (that)句子 … 毫无疑问地? 例如:There is no doubt that nearsightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的题。

5. According to my personal experience, … 根据我个人经验?…例如:According to my personal experience, friends bring me not only trust, understanding, but also warmth.据我个人经验,朋友给我的不仅是信任理解,更是温暖。

6. Take … for example, 拿…做例子。例如:Take my sister for example, she stayed in German and now she can speak Germany fluently.拿我姐姐做例子,她住在法国,现在可以说很流利的法语。

7. As a popular saying goes, “….”俗话说得好….例如:As a popular saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” 俗话说,事实胜于雄辩。

8. As far as I am concerned , ….. 就我而言,在我看来。例如:As far as I am concerned, kids' lying is a natural and normal behavior. 在我看来,孩子撒谎是一种自然,正常的行为。

9. As for me / Personally speaking, … 在我看来。例如:As for me, I prefer to live in the countryside, because I can breathe fresh air, which is beneficial to our health/ from which we benefit a lot/ which benefits us a lot.就我来说,我喜欢住在乡下。因为我可以呼吸到新鲜的空气,这对我们的健康很有好处。

10. As for sth /doing sth, 至于…. /When it comes to sth…… 当谈到、涉及到…..

例如: for advertisements, many consumers/costumers aren't satisfied with them and think most of them are untruthful. 至于广告,许多消费者对它们表示不满,认为它们大多数是不真实的`。

it comes to the problem of teenagers studying abroad, many parents think their children can have more chances to receive better education.当谈到青少年出国留学的问题,许多家长认为孩子们可以有更多的机会接受到良好的教育。

11. We must keep in mind that ….我们必须牢记………。高考英语作文常用万能句型

例如: must keep in mind that parents are our first teachers, and we should treat them well.我们必须牢记父母是我们的启蒙老师,我们应该好好对待他们。

students, we must keep in mind that dishonest behaviors/dishonesty will only do harm to us. 作为学生,我们必须牢记,不诚实的行为只会对我们是不利。

12. It is said /reported that …… 据说/据报道…

例如: is reported that the building caught fire at 2 o'clock in the morning, causing 30 people injured /and 30 people were injured .据报道,这栋大楼在凌晨两点时发生了火灾,造成30人受伤.

is said that there used to be a chemical works near the school ,and it produced a lot of waste gas every day.据报道,他们已经习惯了化工厂每天在学校附近排放大量的尾气。

13. It is believed / thought that ….. 人们认为….

例如: is believed that music can help people relax themselves.人们认为音乐有助于人们放松自己。

is thought that everyone should form good habits when they are still young.人们认为所有的孩子都应该从小养成良好的习惯。

14. It is estimated that …. 据估计….

例如: is estimated that 90% of students have their own mobile phones, with which they like to send short messages to friends /and they like to send short messages to friends.据估计,90%的学生都有自己的手机。他们喜欢用手机来发短信给朋友。

is estimated that 9% of students have to drop out of school /quit school because they cannot pay for the tuition .据估计。有9%的学生因交不起学费而退学。

15. It cannot be denied that….. 无可否认…..

例如: cannot be denied that the 2008 Olympic Games was a great success. 无可否认,2008年北京奥运会是一次巨大的成功。

cannot be denied that great changes have taken place in China in the past 30 years.无可否认,中国在过去的30年里发生了巨大的变化。

16. It can be seen from the chart /the table that …..从图表中,我们可以看出…..例如:It can be seen from the chart that both girls and boys like to read news as well as play games on the Internet. 从图表中我们可以看出,男生女生都喜欢上网看新闻和玩游戏。

17. The results of the survey suggest that ……调查的结果表明…..例如:The result of the survey suggests that many Chinese students abroad spend most of their time on study and have little time for part-time jobs. 调查结果表明,许多中国留学生大部分的时间用来学习,没有时间来做兼职工作。

18. Some people hold the opinion that ( some people think….) 有些人认为。

例如: people hold the opinion that money is the source of happiness. 有些人认为金钱是幸福的源泉。

people hold the opinion that diligent people will always succeed. 有些人认为,勤奋的人总会成功的。

19. Frankly speaking, …. 老实说==to be frank /to be honest。例如:To be honest, I feel lonely because no one shares my joys and sorrows. 老实说,我常觉得孤独,因为没有人分担我的忧愁和快乐。

20. As is known to all / everybody knows / It is known to all that / As we all know 众所周知。例如:As is known to all, China is a developing country, not a developed one. 众所周知,中国是个发中国家,而不是发达国家。

21. Compared with …., ,…和…相比。例如:Compared with traditional letters, e-mails have many advantages, such as fast speed and free of charge. 和传统信件相比,电子邮件有很多优点,如速度快,不需花钱。

22. In common with sb. ….. 和某人一样。例如:In common with the author, I think keeping optimistic can help us gain success.和作者一样,我也认为保持乐观可以有助于我们取得成功。

23. with +n + to do / With + n. doing // With +n +done

例如: time going by, I gradually realize the importance of health. 随着时间的流逝,我逐渐意识到健康的重要性。

the door locked, I had to stay inside for a whole day.

24. with + n +介词短语/形容词或副词。

例如: village with trees around it used to be beautiful. 这个小村庄曾经很美丽, 四周都是竹子。

students are listening to the teacher, with their eyes wide open. 学生们在听着老师说话,眼睛睁得大大的。

25. We should take full advantage of /make full use of . 我们应该充分利用….例如:Therefore, I think we should take full advantage of net information to broaden our horizons. 因此,我认为,我们应该充分利用网络资源来扩充我们的知识面。

26. on the contrary 相反。例如:On the contrary, some people think college students should make full use of their spare time to do part-time jobs so that they can get some work experience. 相反,有些人认为大学生们应该充分利用课后时间来做兼职工作,以便获得工作经验。



1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion tosome extent.

2. As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor ofthe test/policy.

3. In conclusion/a word, I believe that.

4. There is some truth in both arguments, but I think thedisadvantages of outweigh its advantages.

5. In my opinion/view, we should.

6. As for me, I.

7. As I see it, .

8. From my point of view, .

9. Personally, I think.

10. My view is that.

11. I think/consider.

12. I take/hold a negative/positive view of.

第四部分 英文写作中常用过渡词和句型



(1)To begin with首先

例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。

(2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说

例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。

(3)First of all第一,首先

例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。

(4)With (the development/progress/growth)


例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever beforein daily life.随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。


例:Recently,the problem (conflict, production) of grain shortage has become the worldfocus.近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。


(1)In conclusion最后,在结束时

例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。

(2)In brief简言之

例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China.简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。

(3)In a word总之

例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist.总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。

(4)It is high time that...到...时候了

例:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economicdevelopment.为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。

(5)It is only when...that...只有当...才...

例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve thepeople.只有当人民成为的主人,科学才能为人民服务。


(1)first, second, third...第一,第二,第三

例:First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years. Second, she nevermissed a class. Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry , she always worked hard. Her classmates were sure that she would win top award inChemistry during her senior year at the university.首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。

(2)To begin with...,moreover...,finally...,首先...,此外...,最后...

例:There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law. To begin with, he is very interested insocial affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities. Moreover, hisfather is a lawyer. He has always encouraged him to do something similar. Finally, he is sure hecan get a job after graduation.他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事同样的职业。最后,他确信毕业后能找到工作。


例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children possess, the more opportunities they willbe ensured.


(4)since then自此之后

例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for smallnations.自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。


例:Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their childrenwill be definitely ensured a bright future.因而,如果父母们在其为孩子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。


(1)As a result由于...结果

例:Her performance in college was excellent. As a result, she has got a satisfactory job.由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。

(2)Due to由于

例:My trip to Guang Zhou and Shen Zhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem.由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。


例:The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, andconsequently, promised to sign the treaty.该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。

(4)One may criticize......for......,but the real cause of...lies deeper人们可以因为...批评...,但是...的真正原因在更深层次

例:One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of theaccident lies deeper.人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。

(5)Among...reasons, one should be emphasized that...在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调...

例:Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces ofcultivated land have been occupied, which results in the grain shortage.在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。



例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。

(2)In contrast...与之相比

例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。

(3)On the other hand...另一方面

例:The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past thirty years. On theother hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the sameperiod.发展中的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。


例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes will also be needed.要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。


例:If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes somemistakes in his oral English; similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping themeaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes.只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者所犯的口语错误。


1. Children are undergoing fast physical development; lack of physical exercise may produce disastrous influence on their later life.孩子们正处于身体快速发育时期,缺乏体育锻炼可能会对他们未来的生活造成严重的影响。 2. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

3. 做出共同努力 make joint efforts

4. 眼前利益 short-term interest

5. People who advocate that ...,also have their sound reasons (grounds)

6. 坚持认为______的人也有其说法(依据)。

7. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined(倾向于[in`kl ind]) to be on the side of the latter view.

8. 在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。

9. If asked to make a decision, I would prefer...

10. 如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____________。

addition to the obvious problem-loneliness, another major obstacle, in my opinion, is the alien environment of campus.除了孤独这一明显的问题之外,我认为另一个困难是对校园环境的不熟悉。

1. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。

2. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。

3. The information I've collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.从这几年我搜集的信息来看,这些知识并没有人们想象的那么有用。

4. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.即使最优秀的毕业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地学习。

5. It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary(意想不到的) progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.人们普遍认为现代科技使我们的社会发生了巨大的变化,近几十年人类在科技方面取得了惊人的进步。

6. By taking a majorrelated partjob, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, they will never be able to get from the textbooks.通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。

7. We should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit(追求) of fashion.

8. It is widely believed…… Is vitally important.

9. ……means much more than…… It means ……

10. …… and some would never ……

1. 就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

2. 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

3. 对…必不可少 be indispensable to …

4. …也不例外 …be no exception

5. 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

6. 致力于 be committed to…

7. 应当承认 Admittedly,

8. 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

9. 在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

10. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

11. …必然趋势 an irresistible(不可抗拒的[iri`zistibl]) trend of…

12. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

13. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with

14. 身心两方面 both physically and mentally

15. 有间接关系 be indirectly related to…

16. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

17. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.

18. 经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

19. 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

20. 更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

21. 实现梦想 realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true

22. 我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go.

23. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。

24. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。

25. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that ……尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明……

26. We should take well advantage of the …… and reduce the disadvantage of it to the minimum.

27. ……is always irritating when it unexpectedly ……in …… when many students are concentrating on study.

28. 不可否认There is no denying that…


楼上的强悍 - -!!!想起一部电影里,一个小女孩说 H & G!呵呵~ 建议楼主不要太紧张了。














一、论文研究结论写作的内容 论文研究结论既然不能简单重复研究结果,就必须对研究结果有进一步的认识。结论的内容应着重反映研究结果的理论价值、实用价值及其适用范围,井可提出建议或展望。也可指出有待进一步解决的关键性问题和今后研究的设想。因此,在结论中一般应阐述; 1、研究结果说明了什么问题及所揭示的原理和规律(理论价值); 2、在实际应用上的意义和作用(实用价值); 3、与前人的研究成果进行比较.有哪些异同,作了哪些修正、补充和发展; 4、本研究的遗留问题及建议和展望。当然并不是所有的结论写作都要具备上述内容。作者可根据研究结果的具体情况而定,但第一点应是必不可少的。 二、论文研究结论写作内容和类型 1、分析综合:对正文内容重点进行分析、概括,突出作者的观点。 2、预示展望:在正文论证的理论、观点基础上对其价值、意义、作用推至未来,预见其生命力。 3、事实对比:对正文阐述的理论、观点以事实做比较形成结论。 4、解释说明:对正文阐述的理论、观点做进一步说明,使理论、观点更加明朗。 5、提出问题:在对正文论证的理论、观点进行分析的基础上,提出与本研究结果有关的有待进一步解决的关键性问题。 三、论文研究结论的常用句型 1、以“阐明了……机制”、“研究了……”,或者“为了……的目的”讲述研究目的。注意写出最适合表达目的的动词。 2、“开展了……”写研究内容和方法。 3、“结果表明……”讲述研究得出的主要结果。 4、“本研究的结果意味着……”讲述得出的结论。 论文研究结论是每篇论文的重要组成,将它们完整的表述清楚却不那么容易。在了解了研究论文怎么写后,我们才能更好地完成我们的毕业论文。




























目录的制作很简单的,首先单击“工具”——“自定义”,在“工具栏”选项卡中,把“大纲”选中,点击“关闭”。然后在弹出的那行“工具栏”中,把一级标题设定为“1级”,把“二级标题”设定为“2级”,把“三级标题”设定为“3级”。把非标题设定为“正文文本”(这是默认的,基本上不用设定,除非你在写论文的过程中不小心把某些正文文本设定为“n级”了。把标题都设定好后,就可以单击“插入”——“引用”——“索引与目录”,点击“目录”选项卡,再点击“确定”。之后把弹出来的目录内容选中(不要把“目录”两字选中,因为“目录”两字是设定为三号粗黑体居中并且上下各空一行的),首先设定为“宋体”,再设定为“timesnewroman”,把字号设定为“小四” 。 再把“目录”这两个字和目录内容选中,右键单击“段落”,在“行距”中把行距设定为固定值20磅。























一、英语论文的标题一篇较长的英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中).如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:dr./)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:english 734或british novel).打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为(论文其他部分行距同此).就学生而言,如果英语论文篇幅较短,亦可不做标题页(及提纲页),而将标题页的内容打在正文第一页的左上方.第一行为作者姓名,与打印纸顶端距离约为,以下各行依次为教师学衔和姓、课程编号(或名称)及日期;各行左边上下对齐,并留出左右的页边空白(下同).接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白).二、英语论文提纲英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为左右)的始端打上 thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐.主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出.各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐.需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有ⅰ应有ⅱ,有a应有b,以此类推.如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码).三、英语论文正文有标题页和提纲页的英语论文,其正文第一页的规范格式为:论文标题居中,其位置距打印纸顶端约5cm,距正文第一行约.段首字母须缩进五格,即从第六格打起.正文第一页不必标页码(但应计算其页数),自第二页起,必须在每页的右上角(即空出第一行,在其后部)打上论文作者的姓,空一格后再用阿拉伯数字标出页码;阿拉伯数字(或其最后一位)应为该行的最后一个空格.在打印正文时尚需注意标点符号的打印格式,即:句末号(句号、问号及感叹号)后应空两格,其他标点符号后则空一格.四、英语论文的文中引述正确引用作品原文或专家、学者的论述是写好英语论文的重要环节;既要注意引述与论文的有机统一,即其逻辑性,又要注意引述格式 (即英语论文参考文献)的规范性.引述别人的观点,可以直接引用,也可以间接引用.无论采用何种方式,论文作者必须注明所引文字的作者和出处.目前美国学术界通行的做法是在引文后以圆括弧形式注明引文作者及出处.现针对文中引述的不同情况,将部分规范格式分述如下.五、英文参考文献格式单一作者著作的书籍:姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.两位作者以上合著的书籍:姓,名字首字母., & 姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社. Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.文集中的文章:Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.期刊中的文章(非连续页码):Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.期刊中的文章(连续页码):姓,名字首字母.(年). 题目. 期刊名(斜体). 第几期,页码.Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.月刊杂志中的文章:Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.(学术堂提供更多论文知识)




英语论文用激光打印机打印,打印稿为黑白稿,彩色打印件会影响出版效果。 版心:a4纸,上、下页边距 cm,左、右页边距均为 mm。论文内容宽不得超过, 长不得超过。

字体和字号:正文,标题,作者联络信息和图表中的文字均为times new roman 12号字。可以跟据需要使用同类字体中的粗体,斜体。



文体:文章应语法正确,技术用词准确。标题应该以最简洁的语言概括文章内容。如果标题较长,请采用title: subtitle的形式。

数学公式:文中的数学公式不得手写,必须打印。公式如果在文中多次被引用,应该编号。公式之间,公式和正文之间都应该空一行。 单位: 文中所用的度量衡单位应为国际单位。可在括号内,单位对应表中列出其他单位。有关国际单位的使用(standard practice for use of the international system of units)可以通过电话1-向asce索取。其他相关使用参考文献,如anmc metric editorial guide, 5th ed,1992 可向美国国家公制协会 索取(american national metric council, 1735n. lynn street, suite 950, arlington, va 22209-2022)


标题说明和图例:插入的图表应该以出现顺序编号(figure 1,figure 2,table 1,table 2)。图的说明和标题,包括图的序号应该位于图的下方。表的说明和标题,包括表的序号应该位于表格上方。






参考文献:所有参考文献为单倍行距,放在文章最后,按照第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排列。如有同一作者的两篇以上文献,按出版年代先后排列。正文中引用参考文献时,作者和出版年代应该放入括号内。由于上标缩印后会变小,难于辨认,正文中不使用上标标注参考文献。所列出的参考文献应当在正文中都有所引用,如果正文中没有引用,请将文献列入文章最后的附加信息(additional information)部分,或者相关材料(related materials)部分。















①与正文部分空出两行;②按照文中的索引编号分别或合并注释;③注释采用五号黑体,注释内容汉语采用小五号宋体,英语采用Times New Roman 9号。

一.开头句型 1. As far as...is concerned就……而言 2. It goes without saying that...不言而喻,...... 3. It can be said with certainty that...可以肯定地说...... 4. As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的, 5. It has to be noticed that...必须注意到,...... 6. It's generally recognized that...普遍认为...... 7. What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是...... 8. There's no denying the fact that...不可否认...... 9. Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有什么比......更重要 , ..., which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ... Second, ... What makes things worse is that...现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是…… 二.衔接句型 1. A case in point is ...一个典型的例子是...... 2. As is often the case,... 正如通常情况下,...... 3. As stated in the previous paragraph, 如前段所述, 4. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,... 但是问题并非如此简单,所以,…… 5. But it's a pity that...但遗憾的是…... 6. For all that...对于这一切...... In spite of the fact that...尽管事实...... 7. Further, we hold opinion that...此外,我们坚持认为...... 8. However , the difficulty lies in...然而,困难在于...… 9. Similarly, we should pay attention to...同样,我们要注意...... 10. In view of the present station, 鉴于目前形势, 11. As has been mentioned above, 正如上面所提到的, 12. In this respect, we may as well say...从这个角度上我们可以说...... 13. However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 …... 三.结尾句型 1. I will conclude by saying...最后我要说…... 2. Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信…... 3. All things considered,总而言之, 4. Therefore, in my opinion, it's more advisable...因此,在我看来,更可取的是…... 5. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论...… data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 通过数据我们得到的结论是...... 7. It can be concluded from the discussion that...从讨论中可以得出......的结论 8. From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来,如果……也许更好 四.举例句型 1. Let's take...to illustrate this.让我们用......来阐明这一点。 2. let's take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.让我们用以上图标做例子来阐明这一点。 3. Here is one more example.还有一个例子。 … for example. 以......为例。 offers a typical instance of…. 这为......提供了一个典型的例子。 6. We may quote a common example of…. 我们可以引用一个关于......的常见例子。 五.常用于引言段的句型 1. Some people think that…. 有些人认为…... 2. To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below.坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。 3. For years,… has been seen as …, but things are quite different now. 多年来,……一直被视为……,但现在的情况有很大的不同。 4. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that… 我无法完全同意这一观点的…... 5. My argument for this view goes as follows.我对这个问题的看法如下。 6. Along with the development of…, more and more…随着……的发展,越来越多…... 7. There is a long-running debate as to whether...关于是否......有着个长期的辩论。 8. It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that…. 普遍/广泛认为…... 9. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我而言,我完全同意前者/后者。 10. Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。 六.表示比较和对比的常用句型和表达法 1. A is completely / totally / entirely different from B. A和B完全不同。 2. A and B are different in every way / respect / 和B在每方面都不同。 3. A and B differ in… A和B在......方面不同。 4. A differs from B in... A在......方面和B不同。 5. The difference between A and B is/lies in/exists in… A和B的区别在于...... 6. Compared with/In contrast to A, B…. 和A比起来,B...... 7. While it is generally believed that A…, I believe B… 虽然普遍认为A......,但是我认为B...... 8. Despite their similarities, A and B are also different.尽管它们有相似性,但是A和B也是不同的。 9. Both A and B…. However, A…; on the other hand, B… A和B都......然而,A......;另一方面,B...... 10. The most striking difference is that A…, while B…. 最显著的区别是A......,然而B...... 七.演绎法常用的句型 1. There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones. 对于......有几个原因,但一般地,他们可以归结为三个主要原因。 2. There are many factors that can account for…, but the following are the most typical ones. 有许多因素能够解释......,但以下是最典型的因素。 3. Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective.有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但下面的可能是最有效的。 4. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。 5. The reasons are as follows.原因如下。 八.因果推理法常用句型 1. Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot.因为我们读过这本书,所以我们学到很多。 2. If we read the book, we will learn a lot.如果我们读这本书,我们会学到很多。 3. We read the book;as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we've learned a lot. 我们读了这本书,因此我们学了很多。 4. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we've learned a lot.由于读了这本书,我们已经学到了很多。 5. The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much.超重的原因是吃得太多。 is caused by/due to/because of eating too much.超重是由于吃得太多。 7. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight.吃太多的结果是超重。 8. Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight.吃太多导致超重。 早检测论文查重系统我祝大家顺利通过~~~


















Good morning,

Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Welcome to attend the oral defense.) :

I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis.

My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic’s significance in the real society. And the second part is going to analyze the figures’ background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes’ failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.

Thank you!

Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am xxxx and my supervisor is xxx. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is On Transformation of Parts of Speech in Translation. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speech. Each language has its own special structure. And there are no equivalent parts of speech between different languages. In order to make the target version more idiomatic and standard, the transformation of parts of speech is always used by translators. So the transformation of parts of speech is playing a more important role in English to Chinese based on different characteristics of English and Chinese. For the above facts, I select the subject of“On Transformation of parts of speech”as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this topic we can know the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in English to Chinese translation. Through transformation, we can get the better version and improve the translation skills.

The way of thinking and expressing is quite different between Chinese and English. English is a kind of static languages which tends to use more nouns. While Chinese is a dynamic one in which verbs are often used.

So when we make translation in English to Chinese, we should know this point and shift the parts of speech.

Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.

Part one presents an introduction to the basic concepts of parts of speech and transformation.

Part two discusses the definition of translation and emphasizes the importance of transformation of parts of speech in the course of translation.

Part three gives four basic ways of transformation of parts of speech through illustrative examples. There are transformed English words into Chinese verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

Part four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the problems.

Part five draws some conclusions that transformation between parts of speech is necessary for us to achieve good translation. It is demonstrated that we can have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. In addition, we must continuously study and explore in all kinds of translation practices.

OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.

Good evening, all the appraiser committee members. I come from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. I am xxx and my supervisor is . With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole years hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style

in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothic literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For the above facts, I select the subject of A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Style in A Rose for Emily from a Feminist Perspective as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding about ourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.

Next , I will present it to you. Here is an outline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .

This paper consists of six parts. Part one presents an introduction to the author William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research about this novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works. Part four explains the three aspects of the gothic style in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily’s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes the previous parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.

Ok, thats all. Now you may raise your questions ! I am ready! Thank you !!!

Good morning, appraises committee members and schoolmates. I come from class 08951, and I am Yu Lianfei.

Today, the title of my paper is On the Network Novels. In recent years, the network literature is developing rapidly. Network novel is one of the fast of them. In the middle schools, high schools and even universities, there is no lack of network novels addicts. For the above facts, I select the subject of “on the network novels” as the title of my paper.

Then, I will show it to you. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into four parts, as the concept of network novels, the classification of their authors, the development of network novels and the prospects of that.

The first part, the definition. Its concept can be divided into the generalized and the narrow. And it can also be divided into boys’ and girls’ in another way.

The second part, the classification of their authors. Generally speaking, there are four kinds of authors. The first kind is some people who have favor of literature, they are writing but not for fame. Then, there is some one has favor for literature and also be for fame. The third kind is some people who have explicit goals at the beginning of his writing. And the last kind are some people who just want to express their view, their viewpoint and their feeling with no desire of being published. They take up the most of the authors.

The third part, the development. The network novels’ development can not separate form the development of the net and the literature websites. Its developing process may be divided into three stages approximately. The first stage is from 1996 to 2000. This times literary work often did not strive for (were also not aware of) the fame and fortune, and moreover received the control of tradition. The second stage is beginning of 21st century, mainly contains 2001 and 2002. In this period, the whole network presented the situation of “chaos”. The third stage is from May, 2003 and continues until now. In this period, many schools come into the world, and when a school became a hit there must be many people mimic it.

The last part, the forecast. Looking from the internal strength pattern, the outstanding writers in our country mainly hold one kind of critique and the pessimistic manner to the network novels at present. If each big literature website enlarges their own supervision, the vulgar works, the pornography and bad works like those things, meanwhile hanker for new person’s new article as well as depth ones, the network novels can be accepted by more people.

Not a low-level novel but a kind of enjoyment.

Good morning.

Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Welcome to attend the oral defense.)

I am XXX. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor XXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and comments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally accomplished this thesis. My topic is XXXXXXXXX.

The whole thesis consists of --- parts.

The first part will give a brief introduction of ------. And the second part is going to analyze ----------.

In the third part, ---------will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about --------. Then the author will dig into the root causes of ------- in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal --------of ---------in the last part. Thank you!

Good afternoon, all appraiser committee am xsj and my supervisor is zy. With his sincere and intellectual guidance, I have finished my is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and gratefully welcome any correction.

The title of my paper is Heavenly War and Earthly Conflict, an Insight into John Miltons Paradise Lost. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this story as one of texts in British and American literature Selections. Last but not least, I am keen on the study of human nature and the profound significance and instructions for us from John Milton. For the above facts, I select the Heavenly war and earthly conflict an insight into John Miltons Paradise Lost as the title of my paper.

I hope by studying this great poem we can know more about this Literature masterpiece,and I also want to show my own understanding about it.

Next, here is an outline of my presentation and I devide my paper into four parts. Part one presents an introduction of John Milton and Paradise Lost. Part two introduces the main contents of the book of Paradise Lost. Part three gives my own analysis of major characters in Paradise Lost. Part four draws some conclusions by my careful reading and thinking.

OK, that is all. Thank you. Now you may raise your questions. I am ready.

Good morning.

all appraiser committee members. I am xxxx and my supervisor is xxx. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction.













1. 首先论文答辩结束时一般都是说感谢你的聆听,接着才说有没有问题。所以,结尾时先说thank you for your attention. 然后可以问is there any question?2. 答辩的时候可以不说这些,你论文里可以写出来,比如感谢谁帮助了你的论文撰写等等。


1、各位老师,你们好!我来自对外汉语071班,我的论文题目是《小王子》的象征好处。论文是在霍继超老师的指点下完成的,在那里我向霍老师表示深深的谢意,向参加我的论文答辩的各位老师表示衷心的感谢,并对四年来的授课老师表示由衷的敬意。 下面是我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师做一个汇报,请各位老师批评指导。 2、各位老师,上午好! 我叫xxx,是土木工程0801班的学生,我的论文题目为西安市八十八中学办公楼的设计。设计是在姚力老师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的老师表示深深的谢意,也向在坐各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对上大学来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。 下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先我想简单介绍本设计。 本工程为西安市八十八中学办公楼采用多层框架结构,主体结构为6层,内外装修均为一般装修,为永久性建筑。该楼总建筑面积为3981㎡,拟建位置另行给定,抗震设防烈度为8度。 其次我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要资料。 3、各位老师,下午好!我叫***,是**级**班的学生,我的论文题目是--------------------,论文是在**导师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及好处。 4、各位老师好!我叫xxx,是xx级xx班的学生,我的论文题目是xxxxxx,论文是在xxx导师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 5、各位老师好!我叫xxx,来自xxx,我的论文题目是“行政系统中的非正式组织评估”。在那里,请允许我向XX老师的悉心指导表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞劳苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢。下面我将从论文的思想资料、结构框架、遣词造句三个方面向各位老师作一大概介绍,恳请各位老师批评指导。 6、各位老师,上午好!我叫……,是……级……班的学生,我的论文题目是……。论文是在……导师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及好处。 7、各位导师好!我是来自会计1班的xxx,我的论文题目是《中小企业直接融资风险研究》。首先我要感谢在坐的各位老师在百忙中抽空来为我们完成论文答辩。下面我来介绍一下我所写论文的大概资料。 8、各位老师,各位同学们,大家好,我叫xxx,是xx级xx班的学生,我的论文题目是“如何在高校进行物流回收浅析”,论文是在齐老师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里向我的导师表示深深的谢意,想各位老师和同学们不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对四年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一一汇报,恳请各位老师、同学批评指导! 首先,我想谈谈这篇毕业论文设计的思路与目的及好处! 9、各位老师,下午好!我叫***,是**级**1班的学生,我的论文题目是《基于C/S的图书销售管理系统》,论文是在朱**导师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及好处。 10、各位老师,下午好!我叫***,是**级**班的学生,我的论文题目是...论文是在**导师的悉心指点下完成的,在那里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对四年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要资料向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及好处。 其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要资料。

本科的毕业论文是 thèse de premier cycle本科的论文答辩是 Thèse de premier cycle est





Une soutenance exprime de manière concise et synthétique le contexte, les raisons d'une recherche, puis ses méthodes, ses résultats et ses conclusion principales puis les discute, en imagine les prolongements. Elle culmine souvent avec une mise en perspective du projet entier : ce qu'on a pu tirer comme enseignements de ce projet.


Un exemple de plan d'exposé possible, à adapter selon les travaux :


Introduction简介概括 :

Les raisons de votre choix et la construction de la problématique. Montrez l'évolution de votre projet. On aboutit à la question de recherche.


Méthodes方法 :

Comment vous avez procédé et les raisons des choix principaux. Les principales définitions qui cadrent votre travail et les grandes lignes de son plan.


Résultats remarquables主要结果 :

Sélectionnez quelques résultats les plus intéressants (présentés sous forme synthétique : tableau synthétique, graphique soigneusement choisi, etc)


Synthèse, discussion et conclusion 概括,讨论,结论 :

Ce que ces résultats vous ont permis de déduire / comprendre sur votre sujet.

Mettez ces réflexions en perspective et apportez votre opinion personnelle.



Bilan et perspectives 总结,前景 :

Comment pourrait-on poursuivre cette étude ?

Prenez un peu de recul par rapport à votre travail :

Comment referiez-vous ce travail ?

Qu'avez-vous appris avec ce TM ?





La parole et l'exposé :


Commencez par donner le plan de votre exposé :"Je vais vous parler de ...1°, 2°, 3°"


Ne vous perdez pas dans les détails.


N'utilisez des termes techniques qu'après les avoir définis et évitez-le au maximum. (Il ne s'agit pas de faire étalage de votre matrise du jargon nouvellement acquis, mais de faire passer un message...)


On peut volontiers introduire une ou deux anecdotes plus personnelles pour rendre l'exposé plus vivant (en prenant garde de ne pas s'éparpiller).


Parlez en regardant le public.


Pour les travaux de groupe : organisez bien le passage de parole et la coordination dans la présentation des supports.




















摘 要 作为硕士专业教学计划的重要组成部分,法语专业毕业论文是专业中的最终一环。但是在论文撰写过程中存在诸多问题,主要表现为缺乏创新、选题仓促、语言表达能力薄弱等;其原因是多方面的,既有学生学习素质上的因素,也有教师教学中存在的问题。本文主要介绍出现的问题及应对策略。

关键词 法语 毕业论文 问题 对策



















Les enseignants, bon après-midi! Je m’appelle * * *, * * * * est au niveau des élèves, ma thèse est----------------thèse * * personnes dévouées à mentors au titre de montrer ici à mon patron, je vous exprime sa profonde gratitude au professeur louent à mon soutenance a exprimé sa profonde gratitude à ces quatre dernières années et j’ai eu l’occasion d’entendre les professeurs des différentes sincèrement de sa très haute considération. Je vais a la "(?) loigne à tous les enseignants et les principaux éléments d’un professeur critiques, lancer un vibrant appel.


